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You can’t really control where your cat coughs up hairballs or vomits. Your options would be to completely block this shelf or get rid of it. Also important to note is that vomit and hairballs are not the same thing, and neither should be happening with such high frequency that you’re considering rearranging your furniture. If your cat is vomiting on a regular basis, that needs to be dealt with by visiting a vet. If your cat has hairballs on a regular basis, there are ways to minimize the frequency through diet, supplements, more frequent brushing, etc.


Cat vomiting . You might as well get to the root of the problem and just take him to the vet


this. BUT also i’ve taken my cat to the vet several times and they never have a clear answer for me 🤪


The most common cause of vomiting with any sort of "regularity" in cats is intestinal disease. That'll be $75, please.


Not really, no. One of my cats has thrown up in some really weird places including on our bed multiple times. But if frequent vomiting is a concern you really should ask your vet. My cat who was throwing up a lot ended up having food allergies. You could also try a sensitive stomach food to see if that helps (after making sure he’s otherwise medically good).


I use the laxatone to help with my cats hair balls. Honestly, i can't tell if it helps, and they dont like it, but a little on a paw every week or two weeks while they are mass shedding during summer is suppose to be preventative. My cats have sensitive stomachs and my cats never know when they will vomit, and one cat usually just vomits next to where she is sleeping (so couch and my bed are high in her targets (next to litter box on mat is her other place - i think when she feels bad she goes to litter box, maybe your cat likes a high spot when feeling bad?). The other one just vomited a hairball plus this morning in 4 spots - none on the easy to clean hardwood floor.). I keep a sheet on my couch, especially around the cat bed on the couch, and can easily clean my sheets when she vomits on bed. I use washable cotton rugs near litter box. Could you put some sort of easier to clean sheet or pillow case or rug where you think she will vomit. (I usually remove my cat sheets from couch when guests visits). (I have taken my cats to the vet and specialty vet, and they vomit waaaay less now, near healthy now, but in my one cat's heyday of sickness, she could vomit up to 9 times a day. So also, i think some skill in quickly cleaning up cat vomit has made me care way less where they vomit. Clear liquidly, mucus vomit, clean early. Some fully food particle vomit, slightly easier to clean when dry on carpet. Hairballs tend to easily lift as one. Dilute with water - verything cleans with a bit of water, and pet carpet/upholstery clearer when needed. Spare sheet in high vomit area in washer is the best. Sheets need layers, never single layer, so pillow cases being double layered work good, and spare sheet folded to 4 layers on couch is great too).


If he consistently vomits in the same place, then maybe you can put something up there to catch the vomit? Like, maybe attach a bucket to the side of the bookshelf and line it with a bag and then he will vomit into the bag? I kind of wish I had your problem tbh.


You could get a device called "Sofa Scram" and put it on top of the bookcase -- it makes a really loud noise, so it will bug you, too, until he gets too scared to try again. It worked much better than double-sided tape or aluminum foil for my cats.


Where I live there is a paste for hairballs - which every cat I've had loved the taste of. You give them a little bit on your finger through shedding season and it helps them pass through. Hairballs are different from vomit though - vomiting could be caused by eating too quickly which there are other solutions for such as puzzle feeding mats. Good luck!