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Because I'm simply basing this off what you've told us and not making any assumptions about your situation, but are you playing with her before bed? I mean that she is tuckered out by the time you're done playing. Not just a few swats at a toy. I mean getting her energy out. If this means using a laser pointer, so be it. Whatever gets her exhausted. It could be just her shift in hormones from having kittens or making such a big adjustment. Cats take months to settle into a home. Does she have places to jump to? Tall cat trees or cat patios? Something that gives her a vantage point in the home. It may be stress causing her to be so vocal. I suggest looking into Jackson Galaxy videos in YouTube. He's a great resource. So it Kitten Lady.


She does have a huge tower and she loves being On the counter tops and cabinets. I haven’t tried playing before bed but I’ll definitely try it!


I agree with the current top comment who guesses that she's not getting enough play. You didn't mention play in the evenings to exhaust her, and you didn't mention any environmental enrichment (cat trees, windows, cat shelves). She simply sounds bored and is *begging* you for something to do.  In addition, it sounds like you're using a water bottle spray and loudly saying no to your cat. Neither of these work at all. Throw out the water bottle completely, and make sure your voice is at a conversational level with your cats. Cats don't understand why they're being sprayed or yelled at, and think you're unpredictable. You don't want that.


I do have a large mansion for them that’s about 7ft tall and she loves jumping on the cabinets in the kitchen and counters. Blinds are always up so she can see outside all day too. I don’t do too much exhausting play so that will be my next try


Things to jump on is great!  Yeah I would suggest a cat wand and some daily exhaustive play. 10-15 min 2x a day is enough for most adult cats if you get them running and jumping.  Jackson Galaxy on YouTube has a guide called "How to Play with your Cat" that I highly recommend.


Invest in a catio and allow her to go in and out as she pleases


I’m in an apartment so I don’t have a way to just leave the door open all day without bugs getting in:(


I put a pet gate on the outside of the bedroom door so the cats can't scratch or bang the door to get in. For the howling, if you get up and interact with her, does she stop? If so, you need to never get up and interact with her, or you are screwed. Tire her out with play before bed and give her treat ball puzzles and a special toy when you go to bed. A routine helps. Try ear plugs until she learns that howling isn't going to get her anything. She should learn. Unless she just likes to hear her own voice... that would be tougher.


I’ve tried the whole ignore thing for about a month and I can’t. She doesn’t stop. Ear plugs I don’t want to do because I am a heavy sleeper and I can’t afford to miss an alarm


I feel your pain... you may just need to rehome her


I forgot to respond to the other half of your answer, the only time I’d get up when she does it is to yell at her. I also SHHHHHHH her and sometimes that does it? It’s so weird.. I don’t have it in me to rehome her, my other kitty and her defiantly have bonded. I think someone dumped her previously and then the shelter found her.. she didn’t act like a stray at all, she seemed familiar with humans and homes.. if that is the case I can see why someone dumped her 🙄 just a tough situation.


If you get any basic smart watch/Fitbit they can wake you up by vibrating gently on your wrist, might be worth a shot.


Is she carrying around a particular toy when yelling? My cat liked to yell about certain of her toys in the middle of the night, so we simply started shutting those particular toys in the closet at night and she stopped. I heard somewhere that this behavior is treating the toy like a kitten, don't know how credible that was. My cat has never had kittens, she's just maybe doing the cat equivalent of playing with dolls.


No specific toy, she doesn’t really play with them as much as she should in my opinion


It's because they see the toy as high value and they are worried someone is going to steal it lol putting it away together is "hiding" the toy and they calm down because they think it's safe now.


Could you take her to the vet to see if she has any underlying health problems? If that isn’t it, could you try Feliway https://us.feliway.com/products/feliway-optimum-diffuser-refill-kit-48ml-30-day?


If she is not spayed she's probably in heat. Female cats in heat will make all kinds of atrocious sounds lol.


She was spayed according to the shelters policy, but yeah the noises are terrible that’s what it reminds me of, a cat in heat.. but even if she isn’t spayed they stay in heat for months?


They can stay in heat for a long time. Have you looked for scars from the surgery? Sometimes spays can be botched and leave ovarian tissue behind that can cause issues similar to this, maybe go to the vet and get her bloods done and ask if you could get a scan of her abdomen done.