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I watched it when it first came out and remember being fascinated, but that was a way different world than we are living in now. I’d definitely watch it if I were you


I agree with crasstyfartman. If you're into the show, it's fun to see the beginning. Like this documentary rocked our worlds


Yes. It sets the backstory for the entire show. It's also interesting to see how it happened and how social media used to be compared to what it is now in the episodes


It wasn't as interesting as I thought it would be, but it was cool.


The story is so incredibly sad to me, like Angela is truly troubled and going through it and you describe it as “cool,” just different perspectives on the matter. Keeps things interesting.


Yes No Unsure


It was way cooler to have seen the documentary first then see the show evolve after that and his character development. I still suggest watching it but it's kind of ass backwards, and times are different now, so I could see how it could be less interesting now that the show is so "dramatized". The documentary is more raw and real, which to some viewers may come off boring in 2024.




if you are into film/documentary you should definitely watch it! the story itself is kinda anticlimactic but it’s definitely one of my favourites films!


I say yes! I loved it at the time it came out. It was so fascinating at the time. Really gives context for the show. Although you’ll see how different the show is now compared to how it was for the doc. lol


I had such second hand embarrassment for Nev at times!


Absolutely yes. I LOVE the monologue at the end that explains where the term catfish comes from.


I saw the movie before the show came out and back then it was so interesting to see when catfishing wasnt a thing. But it's definitely even interesting to watch now when I go back and watch it to see Nev dealing with it happening to himself for the first time in his life at a young age with his brother and his friends and to see how they cracked the case themselves before ever knowing how to do such a thing. It doesn't have the in your face drama at every turn that the show has.. it's more drawn out but bc it is so real life and was a real woman lying about her real family it actually ends up being really sad at the end when you find out who it is and why she was lying, you just feel really bad for her. And you can literally see the heartbreak in Nev's eyes like he's going to cry when she puts on the fake voice of the young girl he thought he was talking to, he's just as heartbroken as the hopefuls on the show! I would watch it any chance I could.. I was watching the show so much lately it made me want to watch the movie but couldn't find it free anywhere so I ended up paying to rent it!


yes, he's very young in it. interesting to see how he's evolved.


Same amount of chest hair though




I am trying to figure out how to find the documentary actually.


I rented it on YouTube and just casted/streamed it to my TV


I’ll keep that in mind


I really liked it!


yea you should. It's very interesting to see how that went and how the mind of that catfish was working.


I think it's a great documentary.. it opened the door to the world of catfishing and made the term a household phrase. It's good to understand the motivation Nev had to make the show and it's just a good watch.. some guys driving round investigating the story and, no, it's maybe not as crazy as some of the wilder episodes but it's still pretty nuts.. and really the first episode in a way.. Also worth noting that there's an episode in a later series where Nev gets catfished AGAIN.. that's a good one too..


Well he doesn't get catfished in the episode, he just tells the story to his co-host about it.. I love the co-host when he's like "Nev you got catfished AGAIN?!" 😂


I'm sure their reaction was nothing to mine, watching at home! 🤣


Nev’s situation is weird because he was initially talking to a child about an art project or something and then began talking to an adult but they were all the same person? The kid emailing part was weird to me though.


Yeah I mean he should've realized it from the beginning bc what 8 year old talks like that grown up?! I think he knew as soon as he said hi to her in person the first time and she started speaking like a child, getting nervous and all over the place, not speaking in complete thought out sentences, not holding her attention on him at all.. I think he thought back to her emails which were so ahead of her time and well thought out, and being impressed that this 8 year old sounded like a little entrepreneur! He all of a sudden realized, it's just a kid, this kid didn't write that stuff.


I actually just watched it after finishing all recent episodes and I wanted more so I finally decided to watch it and I enjoyed it it brings a nice nostalgia back and perspective to why catfish started i recommend. Nothing crazy but enjoyable


The movie made me cry but I’m one of those emotional cry babies… when she was sketching him and he asked her to talk in Megan’s voice that kinda got to me.. you should watch the movie to say that you’ve seen it and then form your own opinion..


Bc you could see the heartbreak in his eyes and he was holding back his tears!!


It’s where the name Catfish in this context started. Worth a watch.




Omg yes! It’s a different vibe than the show. More serious and less campy. It’s extremely interesting. His catfish was definitely one of the more insidious ones.


It's pretty interesting. I was initially interested because I lived in the same small city as Neve's Catfish. But it's fascinating.


Yes it’s very good and you understand more about Nev. it’s a little weird bc it’s older and the internet/social media is so different, but just keep that in mind. Very interesting!


That's why he started everything,  because he was talking to a woman and looking for love. He also found Laura the same way


I haven’t seen it either. But I eventually will at some point.