• By -


Yeah phone calls where they’re staying up all night and she claims this was all just to promote her food? No ma’am. She was caught and doesn’t want to look stupid, but she does.


Right! You don't stay up on the phone all night with someone if you have no feelings for them or you don't like them.


That’s it!!


She actually would look less stupid if she didn't stick with the nonsensical "I was chatting with guys halfway across the country to promote my food business". No one would believe that and the fact that she stuck with that story for so long just made her look insane.


Christian will make someone very very happy one day. What a genuine, kind and sincere guy 🥹


The problem here is that they are BOTH young. Neither one of know themselves. Christian is a solid, smart and good looking guy. The catfish is in store for some rough times!!! Karma is a bitch!!


😂😂😂bro is a whole hoe out here he literally was trying to get back with my bm not too long ago after telling her how he be fucking hoes🤣🤣


“Chantel,” that you?


With your BM? Your bowel movement? Concerning …


That makes more sense to me than him pining for some chick on a weird app. He's a nice-looking guy and seemed relatively okay, like in the real world he'd have no trouble getting women.


Mane my girl literally was embarrassed when she found out he was on catfish cause she stopped responding to him like 3 months before the show because he kept talking about how he miss her and how he fucking all the hoes which is weird like how you gonna try to persuade her to leave me when you telling her about females you sleeping with?


Doesn't seem like the smartest move lol.


Speak English much?


Understand much? 😂😂I’m just telling y’all wassup




Christian dodged a bullet


Exactly…. I so wanted to see the food they got for $110 and how many people it would feed.. that chick was a mess and all the cooking in the world wouldn’t be worth putting up with her lying ass.. if she was such an awesome cook as she claimed,she should go to culinary school and work with the big boys… JMO..


I bet the food was scammed too. She probably bought it from like KFC or Popeyes.


Yeah what she showed on the video lives was stolen from the same girl that she took the other pictures from.. that girl food on her Instagram too.. I wouldn’t trust her one bit with anything…


It's annoying they didn't pull her up on that.


I was DYIIIIING to see the food


Same here…👍


I️ was soooo confused by the pricing the $75 didn’t actually include the cost of food? And when she arrived she asked for another $35?!?


Yeah she said she needed a $75 deposit and then got $35 more so two meals for $110.. which if two people went out to eat at a restaurant and had dinner and drinks and a tip,I’m guessing $110 isn’t that bad but to have food someone made at their house and they brought to you I think it’s a little high… I would of like to see what they got…


It's probably profitable for her if she's just buying food at a grocery store hot food bar for like $20 and then reselling it for $110.


It wouldn’t surprise me because nothing about that chick was real… she used another girls pictures and also that girl’s lives of her making food.. the only thing that was real was her phone number to make it look legit,so I could definitely see her using someone else’s food and claiming she made it..


Cristian getting his airplane pin by the stewardess. So wholesome 😌✨.


I would dispute the charge immediately😂


😂😂😂😂 but you wait until after you meet to do the dispute though


So she uses another woman's pics to help promote her plate hustle?


One of the most-compulsive liar this how has had since that Eastern European girl that catfished like 4 people during the COVID era episodes


Ohhhh what ep was that??


Rings a bell for me - I want to say S8E22 (Jeanette, Kiara and Patrick). Not 100% sure if that’s the one they mean though! 


Yeah that’s the one!


What the hell did we just watch?


I literally am sitting here saying the same thing I can’t believe that was how it went down? Like??


And I thought chocolate kiss was the craziest episode


What episode was that?


It was a speed run pretty much


Nev that is NOT how you coax someone to stay😭😭


He sounded like the creepy baby it's cold outside😭


He sounded like the song?


Sounding like a serial killer out there.




Someone please explain how a food business based in Michigan gets anything out of promoting said business in Maryland?!


She said she made the profile from Maryland because that's where she has the most customers. Which is wild because wouldn't you have the most customers in Detroit where you fucking live?


Exactly! How could she have ANY customers in Maryland? Is she honestly shipping her “plates” with dry ice?


Nev even asked her. I couldn’t hear her response because they were talking over her. But it doesn’t make sense to fly out across country with your own money just to bring somebody a cold ass plate.


Exactly. This all made no sense


But… can we talk about how flawless and beautiful Kammie looked 👑


Per usual


The backstories this season are insane


I think that they got the writers from "help, I'm in a secret relationship" for this season XD


That show is just on a different level of wild. Especially the episode with the guy who had several different wives. Or the one with the sex doll.


Neon Jesus was so wild! u/renegade-811 - Can we get a discussion board for "Help, I'm in a Secret Relationship" tonight?


There is one someone created a while ago that didnt get much attention, and for some episodes it had just been on here [https://www.reddit.com/r/HelpInASecretRelation/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HelpInASecretRelation/)


Thanks! Didn't know that it existed!


Half way in but I can start a post there since I'm watching too tonight!


I saw that show a total of one time, and it was when a man had a crush on his friend who was a girl and she told him he was basically stalking her and to leave her alone after she rejected him/blocked him/and even fucking moved out of the state she was in. He was angry she rejected him, but did the whole "nice guy" act/pretended he didn't know why she blocked him up until the meet up part. Then he was fucking insane and said *the most* unhinged shit. Don't go helping people who don't want to be found for a reason, she also had told them she didn't want to do it multiple times and they too would not leave her alone.


The sex doll one was nuts.. no way that was real?!


Speaking of which is there a thread or Reddit for that show because I actually wanna talk about it what is on?


I made one for tonight's episode and put it on the Catfish page. It's on now- at 9pm EST.


There is one, but its not really active [https://www.reddit.com/r/HelpInASecretRelation/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HelpInASecretRelation/)


She makes “plates” ?!?!?


I don’t think that’s very lucrative. I wonder if he’s sent her money.


She doesn’t want to meet Cristian, but she’ll be on TV. Yeah. OK. 🙄


To "promote her business"


Lmao this episode. wtf is her business tho? Like catering… personal chef… I don’t get it.


Soooo she ships plates across country in tin foil? Embarrassing us 313 people😑


Is that Hardcore Pawn place still open?




Have you ever been there?


No thankfully🤣


Why? What reputation does it have locally?


It’s not that, I just don’t have to pawn anything luckily is what I was saying.


Oh, okay.


I live like an hour away from Detroit and I stopped there on my way to a Tigers game, a long time ago, back when Hardcore Pawn was still on Tru TV. It's crazy, it literally is just like any other pawn shop, kind of run down actually. It seems like the items they had the most of were cheap fur coats and jewelry. They had a few used lawn mowers and some other cheap equipment too🤣 It's SO much smaller than it looked on TV too, I think they have tons of mirrors to make it look bigger. My Dad got his picture taken with Les and I got my picture taken with Ashley, they were really nice. Les' son wasn't there that day.


omg, woman tried to sell Ashley her soiled underwear.


On the show!? I don't remember that. I've kinda always wondered what happened to Seth and Ashley after filming wrapped up, and if Les still runs the place. That was one of the trashiest shows on television, but I'd be lying if I claimed I didn't watch it whenever it came on a decade ago.


yeah Ashley and the woman bickered back and forth, u r going to give me $, oh no I'm not, oh yes u r, etc etc etc.


yo I want to see the plates. She better made good food




This catfish (the person) was just one of the worst. Like in the grand scheme of things she doesn't (probably) have a track record like a Lucas or the gambling Joker kid. But even Nev was just OVER it. She lied about everything, lied the entire time, she was brutal to watch. She doesn't have a sound bite that we will remember her by, but the Plates catfish will be talked about in the future of catfish lore.


The gambling joker episode John and Kelsey was one of my favorites. He said ‘ I’m the king of catfishes’. Nev said ‘no you’re not’. Then Max said ‘ are we really giving this loser any airtime? And then put his camera down said ‘I’m done’ and walked away. I was glad Max came back for an episode.


Yup, and his girlfriend from another country who had no idea what was going on,, made his money in that gambling hall. That episode is legendary in the catfish mythos.


On the follow-up she stayed with him. What was she thinking. She seemed like such a smart girl.


Did she?? For whatever reason i thought she dumped him


Maybe she saw the episode and realized was a db he was. I was only talking about the follow-up where he moved to LA to be a writer.


LMFAOOOO not the shameless plug at the end😂


It must be so strange to get on a flight and it's full of a camera crew filming some of the other passengers.


This might be the best or most craziest episode since chocolate kiss 😂😂😂 And by the way before she pulled it off, I would’ve told her we disputed the charge. Have a good day.


This is a second time I’ve seen mention of chocolate kiss and I would love to know what episode that is so I can look it up


Artis and Jess season 2 episode 9


Wait, is this the “you got me there.” Guy? Because if so, oh my God, I know what you’re talking about.


That’s the one 😂😂😂


Artis and Jess? The slow-clapping guy.


wheww it’s giving Ashley Taylor😂😂


LOL!!!! Ashley was so mean to Kamie


I hate when someone has a tragic backstory and then a person decides to catfish them.


I don’t trust those plates js…


She probably bought some Popeyes or some selling it as her own


Bruh. Are you referring to this [TikTok](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLTPXaRt/)?


That’s the one


I’m looking at “Chantel” argue with people on the catfish instagram page and can confirm that she’s still a lying ass mf. She claims that Christian just wouldn’t leave her alone which I think is a lie because she could have just blocked me and he would have eventually left. Also she was blowing his phone up after the episode lmao.


The way she read the note from herself like she had never seen it before. Top level liar.


I’ve been around manipulating people all my life and the fact that they can believe the lies they sell in a heartbeat is scary. All that for her to blow his phone up and then lie again and say she never tried to talk to him.


that was hilarious because I could tell she wrote it and was so embarrassed for her 😂😂


Anyone got screenshots?


I went on the instagram to read through the comments and her account already got deleted 😞


Lmao OHH I thought she blocked me 😂


I know, I was upset that I didn't get to see the drama lol


I’m mad that she got $75 out of this. I think 75+35 because she mentioned that with her note.


So we're not going to see the plates?


Really expected to see them all eating after she left 😂


I guess they refused to give her business publicity.


You know what, that’s true. She doesn’t deserve it.


After this episode, I wonder if this would hurt her business or send traffic to it.


Ummm… she was mad about meeting them… Would you really eat from someone was who was upset with you? Not to mention, she doesn’t look like the hand washing type🤔…just saying…


ugh, I wouldnt have touched it with a ten ft pole.


I would not touch that food.


Because we will know in a second, if it was Popeyes KFC


It looked like the packaging from Boston Market


I'm so mad


Man she was something. I loved how in the 2 month catch up she said that she blocked Cristian when he said that he blocked her.


Kamie’s hair during the follow up call was fabulous


Lmaoooo nev saying COME ON HAVE A PLAAAATTEEE WITH US A PLATE It’s like he never heard the term plate before


> It’s like he never heard the term plate before It's a *really* stupid term


It is I’m not defending it lmao it’s the amount of times the man said it that was wild


In the context of this episode, I had never heard the term "plate" used in this way before. When she said she "makes plates," I thought she literally made dinnerware- like in a factory. And Im older than Nev. Why not just say you're a cook?


I thought the same thing! Like hand made dinnerware or something. It would make more sense if you're shipping stuff across the country.


This distinction had me pretty confused for a lot of the episode. Is it a term the youths use, or just one I haven't heard?


I don’t know if it’s specific to young people. I’ve only ever known black people to use it in this context as it’s typically a side hustle. People will make plates & sell them in beauty salons, block parties, etc. it being her main source of income threw me all the way off. Unrelated: It irked me that they never touched on whether or not she ever asked cristian for money cause that cash dude had claimed she asked him to “support her business” & if we’re to assume she had asked for money & was playing the long game w the fake relationship, why get upset when he asked to ft but not when he’d refuse to give her money? Nothing makes sense


"fix a plate".


Anyone else scan the cashapp code? The name on it now says 'Nev'


😂😂 This may be hot take but that was hilarious. So what if she has or had feelings? She denies it and clearly doesn't care about it enough now to act on it.


She seemed so angry for no reason?? Like missy, you’re the one that made this mess 🤨🤨


omg she was trying so hard to disassociate


I came here to say the exact thing! I thought Kamie was gonna go off on her


This is catastrophic 😂 She says the convos are fake, the hosts don't like it; she says she was just doing lip-serive without putting in real feelings, the guy doesn't like it.


What is the app that they met on?


Hey, the app is called yubo


Just lie to her Nev


Technically, she’s right she’s not scamming anyone you pay for the food. She does make sure you get it.


I really really want to see the food👀


Me too 😂😂


Gaaaaaah she’s so frustrating lmfao


Classic catfish backpedaling.


Lmao this girl is a no


I wanted to see her food after all the shit she said about it Lol


can someone find his instagrams or whatever and tell him he is worthy of love and so much more. Talk about a man with adversity - and the one thing he has struggled with is love, makes sense he had faith in her for so long. I wish I could tell him myself, what a guy.


I'm betting it's Cash


ya i was confused about his friend? so his friend talked to her too?


I have a theory: she is a sex worker using food to cover for her actual business. 1. $75 is a ridiculous deposit to bring food anywhere, but would be a reasonable deposit for a night with an escort. 2. She kept describing her business as providing her "services" not a product, food, or other term you would use to describe food. 3. The idea that she could send food anywhere outside of the Detroit Metro area is ridiculous, but would make sense if she herself was traveling somewhere, with travel costs factored into the deposit. 4. Having a food business would make it make sense to go to another person's house, carry a couple of trays you got from a grocery store and no one would have grounds to question your cover. 5. Talking to Christian (and Cash) after they made it clear they're not buying food makes no sense from a business perspective, but does make sense if you're angling for a different kind of future work from them.


I wish she would just say, I was insecure about my cracked tooth so I used someone else's picture. LOL.


lol this is wild.


This is crazy


back to back food eps 😂


She has the personality & looks of Lizzo.


O o ooooooo lizzooooo 🎼


Ok it's a woman but it's not the woman in the photo


Watch the whole episode first, then post.


It’s a discussion. A lot of comments were made live, as people were watching the show.


Why are they so cagey with the “live stream service”? Just say what platform she’s on.


Why do I feel like all the new episodes are about people scamming for money? She's not delivering food across the country. 


“Those are poor business practices.” -Kamie 😂😂😂


Does anyone know what the streaming app is? They blurred it on Nev's phone


The streaming app is called yubo, I only know about it because I use it but personally I would never engage with someone on there if they don’t have a verified profile


I’m curious what it is too.


Finally an episode with drama


now every time i see a girl on a dating app who just has food pics posted. i will assume they have a "business". i've seen it a few times. i also think a lot of the last two food girls must have some onlyfans or other weird fetish accounts that they are using and MTV just didn't want to show that. no way they are using dating apps just for a "food business," or food fetish. They are getting attention because they are using attractive people's photos. It's still about sex/relationships even though they claim it's not.


Yeah I'm really skeptical that she can make money by selling individual plates of hot food halfway across the country. Is there anyone who would order that? If she was selling freshly cooked food locally I would buy that, but I can't imagine that there are many people in (for example) Maryland who would have a craving for (I dunno) mashed potatoes, green beans, and steak but specifically want it to be cooked in Detroit and then sit in a USPS warehouse for a week before eventually arriving as a soggy mess.


did they trash that food?


Does anyone know what song was playing when Kami and Nev are flying, then driving, to meet Cristian? :)


What was the app Chantel was on?!


Just watched this episode now. I thought the compulsive liar who catfished Red and then a bunch of other people was bad, and then we had Chantal. Nothing she said made sense. By the time she got to the end of a sentence she already contradicted the beginning of it.  And after paying all that money they didn't even eat the food! I wanted to see what it was like because I am willing to bet they got scammed.


Bruh I hate her 😭 as a fellow Kristian. Fuck that hoe


Ya know what I kinda respect her hustle 😂😂😂😂


What was the app they met on?