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Congratulations, welcome home, and Merry Christmas!




Both baptism and confirmation can be any day of the year. But RCIA ends on Easter, so people entering the Church as converts typically get baptized and/or confirmed then.


Hi congrats and Merry Christmas! Advice from a cradle Catholic, confirmed 7(!!!)years ago! 1. Make time for prayer 2. Prayer looks different for everyone and every circumstance. Sometimes my prayer is “God, do you SEE this crud?! Dude I do NOT get paid enough to deal with this - this is YOUR problem now. I’ll do my part and I ain’t dealing with the rest”. And that’s ok! 3. Adoration is important 4. If you can’t focus during prayer/meditation/Mass/Adoration/whatever, bring a notebook, sometimes journaling your thoughts help 5. Sometimes the best you can do is “rest in God”, and that is ok. I have fond memories of napping, ahem, resting in God, in our makeshift chapel at youth group camp when I was stressed. 6. Bring God’s joy, peace, and love wherever you go. That is how people know you’re Catholic. Be the counter example of all the cruddy Catholics in the world for those around you. 7. Read lots, ask lots, and ponder lots! My personal recommendation is the book “Made for Freedom” by Jutta Burggraf


I always appreciate when a believer is honest like this. We're not perfect, so there's no reason to act like we are. We are human. I absolutely second being a counter to the "cruddy" Catholics out there. No hate to them, but there are many out there who do not represent our real faith. Be a light to everyone, believer and non-believer and remember it is our job to bring people to God, not keep them away. It hurts seeing that some of us seem to have forgotten that. I wholly agree with this list. It's all good and more importantly, honest advice.


Which one are you? Kidding! Congrats and welcome home! Merry Christmas and God bless you!


I know you're joking but I believe there's a process where an Anglican or Orthodox Priest converts to the Catholic church by receiving confirmation and thus becoming a Catholic priest. But I could be wrong with the details.


Orthodox holy orders are valid while Anglican holy orders aren't. So former Anglican clergy have to be ordained all over again while former Orthodox do not.


That is correct I am not a priest however what you said is entirely correct


Beautiful!! Make time for prayer and scripture (Bible in a year was transformational for my habits). If you ever feel despair or distress go to adoration!




Hurray! Congratulations dude!


Congratulations! Glad to see you have come home brother. God bless.


Congrats brother!!!


Congratulations! Advice? Keep the fire of the Holy Spirit. Explore your faith in prayer and deeper understanding of Christ & pray the Rosary daily!


Deo Gratias! Welcome home! God bless you ☺️.


Congratulations brother. Happy for you


Ot Yarp dne noitroba


Pray to end abortion? Why did you write that backwards?


Look at the background


Oh no, I’m completely blind 😭


abortion end praY tO Are you alright? This is nonsensical, even when reversed.


It’s on a sign behind them in the picture brother


Ohhhh, I didn’t see that


иытяровa I binged it for giggles, and the 2nd result was: The myrrh-streaming Iveron-Montreal Icon of the Mother of God.


Congratulations and Merry Christmas!


Congratulations brother ! proud of you, fist bump !


Congrats bro! May the Holy Spirit guide you and strengthen you!


Welcome home! God bless you and merry Christmas. Glory to God in the highest 🙏🏻


Glory be to God! Merry Christmas!


Welcome to the Church! Congratulations


Woohoo! Welcome home brother!!


How exciting! My advice? Never forget that you are a disciple of Christ. Let the Holy Spirit work through you. Welcome to our beautiful religion!!!!






Amazing! 🎉✨ Congratulations and God bless you 🙏




Congratulations 🎊






Welcome Merry Christmas 🎄


Congratulations 🎊🎉🎈


Congratulations! Welcome!






Congrats! God bless!


Hey I have that same tie lol and I wore that on my confirmation as well


Congratulations! What a happy day!






Congratulations and Merry Christmas!


Amazing! 🫂


Congratulations and Christmas blessings, brother!


Congrats on the Confirmation on such a special day.


You are living my dream man! Congratulations and Merry Christmas


Very cool!


What was your confirmation name and for what saint? Welcome to the family.


Saint Thomas More!




Congratulations and merry Christmas!! ✝️


what a perfect time for confirmation! Congrats!


Thank you for the kind messages! Merry Christmas! 😊✝️


Merry Christmas!


That’s great news


Congratulations! 🥳🥳


Welcome home. I am an adult convert too over 6 years ago. There is going to be a period after the rose-tinted glasses come off where God will help you understand things about yourself that you can improve and work on. You will become aware of vices that you feel yourself drawn to which you may have never even really thought of as vices. This is good. The key is having the courage to recognize that with God's grace you can slowly smooth away those things about yourself to become more like the Saint we are all called to be. "Dark nights of the soul" are a natural step in the growth of your spiritual life. It will feel like you have a cup running over in those moments. Recognize that by working through it God is preparing you to have an even bigger and deeper spiritual life on the other side.








Congratulations, feeling so close to God is one of the best experiences of our lives, Merry Christmas.






Now a Soldier of Christ 💪💪💪✝️ congratulations 🎉


Welcome my brother in Christ. Merry Christmas.


Congratulations and God Bless you! 🙏😇


Advice from a cradle catholic: attend reverent Masses, learn how to pray well, and read edifying books.


Congratulations, I hope your confirmation was joyful and peaceful! Merry Christmas!


Congratulations brother 🥰


Congratulations and Merry Christmas 🎄🎄🎄


Welcome Home.


Congrats and God bless you.


Congratulations and Merry Christmas


Glory to God. May the Lord God All-Mighty continues to increase you in the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Congratulations 👏👏👏 welcome home 🏡. Maybe the best Advice I can say is to partake in the Eucharist as much as possible, it can be taken almost every day if your local church allows it. Because this will strengthen your Spirit and help you greatly with any attacks that may come your way since you just converted. Demons will definitely try and attack you every second for a while now, cause they want to see how strong you are in the Spiritual realm. And if you came from an Atheist background, then they will do everything in their power to make you discouraged in the faith emotionally and Mentally and they may even cause you physical harm by sickness ect. The Demons would want you thinking you made the wrong decision in life so they can get you against the True Church and Christ. Just keep praying and participating in Eucharist and even keep daily or nightly prayers on through YouTube ect. I do this and it greatly helps. Godbless and welcome home again🙏🙏🙏


Merry Christmas! Enjoy opening your Gifts from the Holy Spirit!


Wonderful! May the Christ Child pour forth graces on you this Holy Day and ever after! Please pray for my 16 yo grandson who was confirmed 2 yrs ago and seems to be shaky in the faith. We don't see him in person often. He is visiting and told me last night he might not attend Mass today. Perhaps he was yanking my chain? In any case, I hope your faith journey will be an adventure!


Congratulations and welcome! Merry Christmas!


Wonderful! Bless you, brother. Since you asked about advice, I do have some about prayer. As Christians, we are called to pray without ceasing. Sounds good of course. But how do we actually do that? Most people, including me for most of my life (I’m 40, so forgive an old man lecturing a young man — one day it’ll be your turn), have a prayer life that looks like this: 1. Mass, plus 2. A collection of whatever random spontaneous prayers they assemble for themselves during the day There’s nothing wrong with spontaneous prayer. But if we’re going to develop spiritually, we are going to need something a little less ad hoc. Luckily, the church has the answer: it is the liturgy of the hours. Buy yourself a copy of the single volume “Christian Prayer,” and start with just saying Night Prayer every day for a month. When you’re used to it and the habit has been formed, add Morning Prayer. Godspeed. And be assured of my prayers for you. Please remember me in yours.


Welcome home!


Congratulations, i'm very happy to see things like that in such a modern world.


Firstly, welcome. I hope you continue to grow walking your path with Christ. Second, my advice to you is this: Study. Do your research. Learn about the faith. If you don't understand a verse, passage or doctrine, look it up. Ask other Catholics, Ask God. I am by NO means bragging, but for the sake of my advice I will say I have been told by friends and family that they admire how much I know about my faith and how deeply I can speak of it. This ONLY happens because I've taken the time to study, research and understand God's word. If I didn't dive deep like I did, I myself would not know or understand half as much as I do. I am not saying I know every book, or that I'm some scholar and I am certainly not saying I'm a pefect Christian (that doesn't exist by the way) but only that I took the time to learn, to grow a relationship with God and to keep it. And God has never let me go, even in times I feel He would be justified to. It is by HIS grace that I have such a strong belief, not my own. Another peice of advice I have is to surround yourself with those who build you up and help you walk this path. Believe me when I say it is easy to get lost in this secular world ; there is no shame in asking your brothers and sisters for guidance. I HIGHLY reccommend finding a Bible study group, and once again that circles back to research and understanding. The MOST important (and sometimes controversial) advice I can give after a rather rough 21 years of living is this: DO NOT BE AFRAID TO ASK GOD WHY. Do not be afraid to be honest. He knows you, knows your heart and values your honesty with him. If you are happy, praise Him. If you know He aided you, thank Him. If you're hurting, lost or even feeling abandoned, let Him know. We're not perfect so our relationship with the Lord inevitably won't be a constant climb. We have ups and downs. Communication is the key to ANY relationship, and as we are made in God's image, I think you'll find it is certainly the same with Him. Pray, pray and pray. Build that communication. God calls to each of us, often in different ways. Learn how He speaks to you, recognize it. I myself have found that it is often small, peculiar things that He puts in way that get across to me. Events in my life lining up right, a little nudge in the right direction, sometimes even something profound like a unmissable sign. I often feel it, and it is something I can't explain, but it feels right. Like a gut feeling. But no matter the method, always listen. You may not always hear him, but I assure you HE IS THERE. I hope this advice helps you, and if you want more specifics on what I've said, feel free to dm me. God bless you.




Congratulations! The best advice I can give you is to persevere even when God seems absent and it all feels pointless. Far too many new Catholics fall by the wayside when challenges and spiritual dryness set in. You need to trust that the bad times will end and stay close to the sacraments even when you're mad at God or don't feel like it. Mere obedience is still love, and maintaining obedience will pay off in the long run if you have the courage to see it through. Thirty years after my reversion, I have enough experience with these cycles to know that God is waiting on the other side of the dry spell, and trust is rewarded eventually. I won't lie and tell you it's easy, just that it's worth it.




Congrats and Merry Christmas!


Congrats!! All of Heaven rejoices for you! Keep going to Mass, pray the rosary, set aside at least a little time each day for prayer. Frequent and short visits to the Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle are so good. Your town probably has a chapel open 24hrs, visit Jesus when you can. St. Thomas More, pray for us!


What a joy! Welcome home! There is a celebration in heaven.


Welcome home! My advice for you is to pray the Devine Office at least once a day. It really strengthened my prayer life. There are so many apps. Just search Devine Office in your app store and it will come up. 💛


only advice you need is that you are broken and only jesus fixes. rely on him/God over anyone else including yourself.


Right before Christmas, how long did it take you?




Amen 🙏




Find a parish whose priests you admire for who they are, not for who they claim to be. Look for a parish manned by Jesuits. You may find a Jesuit university nearby, which would be very fortunate.


I think the daily office is your best friend. I may be biased in that I think that that Anglican Use is the prettiest version of the office in English so that's what I might try. As long as you're a layman who isn't obliged to say the office, there should be no restriction for you. http://www.bookofhours.org/how_to_use.htm


Glory to Christ! Congratulations on being confirmed.


Congratulations! Welcome home! I’ll be praying for you!🙏


Good job man man the Lord be with you for all your life and never leave your side 🙏


Welcome ♥️ receive the sacraments as often as possible!


Congratulations! Confirmation didn’t mean much to me at the time it happened, since I was an obnoxious adolescent, but thinking about it now makes me feel proud and strong. It’s a special day and I hope you always remember the gifts of the Holy Spirit.


May you always remember that God is with you and loves you even when you screw up. Reach out and call out to God and know you will be received. 🙏🏼




Viva Cristo Rey! St. Thomas More is so relevant for our time, when fundamental truth can be dangerous to acknowledge. He knew the risks, stood by the Truth, and paid the price- and he had a lot to lose. We all need his strength and courage. Well done! I will pray for you!




How wonderful 😊


Congratulations, my brother in Christ!


Congrats God bless you and welcome home. May the Lord cover you in his precious blood. In Jesus’s name


Do the entire rosary daily. All 4 sets of mysteries. Wear a brown scapular, do the consecration to our lady by Louis de montefort. Never mortally sin.


Merry Christmas! As a Latter-Day Saint, I'm so happy that you find God!


What do you tell your barber?






First, congratulations! Second, I would have returned after beginning Catholic instruction years ago had there been at least one Bible in the room. At the close of our first session held at a well-known Basilica, I asked the priest-instructor a question about Matthew 23:9, that required a Bible. There was no Bible in the instructional room, and he seemed annoyed that I would even ask. I did not return. My best advice is that we must be guided by the Holy Gospel, and keep the Catechism, Common Book of Prayer, and all other denominational guides in proper perspective. Meditate on 2Timothy 3:16 which clearly reminds us that every word in the Bible is inspired by God. That might not apply to guides like the Catechism. Take full responsibility for your own soul in constant communion with God. The Church is primarily an assembly for worship; thus, we should not forsake the assembly and the opportunities to live out our faith with other Christians, but constant effort must be devoted to your personal relationship with God. I also believe that all Christians, and especially Catholics, could benefit from reading Martin Luther's history with the Catholic Church. Best wishes!


I bet you like touching boys


























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Oh sorry I didn’t know thanks!








I pray that I do. Acts 2:38.


Saint Louis, pray for us. Mother Mary, pray for us.


I'm late to the party, but let me just say as a recently confirmed Catholic, congratulations! The only advice I can give you is that don't be discouraged when faced with obstacles, as many of those will shake your faith in the church. Continue to seek knowledge of the church, from now, till the last bits of the hair on your head falls off. Vivat Jesus!


Congratulations brother Jesus loves you so much ❤️


So based!


Congratulations. Now go visit Rome and see as many churches as you can. Wander St Peter’s, see and talk, and experience all you can. Read the Catechism. Pray before you read the Bible for guidance about what you’re reading. Love God, and realize the Sacraments are there to bring us closer to Him. May the Lord’s face shine upon you and bless you.


may your god(s) go with you




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Hear the Gospel: Biblecia.com/Gospel/


Looking good bro! Congrats 🥳


Here's my advice for you leave that corrupted demonic religion repent and accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour before it's too late. Catholism is wrong and makes a mockery of God full of idolatry and paganism get out of it while you still can.


Great accomplishment, young man. May the Light of Christ forge your path.