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Yeah basically😂 There are times when you kneel to pray so just watch what others are doing. As for communion you do need to be baptized for that so contact your local parish about enrolling in RCIA in order to start that process. In the meantime just don’t go up for communion but it is best to wait till the very end the priest gives a final blessing.


I'll be enquiring about getting baptized too, thanks for the response!


Go attend and see for yourself.Do not receive communion but don’t just walk out.


Yup, the simplest is if I just go in.


Walk in. You will see small cups of Holy Water (or sometimes a big basin) right there by the doors or just before you enter the Nave (where the congregation is seated). Dip your finger into the Holy Water slightly and make the sign of the cross by tapping your forehead, chest, left shoulder then right shoulder while saying "In the name of the Father (touch forehead), the Son (chest), and Holy (L Shoulder) Spirit (R Shoulder) Amen (at this point many people will kiss the finger that touched the Holy Water. Enter the Nave and choose a pew to enter (I would suggest entering from the sides otherwise you may have people crawling over you to get to the aisle for the Eucharist if you're seated toward the center). Before you enter the pew you should genuflect towards the Tabernacle (if you know what it looks like) or you can just default to the crucifix as it will be more easy to recognize. To genuflect you kneel down on your right knee, bow your head, and make the sign of the cross then just stand up and quietly take your seat. There SHOULD be a book, called a Missal, in the back of the pew in front of you. This contains basically all of the prayers, hymns, etc that will take place during the Mass. First, look in the front and find the page for the correct date on which you're at Mass and go to that page first. The BOLD text in the Missal are responses you will make such as "Thanks be to God" after the Lector reads scripture and says, "The Word of the Lord". After the Gospel reading/Homily it gets a little hairy as you kinds start jumping through the Missal. I would honestly suggest at this point that if you've never been to Mass to not worry too much about following along with the Missal and just take in what's occurring in the Celebration. You don't need to say the Creed because you may not believe everything you would be claiming to believe. Certainly if you want to follow along in the Missal you can BUT it can be confusing the first time and you may miss something. If you don't know the Our Father (aka The Lord's Prayer) I might suggest you learn that as I'm not sure it's even in the Missal but it will be something you can learn easily and pray along with the Congregation...and it was given to us directly from Jesus so I can't think of a better source for a prayer. Personally I wouldn't go up in the Communion line unless you are seeking a blessing but absolutely do not receive thr Eucharist. Others here have explained how to request a blessing. As far as all the standing, sitting, kneeling, etc just follow along with everyone else and it will be fine. Also, wait until after the Pastor exits then genuflect after you exit your pew and walk out. We were all new to it at one point, as kids or adults, so you're not alone in that. I was a Protestant for 40 years before I finally came to The Church and I've never looked back.


This was one of the most detailed response that I got, many thanks!


[A Very Simple Guide to the Catholic Mass](https://sacredheartofjesusorcc.weebly.com/uploads/2/4/0/8/24083991/catholic_guide.pdf) (pdf, 27 pages) by R. J. Grigaitis, S.F.O.


Read through it, a very simple explanation. Thank you!


Don't worry about it too much. There are hymnals that you can use to follow along with the Mass, it isn't just for music. I would make sure to sit with people who go to Mass regularly, they'll be happy to help you and answer questions. During Communion, you can go up. Just make sure that your arms are crossed so the Priest knows that you haven't received the Eucharist yet. He'll give you a blessing. Make sure you genuflect when before you sit down or when you walk to the very front of the Church. It's a sign of respect.


Never heard about genuflecting so far, thanks for telling me.


No problem. I'm happy to help. 😊


Yes, just sit and stand following everyone else’s cue. And stay the whole way so you can say you’ve seen how it goes from start to end. I know it sounds awkward but people will barely notice because they’ll be too busy with their families, the Mass itself, or other spiritual practises in church. Anyone who nitpicks on you is not focusing on God. We practise Closed Communion, so just stay in your seat and listen to the music (Christmas hymns for this season), or pray. Those of us who have not been able to Confess do the same. If you don’t feel like kneeling then at least sit and bow your head. Things you may do after Mass if you so wish are to chat with the priest, light a candle for someone’s intentions, or walk around to see the art (unless there’s another Mass, in which case it’s best to leave them be).


Yup, I shouldn't be too worried about people judging me, they're probably occupied.


Do it! A lot of people feel like they're being watched/judged, but fear not! Honestly, it will be the best thing you will do. I've only been going for a few months, and the peace it brings me I can't put into words. The next step is latin mass. I am pretty sure that will blow my mind 😂


Good to hear I'm not the only one starting 😅


Welcome! I have been told that many Protestants feel unwanted when they visit a Catholic Church. Understand we are very happy you are there, we are just focused internally before mass. We don't usually do a big greeting of newcomers, instead we pray and prepare. If you hang back after mass you will get an opportunity to at least speak with a priest and he can tell you anything you want to know and he will probably welcome you too.


I was never even a protestant, though I'm glad that I can hang around and ask around.


Do what everyone else here says. Don't receive communion, but do go and try to participate by going into the Missal and following the readings, singing along to the hymns, kneeling/standing/sitting when everyone else does, and enjoy the experience!


Yup, imitating others is a great idea. Thanks!


It's 100% ok to just walk in and sit. You don't have to kneel or cross yourself. It's true that only Catholics can reveive Communion, but in many parishes in my area people who aren't receiving can get in line with their arms crossed in front of their chest and the Eucharistic ministers will trace a cross on their foreheads. That's 100% optional. Don't do it unless you want to. Just stay seated. There will be other visitors, Catholics who need to go to confession, Catholics who forgot to fast, Catholics with bad knees, the nonCatholic boyfriends or girlfriends visiting,,,. All those peoples will be sitting, so no one makes anytthing of it. We're supposed to be focusing on receiving the Lord. There is more of Mass after Communion, so don't leave yet. There are lots of Masses online due to Covid. The Pope is on www.vatican.org The Vatican Masses are in Latin with Italian readings and sermons. If you click on English when you got to the site, the Mass will have an English commentator. The Masses are archived, so you can watch them anytime. St. James Cathedral in Seattle has live streamed Masses at 8 am and at 10 am. They're archived, too, so you can watch them any time. Google St. James Cathedral Seattle and go to the Home page. Masses at St. James are in English. Once in a while they do one of the sung parts in Latin. It's in the downloadable order of service with translation. If you watch a Mass online, especially an English one, you'll get some idea what to expect. Our Masses are rich and reverent. I hope you will find them meaningful.


Didn't think about viewing and online mass, thanks for showing me!


Don't sit in one of the front rows - because then you cannot see what everyone else do. Just follow people the best you can. Do not receive communion, but just stay in your pew.


That's a great point.