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Yeah combo dvd players are the way to go. Good news for us who still play cds.


Great find! 


What is a "combo unit"? Nearly all DVD players play audio CDs.


Yeah I've gotten soooo much older technology that I personally still have a use for for free or extremely cheap because so many more exist than people who still want it. I currently use a CD/tape/record combo player I got for $15 at a thrift store for CDs, but if I get decent speakers for the TV I'll probably switch to using my blu ray for all optical media


And minidisc I had it from 1993-2007


Nice pickup!! I still have several of those. They're awesome!


That Sony DVP-S7700 is a winner. It's the one I currently use and I've owned it for over 24 years. It was Sony's flagship model at the time and cost about $800 when released in the late '90s. The player actually has two separate lasers, one for DVD and another for CD.


Actually it retailed for 1300 in US. It's ES quality without the badge. It's the best dvd player I've owed






Nice. About a year ago I was throwing trash away in my complex dumpster and found a Korg synthesizer sitting there that looked in perfect condition. And indeed, it worked like a charm


I own both and they are top quality late 90s Sony. Especially the DVP-s7700, probably the best dvd player sony made, and they made a lot of good ones. ES quality without the badge. Great find


It amazes you that people throw out obsolete equipment??


If it still works fine, then it's wasteful. And last I checked, companies still make cd and dvd players. On the flipside, sometimes a person can score something decent for free. My daughter recently scored a cool (very heavy) bookshelf with only minor problems. 


You have to understand that 99% of people have no use for vintage electronics


You have to understand these aren't vintage.


It's not wasteful if YOU don't use it. No reason to keep unused junk laying around & cluttering your home. I have no doubt that good "trash finds" exist. I'm just not buying that someone is amazed that a VHS or a DVD player got thrown out. Most don't use them.


It's called selling or passing it on


😂😂 selling a vhs player. Ok, bro. As for “passing it on”, isn't that exactly what happened here?


I was talking about the DVD and cd player. I guess you haven't been to a store in a while because dvds are still for sale. 


Ikr, i found a sony cam corder, and a sony cd player, both work really well!👍