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**Winner: Gal Gadot** Total votes cast: 300 --- Name | Votes Received | Vote % ---|---|--- Gal Gadot | 190 | 63.33% Bar Refaeli | 110 | 36.67% Gal Gadot won by 80 votes! --- ^^Results ^^are ^^considered ^^decisive ^^after ^^48 ^^hours ^^of ^^battle ^^start. ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot. ^^This ^^action ^^was ^^performed ^^automatically.


Bar Refaeli because she is the full package!


Try to pretend it wasn't obvious Gal would be here ;) At least it isn't exactly the Gal vs. Natalie I saw coming from the start, although probably it's only because my arrangement accidently put them against each other already in the quarter-finals... Still I like to pretend maybe Bar couldv'e beated Nat if they were pitted against each other instead, I mean, Bar is a frickin' hot supermodel, just see 'em pics; I guess we can see how plausible that is by the results of this match, as Gal and Nat were pretty even, maybe this sub isn't that predictable afterall X)


no, its predictable.


I'd go with Bar. Her skin looks so silky smooth, I wanna touch it so bad.


I was hoping Bar Paly was going to be in the finals. These two here are so predictable. Eden Fines wouldn’t been a finalist for me as well.


Se here's the thing Bar Refaeli is a hot supermodel who avoided service in the IDF, I got to go with her.


I really try to keep it as shallow as possible and only focus on their hotness and not mind anything else.


Damn close...Gal has it


Definitely **Gal Gadot** no question


Wonderwoman all day


another poll ruined by weird marvel fans, in the real world, this isn't a contest, Bar is an elite level model, Gadot looks like someone who has transitioned.


...the only woman in this competition who was in a marvel movie got knocked out in the quarter finals


Interestingly though, there were 2 from DC.


have you looked at the Top 20 leaderboard ?


But weren't you talking about this poll in particular? No lady from marvel is in this battle, and the only marvel actress in this whole competition was Natalie Portman, who was knocked out in the quarter finals iirc, so the leaderboard is irrelevant


I mean I do find it annoying that fandoms here vote for their favorite celebs by their name and fame and don't really look at the photos (I mean here I picked the best photos for both and I do think they're both really saxy, but like at the early stages of the tournament few people voted because there were some unkown celebs, but if it was Gal/Nat vs. Israeli model X, then suddenly it'll be like 90 for Gal, 7 for model, and it's a hot model with a hot picture, I mean at least try to be impartial). But come on that's a harsh thing to say on Gal. I mean yeah people have different tastes so maybe she looks average to you or like someone you could see irl opposed to a supermodel like Bar, I can see that. But she does have a feminine look and a really fit body, I mean, you just see that in the pics, so that last remark is really unnecessary.


Gals feet will totally dominate her


But... we don't see her feet. Actually we do see Bar's feet in one of the pics.


Gal Gadot


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