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# Allergens Not available for this item # Allergens Not available for this item We cannot guarantee that any unpackaged products served in our stores are allergen-free because we use shared equipment to store, prepare, and serve them. Customers with allergies can find ingredient information for products on the labels of our packaged products or online at Starbucks.com/menu. I'd say no.


i've always heard that the CC in starbucks is really bad even for drinks like this (i used to get lemonades but i stopped). you could probably make this drink or something similar to it at home or at a local coffee shop! also remember to boycott


I only get the nitro cold brew. I carry my own vanilla syrup. There’s a Starbucks in my office and it’s one of the perks. Our department has a coffee tab/budget


Go find a local coffee shop


Ikr there are also lots of places that sell boba and are celiac safe lol! even in my small town 




In my experience (living in the US pacific northwest) I’ve only come across one shop whose owner was unsure about the boba itself being GF. I make sure to ask every time just to be safe, though :) Like canvassolaris said, bigger chains will typically mark gluten-containing drinks which is super helpful—I’ve found that the whipped or milkshake-style drinks are the most likely to contain gluten.


Oh boba is usually fine but always ask the restaurant staff if it’s safe. I usually get tapioca pearls. 


Some bubble tea places will even mark gluten-containing items on the menu!


I hate these responses. It comes off as very judgy. Like "lol Starbucks what a loser I only get my floofy drinks from small local businesses and you should too". Can't you just let people like what they like? I can guarantee most local cafes do not have the exact same drink that Starbucks has. They probably have something like it, but not the same. It's s not helpful to tell someone to "just get something else, your choice sucks". (I am not trying to pick on you specifically, there are other people in this thread doing the same thing, I'm just replying to you because you're currently the top reply)


I am judging people who go to one of the largest corporations on earth to get their sugar milk with a drop of burnt espresso.  It's not healthy, and it harms local business.  And yes, I'm also gatekeeping how coffee should be consumed lol


I can respect the fight against large corporations and the impact they have on our society. There are plenty of legitimate arguments for supporting local businesses. But that doesn't mean you should gatekeep regular people who are just trying to get by and just like the things they like. Would the world be better without large corporations like Starbucks draining local economies and putting money in the pockets of billionaires? Yes. Are average people who are powerless and busy and just want a nice drink responsible for fixing this? No. If you said things a different way, like "Can I suggest finding a local business with a similar drink?" etc, that's fine, but you didn't, you just enacted your judgement.


i have been a starbucks partner for 6 years, i drank one yesterday after reading the ingredients because i never have issues with the refreshers and i woke up this morning after my shift swollen and with tummy issues. i am sure it was the boba that glutened me. i would stay away (,:


Boba is tapioca, I've never had problems with boba in all my years of drinking it


this isn’t tapioca, it’s bursting boba. i’ll try and snap a pic of the ingredients today


yesss i knew that, i was just thinking about the flavorings in it or the way it is prepared. <3




It’s completely gluten free, so this drink did not gluten you unless it was CC.


regular stomach aches are also possible


facts, thank u <3


Did you get the one with coconut milk the regular one these use does say it’s gluten free you have to ask for Oatley. I have had it twice already and no reactions


it was probably a shaker being dirty that did it then. i usually make my own drinks but was unable to at this time. i’ll give it another try. thanks guys <3




avoid malt; chocolate cold foam is made with malt powder. avoid the frap chips and toppings. the oat milk can be iffy depending on location as we use different brands across markets. ask for clean vessels (shakers for refreshers, tea, shaken espresso, pitchers for lattes) i normally stick to ice coffee with cream and syrup but treat myself to a refresher when i can make it myself lol.


I just had this happen to me today. I can barely walk.




It’s best to just go to a local coffee shop, the cc risk is just too high with Starbucks (and Dunkin’ tbh). Especially since they use barley sugar in some of their drinks and they can’t 100% guarantee no cc risk. Also they are being boycotted for supporting genocide so there’s that. 


Well now I know barley sugar is a thing, sheesh


Ikr I didn’t know until recently until I saw a post on one of the gf foodies I follow and they stated that Starbucks added barley sugar to certain drinks. Just given the fast paced environment for Starbucks, I don’t recommend celiacs going there (my aunt has worked there for years) there’s just no guarantee. Even things that they say don’t use a shaker sometimes are still shaken. 


So happy to see the boycotting argument, but also you're so right. Do you know what it's like to work at Starbucks? I'd never trust someone under that much duress to make my order safely.


The boycott is one of the shittiest examples I’ve seen of internet phone tag misinformation. Starbucks does not support genocide. Starbucks has absolutely zero ties to Israel whatsoever. People started claiming this because Starbucks issued a takedown order for a pro-Palestine post one of their unions made. This is anywhere from arguably to undeniably shitty—I wouldn’t know, I haven’t seen the post—but the contents of the post don’t matter as much as the reason why it was taken down, which is (as far as can be told) much more likely an attempt at union busting than an attempt at silencing pro-Palestinian voices, given Starbucks’ record on both of those issues.  Starbucks’ record of and current actions toward union busting are reprehensible and they should be boycotted over it, but here’s the thing—*no Starbucks union has called for a boycott of Starbucks*, save for individual unions of individual stores. And if the boycott has had any tangible impact on their revenue, now Starbucks has a *very* solid argument if/when their union busting tactics are brought to court that unionization has hurt their business.   You don’t have to do business with Starbucks. But I’m tired of the misinformation surrounding this issue.


Thanks for sharing! The way they treat their workers alone is enough for me to not support them as well


That’s absolutely fair! Sorry if I came off as tetchy in my reply, I’ve been irked by how widespread this misinformation is. But I completely agree that the way Starbucks treats its workers is atrocious and in itself worthy of a boycott. 


I would see if they can do it not shaken so there’s no cross contamination issue with the shaker.


we’re boycotting starbucks :)) I hope you can find what you want in a local coffee shop


I don't trust anything on their menu. Too many times has it screwed me


No, nothing at Starbucks is free from cross contamination.


nah plus we're boycotting sbucks! ❤️


Let’s rather boycott bro


we’re boycotting Starbucks for so many reasons. go to a local boba shop!


Starbucks supports genocide, there’s plenty of other small businesses that do this better and safer for celiac!


Boo, Starbucks sucks. They support genocide, are actively attempting to dismantle labor unions in the US, and have gotten away with price gouging for far too long. Also, I genuinely wouldn’t drink anything from there with Celiac.


I’m a partner, i didn’t have a reaction


I tried it yesterday with no issues. It's really good too!


i used to work there and i wouldn’t get it because it’s made in the shakers that also are used for possible gluten containing items :)


I stopped getting drinks from them because they always make me sick.


Interesting, Starbucks experimenting with boba. I’ll have to give it a shot OP. Not sure why people in this thread are boycotting starbucks, some people just want a fun drink.. it’s not that deep. Don’t act like you can have capitalism and ethical consumption.


no one is acting like they can have capitalism and ethical consumption but the one beautiful thing about capitalism is that we can take our money and spend it elsewhere aka a coffee shop that doesn’t support genocide, evade taxes, commit human and labor violations (slave AND child labor harvested coffee beans) and illegally union bust. edit: lmao why the downvotes? where is the lie? you can literally google all of what i’ve said and see for yourself.


Fair enough, you are entitled to your preferences


Nothing in it so it is as safe as anything else in starbucks


“Celiac safe” has no actual definition and frankly is worthless to be asking. The legal definition of gluten free was based on testing with celiacs. Despite that you will have plenty of people here that argue “well it’s not really safe unless it’s X Ppm” or “any gluten at any amount will kill a celiac and is a personal attack on me”. There’s nothing there of any concern. The “natural flavorings” argument has been time and time again been shown to be essentially a non existent risk (in the 16 years since I’ve been diagnosed, 10 of which were spent using flavorings in industry, I have seen a single example that someone could show even had a sub component derived from a gluten containing grain… yet even then the very low level of flavorings in a product would put it to well below any limits for testing.


My local Starbucks told be that nothing in there is gluten free.