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I love the disability pride flag as a straight woman. Like the queer community, we need to acknowledge the varying kinds of disabilities and each color is part of the community. Yours doesn’t resonate with me since I don’t use assistive devices and want a more global symbol that encompasses the range of disabled identities.


We could put almost any color on a flag and it’ll look like a LGBTQ pride flag. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, white, black, brown, light blue and pink are all very strongly associated with pride flags. There are some other colors too associated with certain pride flags, like grey in age flags. Stripes, triangles and circles are also heavily associated with LGBTQ. That being said, I don’t care if it looks LGBTQ. I also want a flag representing different types of disabilities, and I don’t feel as though a wheelchair properly represents me. I like the flag we have.


Why did I get downvoted? I love everybody lol


I liked it so you’re back up to 1 :)


If you used the Gadsen flag in a satirical manner, I’d find it humorous. But the red, white, and blue never had my best interest and this past week SCOTUS has basically started the ball rolling out the foundations for Project 2025. This country is fucked. They can have the parking spot.


I literally plugged in “don’t tread on me flag wheelchair” into an AI image generator and that’s what it spat out. I added the caption precisely for comedic purposes.


Yeahhh, you reaching bro. Conservative talking points and disability recognition have never aligned. Unless you consider being labeled a victim of the diagnosis or turning a disabled person into inspo-porn circle jerk to make able-bodied people feel better about themselves


I am queer and disabled and have no issue with the disability pride flag. I've noticed that people who complain that the disability pride flag "copies" the LGBTQ pride flag are often actually worried they'll be mistaken for being gay if they use it. It's disguised homophobia.


Totally agree with you as a queer disabled person.


Not everyone is out to get you lol


Get tf out of here with this bullshit comment.


lol you weak ass fool Everything is either ableism oder in this case disguised homophobia. Clowns


It appears that you are American. As am I. I'm aware that disability exists throughout the world. Your meme represents you, and your perceptions. That's it. Regardless of your feelings of "the Gay Pride flag", "the Disability Pride flag, or the US flag. Sharing my personal perception. Based on this meme, and the text attached to this post. I'm glad that I didn't know you. You and I have nothing in common.


I delineated between the OG Gay Pride flag and the current LGBTQ flag, because the designs and layout are different, the latter has largely supplanted the former, and they are often used interchangeably, despite being markedly different. Also clearly indicated this was tongue in cheek, but whatever. Good day.


I hate the concept of disability pride. Not everyone is prideful to disabilities. Imo it should be disability recognition month.


I hear ya. I’ve spent my entire life NOT defining myself by my disability. It’s just a thing that I happen to have, and while yes, it’s an intrinsic part of me, the reductionist aspect of a “pride month” is irritating.


Although I just generally hate how everything has a month now


Pride is the opposite of shame. Historically, we were hidden away from society because of people's shame of us. I think pride is what we should strive for.


I disagree. I'm not proud of my disability. I don't even view myself as disabled. Who the fuck cares about a stupid little disability.


The society that hid us and made us feel like an other, that's who. That's just my opinion


I hate that idea. I don't feel prideful, but I don't feel shame. I'm just me. I'm not defined by what I am.


Nobody is saying that. In fact, I think pride is saying just the opposite. We, as disabled people, have had to fight for our right to live the way we do. Pride is just a reminder of that.


I am saying you don't have to be prideful to accept your disability. You don't have to be shameful which is what you are implying. Fighting for a month is wild to me. I completely disagree with your statement. "Congratulations on being disabled"


We don't have to agree. Why do you have to be a derogatory dick about it?


I'm not being a dick. I'm just being blunt and honest


You deliberately twisted my meaning to put it down.


That part.


My mans spittin' facts out here!!


I don't know, I don't rely on the flag for an identity so I might be the wrong person to voice this but if you look at history minorities have always kind of helped each other get equal treatment in the world. African Americans helped us when they went through Brown versus board of education and then when we were trying to get the ADA the black panthers took care of a lot of disabled people, bathed them and fed them and met their needs until the ADA passed. Now I feel like it's our turn to help out the LGBTQ+ (I know there's probably more that I'm missing but it's hard to keep up with something that's always evolving) communities. If you don't identify with the flag and feel like making your own is the way to go then that's cool. I feel like we're coming up in a time of discovery which is really cool in my opinion.


Is this the post that you got downvoted on? It might bebecause you are confusing the 504 (sit in/take over) that happened in the 1970s with the ADA (capitol crawl) 1990s.


Disability does not need a flag Disabled people are not alike There is no unity in suffering. If anyone feels that the suffering of others is relieving their own pain then i don't know what kind of person they are. That is what a flag represents for me. Unity We are not alike, we don't have a common goal or purpose that unifies us. It's just a stern reminder that disabled people have pulled an unlucky hand. I don't like it. Although OP's pic looks funny so it'll get an upvote. r/disability likes to push their flag but also a hivemind. Be against it and they'll spit you out. Nah we don't need that.


Our common goal is advocating for our rights -- to access public buildings, housing, education, healthcare, employment, and every other aspect of life. Some people suffer due to the medical aspects of their disability; others do not. But we all suffer because of ableism. Ending it will benefit all disabled people. Yes, we are a diverse community. That's because we're the only minority anyone can join at any time. But it's also a strength as we can learn a lot from each other.


I have to say I completely disagree with you. It's not even remotely like the pride flag. Unless you count have lines on a flag being copying a flag. In which case the flag in this flag is also copying a flag, by using lines. In fact its completely copying the American flag by using it. Isn't that devaluing both the American flag and the Disability Pride flag? Also not all disabled people are American.




So you used AI? Meaning you didn't really mske the flag yourself.


Does using a computerized mill mean you did not machine the part?


Depends how much input you had. When it comes to art. Part of which is the creating process. AI just cheapens the idea.


Anyone else notice the disability flag is slanted? My wheelchair might not make it to that steep incline. Let alone, I won't do well trying to walk up it. There's no handlebars. The rest of the flags have a flat surface


I was thinking they could add an elevator, handrails, handicap accessible sign, maybe flatten the incline (okay, I said this twice. I don't like inclines. I can't walk up them or get my wheelchair up them very well). Something that would mimic the disabled community mentioned on the flag. I didn't know the flag was a thing until a few days ago.