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Heh "I am as upset about this as you are"


It’s one of those. “Believe me I don’t like it either” kind of situations




The older I get, the more I believe it


Nah bro, he loves it.


Especially if the class was held at 2pm the entire semester then finals is this random ass 7am


At first I though he's doing it as an act of solidarity for the students but then I realised it's because he needs to be there at 7am himself 😂


Why not both?


Technically Since he is a teacher he needs to be there earlier then 7am


Bro he needs to be there probably like 2 hrs early


My father used to say: The impunity of getting old….you don’t give a fuck about anything any longer.


Lol I vividly remember my grandfather poking a youngster with his cane so he could have a seat on the bus, then ripping a massive, several second, multiple pitch fart as he sat down. Then loudly said in Greek (not because he didn't want the other Canadians to know what he said but because he didn't want to bother with English or french) "bah, I don't care,what are they gonna do about it anyways?!" With a dismissive wave of his hand. His body language told everyone what he meant anyways lol.


Hell yeah gramps fuck it up


As someone who is currently in the negotiation part of the application process for a school job. These administrations seemingly do not want to hire people.


No one wants to hire people anymore. They just want to complain.


Administration and staff do just enough of their job to actually be considered work.




> The less people they hire, the more payroll is left over, the more they can allocate to themselves. > It's not this at all. It's bureaucracy. So. Much. Bureaucracy. The HR folks don't keep the money for not hiring people lol. There's just 400 hoops and like 3 different offices that need to give their own rubber stamps for each one. And if one of those people is out of office, and another office is backed up, and another one is just incompetent... it takes forever. Source: I am currently frustrated and waiting on HR to hire three temp staff that I selected weeks ago.


If you’re in America, right now working in the school system is an absolute joke. Unless you can get in somewhere *really* nice (and I don’t mean wealthy as much as a top tier school that can pick out only the well behaved students) then I’d be wary of signing up for it. It’s not even the students, though obviously some such way worse than others, it’s the parents and staff that seem to be working tangentially to destroy the sanity of every member of staff in the system.


The world needs more of these


7am finals or pajama professors?




What? No! Who the fuck wants finals at 7 am?




Had an exam in summer semester in College. Teacher came in with shorts and a t-shirt and flip flops. He was pretty pissed off and we didn't know what was up. We had a new teacher who became head of the department and wrote out exam.  He was really bad at teaching and making exams. So our teacher just told everyone to hold up the exam booklet and follow along. He asked us to scratch out a lot of  questions  that he felt were not necessary or way out of our work knowledge.  This ended up being almost 30% of the exam so just by showing up you got an automatic 30% with a 50% being a pass. I really miss that teacher.  He was amazing at his job and had him for a lot of different classes.


Write that man a letter, you will make his day!


The habit of "early is professional" is so shitty. I'm 100% more professional and everything in the afternoon.


"You can get me cranky, unconcentrated and motivated by spite and caffeine or normal and motivated to solve your problems until 5 in the morning the next day. Choose."


I had to file an accommodation saying that I can't have a morning meeting within 12 hours of my last meeting the previous night (so example they can't give me an 11pm meeting followed by a 7:30am meeting). WHY IS THIS SOMETHING THAT REQUIRES OFFICIAL ACCOMMODATION? THIS IS JUST COMMON SENSE.


I'm at my most professional at 4:30 PM when I finally convince myself to write those 5 emails when I procrastinated all day


7am final is fucking brutal though


I would be to, if I had final at 7am. I wish I had him as my professor back when I used to attend college.


Unless I signed up for a class that early yeah I would be pissed, I'm equally pissed when a morning class has a final randomly at like 5pm


And here I am retired and can’t break the 5 am wake up habit. Maybe I should try and stay up past 9


My dad is the same way, in bed by like 730-8 and up at like 4-5


My grandmother goes to sleep at or around 11pm or midnight and id be hearing things in the kitchen by 3 or 4 am


In his 90s dad keeps similar habits with a good afternoon nap


This is the same dude who wears a terminator t-shirt to finals. Colorado State University. Teaches astronomy. Hard AF.


What building is he in doesn't look familiar


Took his class years ago. It was fun, but the only thing I remember from it was that his socks always matched his shirt.


You don't remember Tom and Tina Turkey?


And he's married to an astronomer he met when he was a guest on the Oprah Winfrey Show


What I never understood is why finals didn't just happen on the first day of the week at the time the class is usually held why change it up to random days and times




Meanwhile I have to drag my ass into work every day at 7am. God I miss college 


hes teaching you how to be a loser


Working people starting an actual job between 4-6 A.M.: ![gif](giphy|3oFyDl7xbRgcAu8O8E) For real, your about to have a summer off, get the fuck over it.


*Chad woke up late and turned it into a movement.


Wait till you find out what time a good majority of people start work.


Right I mean it wasn't long ago I was working at 5am 🤣


Seriously though, why do American colleges start so damn early? I'm Scottish, my earliest classes started at 9am, with the earliest exams (finals) being at 9:30. 7am is absolutely fucking psychotic.


When do your before college schools start? (Idk what the names are for them in scotland but elementary through high school in america)


We have primary and secondary schools here, with high schools being a type of secondary school. Secondary schools are the ones you attend before college. There's some variance among local authorities but primaries tend to start around 9am and secondaries start a little earlier at around 8:30.


What the fuck my high school started at 7:45


Mine started at 7:30, but I had to be there by 7 because it took 20 minutes to navigate the car line and parking lot while everyone else was trying to park, and if I entered the building after 7:25 they’d mark me late. And it’s all so stupid, like could they really not have just pushed the start time to like 9am?


It’s so parents have time to drop off kids before working at 8


I took a class over the summer and they scheduled our first exam for 6pm when we usually met at 9am. The person that scheduled us didn’t seem to realize that the school only holds classes in the mornings during the summer so they can shut down the AC the rest of the day. We walk into that room and it was sweltering. We ended up having to call the paramedics because a poor guy had an epileptic seizure. The professor must have lost his shit over it to the department because next exam we got a nice cool room. 


Worst is. This is the kind of teachers we need but not allowed to have :( bless his soul.


I get the sentiment but… like how is this gonna effect change lol, I mean do the ones that decide exam times even know about this, let alone care???


Why are they different colors, was this on different days?


Nothing like seeing your professors sweaty hog bounce around in them loose pants all day.


How is this a chad moment?


Yeahhh that how I failed one of my module hahaha 😅 cause I woke up late... It's a 7am exam


7! What the fuck is America on? Not one of my University modules took place earlier than 9am. Even then that was usually just once a week.


"I don't make the rules. No, seriously."


Had a professor in college who saw that we had an 8 am final. He lived an hour away and purposefully never had a class before 10. He cut about a third off the final and we did it the last day of class.


Had a few 8am finals back in college and I thought those were bad…. I have no idea how I managed to get to school at 7am every day for four years in high school.


Heh "I am as upset about this as you are"


If any of my finals are at 7 am this term I'm so doing this


It’s almost like schools want kids to fail


Y'all acting like 7 am is super early.z


Do people actually have like... sets of pajamas? They don't just sleep in basketball shorts or a tee-shirt?


When learning how to write argumentative essays, we read an article about how schools should start later and had to write an essay on it


Get finals done early and be in the bar by noon! Seems alright to me.


Whata silly goose. I like him.


7 isnt that early


Wait isn’t that his scheduling lol


No. Teachers and professors don't get to pick when tests are given, and they often don't even get much input on when classes are.  When I was in university (a bigger university), test times were set by the university. I don't know how, but it was all done way above the class level. Classes I took in the morning would sometimes have finals late in the evening.  At the community colleges I've taken class at, it was all just at the regular class time. But at the big university, your class schedule may not exist for finals week. They tell you want time the test is, which may be at a different time on a different day of the week.  I think it was to accommodate the huge classes. So say you took math 101, there would be 10+ other math 101 classes, but you would all be in a big auditorium to take the midterms and finals at the same time to prevent cheating between classes and passing on questions to other students. 


Early to bed, early to rise, still holds true today. I'm proof!


Weird flex but you do you.


Cool story. Too bad college aged students literally aren't wired to wake up at 5-6 am. Study after study have shown that people that age should be waking up at like 8-9 am for optimum academic performance.  As humans we tend to naturally stay up and sleep in later in our teens and early 20s. There are outliers, but that generality has been recorded time and time again in multiple studies. And then as we get older, we start waking up earlier and earlier. 


Thank you for verifying why people say Gen Z are the laziest generation and don't want to work.


idk abiut u but like ths is normal


He seems like a bitch.


Does he get on Reddit and cry about his usps job too?


Bro went and found the receipts!


Though to be honest, when you are dealing with months of backed up mail not being delivered and are expected to fix it, then I can understand you being upset. But this professor doesn’t deserve your ire, he’s just saying “this situation sucks and I’m in it with y’all”