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I don’t think he’s scarier than Makima but I agree that he’s playing his role very well. He’s earning everyone’s hatred and he’s making it look effortless lol.


Believe it or not, Takehito Koyasu will voice him. Other people can not adapt to this level of wickness.


>Believe it or not, Takehito Koyasu will voice him. ​ https://preview.redd.it/t3x7pbxoj5ad1.jpeg?width=282&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0adb73a966588319a249e7210990093d818acaa0


This will now be the 3rd character voiced by Koyasu (as of my knowledge) that involves traumatizing the mcs ♡♡


whos the 3rd? roswaal?


I was thinking Toji or the guy from SAO but him too


Could also be Aokiji from One Piece.


"You're next, Denji!" "You Bastard, Barem!"


Wouldn't surprise me. He's very good at voicing people who remain friendly and calm while doing some of the worst shit possiblle (hello there, Seishirou)


Who else does he voice


DIO from JoJo, Zeke from AoT, Papa Shirogane from Love is War, Toji from JJK, and Kraft from Frieren are the only examples I can come up with rn


And Patrick Warburton will voice the English dub.




How do you know that


He is the best choice for a calculated yet evil middle age villain. He voice Dio, takasugi and Toji.


This must happen. It is bound to happen!


he has a different vibe than makima in that while makima was more dangerous, barem is certainly the one who brings the most dread


Makima is scary because she doesn’t care if you suffer and Barem is scary because he is happy if you suffer


Not only happy, but very casual about things. Makima always had this sense of gravity whenever she appeared with things always kinda hinting of her coming soon, but with Barem you are just chilling at a random mall, then decide to take a small break by sitting down and out of nowhere he appears, says some fucked stuff before just doing terrorism again.


Bro was smirking when the head pulled up


Yeah, Barem is scary in a "Surprise !" way but Makima had a really balanced amount of mystery giving me chills in the back. Kinda like vaguely seeing an inhuman silhouette move in the dark when you're home alone. The fear of the unknown was crucial. For Barem, I don't feel scared or anxious. He's a bastard, but not in a dreadful way. There's no build-up for the pressure. He always comes out of nowhere, do something totally unexpected and fucked up then vanish, all while smiling. I kinda realise that his smile doesn't compare to makima. It almost feels like he's really smiling while Makima had "uncanny valley"-ish expressions.


This is very accurate, and scary about them


Makima was very happy to see denji suffering at the end? Do you not remember her rolling around laughing after she spirit gunned power????


I kinda forgot about that, but that might be more her being happy that she’s almost got chainsaw man. She doesn’t care about Denji


You just know something terrible is gonna happen whenever he's on screen


Interesting that you said on screen instead on page, speaks to fujimotos kino style


You get the point


I don't know how to explain it but Barem's scenes really feel like a movie character more than a manga villain


It's because Barem draws from Vincent Vega from Pulp Fiction and Mr. Blonde a.k.a. Victor Vega from Reservoir Dogs, in appearance and demeanor


Holy fuck I never thought about that before. Can definitely see it though


Makima was scary and interesting because she was impossible to read. Barem is scary because every time he shows up, you know something evil and chaotic is going to happen.


Barem is basically makima if she speed-ran part 1 lol


Makima was all about icy, calculated domination. Barem, on the other hand, is more like a fanatic. There’s a confidence in his actions that only comes with absolute moral certainty. There’s no limit to what he’ll do to reach his goal, and that makes him absolutely terrifying. He’s a sadist without any inhibitions because he thinks he doesn’t need any. He creeps me out.


hes definitely helped by the fact its fujimoto whos writing the story ![img](emote|t5_rmtrq|22157)


Eh idk, “makima is listening” was fucking terrifying


Makima was also a groomer, which is terrifying in its own way


Scarier than Makima is a bigger stretch than Plastic Man. She was turning people into pancakes and killing with a stare, not to mention her contract and ability to control.


Makima is like Cthulhu. An otherworldly being with terrifying and impossible powers. Desires beyond our comprehension. Barem is like a psychopathic serial killer. Taking joy in bringing terror everywhere he goes. Barem is demented beyond the average human's worst imaginary boogeyman.


Hey but at least Makima is hot


So is Barem. So hot he could set a house full of pets on fire.


Not to mention, she had countries all over the world fold for her and also had everyone under servailance (there was no escaping her): https://preview.redd.it/qx0jr0pam5ad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e007f86af9cffea9ccebbc50b318acbced370339


The fact that even Santa Claus seemed scared of her was telling...


Completely agreed. Shes a terrifying force, what other chara gets muuultiple well made paintings of them in horror settings lol. My favorite part about her is how she will do good things in the midst of shit thats fucked up, like feeding Denji and then in the next couple of chapters exploding peoples heads. It makes you wonder where her twisted morals lie and how far shes willing to go to accomplish something she has already fully validated in her head. She also has incredible and immense power to back up the fear she produces. Charas like Barem are just bad to be bad. I kind of just hate him, and don’t find myself intrigued by him nearly as much as I was Makima. (I also kinda just hate villains that have shit eating grins lmfao they just piss me off so thats just personal preference)


Oh that Plastic Man Metaphor was good


I guess they mean more that he brings on a more immediate dread He is not as powerful or strong as her but you know when he shows up something bad will happen So far most of the times in the story he has either been scary/unnerving or appeared and bad shit happens Makima was more unnerving but had plenty of harmless apperances and her evil was never as fanatic or weird as his is


I guess this is exactly why she's scarier. She is more powerful and more unpredictable at the same time. Has an innocent look to her on top of it and plays herself off as a good person, yet she'll kill your best friend when you least expect it, and you can do nothing to stop it. I have never felt like Barem is a huge obstacle to Denji if he could just turn into CSM, I think because Nayuta(and maybe the world) is a risk if he changes, Barem uses this effective manipulation due to specific circumstances.


Hate. Let me tell you how much I've come to hate Barem since I saw him. There are 36 trillion cells that form my body. If the word 'hate' was engraved on each nanometer of all those trillions of microorganisms, it would not equal one one-billionth of the hate I feel for Barem at this micro-instant.


Wow didn't think I'd get to see an very well done re work of I AM's hatred speech from "I have no mouth and I must scream" have a cookie for your masterclass cooking.




Love the reference.


Why has IHNMAIMS been getting more popular recently, feel like I’ve been seeing memes of it everywhere


It might be due to the popularity of the amazing digital circus, which is inspired by it. It could just be more relatable now with the world falling apart. :D


That and the good Ole "wait this old ass thing is actually a hidden gem I gotta tell the internet about this"


Barem ain't scary; he's more like that smug asshole you wanna smash his face in. Like the difference between Voldemort and Umbridge.


Barem has a lot more sass compared to Makima’s charm. I like him more because of that, he feels like a flamboyant (pun not intended) villain who views his horrible actions as everyday life.


I think he legitimately sees his plan as part of a film in his head. The way he appears and moves around it feels like he’s taking on a sort of film star persona. Honestly, if Fujimoto could help it, he’d probably have Barem have a camcorder on him whenever possible. Makima had briefly touched upon the emotions elicited by movies a couple times, I think Fujimoto will include something similar since Barem has been chasing revenge and Makima’s shadow.


> I think he legitimately sees his plan as part of a film in his head. The way he appears and moves around it feels like he’s taking on a sort of film star persona. Honestly, if Fujimoto could help it, he’d probably have Barem have a camcorder on him whenever possible. spoilers for Fire Punch >!congrats to Togata on a finally-successful transition!<


Barem really is kinda just Evil Togata isn't he?


I've never thought about that before but you're so right. Barem practically has that Vlogger girl personality in the body of a vicious maniac. Makima is just completely uncaring about the violence she inflicts on people, but Barem clearly takes _pride_ in it.


Lmfao you're so right about the camcorder thing.


He is not nearly as scary as Makima.


I don't think Barem is scary at all. I think Denji has been massively restricted from doing anything while Barem has had free reign to do whatever he wants. If Denji is let loose, he would mop the floor. He's like Umbridge from Harry Potter to me, honestly. Protected by a system, not from power.


Not so sure, he might have quite a bunch of power from the fire devil given he is the flamethrower hybrid after all. And since Fire can turn thousands into pseudo CSM zombies in an instant…


Also during the chainsaw church incident there was a lot of emphasis put on the fact that if Denji gets dismembered and burned he won't be able to come back, and Barem's entire thing is burning things so... there's a very real possibility that he could kill Denji


Makima is scary because you don't know what she is gonna do. Barem is scary because you don't know what he *already did*, and you are afraid to find out.


While he isn't scarier than good old Makima since you can kind of understand him while Makima was a genuine force of nature. Barem on the other hand feels like a straight up sociopath, which can make him feel more unnerving since he is more human than Makima.


I feel like he's desperate to be like Makima. He idolised her even without mind control, the whole feeding and "good boy" stuff feels like he's doing his best impression of what he thinks Makima is 


Good for you. Nothing can come close to what Makima is for me.


definitely not scarier over makima, but hes a good "bad guy".


First fiction character I’ve ever hated for taking my precious child https://preview.redd.it/cse2cn0ym5ad1.jpeg?width=1093&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=005fd7cfef9816607ea705ffe474c5f4444170af


In your dreams he's scarier than makima lol


i am not sure if scarier is right (at least for me).  in my opinion, he is more hatable than makima — that’s how i’d put it. 


He’s very meh for me. Makima had so many more interesting things going on where he just feels like he does shit to love the plot along.


I don’t think he’s scarier than Makima, but I do think he’s more interesting on a scene to scene basis. Makima has some high highs, but she’s also got a lot of… just standing there, menacingly. Fujimoto always pays it off, but it still leads to a lot of scenes where she just doesn’t do much. Barem, on the other hand, is constantly doing insane shit. We have not seen that asshole’s face a single time where he doesn’t toss a major wrench in the protagonists’ plan, and the whole time he’s chewing the scenery and oozing with the kind of charisma only a truly insane character can have. He’s near the top of my list of characters I need to hear the voice of, because I know these line deliveries will be insane.


I am so hyped for him singing Kumbaya. I already know that's gonna be absolute cinema.


This take brought to you by Horny. Makima is way fucking scarier than Barem, he literally seems like a middle manager.


I need him dead by next chapter or im gonna do it myself https://preview.redd.it/tbnej8vg25ad1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cebb1b83816067d89169137aed52802113b1bf52


Barem is scary because him just being here exudes so much confidence. He's in a Room with 3 of the strongest people on earth right now and behaves like he couldn't get his ass beaten any second.


He’s definitely not scarier than Makima. He kinda feels like a random


I've been saying this since he reappeared. The real antagonist


he's definitely not scarier. sure, he's more deranged and insane, but that makes him moreso unpredictable than anything else. Makima had a calm, collected, calculated presence to her which made her far scarier because nothing seemed to phase her, even if it was a surprise. he's crazier, and that makes him fun to watch for sure


Scarier? Not at all. More hateable? Absolutely.


After Makima, an intensely insidious and personal antagonist, we needed Barem, a properly impersonal villain. He possesses a similar cruelty to Makima, but whereas she was a scalpel and tweezers, surgically adding and removing parts of Denji’s life to her own ends, Barem is a sledge hammer. Burn Denji’s house down, kill his dogs, kill Nayuta, just beat him down as severely as possible. Makima monitored Denji closely, knowing the exact time to remove another piece of his happiness. Barem tries a shotgun, and if that doesn’t work, he moves on to a bomb. And that works because Makima’s plan didn’t work. She only gave him the tools to seek out happiness, even if it isn’t given to him. The only way Barem is going to release Chainsaw Man is to dispense with subtlety and keep hammering him.


He’s probably more evil. Denji is closer to nayuta than he was with aki and power. To not only make the public hate him, but also kill his adopted sister and make denji eat her is beyond fucked up. Barem thinks this will make pochita come out, but pochita will kill Fami and barem real quick and fuck up their plan.


Makima if you look it from the Yandere perspective it makes sense. Barem? Chaos, pure chaos.


what i hate about barem is that i really believe denji can easily take him in an actual match. it's just that the powers that be and tHe sOciETy at LaRge and denji's mental state give barem alot of armor. i mean powerwise i do think asa or katana man can slice barem up if need be. i hate that barem can just dance around doing nasty things while our heroes stand on the sidelines. he's a good and well written villain for sure


he isn't scarier than makima but i certainly hate his stupid ass face more


Barem's just a pretty generic psycho, Makima was much scarier (by far) and much more well written, having been built over a much longer period, pretty much all of part 1, and her being a villain and how evil she actually was was slowly revealed to us while Barem's just this arc's villain (imo)


Wow wow wow, easy pal


Barem is scary in the way that a forest fire is scary. Chaotic and largely unpredictable but always a threat even when you think it's under control. Makima is the voice in your mind that tells you something is wrong and the other voice telling you that they're the only thing that can save you. And you're not quite sure which is which or which to trust or if it's actually the threat itself or how it got in. Yeah, Makima is scarier. At least you can see and feel the fire.


Fujimoto once again showing how skilled he is with writing characters, particularly his villains. Can’t wait to see where Barem ends up at the end of this.


Makima is still way worse. She literally gave him as much happyness as possible only so that she could crush it all


He isn't scary, he is a fucking asshole. The kind you want to punch into a bloody pulp. Somewhat creepy yeah, butnnit "Manipulating entire nationa to perform her plan" kind of scary


He’s way more sadistic and takes pleasure in it. Makima was always very cold and calculating. Only time she showed genuine emotion was when she laughed in Denji’s face after killing Power. Otherwise you couldn’t tell if she was enjoying what she was doing or not. Barem is into psychological torture. He’s not as smart as Makima but his sadistic nature makes him terrifying


Also when she was crying in the movie theater after watching that movie. But yeah, that laugh was menacing


Oh yeah that too. I somehow forgot it


Alright calm down


He's been in the manga for what 15 chapters? I think some people are severely underselling the shit makima did. Makima was inescapable always watching and every single plot point was because of her. They aren't even close. She was like if you mixed Fami with Barem. Makima made denji kill his entire family because of a grudge she had against him, she set up everything to make him suffer. What Barem has done so far is only shocking but not nearly at the same level.


hes not scary, just be pulling wild shit outta nowhere


Different kinds of scary for me. Makima was sadistic and manipulative, as seen with her whole plan in part 1. As others have pointed out, Makima felt like a cat playing with its rat meal. Barem is straight up unpredictable, idk when he’ll show up or what kind of messed up plan he’s gonna try. If Makima was the cat, Barem is a fellow rat that knows all the right buttons to push his fellow rats around.


barems messed up, but he has no real threat except that he’s smart. like if denji just tried to kill him, barem would have no chance at all


Unless it's something like drowning in piss or choking on shit (plot twist, he's into that shit) I have the feeling whatever death Barem has he will happily embrace, which IMO makes those kind of villain extra evil because unless it's something like eternal torture that actually hurts them, they enjoyment of their own demise robs the MC and us the audience of the satisfaction of their death


I hate him so much that the only solution to make me satisfied is if he got trapped in an infinite death loop.




He doesn't play with Denji's feelings the way Makima did. He's just the perfect, despicable asshole who's simply insidious


He feels a lot more evil and messed up, but I still think Makima's demeanor makes her scarier. I wouldn't hang out with either of them, to be clear.


Just read someone's post saying what if he was feeding denji parts of nayuta before the head came down the sushi line. Barem is definitely fucked in the head lol I do like him more than makima tho


He’s only the messenger. This is all Fami


I've never hated some this much since Joeffry from Game of Thrones lmao.


He needs to be more powerful to be as scary as Makima.


I just can't keep a clear idea of who Barem is working for or what his agenda is. It's too confusing. Makima was much more well-defined.


I do hate him more. Fami stills holds the metal cuz that fucker knew all this was gonna happen. She’s playing dumb.


He's a certified piece of sht, that's for certain.


"scarier than makima" is insane lol. hes a good villain but bc of his planning he doesnt feel like a threat combat wise at all. makima had both, and to a greater extent for each.


hmmmm yeah sorry this is misogyny




https://preview.redd.it/s8kxbjgksfad1.png?width=1241&format=png&auto=webp&s=5f87bf95c6ae572ad441153fc2cedeea09cfe35a im sorry Denjimangaart the police are on their way to your house right now 😔


He is that very annoying “untouchable” villain archetype who fks around waaaay too much to the point where his death won’t even be satisfying after everything he did.


I think Barem is just extremely reckless and destructive while Makima was more cunning. She made Denji a perfect ''normal'' life and then deconstructed it in the most brutal and horrible way. Barem pretty much turns up and destroys everything. And he also does not hide his intentions. In the Chapter we meet him again he immediately suggest killing Asa to get Chainsawman back. The next time he plans a mass murder spree. Afterwards he goes up to Denji and threatens him, and we know he gave the other three orders to hunt down women and children. Afterwards he puts Denjis house on Fire and Dio Brando's all his pets. On top of that rallies up people to kill a child and now, well, presented the head to Denji. So, in summary and as Denji once said, ''That's some real evil villain shit right there''. Makima is more of a mastermind who had to plan everything and was left ambiguous at first, meanwhile Barem is a murderous psychopath who was immediately shown to be the villain. And I think it's a cool contrast. Barem was together with the Spear Hybrid one of my favourite characters even before he reappeared, so I am really happy we get to see more of him.


Barem has such a stage presence. From his very first scene all of his actions are impactful and worth looking at closely. I don't find him scary but he is eerie and entertaining.


To me Barem fails horribly at being a scary villain. He succeeds greatly at being an unpredictable, absolutely despicable villain who makes you worried for other characters when he’s around. But he doesn’t have enough power or a dominant presence to be considered legitimately scary on his own.


He’s more cunning for sure. With Makima it just seemed like she was OP villain for OP villains sake. Barem is the literal definition of “local man ruins everything “. He seems to be taking a much more complex approach to depressing Denji. Makima was just , make him horny and kill his friends. Barem seems to be cooking something else up.


The disciple can be scarier than the master.