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Ok that’s actually sick it better be true


In all honestly, out of all the chainsaw birth theories I've read on here, this part feels like no one has described this before. If you're the first, then you cooked so well: https://preview.redd.it/hjhwf0l0ebad1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f69a89f6e6b93ef5a60ea02e2034d5183a411d0 The fear of a mother losing her child due to chainsaws during childbirth. So in effect, an allegory for miscarriage due to surgical intervention, aka "iatrogenic miscarriage" devil. Yeah, using medical terms kinda makes it sound silly, but I get your concept all the same. 🤝 But, I still wonder how it explains Pochita's strength and power level. Chainsaws aren't used like that in the modern world, not is there a tool that the common pregnant mother would associate with a modern day chainsaw. I think that's the only mystery left. There is fear, but how is it possible to have so much fear from such a specific/ niche thing? Nice thought provoking post OP.


pochita's strength is a strange one indeed maybe its the original uses that were erased barem was talking about? now that makes me wonder what exactly were the chainsaws uses in the csm verse that made them so feared before being erased but how would a "use" for a chainsaw even be erased, would the "why" (the reason) for the use have to be erased or the "how" (actual object) of the use be erased? could pochita erase certain aspects of himself such as his uses by eating himself? cause partially eating a devil will still partially erase them shown with war excellent cooking fujimoto


You brought some good points, and I was discussing almost the exact same points with someone on another post. I considered; 1_ Pochita eating part of him to erase a certain part could work. He wouldn't even regenerate that part due to erasure. But that wouldn't explain how he maintains his strength, because he would be permanently weakening himself. So his source of strength would still be coming from some (unknown) source. 2_ Maybe there are specific devils that exist based on the name of an act or a procedure that uses chainsaws. Fear of that feeds into both that devil, as well as fear of chainsaws by proxy. Erasing those devils would erase the act, but not chainsaws themselves. Here's a silly example: imaging a spanking devil lmao. I.e. spanked by hands. If you erase the spanking devil, there is no more spanking, but people would still have hands. The flaw with this theory is though that since it depends so much on fan theory, at which point do you stop and limit it?


that would suggest the uses of the chainsaw in the csm verse were so fearful entire DEVILS were produced out of it instead of it just contributing to the strength of the chainsaw devil which really makes me wonder what they were even more... what if it was something like firepunch where alot of the blessed were strapped and tortured for like an entire arc that would be a fujimoto thing to do


You're so right. Fujimoto can cook thunderstorms for his mangas of he wants to. Could be anything, or something very new and unique entirely. Sad we have to wait 2 weeks after such a cliff hanger. I'm eager to know more, so I guess fujimoto did a good job on keeping readers hooked.


The chainsaw devil is so strong because almost every devil in hell fears it. I don't know which chapter it was but angel mentioned that he, like every devil, has no memories of hell. But he could remember one thing, the sound of chainsaws. I guess pochita doesn't eat every devil but was murdering every devil he saw and having the ability to permanently kill devils explains the fear.


Admittedly, I forgot that fear from devils in hell also contributes to his power. He's infamous, and there will always be new born devils that will fear his mythos, whether or not he has visited hell recently. Nice explanation 🤝


Chainsaws by themselves are pretty scary. They can be used as a weapon, are loud and when used incorrectly can lose you an arm. Of course it isn't as big of a fear like control, war, famine and death at the same time. Being feared isn't the only way devils become powerful. As we have seen, devils can become stronger by absorbing other devil parts (Gun devil scales as well as every devil being after Pochita heart in part 1) Furthermore, devil's age also constitutes to it's power, or at least the ways they got powerful in the time they are alive. Makima was able to control hundreds of people over any distance, Nayuta had a limit of controlling 3 people. Pochita has presumably been alive for a long time. If they have eaten the "fear of losing a child during birth with a chainsaw" devil, that means that they are more or less as old as the chainsaws themselves. And it seems to be the same devil because Pochita's action align, if they were to die we'd be seeing a different devil So, in conclusion, you have a devil with some background fear who has never died for ~250 years now, who has eaten devils more powerful than the gun devil WHOLE ^ this is kind of the TL;DR And referring to Nauyta in past tense hurts so much


Damn, hang in there my friend. I'm not one for too much cope, but it's not nayutover until we get some solid background in the next chapter after such a cliff hanger. I think what you've describes fits in pretty well with the missing link, so thanks for that. Only thing to wonder now is if fujimoto will ever give us a canon answer or if we will always just be discussing fan theories (even if they are really solid sounding theories).


It's not guaranteed that we get more background info on Pochita, considering how little we have learned so far. Out of known characters, only Fami and Yoru might know more about the one and only Chainsaw Man. Barem isn't even sure of his theory, so I doubt he knows anything more. Our horsewomen do feel like people to slip some info in the middle of something, so there is hope in that


please dont flop


you cooked so well OP


i did not expect a majority of people to like this theory i thought everyone was gonna shit on me 😭 thank you


kinda convulated theory, bot so sure about this one


here is an ultra simplified version chainsaw previously used for childbirth angel say womb is like hell hmmm... chainsaw breaks babies out of womb hmmm... pochita kills devils and break them out of hell baby = devil womb = hell related? most likely how erasure? fear of chainsaw going to kill baby devils can utilize fears as power pochita gains power to kill baby (permenantly)


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I doubt we'll get a more concrete answer, but you are cooking




I feel like the answer is staring at us in the face, Fujimoto has laid all the pieces there for us yet we're just unable to piece them all together. For some reason when Barem said that thing about cutting down tree I immediately thought back to the first two episodes where Denji in the flashbacks works in the forest to cut down trees.


Interesting theory :3


Pochita is the abortion devil confirmed


This is genius


I think saying "fear of the chainsaw killing the baby" is focussing on the wrong thing. Chainsaws would be connected to Miscarriages anyway Things like the "birth devil" or "abortion" devil theory still don't make a lot of sense though. You're seriously trying to tell me that Pochita is actually the birth devil, because Angel made a simile once? It's a rocky foundation, and also birth frankly doesn't even connect to many of Pochita's characteristics. Why does Pochita have multiple limbs? Why does he save people? why is he a hero? why is he covered in armour? Why is he chaotic? Birth/Miscarriage explains none of them. You can't pick and choose which attributes are important. If you make a theory, then it has to be explain all attributes.


if a tool that starts rotating extremely fast and is sharp starts going towards you and your baby im pretty sure most of the fear is of the chainsaw and because of the chainsaw similar to how the darkness devil can utilize the fear of the unknown because most of the fear is of darkness and because of darkness i made my theory when i saw the birth devil theory, because i thought it was stupid and my one is better I Think


I mean It's hard to say what people in those times would and wouldn't have been afraid of, but either way it's not my point. Point being that the "mothers fear" is irrelevant because chainsaws were associated with birth complications anyway it's...its not? The fear of Darkness is deeply intertwined with the fear of the unknown, but thats not the primary reason why darkness is feared. Darkness is a primal devil because darkness is a primal fear, simple as that, it's just that the fear of unknown is heavily associated with darkness and another reason for its fear. Thats not at all the same as "Chainsaw man can break the power system cuz of a fucking simile ig" I mean its kind of better but it still has a lot of issues imo


>is irrelevant because chainsaws were associated with birth complications anyway oh yeah, that does contribute to my theory cause then chainsaws would be even more associated with birth complications, such as the death of the baby, which is something to be feared when a CHAINSAW is going towards the baby, which also plays into my theory on how erasure originated your 2nd paragraph is literally what im saying, darkness can USE the fear of the unknown because the fear of the unknown is caused by darkness, when you are scared of the unknown its mostly because of the "dark" right? i never said that the fear of the unknown is the primary reason for the fear of the dark, i said that its the primary product of the fear of the dark


thats...kind of already established by the birth devil theory. Still doesn't explain the erasure Thats completely different. Darkness and the unknown are deeply connected. Thats completely different from you trying to tell me that the birth complications devil can ERASE DEVILS CONCEPTUALLY (but not hybrids, which your theory doesn't explain), because Angel made a SIMILE. Angel didn't say it was a womb, he just compared it to that. If angel had used any other form of symbolism, the birth devil theory would be dead and buried. You're still ignoring my point on how it doesn't explain most of Chainsaw Man's characteristics


>Thats completely different from you trying to tell me that the birth complications devil can ERASE DEVILS CONCEPTUALLY thats definitely a weak point for this theory, the actual birth complication devil is something im not too sure of yet and how it ties into pochita, i will update if i can improve but saying that devils cant use what they're feared for as a power is just wrong >(but not hybrids, which your theory doesn't explain) im not trying to explain that? last time i checked im talking about the origins of erasure and not about the anomalies that are the hybrids (cuz they are somehow not affected by erasure, which they should be) > If angel had used any other form of symbolism, the birth devil theory would be dead and buried. ALL of fujimoto's symbolisms are important thats like saying if makima was a father figure instead, that would just shit on fujimotos symbolism and story telling >You're still ignoring my point on how it doesn't explain most of Chainsaw Man's characteristics is that not in the last lines of the post? or are you talking about pochita's strength? i dont have a theory/explanation about that because this theory is about his erasure, not strength as theres not much to go on to make a theory about the origins of his strength YET


so you agree it kind of defeats the entire pointy of the theory? I never said that, I don't think you're quite understanding what I'm saying? If you can't explain that point then your theory isn't that convincing. It's all important, but you can't act like a SIMILE means he should be able to break the power system. The simile there was a means to an end, the "mothers womb" thing isn't some ground breaking lore discovery, its just a way to easily explain what hell is like for devils, hence it being a SIMILE I already mentioned all the things it's missing. Did you fully read my original comment?


>so you agree it kind of defeats the entire pointy of the theory? the possibility of that devil existing does not defeat the point of the theory, because both are theoretical, but for my theory to have more plausability i would need to deal with that first, but that still does not completely turn my theory invalid >I never said that, I don't think you're quite understanding what I'm saying? what are you saying? let me remind you its the DARKNESS devil, utilizing the fear of the unknown, not both fears being the same devil at the same time, so both cant be as "linked" as you may think, darkness is the cause of fear of the unknown as shown by the DARKNESS devil, its in the name >If you can't explain that point then your theory isn't that convincing. NOBODY can explain this??? its an anomaly, the manga literally puts focus on how thats not supposed to happen and how unusual that is >its just a way to easily explain what hell is like for devils, hence it being a SIMILE i would trust that when fujimoto gives us the ONLY coherent explanation of hell, it would be important and not just an "easy" way of explaining things >I already mentioned all the things it's missing. it looks cool as fuck is the reasoning for most of the devil designs, fitting for a chainsaw devil, and for his personality, i ask you this, why is the falling devil a cook? being a cook is nowhere near related to falling, why should chaos be related to chainsaw? unless thats some foreshadowing that fujimoto is gonna reveal with the "original erased uses" that barem was talking about


what You still don't understand what I'm saying. I'm saying it's stupid to say that the "birth Devil" or whatever can erase concepts because of a simile. Thats not the same as the darkness devil utilising the fear of the unknown. Birth isn't even wildly associated with chainsaws anymore, and it doesn't make sense that that could break the power system Plenty of theories have attempted to explain it. If your theory can't explain several details then its not a good theory ??? the point of a simile is for things to be easier to understand, thats it. so you're telling me that only the parts that you think matter (a simile said by angel, his scarf, his saws) matter, but all of his other attributes are just random? If you want to make a theory, it has to explain all of his attributes. If he isn't the chainsaw devil, that means each of his attributes are specifically designed to be related to another concept, otherwise it would be bad writing. You can't just pick and choose what you think matters. Being a cook is how falling presents herself, not what she inherently looks like, and thats because she is being controlled by famine, who loves food.


>I'm saying it's stupid to say that the "birth Devil" or whatever can erase concepts because of a simile genuinely do you know what a theory is im too tired to explain exactly how you're misunderstanding the very BASICS of a theory im saying that IF,,,,, IFF,,,, IIIIIFFFFFFFFFFFFF,,,,,, what angel said was to be taken as true, then that could explain pochita's erasure,, IIIIIIIIIFFFFFFF and do i really have to explain why that IF is better than some random bullshit IF? because it has a PROBABILITY to it that makes it more PROBABLE than bullshit >Being a cook is how falling presents herself, not what she inherently looks like, and thats because she is being controlled by famine, who loves food. now heres an example of a random bullshit IF, NOWHERE does this get said, this is on the same level of PROBABLE as the "pochita being the birth devil" theory >Plenty of theories have attempted to explain it. If your theory can't explain several details then its not a good theory im actually getting irritated now since you're just plainly lacking knowledge on what theories are my theory is based on the ORIGIN of erasure, not how the fuck it doesnt work, why should i have to explain that when its not even related????????????? do you hear yourself? it would make sense if this was a theory on why the hybrids didnt get erased, but guess what, IT ISNT >so you're telling me that only the parts that you think matter (a simile said by angel, his scarf, his saws) matter, but all of his other attributes are just random? and i also said that it could be some foreshadowing, things not revealed yet, and for his attribute of being chaotic, (i genuinely cannot believe i have to explain this i literally thought you were talking about something else) ITS IN THE LAST LINES OF MY POST glad to know the only flaw in my theory is the fear of miscarriage, but i'll probably be able to improve on that tmr when im not tired