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Rare in this day and age that something like this was kept under wraps. Genuinely stunned by that


The Sun did an exclusive on it in January but people ignored it because it’s the sun lol


TBF - rightly so.


Fair enough I think. Even a broken clock is right twice a day, haha.


The boy (tabloid) who cried wolf (assault).


Genuinely. Mad that this was kept under-wraps till sentencing. I hadn't heard anything about this incident before today


Prison FC with a Sol Campbell style signing


What the fuck? Was this common knowledge beforehand?


I did see some reports about 3 months ago saying he was set for trial but as far as I'm aware it wasn't common knowledge until recently. We were interested in him last summer, it might be we found out about this in our due diligence.


I was desperately hoping we signed him... Dodged a massive bullet there.


dodged a massive rock more like it


Unlike the truck driver


He was probably texting and didn't look up.


You're weird 👍


Truck driver will be forever wishing he didn’t sign ilias chair 🙏


I’d heard about it. At first glance it sounded like someone trying to get money out of a football player, because the guy was specifically asking for compensation and referencing how it would only be a weeks wages of his. I didn’t look into it very much though, and I’m very surprised to see anything further come of it. I’m struggling to believe, he’s never seemed the type, always seems a great guy in interviews, but you can’t ever really know them I guess


I remember thinking we were a certainty to lose him to a larger club during the transfer window, and I thought it was odd that there wasn’t so much as even a whisper, let alone a rumour, of him being linked anywhere else.  I imagine this case was a big reason for that. Had no idea it was this severe.  Edit: QPR’s statement is that the proceedings aren’t concluded so they won’t comment further. After doing a little more reading on Twitter, it looks like the Sun has updated their article and said that Chair is appealing the decision, is back in the UK and still free to play.  Doesn’t look like the Jail sentence is anywhere near finalised yet.


owners basically saying hes good at kicking a ball so we dont care he prob killed a guy


What are you talking about? They said the club can’t comment on it as the proceeding isn’t finalised. That’s a stock standard legal response, every company in the world with a legal department would have said the exact same thing. The Sun said he’s free to play, doesn’t mean he will.


guess well see in a few hours.


Wasn’t he defending himself and his mum from a gang who were attacking them?


This will have no impact on QPR. Apparently it’s a suspended sentence on appeal so they are going to keep playing him.


1 year with a further year suspended seems like a relatively light sentence. But at least unlike most footballers who commit crimes he is going to prison, rather than it just costing them hush money.


Troy (Deeney) did 3 months 2012 when he got done for affray. Arguably coming back with a much better attitude and becoming one of our best players of the Pozzo era.


*RELATIVELY light??? Motherfucker should have AT LEAST five years unsuspended, probably more, hard to argue against it being attempted murder which would be much more


Christ, I'm not the one sentencing him, calm down.


you might be though


Judge Coil.


Most QPR thing ever. The day before crucial relegation battle, lose one of the side's best players because he brained a lorry driver. I hope the driver's road to recovery is swift.


yeah it happened 4 years ago though


Don't worry, we'll still gift you the 3 points. Although pleased he won't be scoring his customary 20 yarder against us.


I just ... absolutely no words. Only hope is that we stop paying his wages and can bring in a free agent or two.


Would imagine it’s a pretty clear sacking offence so no need to worry about wages


In the real world it would be a straight up sacking, but for a football club in QPR's position that's throwing away a valuable asset. If it's at all legal, they'd be better off fining him a year's wages and retaining his contract so he can later be sold.


Be sold for what? Most clubs will want nothing to do with him anymore, and the clubs that will, will most likely know this and aren't going to offer much for him.


As long as he's still a good player, there's going to be a club willing to buy him. Maybe not in the UK, but likely abroad. Any amount is better than nothing. And even if they can't sell him, there's always the possibility that he ends up turning things around (like Troy Deeney) and helping the club in the future. It doesn't really benefit anyone to just sack him.


There's always Saudi Arabia, they won't care




Wow that was unexpected. Career done?… in the UK you’d imagine.


I very much doubt it. Footballers have come back from worse sentences


Luke McCormick. 300 games in the EFL after he was released from prison.


I’m trying to think who? Ched Evans was acquited. Johnson? No. Lee Hughes? David Goodwillie?


Luke McCormick killed 2 kids and carried on playing


Lee Hughes was in jail for three years after causing death by dangerous driving and he was signed by League One Oldham Athletic while he was IN prison, ready for when he was released.


Clubs like to paint themselves as moral beacons but at footballs core is competition which breeds power, greed, corruption and the moral compass goes completely out the window at times.


i dont know why he wasnt charged with Leaving the scene of an accident too, considering he ran off and didn't turn himself in for 36 hours (probably to avoid a positive breathalyser test)


I mean it’s a tough one isn’t it? You do your time, so is it right to prevent someone out of jail from finding employment? Some of is had major reservations, but apart from chants from other fans he was left to do his job. I think the problem in his case was the time wasn’t sufficient for the crime, but then that’s not his call.


Marcos Alonso killed a woman whilst drunk driving and has had a fine career since then, 4 seasons in Serie A, 7 in the premier league and 2 in La Liga.


I’m sure why in his case it took nearly 5 years to convict him but he got off very very lightly.


Marlon King


Ergh. That’s quite a history he has. >two cases involving assault of young women rejecting his advances in the Soho area of London Wanker.


Marlon King the serial offender, yet clubs kept him on their books. I think he is one of the worst.


David Goodwillie gets hounded out of every club he joins in Scotland


Mate there's rapists playing in the Premier league, a little skull shattering blip is nothing.


There’s no convicted rapists in the PL. That’s the difference mate.


If 20 women come forward and say one of your mates raped them, what's your response?


I’m not having this argument. I’m saying that’s the reason they still play football. They’re not convicted of it. The minute they get convicted, their career is over in this country - unless you care to find an example of a convicted rapist playing PL football.


Ronaldo is everything but a convicted rapist… everyone knows he did it. I know you’re asking about convicted people but still.


Can’t believe people worship that twat.


I definitely can sadly. Utd fans disregarded, the number of people who love Greenwood seemed to skyrocket when he was outed as a rapist


It's not an argument it's a really basic question to see if you have a consistent moral position. Your reply was around the semantics of convicted vs not convicted to imply there are no rapists in the PL. We both know thats bollocks. Ronaldo played for years. Partey is still playing. Rape convictions are the hardest cases to prove, especially when the defendants have extraordinary amounts of wealth.


Yup, at the last count the prosecution rate was around 1% in the UK. Really gets the noggin joggin’.


Not to immediately believe them without evidence


What evidence is there you plum?


Playing at Getafe, you mean…


Ronaldo played for years, partey, the geezer from Everton was a nonce etc.


No further action against Sigurdsson though. The evidence just must not have been there. That Partey case must be a shitshow.


Partey?- you picking these names at random?


Not a chance unfortunately. Only a year in prison - he’ll be available for the start of 25/26.


Troy Deeney went on to have a half decent career unfortunately so who knows


Career done in the UK imo But he'll probably pop up in Turkey or Saudi after his time is up


Seems a very light sentence for what sounds like a horrible crime. Definitely not good for QPR though given his influence lately, and just as they were looking likely to escape the bottom three any moment.


Oh ffs! Away day to Burton next year it is


I never wanted to play Peterborough, Pompey, Burton and Wycombe ever again. Absolute torture down there.


Chances are you'll play two of those next season (if Posh can win the playoff against Derby..)


I’d imagine so. Don’t mind it so much if they’re shit next season which in classic P’Boro fashion they will be if they come up. It was just torture competing against them at the top.


wouldve gone up last year had they not bottled a 6-1 lead


Hold our beer. We’re not letting you get relegated over us without a fight.


I’ve done a little more reading around, and I don’t believe this is the final verdict. QPR’s statement is that they have no statement as the proceeding has yet to reach its conclusion. The Sun has also amended their article and said that Chair is appealing the decision, is back in the UK and is free to play for QPR.


Surely the right thing for QPR to do is to suspend him playing pending the outcome.. go on


It’s definitely debatable. The thing is, until the verdict is finalised Chair hasn’t legally done anything wrong. This happened four years ago, let’s say the appeal lasts 3+ years. Does Chair give up three years of his career for something that could end up being dismissed? The counter point, is that if Chair is guilty he gets another three years enjoying life being a professional football player. It’s a hard line to distinguish.


Wait a minute. Hasn’t he been found guilty? Often people go to prison on a guilty verdict, but can appeal. So he’s now guilty until proven innocent on appeal.


What the fuck? Nasty cunt. As further punishment, his last goal for the club should be taken away and the game’s scoreline adjusted accordingly. It’s the right thing to do.


Didn't get to paper and scissors then?


Fuck sake should have sentenced him a week earlier


All his goals should be null and void…


Well, that’s QPR down then.


I don’t know. A Chair-less QPR is probably still better than Harris-ball.


Who said you arent both going down.


Fair point 😅


What was that?


😅 Joe Edwards won 4-0 in his first match in charge. I’ll hold my reservations until the end of the season. We had under 20% possession. Just goes to show, for our club anyway, that having the fans behind you instead of on you makes all the difference in world. Southampton didn’t really look up to it. Not creative enough after their first attempt failed to break the back line.


Fuck man, heard rumors of this but didn't know much. Glad that he's facing actual consequences unlike most footballers but it's frank that we are in trouble without him which shouldn't be at the front of my mind but is sadly. Thoughts with the driver.


Always plays like Messi against us that cunt


You don't have to worry bout that anymore


Bought him on FIFA because of it. Considering I also bought Mason Greenwood before all that... I sure know how to pick them.


damn, there were rumours we were in for him but now im very glad we didn't get him


Well, that’s pretty horrific.


What the actual fuck?


QPR are going to struggle he was their best player when we played against them


Jesus what a psycho


This is mental, he was flying last season was surprised he didn’t get a premier league move but makes sense now!


Hope the driver's recovery is going well


proper championship moment hope the driver gets well soon


That's crazy. I always wondered how QPR kept hold of Chair for so long. That's QPR really fucked then 


What the fuck.


Holy shit, wtf brings someone to do something like that? Maniac. Fook off outta our divvy.


Could’ve walked into most championship squads; what an absolute Bellend


Fucking hell glad you rejected our bid now!


Their best player as well


What the fuck? Where did this come from. Breaking a truck drivers skull?! Crikey. Huge blow for QPR in the relegation battle. He absolutely bossed the midfield at Ewood.


What a horrible man! I guess the club will have to sack him and somehow patch the gap left behind l. Hopefully the victim will return to full health, but it sounds like a really nasty injury.


Great signing for Prison Fc, they'll be a real force next season.


It supposedly happened in France, the French decided no crime had been committed. The Belgians decided to have a trial in Belgium instead because allegedly the victim was Belgian. That's not how law works. It was out of their jurisdiction. No way does this stand up to an EU court. You cannot try someone in your own country because another country decides there was no case to answer.


That's exactly how the law works. International Law allows a state to exercise jurisdiction to prosecute someone in these situations: - Statute and Criminal codes specify they can - The offence took place in its territory - Active Personality - the offender is from that state - Passive Personality - the victim is from that state - Universal Jurisdiction - the crime is sufficient to be considered illegal everywhere I.e Piracy, Torture etc


Prison FC have a new signing


That's quite the own gaol.


This was a brilliant gag that deserved more. You lot don't deserve me.


Imagine deliberately caving in somebody's skull and getting a year / 6 months. Fuck this country.


> Fuck this country. Unless you're secretly Belgian this is a bit irrelevant.


Only a prison sentence? Should have been sent to the chair.




Yeah that will get you into prison


And he’s still available for selection? What the absolute fuck?


Objection your honour! He got the ball. Games gone soft