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The cold realisation that american wrexham supporters will be infiltrating this sub by 2027 or so


Nah, they’ll get stuck in League 1 for a while once they get up - they’ve had the biggest budget for the last few years and still cut it close every time. They’re well funded, not well managed. It’ll make a difference in league 1 - owners will likely lose interest with 2-3 years of midtable boring shite in league 1.


TBH I think if their first League 1 season turns out at the worst midtable, they'll sack the current manager and bring in some lower premier league manager keen for solid pay and some very good PR. Like a Chris Wilder, Dean Smith or Nathan Jones or someone. They'll keep chuckin money at it til they go up but get to the prem? Don't think they have the resources for that really unless they overhaul everything.


Warnock to wrexham!!!


Orr es a good lad that deadpool you know what a mean our Sharon had a dream she shagged him so I ad to take the job really an I said to the lads forget all that Disney nonsense let's get out there and play some propa football


We all know he would. Colin would relish being a Disney hero


Imagine convincing Chris Wilder to join a team in League 1. No, really.


It's looking like his level, the issue will be - as you say - convincing him of that. Hopefully when he walks in that Wrexham tea lady has put on a solid spread of sandwiches.


Did you just say "Premier League manager" and Nathan Jones in the same sentence? I mean statistically the best manager in Europe but still


i just hold out hope that the welsh connection between him and Wrexham will make out for hilarious tv tbh


I’m sure the plan must be to get them to the Championship if they can, clearly grow the fan base and get some foreign investors in to keep pushing it. I doubt two actors really have enough money or know how to get there on their own


Reynolds may look and come across like a goofball but he's an incredibly savvy investor and businessman with a really large net worth and boatloads of connections. But McElhenny, sure. I think you're right in that is likely their plan. Investors probably see the Wrexham journey as a bit too "far" for immediate gratification as they fight for promotion in L2. But if they got to the championship, them being "almost there" would catch the eye of investors big time. They probably look at the likes of Bournemouth and Luton (similar infastructure to wrexham and still won promotion) and can justifiably believe it too


It was Rob who brought Ryan in


If they still have the TV series going by then, Nathan Jones would make it appointment viewing.


If they interview him in every episode, I might reconsider my attitude to Disney + and watch it


Oh PLEASE let them get Wilder.


This idea that they're going to get bored just doesn't make any sense to me, granted, it's possible. But, you don't see it said against most other owners, and very very few owners get themselves as involved with the local community as they have. And at this point, if they do end up leaving after a few years, they will have left them in a significantly better position than when they arrived.


If they left tomorrow they would have the biggest budget and losses for league 1 and 2, all the big sponsors would leave... i dont think it will be all roses but at least they got them out of the national league.


Yeah, it's easy to underestimate league 1, some decent teams and big clubs are usually in there


There is, at the top. It’s absolutely laughable from about 9th down. No clubs have any money so Wrexham would pretty much in year one be able to get top half. People on this sub are underestimating how shit a league it is from about mid table down.


Can confirm 👀


Yea the nature of what they’re doing means they effectively need promotion every season to keep any sort of external interest going.


We should start preparing now and leaving breadcrumbs. How do we initiate them? 


Wrexham crumble memes when they bottle L2 playoffs?


I remember checking out the Wrexham sub after our debacle with them. Half the threads were Americans saying what huge fans of Wrexham they were while asking if getting knocked out of the FA Cup was the end of the season or if any more games would be on. I for one will feel somewhat vindicated if more people start to realise what a bunch of tits they are, celebrating a massive influx of cash and a bunch of plastic Disney fans as though it's a classic underdog story.


Seeing yanks on twitter have a go at the matchgoing fans for criticising "Parky" was also a good laugh


Yeah, we had a bit of history with Parkinson being a bellend and making comments about us and Billy Sharp when we were fighting Bolton for promotion in League One too. Which was on top of things like Wrexham's Twitter putting out pictures of them doing the Son celebration after the draw. Honestly didn't resent them being excited and bigging up the game but you can't do that and not expect something back, especially if you lose.


The sheer arrogance and media bias along with them slating us in the documentary for not liking them being arseholes has me against them. Just wish we did the job properly at theirs


It was probably worth it for the "Stick that on your documentary" moment.


Oh, I'm early. Though, I think their ownership will last longer than the show, it does seem to be much more McElhenney's baby than Reynolds. I think they will hit a stall in the League 1/Championship range when they become "not that special" Oh you have a show, so does Sunderland....and Leeds, and probably one other team by the time they get to the Champo. That said....it's a fun ride. And let's not forget, this is supposed to be fun.


hopefully we either get promoted or relegated before that happens, can't handle seeing this sub get ruined


Jokes on you. Been supporting Leicester since ‘13 and it looks like I’m not going anywhere


Only 3 million less than us wtf haha


I'm just jealous as they'll have definitely blown our budget apart 😂


Left Heathrow last week, guy in the restaurant in his red Macron, United Airlines branded Wrexham shirt. Then he opened his f***ing mouth. Trying to explain to an American they're not going to win the EPL next is like trying to explain to Todd Boehly that playing in the Champions League isn't automatic.




lol those are basically the same things (said as an American, we dumb)


Wrexham have a better chance of winning the European Cup than Chelsea!


Wrexham aren't the only team who have spent massively to gain promotion to league 2. In fact they've been on the other side of the coin where they got fucked over by Fleetwood over 10 years ago. It's how teams get promoted out of that league. People don't like then because of their owners and the documentary. I couldn't be happier for my mates who are Wrexham fans. They've suffered a lot over the years.


Theres spending alot then there out spending the league above Wrexham are City in the lower leagues


A big wage bill is only an issue if turnover doesn’t keep up. That’s why we have profit & sustainability rules.


Booo, get with the zeitgeist man


Someone has found a smart way to get extra revenue for a football club. I'll take that every time over some quasi-state owned club throwing money in.  It's not like every other club in the pyramid is fan owned and sustained by their gate sales. The lower leagues have had plenty experience with money clubs trying to climb


They made losses of like £5m in 2022 though


I’m not an expert on the regulations, but I know the cap in L1&L2 is a percentage of turnover and Championship is overall losses over 3 seasons. Both are linked to revenue though and Wrexham’s revenue would be more on a par with Championship clubs. I also don’t know how long term investments (eg. rebuilding the stand, renovating training ground) are accounted for.


I cannot stand any of the narrative around this Wrexham nonsense… I live in North Wales, about 30 mins from Wrexham. When the two actor johnnies bought (or just invested in?) the club and we got the first Disney series of the show, ALL I would see in the local papers and media was “how proud we are of our Welsh boys. The ultimate fairytale happening right here!” It was exhausting. It kinda tailed off a bit this year for the constant exposure, but having said that.. We (Blackburn) played Wrexham in the FA Cup recently, we smashed them 4-1. It was televised in Wales on iplayer, I watched the game. Like… I know it’s a Welsh broadcaster, Welsh pundits, etc… but fuck me, the bias was unreal. Late in the game when Wrexham were thoroughly beaten the commentators just kept mentioning how “it’s a long old season for Wrexham, you can’t expect every match to have that Hollywood ending. The boys are doing their best, but they’re tired. There’s injured legs in that squad”, etc, etc… Like no other team contends with injuries. It’s just… exhausting. Wrexham, from my journeys there, is a dump. Filled with a lot of drug culture and poverty. It just clashes so much with this image that gets painted by this sickening documentary.


Don't sit on the fence fella, tell us how you really feel 😂


I like Wrexham as I lived there for a year, before Ryan took over. It's very much not/wasn't a footballing town or should I say city now, even though nobody wanted it to become a City. So yes the whole story they're trying to push is bizzare as up until recently Wrexham was split between most people living there supporting bigger teams and the others prefering Rugby. ​ Having said that, I'd still back Wrexham any day as I liked them before the hype train started and they were too big of a club for the conference tbf, I feel like their many years in the Conference has made it hard for a club their size to attract the support they should have being one of very few Welsh teams in the top 5 leagues and basically the only notable one in the North of Wales.


I grew up in Chester, spent my teen years there. I am obliged to hate Wrexham by proxy.


I hate American influence in football I hate American influence in football I hate American influence in football


Major Leeds Soccer was… a thing… an awful awful thing


Right, fuck owners that give a shit about their club and are willing to spend money on them and on the community. We need more skint owners that would sooner turn the ground into a supermarket. Get those bastards who come from a country I don't like out of the game and replace them with a proper English lad who wouldn't possibly betray supporters


Good owners or at least for now they do,as Reynolds has a brand he can build and better than many. Very annoying and probably the most plastic club outside the sky six








Which part of the US do you live in




Must be one of the worse cities in Penn then.




Oh come on man. Look at the HDI. Look at almost any metric for evaluating a country. Talk to a single immigrant who worked their ass off to get here. America is not #1. It has lots of problems and lots of dumb mean people. It has so much room to grow and get better. But its sooooo far from this hell you are pretending you live in. Get offline for a while and go touch some grass Jesus


You also generalise an entire country to be a shithole so I'm not sure whether you're really that open-minded.


Yeah well I can pretty confidently say that England is a shithole and I live here.


I live in America. It’s got a lot of problems, but I don’t think most of the the rest of the world is doing much better. Certainly not the UK, which is just America but even more of a shithole. I’ve lived in both.












Lmao nah, I just think you’re kind of a cunt. Where exactly have I stated support for racism and capitalism? Please quote me. I literally have Leeds flair…? The fuck are you on about?


It's mental that a club in 5th tier football can have higher wages than the top leagues of most other sports worldwide. Football really needs a salary cap.


Those insufferable cunts need to realise that when a fan of a team infinitely larger than there's takes a dislike to them, it isn't jealousy. They just don't like the see the gentrification and Americanisation of the EFL, the yanks, Arabs and other money men have already ruined the Prem and made it a stale soulless shell and now they're coming for the lower leagues.


Absolutely. I for one am certainly jealous of Wrexham, especially as they're just doing what we did in the early 2010s, just with far more funding but I'm also sick of having to educate the hordes of American fans that have infiltrated the league 2 subreddit and other media platforms. Smaller clubs are starting to struggle to compete in as low as the 5th tier now due to foreign investment, its mental.


> American fans that have infiltrated We get Plastics on our sub too *"Oh, hai guys! I want to root for the Southampton Saints..."*


Need to bin Parkinson off


*laughs in underdog*