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Leeds v Boro would be a good game and Boro have 2 Socceroos currently in the squad in Riley McGree and Sammy Silvera (and Tom Glover but likely not gonna play). Leeds is also a nice city would great countryside nearby. Might not be doable if you’re going to be London based.


There's a direct train between Leeds and London, only takes 2.5 hours ish


If the OP's considering the train better book it now'ish. It costs a comical amount to use the train without very early advance booking.


Very dependent on where you are staying while you are here. Aim to get one thats fairly local as you dont want to spend a good chunk of your stay here travelling. Leeds v ~~Middlesborough~~ Middlesbrough should be a good game if you can get tickets. Alternatively Coventry have massive rivalries with both West Brom and Hull so those are options too. Edit: spelling






Well you can’t get into a Plymouth home game for love nor money, so even though you’re probably thinking that game against Swansea looks enticing, better look elsewhere.


Why would Plymouth vs Swansea be particularly enticing? About as average a game as you can get in the championship.


I suspect there may be a smidge of sarcasm in the op




West Brom vs cov is always good


West Brom-Coventry is one of the biggest rivalries in world football, well worth going


everyone here is saying the same, must be good ahha


Middlesbrough... because my family support them in Melbourne and Adelaide!! Plus we have a few Aussies in the team


If you can pick up a ticket, I'd say West Brom v Cov, midweek night game... be a cracker, that


If you do Derby v Pompey you might see fellow Aussie Kusini Yengi play.


Realistically not being biased (well I am) but Oxford vs Sheffield Wednesday is always a good close game for some reason.


Agreed, I like Oxford, the surrounding area is delightful for a tourist aswell, very historic.


Not Blackbird Leys though. Try again in 2 years when we’re either homeless sharing with MK or Wycombe, or in Kidlington with a shiny new stadium.


Comes down to where you're staying really, but from that list any of Leeds v Middlesbrough, West Brom v Coventry, Coventry v Hull and Norwich v Burnley could be good bets. All are games between sides that can play some decent stuff and will be expecting (at least) to challenge for the playoffs. If you've any train travel to do to get to a fixture - book early! Tickets go up for sale 12 weeks in advance and UK trains are hideously expensive buying on the day for anything that isn't a local service.


If not Oxford Wednesday like the other commentator I see West Brom v Coventry Luton v Stoke To be of good quality (based on early predictions of myself) If you’re going for the atmosphere Leeds is always good Sunderland too but might be abit far for a tourist Sheffield is always good and you can visit Sheffield FC and have the whole first ever football club vibe


I can only speak for the Sheffield Utd games really. Neither of the games at Brammall Lane are big rivalries or owt but you can probably get tickets easy enough. Also Argyle's travelling support is usually pretty big and loud so you might have a bit of fun in the away end at that one. West Brom away is usually a good laugh. I need to sit down with my lad and plan which away days we're doin, but West Brom is much more likely than Millwall away. Yorkshire to London and back on a tuesday night, bah.


Very dependant on where in England you're going to be staying and how long for. Bit more info needed


What part of the U.K. will you be in?


London but we have time to do over-nighters in other cities if necessary


Go and visit Leeds. It’s about 2 and a bit hours on the train up from London. It’s totally different up North, nicer people and it’s a great city.