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Let's be honest, most of us are pulling because she's hot af anyways


Not only that her gameplay looks more fun and also I like fire more lol


Both are very beautiful, dragon and pheonix theme are both cool. So it is still debatable.


Not debatable. Subjective


Booba >>>>> Numbers but i agreed that her echo is kinda shit


Changli takes significantly less time to peak in her dmg. On top of building 40 Incandescent stacks off field, Jinhsi also has to go through multiple Es and Basic Attacks X4. It's a lot easier to lose out on critting with Jinhsi, and a lot easier to interrupt her. Therefore her dmg has to be higher to account for all the time spent building it up, and all the possible ways it could go wrong. Think Calcharo, but now has to build maybe 8 gauges just for Mercy. It's basically ramp-up dmg over time. Lastly, what do you mean changli passives aren't the best? Bonus Fusion dmg and ignore DEF is huge. Edit: Jinhsi can build up Incandescent stacks herself now, which makes things better, but it is still ramp up dmg over multiple instances of dmg that will be more inconsistent due to crit.


Sorry for the incorrect tldr. I meant her weapon passive. I have to edit that later since I am on the phone.


Hi sorry how does Jinhsi build incandescent stacks by herself? I can't seem to figure that part out.


You basically just deal dmg with her. It's the first half of her Eras in Unity forte. It's why some ppl use her R into her final E.


bring up this question dont you dare in this subreddit who tf cares my wife is the best jinhsi could never compare on another note I still think Changli have better value sincr without sequences jinhsi doest reach her full potential while early Changlu sequences does like, not really anything?. Changli is also more future proof since she has the potential to be subdps for another Fusion char in the future (Scar please daddy). I also think jinhsi team comps are pretty limiting withou S2(S3?) since you need rainbow elements (not sure if this changed with her buff).


I would like to make a change in ur words That's "OUR" wife


Y'all are getting delusional she's only mine and mine alone 🥱✨


I think that a Dps that can buff your teammate with her outro has more value and longevity then a pure dps that can maybe be powercreep really quick.


Changli deepen buff is pretty huge, but jinhsi’s double concerto passive is really interesting and I think its not being acknowledged enough. 


I don't know if it's true or not, but can jinhsi allow teammates to activate their intro skill without their concerto energy being full? If so, then that's basically a new way to play the game. In that case, it does make jinshi have more value. But changli does have more future proff value, which is also something to consider. I think it's pretty obvious what the devs are doing. They're both very balanced in terms of kit, design, and character. It's all up to preference tbh. Pick jinshi if you like dragons and like seeing funny numbers. Pick changli if you love mythical birds and like having supportive capabilities for the team and longer feild time.


I play this game for hotness..compare to hoyo games i pull all female..yeah Changli is different breed and better i love swordwoman in video games :)


Standard sword seems significantly worse lol


NOTE: Firebug is a 1.1 echo that’s releasing that does coordinated Fire Attacks like Mortefi, it will be her BiS.


The Jue echo is more cracked than Dreamless https://wuthering.wiki/cn/monster_340000090.html


the way a see it is .. Changli is more suited for duel DPS teams ,but she doesn't have the perfect teammate rn .. when we get another 5\* fusion dps in the future who can utilize her buff much better than the existing ones her value will skyrocket , and she will keep getting better whenever a fusion dps get released but she isn't bad at all rn , she has decent teams currently either as "Main dps " or as Second/Sub dps with Encore/ Yinlin / havoc Rover/Chixia ... I personally find Changli more future proof , but Jinhsi is great too , you really can't go wrong with either , it just comes out to which one you prefer more design/gameplay wise (and it's Changli for me lol) #


The way i see it, If you pulled yinlin, def get jinhsi.... If you didnt pull yinlin, skip her. Building 40 stacks isnt easy without yinlin, even with yuanwu or mortefi.


Misinformation at its peak. Yuanwu with verina/baizhi can fill up the stacks pretty easily.


Ok dad. Gl keeping the boss in yanwu circle without needing to use his resonance skill every 3 seconds :3


I was worried about the same part, but i took the effort to go through his kit and found that one of his traces increases the circle range. Plus, there are multiple showcases if you'ld like to check it out.