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I alr have enough energy(130+), but I’m still gonna use Yangyang. I think her grouping will be useful so i can gather up mobs before bursting with Changli. Yangyang also doesn’t take up too much field time, so Changli gets to shine even longer in my rotations.


Considering the only other real buff support Changli has is Taoqi who has some issues with rotations, I’d say Yangyang is among her best supports (aside from Verina but she’s obvious). Mortefi pretty much only provides personal dmg, same with Yuanwu but he also has stagger resistance and I think shields? The other 4*s kinda don’t do anything for Changli, aside from Chixia for a dual DPS comp but that’s not what you’re looking for. So yeah I’d say Yangyang or Taoqi are the main options to go with Verina and Yangyang will be the easiest to play and the Energy is very nice for Changli since her Liberation cost is so high. Taoqi will give the biggest buff to Changli’s personal dmg, but it’s hard to say if that’s higher overall DPS when her rotation is longer.


I believe mortefi and jianxin are also nice at least jianxin provides an ult buff that changli can use and mortefi can use the buffs changli provides really well in my opinion


Well I personally prefer double dps team For me I have S6 yangyang and might use her But I really want to use jiyan or yinlin with changli and of course Verina ,for now that is ,we all know that scar is fire type main dps so when he comes out Imma gonna use scar, changli,verina, For TOA just use encore , changli ,verina


Where is the scar leak coming from? I haven’t heard anything about scar minus the speculation of him Being a gauntlet user based on his boss fight.


Ya as for now there is no leaks I just making an assumption that scar is based on his fights And many assumption that genshu lin is havoc broadblade user smt like that