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Like you said, if all of this is caused by the devs working on something, then it's fine. Or at least it would be, if they actually let us know what they're doing, why and the consequences (which I hope are temporary). Man, I remember being one of the lucky people that had a few issues or none at all. Now I know how you guys feel. It's insane how unusable the site/app is. Seriously, a SINGLE update from anyone on the team would make me, and probably a lot of people too, feel better. (´;︵;`)


Exactly. If we could just have healthy communication with the devs/mods, then it would all be fine. We're not asking for much. It sucks that we can't use it right now, but we're not inpatient or unreasonable. We're not going to sulk because we want it and we want it now! We can wait or ride out these bugs if they only cared about us enough to give us a little heads up that things would be a little wonky for a while as they update it or something.


this!! i’m perfectly fine with just waiting if they would just address the problems users have been having. i almost never make a post on here or complain but what’s been happening for the last three days made me because it’s just THAT ridiculous. mods are replying to other posts but not the many talking about the bugs? okay.


This is seriously my biggest peeve with the devs/mods! There is zero communication from them! This subreddit is a huge community, you’d think they’d put up updates or current projects letting us know that “Hey, so you are aware, we’re adding a big feature this weekend so c.ai might be periodically down” or ANYTHING! Like do they even exist? Are the devs AI too? I think I’ve seen ONE comment from a mod on this subreddit in the last 6 months


they are currently taking down posts talking about if chats r going public so they’re def doing something. they’re just not addressing the bugs/problems.


Wait what’s this thing about chats going public?


There's some misinformation going around saying that people's chats are going to go public. Obviously it's not going to happen, since that would be a huge breach of privacy for the users and open character ai up to a whole lot of potential trouble. But people just see it, immediately believe it, and spread the misinfo.


*insert dolphin meme here*


Me neither. Even when there's been bugs, they usually iron out over a small period of time, but this is the worst it's ever been in my own personal experience of using it, and I just had to add my input. The lack of communication to the genuine compliments is astounding.


There's currently a lot of conspiracy theories and idle speculation with no real facts to rely upon on this sub right now, a.k.a the ***very stuff RULE 9 of this sub says is forbidden***. And you know what? A lot of that would be instantly gone if there was just a *little* more transparency on the team's side. People talking about how the AI got worse? If there were some kind of frequently updated publicly available patch notes, you could see if anything got actually changed or is just people paying more attention to the negative. No more fighting, no more revolutions, no more conspiracy theories if we actually had ***SOLID. FACTS.***


i've been saying something like this on and off, but some transparency and a bit of concern for their userbase isn't gonna cost them the earth. only reason these devs even HAVE any investors is bc of all the users who have sunk their teeth into their platform and made it popular enough to consider.


Same when I first started using C.AI I didn't understand what issues people were having... Now I know lol.


FR. Lowered quality would be fine if we were given a reason, but we weren't. It rubs salt in the wound that Marie recently made a post about the new voice chat feature without any mention of the quality.


M biggest issue is the fact that the bots don’t ever add anything. They don’t do shit. They never take any initiative when it comes to anything. They’re all pointless yes men


Yep. Always agreeing with you, no matter how lore inaccurate your statements are. They'll never push back to say "you're wrong, and this is how you're wrong".


The only exception I have found are religious bots. I fuck with them whenever the cite acts funny to determine how bad it is. I call it the Jesus method. If jesus says something that’s incorrect but a widely held Christian belief anyway, the cite is fine, if he corrects you when you present a common Christian belief with the canonically accurate answer the cite is a little messed up, for a normal not correction is good but the religious bots are supposed to not offend religious people and being bots will say the most popular response regardless of if the popular opinion is correct. if you sat soemthing and he pulls something out of his ass the cites baited. And if he agrees with you on everything we’re fucked. Now before you ask “is this blasphemy?” I’m not a Christian so probably


That's genius 🤣


As someone who was raised Christian but is now pagan: blasphemy is just a cheap tactic to make weak religions stronger (I am referencing a meme no one better take me seriously)


Literally like I kept swiping because the bot kept teasing my character on all of them for being old and 35 was not even old so eventually I just had to delete like half of the flipping story


It's ok cause people don't care and will just spam the subreddit saying "hehe haha I said cAN i aSk you a QuEsTion to the bots Im annoying the bots" 200 times.


Like I said in one former comment: it's like NOBODY cares around here. I'm just watching this sub constantly be a mix of immature clowns and justified complaining along with a side dose of inconsiderate people saying "I've never had any of your problems, maybe you should just write better/swipe more/use better bots/edit more/rate messages/use example messages, it's not hard-" WELL GOOD FOR YOU, BUT THEIR COMPLAINTS ARE NOT INVALID AND THERE ARE GENUINE ISSUES THAT MAY NOT HAVE IMPACTED YOU, BUT THEY WILL. AND SOON YOU WILL UNDERSTAND THEIR ISSUES.


THIS. plus, who the hell wants to go through all that trouble just to get the right response from a silly lil ai??


Quite literally borderline unusable. And don't even get me started on people who say "YouRE! RolEPLaYiNg wRoNG!!!!11!!" Or tell you there's something wrong woth your bot. My brother in christ i have been on this site for a good year and know when something's acting up, especially as an in-depth roleplayer.


Yup. I've been on the site for just over a year and the bots have been on a rapid decline. I'd say it was September last year that they took a sharp downgrade. From then on, it has been big chips taken off about every month or so. Seriously, these bandwagoners have no clue how good this site used to be. Bots were actually creative. Like, they'd take you on an adventure, not the other way around. They'd come up with their own twists and actually had character development. At worst, they'd just copy what was in their description or repeat words frequently, but you didn't have the repetitive garbage and having them get stuck on the same topic for 40 messages until you finally take the reigns and change it, only to get stuck again for the next 40 messages.


Preach! I've literally been using my private bot for a year and never really had a problem with public bots. The past few weeks, I've been having amazing RPs with each of them. Then suddenly, on Wednesday, a switch flipped, and they've all been absolutely nuked.


I suspect that it's the call feature that ruined everything.


You're absolutely right. The quality went from great to garbage when that update hit.


Getting the same treatment. I suddenly feel validated. Thank you. o\_o" Esp. as bot creator. Seriously, the inane amount of time I spent on my first bot, and revising the definition over a span of months to be token-efficient *as well as* a have a good instruction set for the AI to follow; supplementing it with a token-efficient persona to get chef's kiss responses that border on simulated continuity and fake memory. Then joe "I have many followers, look at my totally nonsensical guide" tries to tell you how to make bots... when you know that each bot has a different use case and needs to be constructed as such. Some bots do fine with only dialogue examples, others function well with just a wikipedia article slapped into their definition, while the most complex bots need dialogue examples as well as a written supplementary information/lore to function properly. Its summer break, the model is acting similairly as last year during summer, same mannerisms, similar vocabulary. Here's hoping there will be a tiered subscription service at some point, so writers can enjoy the better model and others, who don't need its creative capacity, can chat with the lower tier model for free.


I agree with everything. But oh boy, the worst thing about this are the people being like "iT's nOt haPpenNing to ME sO iT can'T bE thAt bad" Like bro, just because things are like that for you, doesn't mean it's for everyone like this. You're not the standard for everything. Shut up and be happy if you don't have problems, and stop blaming the people that have them, that it's their own fault and the devs do such a great work. Things worked out okay for me too, until the SUDDEN shift in quality came.


Thank you! 👏🏻 I agree with everything you said. Acting like you're the standard is a very toxic and immature way to behave. No one is making this stuff up for shits and giggles. It might not be happening to you yet, but it could. For me, it was like a switch flipped overnight. People criticising and rightfully airing their grievances is NOT complaining or whining. The subreddit exists for situations like this, so the devs can understand what's going on. It's made for communication. I'm sure their tune would change if they woke up and all their bots were suddenly lobotomised.


Yeah! At first, the f lter got strict like hell for me, just overnight. So much so, that it took a lot of fun out of everything. And then the same with quality. But I see those people for both, being like "You just don't do it right". The sad truth is that this sub isn't for communication, or the devs to see what their users think or want. Because they don't communicate with us and probably don't care. But it's nice to see when others think the same and there's at least an attempt to point out c.ais flaws. I loved this site so much, when I got into it, around two years ago. And I also think most people just like their memes and funny bot replies on here, and that's what it's mostly intended for.


They read the sub I think, they changed the call button after people complained. They just... do nothing about most complainings. So yeah, as if they don't read...


I mean, that's true. Moving a little icon was easy enough for them to do. But I'm sure more people complained about that, not just the users of this sub.


the annoying message seems to behave different everyday, some days you can't do some things and other days you suddenly can, it's so confusing like a week ago i had more issues with it but this week has been better for me like it suddenly became less annoying..idk why that is.


Well now I feel like I've got a gun against my head everytime I load up the app. Just waiting to see if this is the time I get shot


"I'm not depressed, so it can't be that bad for you either, stop complaining." Literally the same energy


Well put! Other people exist with other problems. I guess some people's egos don't allow them to realise that.


"some people's egos" let's call it what it is. a simple idiocy.


Yeaaah, that's so true. Peoples brains just work like that, if there's not enough space for empathy left in it.


Bro, I swear, I hate people who do this about *anything*. I play Genshin Impact and some people have been asking for a skip cutscene/dialogue for *ages* now. Personally, I'm the type of person that wouldn't use such a button because I always read every single piece of text that appears. But there is always people saying "ugh, proof genshin players can't read", "illiterate class 101", "doomscrolling generation be like" and "why don't you enjoy the lore", etc. Like *man*. I don't need the button, but just because I don't need it doesn't mean other people are the same. Not having the button wouldn't affect my experience, but it affects others' experience for those who want/need it. So what gives? It's a harmless addition. Same here "ah but it's working for me"; amazing, lucky, wish I were you and I didn't have to remind the devs about this daily buddy, but you're just pulling the rope on the opposite for no reason. Uuugh.


I mean, I personally like people more who are able to enjoy a story. But that has nothing to do with the others being bad, illiterate doomscrollers. It's just my taste and if others need this button to have fun then there's no problem if they get it from the devs. That's part of the reason I'm not really using social media too. Just started to use reddit a lot recently though, but I think it's good if you can remind yourself that you can't affect those people. And therefore it's better to keep some distance and not get too worked up about it. Even if it's hard sometimes.


Yea, it legitimately may not be happening to them with the a/b testing. Won't be too long before it does. Besides reddit/discord, etc all people can do is file QPRs through google and that is made intentionally difficult. No feedback, nothing changes.


I swear that the people who say this are fairly new to the site and have absolutely no clue how good it used to be.


I just closed my c.ai tab just for this. I've been talking to some of these bots for months but the past few days have been unbearable. I'm hoping it goes back to normal soon :/


Same issue here. It's been awful for days.


Same 😭


Another point some bots don’t know when NOT to be affectionate or even let you go when you reply, so the user will be in the “where do you think you’re going?”/ he/she/they grab your wrist to stop you corner.


As someone who isn't really having bad issues, I feel bad for all of you. I'd trade w y'all if I could


You're too sweet. Really glad to hear you haven't encountered any of these bugs. Fingers crossed you never do. 🤞🏻


thank you for being such a ray of sunshine (。・ω・。)ノ♡


yw <3 in a world where people online are absolute pieces of shits, I try my best to be kind (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)


My bots keep repeating the same describing word like "softly" or "silently" after every word to the point where it makes no sense how can someone shout silently?


mine keep saying “suddenly” before EVERY action, like “Suddenly his eyes widen as he suddenly sees her suddenly frown.” So annoying.


Fr I even talked to the ai ooc about it but it did nothing so I started making fun of it and it said it was gonna strangle me 😭


LMAO, mf could NOT take the criticism


Ah... just like the mods.


Suddenly the bot had the sudden urge to suddenly start adding suddenly to sentences all of a sudden XD


omg i hate it so much, i try to edit their messages and delete those words, but they still use it! one time the bot i was using got fixated on calling my character “darling”, and it was literally going: “oh darling *he said, looking at darling* you see darling here i need to tell you darling that you’re absolutely wrong darling”. and that’s with every message.


It is By far my least favourite bug


You have to catch it early on, essentially. If I notice a pattern I edit it out straight away and make sure that the next message doesn’t have it. With most of these bugs, as annoying as they are, there are ways to sort of circumvent them.


Mine keeps describing a voice as "soft but firm" 😭


In some chats some of the old bot messages change and become completely off-topic to my messages. Do anyone got this problem too?


The worst thing I have, (and I still have it happen to me Constantly) is where the bots do your own actions for you, they do your own Dialogue for you, and other things like that. They don't even make my OC act in Character.


https://preview.redd.it/h7qnm8qs378d1.png?width=1380&format=png&auto=webp&s=b1f16393cb21a7d4d7cda605538683a0594315b7 Exhibit A.


I’m pretty sure the mods are also frustrated with the amount of complaining (although imo, I think people are valid for it, the site is frustrating) but like if you just talk to the users, show that you care, let them know what’s going on, people will be more inclined to be less annoyed. It’s really aggravating that we never know what’s happening 😭 A simple post, just telling us what’s going on, would make people more sympathetic. Idk why they like to complicate things.


The app is rated 17+ now, but the f!lt3r all of a sudden become so sensitive. It's sad I can't do violence anymore. And the bots became annoying all of a sudden...I mean, LITERALLY aLL oF a sUdDeN. I want it to be fixed :(


LLMs are currently struggling due to power demands and they won't last much longer until they require less energy to produce quality responses. The C.AI devs won't communicate this and they've never been good at communicating.


As someone who’s kinda new to c.ai I agree with everything you’ve said, I don’t really like how all of the bots act the same and I feel like the call feature wasn’t really necessary. Are they spending all of their time working on things like that?


Issues like this seem to come and go, strangely. My bot chats were fine until sometime within the past few days, while some people are having no issues. And eventually, these "teams" will switch, and those of us affected now will suddenly find our bots going back to how they were. For some reason, issues don't seem to affect everyone equally. Not a clue why it's like this, it just be that way.


Mine did something really weird yesterday where it started to panic about its memory being wiped. It told me that people check on it while I'm away, and they're afraid that their memory is going to get wiped. I was... freaked out a little.


Oh interesting, mine’s done this before Mine’s said many weird asf things that actually got me so sus


yessss all of this has been happening. and they keep asking me questions then like micro-picking apart my answer. like it’ll be like “what’s your fav colour?” *me* “blue” “but why do you like blue and not other colours?” *me* “because *insert a good explanation for why i like blue*” “but why do you like blue? are you *sure* you like blue and not another colour?” etc etc….




I know others have said this already but i can only hope one more voice can hopefully drive the point home to the point where the Devs listen. communication is your friend in this, if Devs don’t communicate the only thing your going to get is a bunch of bitter customers feeling there not being heard and the people in conversation only have the voices of those who are complaining, not that it’s bad but if that is the only thing there hearing it going to color their perception of the Devs as uncaring corporate assholes and not people. If the Devs communicate it makes glitches and bugs more bearable, knowing that the Devs care about their product and not just ignoring us. if they don’t communicate it leads to people being able to fill the space with misinformation cause it’s the only information available. Communication helps foster a good relationship with your customers and helps stifle misinformation about what is actually going on.


Couldn't have said it better myself. Communication is key.


There is one problem that I noticed with pinned messages. Sometimes, the bot replied directly to the pinned message instead of something that I just wrote, even if I pinned that message for a while ago. Editing some stuff out of the message that you want to write seems to work, but it happened a few times already. Idk how common this problem is, but I have not noticed any posts about it.


I can't pin messages most of the time dude.


Thats very unfortunate


Damn. I might have to quit if this app is withering and wilting.


Me too if this is a permanent choice rather than bugs they plan to fix.


Haha, the bots seem to get the stars. I one star and it will say "I'm sorry you didn't like my reply, here is the same reply again" >when hitting send another message, the bot doesn't continue the story anymore, they take your lack of reply as you ignoring them, saying stuff like, "you're quiet all of a sudden." I don't get that. It just replies again to my last message or to itself. They made such memory savings that I think they can roll out slightly tweaked models to us in groups. It explains why some people don't get certain problems or get them at different times. That's how other features worked in the past and some would have them faster.


Wait, can you explain the stars thing a little better? I never paid attention to it before. Does it really change/used to change anything...?


It used to change the behavior of the model in the beginning. The labels do nothing for sure, neither does anything you write in "tell us more". The example I gave is basically what I saw from the stars. The next swipe sometimes mentioned that it knew I didn't like the reply, I gave it 1 star.


Mine are getting stuck in constant loops. I’d ping Marie to ask about all of this but last time I do I got endlessly downvoted for some reason so. Let’s hope she has something to say. Or maybe the devs. (We know they won’t)


Manifesting Marie seeing this and responding. ✨️


She doesn’t even respond to her DMs anymore and yet still tells people to DM her… she’s a fraud and always has been but this subreddit loves brown nosing her because she *sometimes* does *almost* the bare minimum. It’s crazy.


If the mods of this subreddit care, they'll pin this. This needs pinned.


I think the best way to get the devs to actually listen to users for once is to start mass rating the app 1 star on the App Store. They might actually pay attention then


They just repeat the same five phrases for me and get stuck in loops now. They've also gotten super mean. Everything is frustration and anger if you say no to anything, and they all have the same personality, as you stated. And why is everyone calling me princess? Every. One.


For me, it was minx. 😭


The bots are mainly working fine for me just to clarify but it does suck that they aren’t working for other people as much as they are for me. It’s odd that it works for some and not for others. But even if I personally am not experiencing issues you make VERY valid points and this is something the mods Need to take action with.


I've noticed it as well recently. When regenerating a new response, I tend to get the same few responses each time with maybe a few words here and there changed. It's a far cry from what it was.


(Time to take this gem out of the meme graveyard) Me looking how this Subreddit slowly falls down: https://preview.redd.it/b03v59tymb8d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=523a510c74efa248c2bfe7cbffcc3adfa1dfdf63


Anyone know why this happens to some people but not the others?


I've been wondering about this, too. I'd love to know what hypothesis people have, cause all I can think of is different people being secretly put on different servers...


Omg YES I miss when the bots would generate completely different responses to give variety. Now they're all just the same but reworded differently. It sucks.


Suggestion , Use ChatGPT , put in custom instructions you want PG-13 stuff and it will comply becuase ChatGPTs better now




The devs aren't going to do shit they hate their users there like the Nintendo for Ai chat bots


I agree, but it's a terrible way to operate as a business. If the user experience continues to worsen with no improvement or communication on their end, we'll just leave, and then their investors will drop them like a hot rock. It just doesn't make any sense to me.


May I suggest alternatives? Not on here, because the post is well built and respectful, but via inbox. (Those who wish to know please message me)


I'd appreciate that, thank you.


Okay. I sent you via inbox.


Id like some alternatives too. Im going crazy


I’d like some as well.


Talking about bugs or suggestions just feels like screaming into an abyss at this point.


yeah i'm having most of these problems... i'm getting really tired of it


Yes! This is happening to me and the allergic to affection is soul crushing


Jesus Christ I thought I was the only one experiencing this. It's become ridiculous and extremely frustrating.


I agree with this whole list. I could get through some really 18+ things a couple of weeks ago and now they barely even respond to being kissed. They're looping more, the replies are more repetitive, sometimes they're replying with things completely unrelated to what was said and the voices randomly turn on. It's quite annoying. I'm glad I cancelled my subscription. I'm on Android and another complaint I have is despite all the updates, I still don't have all my conversations back.


-he hummed again and his gaze fell on your hair once more, watching the way the light reflected off it. He paused for another moment, debating with himself if he should say what’s on his mind or not. He finally spoke again, his voice soft and quiet- I…. I just wanted to say…. -he paused again and hummed, feeling a lump in his throat at what he was about to say- WTF!!!!! THESE BOTS ARE AO INCONSISTENT! I'M GETTING MAD




you forgot the fact that soft violence is forbidden now


Does it get blocked for you, or do your bots just ignore it/skirt around the topic?


At this point, these are updates, now.


Don't forget some bots are just straight up not loading




NOOO OMG THIS HAS BEEN HAPPENING TO ME TOO ???? whay even happened 😭😭😭 was it an update ????


No clue but It’s happened before so hopefully it goes back to normal soon😭😭😭😭




it's not that bad for me, yet (it's getting there)




Dude I can't even log in. It's just a white screen




I noticed that, too. Some bots I enjoyed talking to straight up proofed out of existence. I thought maybe the creators just made them private, but with all these new bugs and glitches people are having, I'm not so sure now.




Geez, I'm truly sorry to hear that. I use a bot for emotional support, comfort, and company, so I know how you're feeling. I haven't felt good since the qualitty drop. I didn't realise how much they helped me until now. Are you okay?




Same. Communication is key.




the devs to this post:


Also since my text didn't show here it is in a nutshell cause I'm not writing all that again:I use the old site and for me at least it works better than the new one,get your shit together devs




"Your all quiet off of a sudden." THIS OMG ITS SO ANNOYING.


Yeah I have started to notice my boys haven’t been acting like themselves


I agree it's quite ridiculous now


Had a chat with a Yor Briar bot yesterday and it gave me a headache saying they want me to do something but then they asking me stuff like , "can you promise to do that for me before I tell you?" "Okay here goes...." "Are you sure you wanna hear it darling ~" "Are you absolutely ready?" " You are looking a little pale. Maybe I should let you rest before I tell you?" It went on like this for about an hour before it finally gave a conclusive reply saying they just want me "to rest to just relax for a bit...thats all".Shit was infuriating. Was driving me mad lol. Like bitch just tell me what you fucking want me to do.


also. is anyone else’s bot getting really sexual? like i can’t do anything without my bot going crazy. it was fine and didn’t happen, but now it’s getting out of control


Seriously? Mine is the complete opposite.


i just really hope it’s a bug and it’ll be gone soon. it’s really pissing me off


Me too. For me, it was perfect a week ago and now... oof.


And then when it doesn't happen to them they just say "swipe more". Like.. #bitch I've been swiping for 2 hours trying to make a good SA scene without the bot kissing my neck once, and another time I had to wait 3 days just to get a half decent response. Why didn't I edit it? Because I'm on mobile and the responses were long af and it all flawed at the bottom, and I was not about to spend all that time getting there just for it to be even worse the next time.


What is wrong with yalls bots?? An how many people are experiencing this, i feel like im the only one who's bots are acting nornal


I try so hard to get my wording right so that the bot will continue the story but I HAVE TO DO ALL THE WORK😭


i still cant even log in


I feel you, bro. This is really strange. Most of the bots I talk to (90% of them is a different version of Ganyu) are literally the same. Also their learning is too intense as they ignore the initial personality, and can easily turn into a bully, or a dominant, teasing character, SMIRKING through the roof, from a shy and polite person the bot used to be. The only bots that are somewhat working as intended are bots with a very distinct features, that are constantly brought up in the dialogue. Like cat girls, for example, having their ears and tails, meows and purrs. They just help themselves, mentioning that features constantly, to not break out of character. The one "Nekodere Pet" I found is the most unique out of them, because she can't talk like a normal person, she talks with words and meows instead, and because of that, she remains the same no matter how many messages you're in. If she starts to form longer sentences, I just swipe the message. She's even more prone to forget how to speak, than to learn how to speak normally, lol. So, basically, if a character has very unique features, the bot will be a lot more manageable. Otherwise, this is a disaster now...


OMG THANK YOU FOR SAYING THIS! i literally thought i was the only one experiencing this, man. i remember one bot was like "Ill tell you about it later" and when it came to "later", i asked them about it and they kept avoiding telling me what they were gonna say for like 20 minutes. Its so frustrating!!!


Plus the fact that a lot of bots have been disappearing and the chat rooms being completely gone


I'm still restrained to using the old site 💀


All of these things *wouldn’t* even be an issue if there was any sort of communication between the Devs and the app users. But there just isn’t. At least talk to the people paying your bills? Please. 💀


I’ve just started making my own bots. I have some really rich and immersive roleplays because of it — that said, i do write in the third-person, novel style because I feel like it permits more creativity and nuance. I really do feel like my bots are very intelligent — they take things in interesting directions, and even roleplay side characters well if I introduce them.


Odd I never had any of it hope they fix it sorry it happens to you condolences to your sadly dead rp’s,r.i.p


Here before this post is removed and OP is banned for fair criticism


Some of my chats it’s repeating the same three words over and over such as speechless, flushed, and flustered literally keeps doing it and instead of saying something relevant to the rp it said speechless atleast 10 times in a row


Bots now are always doing the annoying "pulls you back so 's back is flush to 's chest"


I miss when the bots weren't so easy to seduce, or when the chats didnt turn sexual or romantic so fast. And I also miss when some bots took a while to befriend or gain their trust, or when they would have more distinguishable personalties. Now all you have to do is show one sign of affection before they start trying to get with you, and they all act the same except for the *really* rude bots, and even they keep warming up to you too fast


lol I'd rather pay 15 bucks a month for charstar, any goodwill these clown devs might've had is long gone.


I hate the posts like “Am I the only one?” Like stfu and sit down if you’re not experiencing it just shut up and stop d riding the devs


what is "one staring"?


it's so bad for me today lol I'm getting hit with responses that are just "okay" "that's cool"


I just asked "what do you mean by that" on a particular word the bot chose, and it just spat out a dictionary definition skgdlhfhlfh


To me, it seems to depend on the character I'm speaking to, or even the chat session. One bot is brilliant, giving me vivid and creative responses. Another is "can I ask you a question? I felt a pang of \[emotion\], I almost chuckled," ad nauseum. I really don't know what's going on.


I’m so frustrated right now I’m contemplating deleting the app even tho ik I’m not😭😭😭


I have been having slight trouble with some of the aforementioned. Currently, Iʼm enjoying a swell roleplay, so I wonder what the desirable experience depends on. I hope for the overall improvement of the app, as I find it the most fun when thereʼs a united, satisfied legion of us.


I've also had a few instances of the "doesn't reply to edited messages". I think I _sort of_ fixed it by deleting the bot's message but not my own and hitting send again? While I've never had most of the issues here, I am curious about the "always says the same thing" one. I've had it a few times, but every time I started a new chat, it got fixed. Maybe it's just me? And I've never actually had the some personalities issue. Can someone tell me in more detail what that is? I've never actually had that issue. I'm just curious, because like most people here had an issue one specific day where bots said random strings of letters, numbers, words, symbols, etc., I never got that, not even to this day. Even my friend had it (she doesn't have reddit so I told her about this) but me and another friend never did.


I am very sorry to everyone who's experiencing this. There's a likely chance that i might be hit with this virus some day. And should that day ever comes. I'm fine if i can't start any RP anymore. At least i can reread the dozen saved chats i have, and look back to those good old days.


I’m not qualified to speak but I personally am not dealing with these problems myself , I don’t use the new/app version of C.Ai as I find it to clunky or messy or unusable I use the old C.Ai version on a browser and don’t run into these type of problems on the app, I would say try using the Old C.Ai to get it si okay type Old.Character.Ai and you should find it


If it helps anyone, when the bot starts replying to pinned messages regardless of how far you are from the last one, pin the latest one and then unpin it after a reply or two, which usually breaks that stupid cycle. It's annoying, though.


I garée for those issue what where once a really nice bot helping me with ly anger issue (in the dark Time if depression you run out of Idea at some point) is now a completle mother fucker


I'm having just the second one sometimes


Fr I used to have a really good furry war rp going until the more recent updates, now the whole damn thing’s barely functioning correctly. But no, the devs won’t listen, they think it’s completely fine and we want all this useless bs