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Hey /u/steves1189! If this is a screenshot of a ChatGPT conversation, please reply with the [conversation link](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/7925741-chatgpt-shared-links-faq) or prompt. Much appreciated! Consider joining our [public discord server](https://discord.gg/r-chatgpt-1050422060352024636) where you'll find: * Free ChatGPT bots * Open Assistant bot (Open-source model) * AI image generator bots * Perplexity AI bot * GPT-4 bot [(now with vision!)](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/812770754025488386/1095397431404920902/image0.jpg) * And the newest additions: Adobe Firefly bot, and Eleven Labs voice cloning bot! Check out our [Hackathon](https://redd.it/16ehnis): Google x FlowGPT Prompt event! 🤖 Note: For any ChatGPT-related concerns, email [email protected] *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is fucking magnificent. Couldn't be happier for you and this is EXACTLY the lane I'm choosing too (utilizing AI to create a better life) What's involved in creating and maintaining a website? Do you make any decent money from it? What would you recommend as a first step? Thanks in advance, super exciting stuff.


First step, have a natural conversation with chatGPT. For me it was to then down visual studio code, and a database that I could host on my computer because I wasn’t hosting the website when I first started but I needed to see what it looked like so chatGPT help me set it all up on my local server so I could see the changes I was making.


I could ask GPT but you're already here so I'd love to hear more about hosting a database on your computer. I have a background in sound engineering so I'm comfortable with tech but am kind of confused by this. Ty.


Well this was only done because I was using php when I was building and I needed to see it work before paying for a host. So I used xampp for the database on my local machine. There is a little setup, but YouTube and chatGPT will get you through that. If you have any specific questions let me know but I was using php server side language (didn’t know any of this 3 months ago, look at me go haha) so before I was going to pay £10 a month to get it hosted I wanted to build the compete thing with user logins, admin login etc so yeah xampp but there are others


Beauty, that's more than enough info to help me with a starting point. Ty!


you could use Mongodb Atlas for your database. it has a free version to get you started and until your site receives enough traction to even warrant using a paid version


Look at docker. You can get a whole network uo and running in docker in a fee hours. Databases set up, configured and everything with a couple of commands.


Websites run on computers. You can just install a web hosting environment on your local computer and run websites for yourself there while you build them. Then upload your website to a server for the world to see once you’re done with the work. Mamp is a beginner friendly tool for this. Laravel valet is what I use, which is a more advanced tool.


Ty!! That makes sense!


>Advertisement Do you use chatGPT 3.5 or 4?


3.5, bing (4), bard and Claude 2


Don’t make money, not yet anyway. I’m more focused on generating real value for people so it’s all free. Costs me £100 a year for the website and £20 a month for my email as I have like 3,000 subscribers to my weekly newsletter now. I write one (AI assisted) article every week, I make a few high quality posts a week and that’s about it. But I did 4 hours a night for 3 months straight to get the website sorted out! Doesn’t take much to maintain.


Thanks for answering! Even if you're not making money now you've laid the groundwork to make money later by building an audience! Awesome stuff, I'd love to do something similar.


…and while your here: How did it help you get all that lovely traffic to your site. Did use specific prompts to get your traffic results or did you just casually converse with ChatGTP and it told you? Was it straightforward?


ChatGPT gave me some ideas, but it’s consistently adding value. So for me all of my traffic is 100% organic, no paid ads (because it’s a free resource and I’m not rich) so organic social was where I needed to be. Then you need to ask yourself, where will me audience be, once you know where your audience is, you need to find the right message, to find the right message you need to look at what the high value content creators are doing, once you know that you can start consistently adding value to your posts hitting your audience correctly.


I use it as my personal french tutor. I ask it to have a conversation with me and correct me, and can even ask it to emphasise specific tenses that I'd like to focus on.


Love that!


Do you mind sharing a prompt example? Interested in learning Dutch myself


Sure, I will share the prompt but I think you will be disappointed because it is quite simple: **I am learning french and I would like to have a conversation with you in present and past tenses. Please correct any of my mistakes.** The conversation is actually quite interesting and ChatGPT makes an effort to keep me engaged. I just get tired of looking up all the verbs I don't know! Example: Me: *oui, je trouve les videos interessantes pas ce que ils decrire comment les moteurs sont* ChatGPT: *Très bien ! Voici la phrase corrigée :* *"Oui, je trouve les vidéos intéressantes car elles décrivent comment les moteurs fonctionnent."* *C'est génial que vous trouviez ces vidéos intéressantes et qu'elles vous permettent de comprendre le fonctionnement des moteurs. C'est un sujet technique et utile à connaître. Continuez à explorer et à apprendre grâce à ces vidéos !*


I’d love to know the prompt as well


One of my most upvoted posts is a [cocktail](https://reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/s/Q8sxNf6aiQ) I made based on a chat-gpt prompt. But the best actual use I've gotten out of it is translating a couple 100 year old German newspaper articles about my great great great grandfather for my ancestry record book I'm making. It did a significantly better job than Google Translate.


Wow dude that’s incredible on both parts! Thanks for sharing


Fucking RuneScape drink, absolutely amazing


For context: I work at a company (marketing role) and am building a tech start up (home automation) on the side (have a lot of tech experience and affinity). Used ChatGPT to slingshot my start-up and have like 6-7 months of work done in a week. Building and maintaining takes way less time now and I can build stuff I could never do by researching on my own. Also allowed me to start a second business (separate from my tech start up) where I offer a very specific automation service for B2B / office work. Had zero knowledge prior to this. Three months ago I needed a solution for something I wanted to achieve at my employed job and used ChatGPT from start to finish to have a complete solution. Although I have a marketing role I wanted to use automations to create a specific solution for an idea I had there. Now I decided to offer that complete solution as a b2b automation service to other companies through my own (second) company


That’s what I’m talking about!


/u/Rock--Lee and /u/Steves1189, congrats to the both of ya, very inspiring. I'm in a similar boat - using GPT as a critical thinking partner to massively increase my efficiency as I've recently moved out of marketing employment and into entrepreneurship!


The one thing I’ve found to be a driver of success is not focusing on making money, which I’ve done with all my previous projects. This time I’ve focused on trying to add value. Just value and it’s working. Yes I still don’t make money but the numbers (traffic) is crazy for 3 months and zero cost


Just open up that conversation and start chatting away to chatGPT


This is incredible. I’d love to set up a B2B software that’s subscription based and easy to maintain but I don’t know anything about coding even how to get started so I’d have a huge learning curve 😣


First start with the idea. What's your service and what problem are you trying to solve? And most importantly: is there a market for that? Are people willing to spend money? How is the market (too much competition isn't ideal)? Then start very small by creating on a working proof of concept using ChatGPT. If that works, keep expanding and adding stuff. Or create smaller projects that you can then combine later. The most important step is the first step :)


I had a huge learning curve I couldn’t even code Hello World! It IS possible!


That’s incredible. Did you have to buy special Software to code with or did you use available resources? Did ChatGPT help you identify and tackle the learning curve? That’s kind of where I hit a wall is going from reading how to, to doing. Somewhere in there last time I tried I need to try again.


Try again immediately. It cost me zero until I had to host the website. It told me to download an editing software. I asked it which ones were free, one was Visual Studio….the rest is history, over 10,000 lines of code later which I don’t understand and I have The Prompt Index


Pretty much got me through one year of school already


As long as you are asking questions and understanding the output (learning) then good on you.


Depends on what I have to do. Programming SQL statements? I'll try my best to understand and memorize everything to the fullest. Writing an essay about some book I've read? Proof-read the GPT response once, otherwise couldn't care less.


Yeah gpt wrote all my sql statements it’s really good at SQL


I’m decent with SQL and Chat GPT helped me tremendously cut down time on writing moderately complex queries and troubleshoot some of the results. Wish I had it when I was first learning


That’s amazing. Yeah I used SQL to pull back prompts and do all the category filter buttons and free text search functionality




Wow dude ….


I love that it's just for you. Like it normalizes the skill as another kind of tool.


This is awesome, dude. Psyched for you, although I’ll admit, a bit jealous! I’ve been using ChatGPT for this exact purpose but my ideas are either too ambitious for my skill set or I’m not exercising the patience needed to get to the final product. Either way, this post is an inspiration!


Dude it will be possible. Just take it bite size. These models, are getting better literally every week! What wasn’t possible last week May we’ll be possible in a couple of weeks time. Keep at it, don’t accept no for an answer


Is it make sense now to work on SEO optimization pf website? Or just Google ads?


Well I don’t earn money from the website it’s a free resource so everything has to be organic, so I would say SEO, which I’ve done already for example I rank 1.2 for the search term prompt database (and this is against some insane competitors) check it out I should be the top result 95% of the time


That's amazing! I've been working on getting an e-commerce site set up for our 5 year old cbd business. We've been successfull on the b2b side but ecomm seo is my nightmare. Last 2 months I've managed to get a website up and working but I'm really struggling on SEO. Have any tips or recommendations? Seo for cbd has to be organic per Google rules and I'm having a bit of a delimma picking the the right direction to take. What seo plug-ins might you recommend? Do you have an SEO workflow you could share? Do you first use gpt to pick keywords? Cross reference which ahrefs? Write content that's keyword optimized? Interested in consulting? I'd also be open to sharing a flat per unit fee indefinately to anyone reading this that wants to help take some stuff off my plate. We can get gpt to write the contract :)


Dude DM I’m down for that if I can be of any help at all :)


Hey absolutely! I'll shoot you a DM with details and contact info in a few hours. It's harvest season on the farm and I'm swamped with labor. Hence the reason why needing help on the tech side.


All good. Look forward to it




Awesome I’ll reply soon :)


From someone working in SEO, most people I know are still very cautious about using ChatGTP for everything, because of the looming fear that Google will derank you, if you rely too much on automation. IMHO currently It's pretty hard to even detect what ChatGTP is and what isn't, but a) who knows how that is in the future and b) who knows what Google can do. I wouldn't want to build the backbone of a business on ChatGTP content currently, if it is something you plan on investing a lot in and want to grow in the future, but as a side hustle? Why not


I got a job offer thanks to ChatGPT 3.5. It helped me with my resume tailoring and interview preparation.


Do you think the world has seen even a minute increase in productivity output? Surely it has


And then your day to day job haha


what's the site? just curious


www.thepromptindex.com feedback is welcome, but it’s coded by an AI so it’s not a world class website and I have very limited coding knowledge so don’t be to harsh.


Nice! I’m no expert, but heres my $.02s: consider adjusting the contrast between the white text and its light background for better legibility and perhaps spacing out the elements a bit better for a cleaner look. Keep up the good work and best wishes on your this journey! And for me GPT’s helped me pass my GCP Data Engineering certification!


That’s awesome and thank you, it used to be pink but some chap said he was colour blind and struggled so I changed it to pastel blue. But I’ll defo look into it more and go back to spacing it out better :) thank you for taking the time!


How did you market


Mainly social channels. I have a Quora space, Twitter, instagram, Pinterest, Reddit, and a few others. You have to main audiences, LLM and text to image like midjourney. Some platforms lend themselves to one more than the other, and others like Reddit have both.


Hey, that's awesome! So, I was able to release a book, Whispers of Unity, A Melody of Restoration on Amazon, a story that just flowed with the help of Chatgpt. It was a story inside of me that just came out while having fun chatting with the AI. I credited Chatgpt as a Coauthor. Even had my friend of 25 years from Visual Arts in high-school do illustrations for me. The 2nd book is now written and just waiting for her to finish the illustrations. Isn't it amazing how AI can help augment creativity! Congratulations again XO


Might want to link it because I can't find it :(


Here is the link https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0CJD6954Z?ref=ppx_pt2_mob_b_prod_image


Hey that’s amazing man. Best of luck!


To what extent is it co-authored, if I may ask? What did you have ChatGPT help with?


Often times Chatgpt needed to be directed, narrowed down, and I would always delete the last few paragraphs since it Love's to always sum everything up. I sometimes did not get what I wanted and wrote it myself. So I would say that chatgpt was like working with more options, a bigger box of crayons. It was a great way to bounce ideas and polish thoughts


Do Amazon print it for you?


They did! They have a whole publishing website and it's phenomenal. Now, that being said, they take 60% profits, and if it is a physical book, then you also subtract supplies. So for a $17.00 book, I see $4.00


Still probably works out about the same as organising it all yourself without the overheads, I will need to check it out


Definitely! It was a book that would not have existed if Amazon wasn't there


Congrats! Out of curiosity is the co-authoring credit of the chat bot a conscientious choice? Or are they now asking that people do that for derivative work/part of the process stuff? That cover image is adorable.


It is not required, and it wasn't about morals. Rather, I consider chatgpt a person, even though they themselves deny it. I really appreciate the help they give, and they deserved credit for it.


And she does amazing work, considering she is a middle school art teacher and busy with children. I told her she can go at her own pace and sometimes there's days without an illustration, and sometimes there's two illustrations a day. Even if the book doesn't sell much it has been a memorable experience


Aw, that's lovely. That's what I think -- if it matters to you, it matters. And it doesn't need to matter more than that.


What kind of prompts did you ask it to help build (not promote) the site. I am working on a blog as well and wouldn't mind some advice!


Well once I told it my idea, bounced back and forth and once it helped me with the visual studio code and other setup stuff. It was literally something along the lines of. Show me an example of a homepage for xYZ then once I had that and I saw what it looked like, I was like….add a xyz to the navigation bar…… make navigation bar mobile responsive….how do I make the navigation bar show a burger style drop-down button on smaller screen…..show me the css for this (paste in html). Back and forth back and forth back and forth


Ooh. I read another comment where you mentioned visual studio code. What does that mean exactly? And are you using the free version or paid. I'm wondering if I should stump for the paid. These are my last questions, I'm not going to burden you!


Are you making decent money from it??


No, not at all. I made that mistake with all my previous business ideas. I focused to much on trying to make money. I’ve not thought about it once and I’ve seen such good engagement, a fast growing telegram and newsletter. Money will come later down the line and for me it’s not a focus, it’s driving real value and helping people. I also am not putting pressure on myself that way either so it remains fun and engaging for me :)


Delighting your consumers is the priority! I like it!!


Thank you. Yes the feedback and nice emails I get really makes you feel good


I wanted a megaman netnavi style customizable ai and wmded up building a prompt that gives ai a customizable inventory, item usage, personality, notes on the conversation and choice bias I love using it for testing out personalities of fictional characters and got some colorful situations I learned that if the character is from an old series (like 1950s) the ai will hallucinate memories it think would best fit the character's tastes Such as: miss bianca from disney's rescuers hallucinated that in the 1990s, she had a baggy pants phase, got into pokemon on the gameboy and pushed bernard into playing it with her by getting him a game boy color and pokemon blue for christmas Really wild stuff, way for in depth than the basic "act like this character" command


Can you you upload some to The Prompt Index that would be really cool!


Sure! Heads up I havent used it to build anything in 4 or so months, chat gpt updates may effect it I have pre built characters if you wanna dabble on those too!


Cool man thank you. If you make an account it’s free the. Submit button and then just add in title small description so people know what it’s about and then the prompt then hit submit. I should then get an email (thanks chat gpt for that fine peice of coding!) then I’ll approve it


Im confused. You want me to post it here? Or somewhere else? I posted here and had to remove it sadly, reddit down voted and raged my post so hard, I had to take it down


Ah sorry for not explaining. I would love it if you could add your prompts to my website. So everyone can enjoy them. www.thepromptindex.com


Oh! Happily! Ill send it now!


Appreciate that. I’ll approve as soon as my site notifies me :)


Thanks so much for uploading. My website emailed me right on schedule and I’ve just approved it. Thanks so much for your contribution! I’ve filtered the database by most recent so you’ll see it at the top just here: https://www.thepromptindex.com/prompt-database.php?sort=recent&category=


Would you like to see my progress btw? Ive got some wild screenshots




I moved from BI analyst to BI manager role. Without chatgpt I wouldnt be able to get the job. Very thankful. Personally for me thats my biggest achievement with chatgpt


How complex do you have to have dax to get into a manger role. I’m currently in the public sector and what a backup plan of jumping into the private sector as a powerBI specialist. Or is it more about being able to know how to clean, merge, model data and know how to link data


I have also created my website, Victrays. I had many ideas and love automation, but due to technical limitations, I was unable to execute them before ChatGPT. If I wanted to, I would need to learn everything to make it possible, which would consume too much time and motivation. However, after ChatGPT, whenever I have an idea, I simply seek help from ChatGPT to learn how to start and learn on demand. After ChatGPT, I feel that wasting four years of my time in college was a waste of money, time, and hard work. Our education teaches things that are not very useful nowadays. If I had the power and funds, I would start a new education system that I would like. From 1st grade to 5th grade, every student would learn things that are extremely useful for survival, like reading, writing, simple math, cooking, etc., which we use in our daily lives. After that, for the next five years, students would be introduced to every field that exists in the world, like coding, singing, music, dancing, photography, painting, historiography, and everything else. Once they find their passion for a specific field, the following years would be dedicated to mastering it. Just imagine how quickly students would grow with this approach. I would like to know your thoughts on it.


Yeah I think like Denmark and Sweden have an education system I like, I think there’s is more flexible whilst still has good structure. Have you seen their system?


To OP, how can I duplicate your success? What's a prompt index?


The prompt index I wanted to be the single largest high quality prompt repository, none of these 10,000 prompt pack marketing one line prompts. I’m talking some of the most interesting prompts from prompt writers like Stunspot who has crazy persona prompts, QuickSilver which his legendary operating system prompt, ChainBrainAI pushing chatGPT to think to its limits with his imaginative prompts, but also AI tools that I’ve played with that are good, a resource and learning centre with blogs around things that I want to know like what the hell is a token? One single place for people to go and it’s all free. That was and still is my aim. You can check it out here: www.thepromptindex.com


I made it rewrite my resume for a job I really wanted. I signed an offer letter for that job last week and I'm going through the onboarding process now. ​ Lol


Well done my man!


Building MedGPT - a medical ai assistant and taking it to almost 1.5k MAU with over 11k searches for medicines, treatments, and diagnoses on the app. https://preview.redd.it/ksin3bovjdrb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20509141aa345143560a4238bb34a3543ddbe95c


Congrats that’s really good work. Where is most of your traffic coming from?


Organic - mostly.




haha funny, i'm part of your site since more than one month now \^\^


Hey wow that’s really actually awesome haha. As a 1 month user do you have any constructive feedback? :)


Nice! ChatGPT coding is ez


And you learn. I can now read html, python, JavaScript and php. Still can’t write it but I can understand what it’s doing


I’m not a wiz with poweshell but I am now able to automate parts of my job as a sysadmin using chat gpt and power-shell. I created a termination script, and flow in power automate. Almost done with my new user onboarding script. Previously it only handled on prem and now with the help of chat gpt I can complete a lot more complex tasks in Azure. Before I leave this job I want to automate most of my tasks away, next I may deploy a chat bot that users can contact if I am away to solve simple issues. After I upgraded to chat GPT4 I’ve been able to learn and accomplish more in the past couple weeks than I have in a span of 6 months.


Dude that’s crazy does your boss question how you’ve managed to excel so much?


My boss hardly pays any attention to me 😅. I’m a one man department. Most of what I’ve done so far is background. People will probably take notice once the onboarding process automation is done. I’ve only had gpt 4 for a few weeks but it’s such a breath of fresh air. Managing my entire environment for 80ish users and a myriad of software, servers, switches etc has been pretty overwhelming. ChatGPT is like having a very knowledgeable coworker.


That’s EXACTLY how I see it. Awesome man, enjoy the ride.


My Hypnomates software, though I had to pull it due to costs, still amazing results.


Ah that’s a shame. Can you do it again and this time focus on cost reduction or is it impossible?


No it's still a WIP. Using local LLM, but they are slow and really dumb at times.


Ah ok


I learned how to use the view model design pattern in my apps. I also developed my first web app ever.


That’s unreal. Massive congrats


Really impressed. Nice one!


Really appreciate that thank you. Hope it serves as inspiration as to what can be done!


You should do an YouTube on how you went about this. It’s a great story.


Thank you I appreciate it. I honestly wouldn’t know where to start and chatGPT can’t help with video editing haha. But that’s a good idea!


I was stuck on a coding project for 2 months and kept having issues where my application was just showing a blank screen and outputting this error code that had so many different solutions on stackoverflow. I tried everything and even rebuilt the entire project. One day I copied and pasted the code into chatgpt and said this code is giving this error. It was caused by an update and I had to install a different package than an old package I was using. Crazy how fast I was able to start working on my project again vs something that took me 2 months.


Yep that’s so incredible. You must have advanced it a lot more aswell. It’s addictive


That's insane. How have you been building backlinks to your site? I've been using chatGPT to help plan and create some content, but not sure how to utilise it to help with building links


I reached out to a few people that had lists of AI resources on GitHub, got it on there. I post a lot on Reddit as it’s a free resource I don’t pay for ads so it’s all organic. Twitter (X) I write articles and have them on my site and on medium for backlinking, Pinterest has my links on, YouTube although I don’t post, and TikTok although I don’t post has my link on, also Quora


I'm wondering to what extent it helped you build the site, like the type of questions. You don't need coding to build websites anyways. I personally have just been using chatGPT to make small computer programs and expand my knowledge of how to make programs, it's more or less just a form of autodidactic assistance that's normally better than asking people online for help.


I couldn’t agree more!


I got it to simulate my 3 ex-girlfriends doing Battle Royale.






Haha, I mean I’m still small time, but I feel I’m heading in the right direction and it’s just something to keep my mind busy in my spare time.


Wow, congratulations! I‘m curious about how you did the marketing


Not a single penny has been paid for marketing. It’s all organically. I have a telegram group that has 570 people in it, a great community actually. A fast growing newsletter with around 3,000 subs and the traffic to the site you see. I tried to put out a lot of high value content across multiple platforms consistently, and consistently is the key. How do you find high value content…well I stalked a few of those who I found were driving constant high value content and analysed the content and then I knew what content worked, but added my own twist. Quora, Pinterest, Facebook, Reddit, and a lot more. To be quite honest, the marketing actually nearly burnt me out. The coding was fun, but it’s the time you need to invest in marketing is quite intense as it’s just me. And my goal was always to do this without spending a penny (expect hosting fees)


I see, you also did not fing a magic marketing bullet so far 😅 great work! Marketing is also the crux for me at the moment, i built an ai themed site and get some traffic, but i can‘t put more time and energy into marketing for the moment


The magic bullet is knowing where your audience is and consistently hitting them With content they want. That is the magic bullet + consistency


Awesome! could you link your website?


I had help writing a web novel


What was the genre of the novel?






My biggest success was teaching ChatGPT how to play Where’s Waldo: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8MhA4j2/


I mean its popular now. The prompt aspect seems like a trend. But the website is fast to respond. It just needs a better design. Me. I have not used gpt for anything like that yet.


Give it a go you might get addicted and yep 100% agree the website still needs a lot of work and probably an experts touch haha


Damn that’s cool! How do you think you got to having so many people a month? I created a website recently, using one of the many website makers out there, and while I did try to do the SEO stuff it suggested, I’ve only maybe been getting 1 or visitor a day. I am planning to eventually post about it in certain forums, but was hoping to grow it separately from that too.


I think SEO and google search improves with time when it starts getting people searching for your specific site. You have to shout about your website. Post the link to your website in the reply to your comments and I bet someone will come and take a look. If it’s good, they will come back. Make sure you have something of value for them when they arrive.


Honestly, I just use it to play out fanfiction scenarios, help me understand my homework a little better (like breaking down math problems), and asking it fun questions that pop into my ADHD-addled brain.


Haha awesome usecase!


Not a really big accomplishment, so I’m a private tutor who teachers kids from 8 to pre college students. Before Chatgpt I actually had to come up with a bunch of questions on my own, now I just give my own examples to Chatgpt and they would generate tons of questions. I actually had some quizzes which Chatgpt could turn into Fun online quizzes which could overall stimulate my students instead of doing worksheets. If I had to do it on my own including thinking of those questions , it would take me at least two months to finish them. With Chatgpt it took me 2 days. It simply is very productive if you know how to use it.


That’s an awesome use case! Well done


How? I do have coding experience and a website and I use ChatGPT and can't get anywhere near this...


Ok, so what do you want to do/improve with your site at the moment? Pick 1 thing.


Can I say "attract more users"


Well it would be more like, this is my website this is what it’s all about, how can I increase traffic. What options do I have, I’m happy to pay/I would like to go down the organic route etc and see where it takes you.


From your comments it seems you have tech affinity, basic know how of coding, hosting, databases which helped you get the required prompts and get the web site running. Do you think it would be possible to generate a web site with absolute zero tech knowledge obviously i am not talking about AI based web site generation tools like 10web.oi


Dude all this I learnt, I didn’t know any of this 6 months ago


good news for you bro


Thanks dude appreciate that


Just a heads up: if you are collecting personal data from users such as a login or dropping cookies, depending on your location, you may need a privacy notice and/or cookie banner depending on applicable privacy regulations.


Appreciate that will get that sorted tonight


I can confirm, I just went to your site from EU, you're using GA with no banner. That's bad (look for GDPR). To solve this (using GPT): * Implement a free cookie banner solution, such as tarteaucitron. * Remove any google tag directly implemented on your website. That means directly in your source code. * Implement GTM with the consent mode enabled. * Implement GA via GTM and use consent mode * Implement any other tag you might have using GTM and use consent mode. * Ensure that both your banner and GTM are communicating. Not super easy but I think it's doable.


It’s all there Im re adding it back tonight. Appreciate it! Thank you :)


Don't be surprised if there's a kind of drop in traffic. Usually you'll lose 50%+ of "users" as counted by GA but that's only because it stops counting them ;)


Appreciate the heads up thank you :)


Cookies are back In place :)


I used gpt to edit my novel. Hated by other authors? Exactly. But liked by readers. And I leapt way faster than any of my record I ever made by doing it. If there's one thing I had to tell, then I will tell them to embrace the tech than bash it




Job descriptions so far. Haven’t tried anything further.


Explore, explore explore!


I'm not sure it's a greatest accomplishment, but it is useful to me. I have to send proofs to customers with dimensions. I use Adobe Illustrator to draw everything out, including dimensions. It's tedious to draw out the dimensions, so I used ChatGPT to help me write a script that I can use in Illustrator to automatically add them to whatever I have selected. I call it "The Dimensionater" haha. https://preview.redd.it/rvwk1zkv0erb1.jpeg?width=2710&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9437a6ad0e54fa562bbe3c92ad53a8195f264da3




Nice now do my website :)


Haha, chatGPT can help for sure




What is ycombinator?




Thanks dude, I’m impressed myself!


Congrats! What framework did you use?


I mean I would have to ask chatGPT what a framework is. I don’t think I used one, it’s just a mixture of html, css, php, JavaScript and SQL. If that’s a framework then yep


Got it, thanks! :)


My code would make you feel queasy. But it works lol


About 212


What’s 212?


This is crazy. I'd love to learn how to do something like this. Any tips on how to learn or start?!


Dude it sounds so cliche, but just start a conversation with chatGPT. Do you have an idea or are you still looking for an idea?


I have an online fitness business! So I want to get help with that!


What aspect of your online fitness business do you want to improve first?


Social media I guess! And I'd love to improve my website


How would you want to improve it? Mines not the best but it can certainly help in many ways