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damn son


Why would anyone use these online services when what we've been shown by Chatgpt can do it 100% better? That voice teaching math was beyond anything these companies could ever hope to offer.


When you ask them to explain it like a flirty 25 year old would, they just get all mad and cancel your subscription.


Where can I find this math teacher?


Lumping in Coursera, which offers online degrees from top universities, and professional certifications to put on your resume, to Chegg, which helps kids cheat on homework, is some lazy analysis. 




I had to take a course on there and yeah, not having proctored tests makes the certificates absolutely useless.


Andrew Ng is focussing on DeepLearning.ai now. Not sure why he gave up on Coursera


I still use coursea along with chatgpt. Like you said certs are nice although somewhat useless they look better if you have a degree and projects to go with it though


LLMs may be the final nail in the coffin, but Chegg was going down mostly because university enrollment is declining, so their customer base was expected to decline every year for the forseeable future.


A lot of schools are also adapting to that kind of assistance just like I’m assuming they’ll adapt to chat gpt. Assigned homework and its worth went way down while I was in undergrad and professors all had the same sentiment “I’m not going to waste time grading the solutions of some Indian student off chegg, so the homework is assigned but it won’t be graded and it’s up to you how you want to do it…”


You say this but all I read about all day everyday is how every school is fighting AI technology with useless tools meant to determine if you're using AI. I've seen no evidence that any school is adapting.


I meant to chegg. And I’m assuming eventually they’ll adapt to AI. I didn’t say the AI adaptation was happening already. However, one of my engineering classes had us use ChatGPT to build code from scratch and we had to upload the chat as part of the assignment, and point out where it got it wrong.


How long until that assignment becomes pointless because the code made by these programs is superior to what's made in classes? Probably less than 2 years.


Man fuck Chegg. I found a few of my old class projects on that site and I have never ever uploaded a single thing on there. Which dusty ass TA uploaded my work?


TBH nobody cares whether ChatGPT or Chegg helps students. The final outcome that "students learn better" is what matters


Not based on what I read here. Students use Chatgpt to summarize and explain texts but those summaries are filled with errors. Students don't realize it because they don't know the subjects. I've been using chatgpt to summarize case studies in my field and it's completely wrong on so many things after I read the full study.


If you’ve ever used chegg you’d realize it is wrong just as often


Yup, I remember calculus 1/2/3, I needed tutors because chegg explanations were absolutely ridiculous. Also, especially in maths and science, it can explain steps so nicely. It’s insane. Wish I had it in college.


I feel like school class questions are one of the areas that chatGPT would do well in, there’s tonnes of training data, analysis is only skin deep & it’s done in 1000-2000 words.


Most students didn’t use chegg to learn better. They used it to cheat and copy homework assignments. Source: graduated college almost 4 years ago.


And chegg profited from that by selling student information to universities, thus completing the circle of unethical practices.


Yeah I don’t think they will. Did internet bring about a “wiser” society? Getting to the “facts” faster doesn’t develop critical thinking skills or understanding. I suspect AI will be overall useful but not in the ways that we imagine right now.


Countries need a welfare tho


I don't think most of them are 'learning'


They definitely don't with ChatGPT. It just helps them cheat on all their assignments.


Good fuck chegg


"We have finally achieved the ultimate goal of human evolution... laziness." -Chatgpt


You might be joking but that’s true. Every technological invention is meant to lessen our burdens, from the wheel to chatgpt.


I got this from gpt 3.5 a while back when playing around with prompts to get around filters. I was asking it about if AI would take purpose away from humans.


It must be tough for these legacy companies. It’s easy to coach on sidelines but too bad they couldn’t have better embraced AI, add a wrap, incorporate AI tutoring subscriptions, tier their offerings with very low cost all AI plans up to live, license their content, etc. Basically, re-imagine themselves as an AI driven education platform.


>It must be tough for these legacy companies. It’s easy to coach on sidelines but too bad they couldn’t have better embraced AI, add a wrap, incorporate AI tutoring subscriptions, tier their offerings with very low cost all AI plans up to live, license their content, etc. They are doing that. If you go to Chegg right now, the first thing you'll see is an AI chat box. But no one cares because they might as well just use ChatGPT directly.


Yeah, I heard their CEO talk about adding some AI capabilities. I am talking more about truly disruptive and re-framing of their core business. Imagine chat based tutors, selling content back to open-ai, live tutors (to offset AI), expanding to new sectors like coding, international, etc. Adding a chat widget won’t cut it. Imo. My background is growth marketing and these kinds of challenges are actually exciting to me but I see so many companies not embrace trends and changing markets all the time.


WTF is AI tutoring and how is this better than just asking ChatGPT? And it's completely unreasonable to expect companies to 100% change their business model in response to AI. Even Sam Altman himself said that more companies are going to get wiped out with each new AI model that gets released, because of how fast it's advancing. This "just adapt" advice that pro-AI people always give is just stupid, and you all know it.


Not really about AI but rather seeing disruption and being to adapt is a skill. Lot of legacy companies get displaced because they are stuck in their ways. Would love to hear your ideas. Or just stay the course and go under? As for the tutoring thing, think personalized instruction that marries content with curriculum for that particular student. Think personalized Khan academy. Not just a “ask chat gpt” this isn’t a silver bullet as there rarely are any. Just one idea of many to help a company survive.


No, my idea is that we stop AI before it causes some disaster in society. Asking people to "adapt" knowing that it's not possible TO adapt and most people/companies are not actually meant to benefit from AI, and will go under in the long run, is dumb.


Gocha. I was talking about Chegg survival. Not likely AI will get shut down so unfortunately, the reality is to adapt or die. I hear ya though… This AI move is so profound… maybe even bigger than industrial revolution. And we are not structured in a way to distribute productivity gains equally among workers vs owners.Things like ABI would help but just can’t realistically see that happening either. Interesting times we are in. I work in marketing but part of my rational for staring a beverage company was to do something less impacted by AI.


the job loses begin


Even the latest and best LLMs still hallucinate nonexistent studies when asked scientific questions, so they definitely put too much faith in chatbots for education.


But those can be minimized by prompting the model properly. There are also platforms like https://www.perplexity.ai/ https://consensus.app/


Consensus seems to find relevant papers, which is the most important thing. However, the conclusions it makes are nonsense. At first I thought it took quotes from the papers and I got super confused, but then I realised it produces the summaries on its own. I wish it would simply quote instead.  


Well it's not like you need scientific citations to learn to to integrate over a surface.


Dateline Washington, D.C. -- In the war for educational dollars, the first blow was struck by AI when it said, "Good morning". After that the educational industry struck back by declaring that all their students were cheating with the aid of AI. This led to a long-drawn out war of words and stock prices. In the end, teachers resigned to their fate of having to learn another hard lesson about Capitalism, nobody care about their labor, their knowledge, or their union rules. AI has gotten past its hallucinations and is now capable of knowing and teaching us everything. Remember this date for the history books: 011000111 in this year of our creator's life, Texas Instruments. -- anonymous AI


>Chegg @Loses 95%. Students Don’t N L@l3




Shut up?