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The part of being private is the best one, but only for free users, if we use a pro account, then open ai’s policies will apply.


If you choose to pay them that's an active choice on your part, and opens up functionality that requires non-anonymous integrations in my opinion. (Not that all others go away)


What are the extra functionalities for pro users?


That is my doubt precisely. If not pro account is used is it really free without limits or will the current free account limitations of use will apply ? I don’t think that was explained. I think so otherwise it wouldn’t make sense to have the option to use a pro account.




Underscores lol classic gpt


A multifaceted and nuanced tapestry


This feels full of breaking points. I would’ve expected a holistic, personal AI app or control center which manages, controls and schedules what I need together with me and world knowledge seamlessly.


It does that also


Then is Siri going to be at the level of GPT-4o?


We won’t know until we can test the local Apple LLM.


Kind of, Siri will call for chatGPT if it thinks you need it for your question. It will also use Apples models for everything else, so it looks like it. This is what the ChatGPT Siri UI looks like, shows the process: https://imgur.com/a/adtd0CF


That's what I need, Siri feels so incredibly out of date now with its limitations.


So does chatgpt tbh


Not even remotely a good comparison


ChatGPT is closer to AGI than Siri is to ChatGPT..


No, it can just ask GPT-4o things.


Well, the ability for the local LLM (and API) to complete specific tasks locally, as well as ask GPT-4o should theoretically make it better overall.


I hope the recently introduced features won't be exclusively reserved for iOS. That would be disrespectful to users, especially for GPT Plus subscribers.


I'd hope that it's largely the free-tier nicely integrated


It appears to be so, Siri will call for ChatGPT for certain questions so it’s pretty much what the free tier does. Everything else is Apples models on device or via their servers


Requires iPhone 15 Pro or higher due to RAM requirements. Not surprising due to the on-device LLM. Not intending on buying a new device just for an implementation that only works with Apple apps (it probably can’t interact with the Google Maps app for example)


"later this year" Snooze. boring. fuck off. What is this pre-order culture? As far as I care, nothing is real until I can use it. I've been burned waaaaaay to many times before. I don't care if it's Apple or some Chinese 3rd party startup named XYZYZY dropshipping redflags from aliexpress. Trust is at an all time low. Even Google faked a demo. NOTHING IS REAL until it's shipped.


At least Apple gives a timeline. Immediately available to developers, open beta in July, full release sometime in September with the new iPhone.


Since the first one in 1983, WWDC has always, ALWAYS, been “later this year” as the OS releases are beta throughout the summer and fall. Expecting anything other than that is the problem, not the timeline.