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Who deletes all of their work from their computer? Word documents take up literally no storage.


Liars claim they do


LMAO everyone sees right through this claim.


Notice he says “it was human written” the dude went online and paid 20 dollars for an essay thinking it was written by a human and just handed that over lol


That is kind of oddly phrased!


I human-painted a picture. Whats strange about it?


They make small humans too for the finer details


Passive voice. -5 points.


What? It's just Jackie Daytona, normal human essay writer doing his thing.


This thread is a feeble attempt at an "ex post facto alibi" lol.


Right? Plus isn’t the university standard to have all the references listed? So it wouldn’t matter if he has the documents or not, everything should be listed and pointed in the paper itself.


I think he means there that he doesn’t have the original file that shows the document history. So it would show (if it’s real which I do not think it is) that he started at 2 pm, then at 3 pm there’s 5 paragraphs written, at 4 pm it’s 3 pages. That kind of thing that shows progress over time.


How long until there is a program which dribbles text into a document over multiple hours? Next-Gen mouse wiggler.


If ever I get accused of using AI in school and I make a post about it, you can be sure I'll include the essay that got flagged and let the internet decide. 👍


I enjoy a good human written read


The human people will decide.


I'd be willing to bet that polling this community would be more accurate than the turnitin software schools use lol.


But only if you poll the human people


I did once. Group project in college. I was told the group already turned in the project. So I deleted everything and moved on. Turns out the group also didn't give me any credit, which makes sense because we never met a single time. No idea why they did what they did and I'm still pissed about it twenty years later. But I deleted my evidence, not them.


Yeah, I have literally everything I've done (assignments to turn in, drafts, and reference/source lists from Office) over the last 3 years in a folder labeled SCHOOL on my backup drive to avoid this exact sort of situation.


Man I have got all of my assignments from well over fifteen years ago (HS) still chilling in my old google accounts drive


Flash drive for me. I have a lot of flash drives, CDs and even a floppy from middle school. Still burn CDs actually, sometimes I want to listen to music without looking at a screen.


Yeah, I have assignments from every semester of HS, undergrad, and grad school all on my hard drive. Text and spreadsheets take up almost no room. PowerPoint files are bigger, but not much. Unless your major is something like film where you've got a bunch of movie files taking up hundreds of GB, there is no reason to delete your homework. And deleting text files for an assignment before you even get a grade back for that assignment? Even if that were true, if you do that you deserve to fail whether or not you cheated.


lol, in college there was a paper due on a book that I already wrote for in HS so I just revised it a bit and turned it in


I left university 15 years ago, and I still have the files from my undergraduate dissertation on an external hard drive, plus a bunch of digital files because it could come in useful some day (I’m a teacher, so this has proved to be useful for my A Level students).


I have most everything from my teaching degree in Google drive. That was the easiest way to type at home for a bit then finish and print it between classes. The fact that I have everything saved still 15 years later is a happy time capsule bonus!


He’s writing and storing everything on a Ti calculator.


Hey, I represent this remark. School was different 35 years ago…


bro I’ve got directories upon directories of everything I’ve ever submitted to my university and even dating back to HS




My little sister has this bad habit of deleting stuff, including text messages and emails, just seconds after receiving them. I had to keep telling her to stop deleting shit coz it can serve as a record/evidence in the future or something. Now she just deletes stuff after every school year. Still frustrates me that she deletes messages tho.


Your sister got some issues....


Almost certain people who do this are hiding shit. I'm also paranoid. But I also think that's true






Yep sounds like dog ate my homework.


Word documents take up **figuratively** no storage.


Ackshuwally, literally now also means figuratively. https://preview.redd.it/xc8u06vrss8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b75f9fbc171f1de0b59f96841792e7df99da866c


I love idiots use words wrong so often that they etymologically evolve to mean their own antonym.


This isn't using words "wrong", it's using hyperbole. Hyperbole is a completely normal use of language. 


That's how language kinda evolves tho...


It’s awful (by which I mean full of awe)


Idiots, like Charles Dickens and John Steinbeck. 🙄




"effectively" 0 is not "literally" 0. Only 0 is literally 0.




This was a great exchange and you are both right.


Yeah, but one is literally correct and the other is figuratively correct, as per their own definitions. The irony continues.




Oh fun!


I interpreted this more as "I don't have any documents specifically showing that I worked on the essay", e.g. no Google docs history. Not that he actually deleted the word file


I can tell you donate to Wikipedia, because you’re very generous.


i can see his point. i hate keeping old papers in my pc and i also have a very low attention spam. what i do, is put the uni files i need to work on in the middle of the screen because that forces me to finish them and declutter the desktop. i always make sure i can download the file later before deleting it tho. (mail,discord,uni site) but i never keep them downloaded


You do know you can make a folder to save them in right? They don’t need to stay on your desktop to keep them.


Lol yes you definitely have a very low attention SPAM


Some people with strong cases of OCD do stuff like that.


I have 40 Gigabytes of my entire undergraduate education, from txts to screenshots to finite analysis models, all in a 2015 laptop. OP is definitely too suspicious.


These ai writing detectors [flag](https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2023/07/why-ai-detectors-think-the-us-constitution-was-written-by-ai/) the us constitution as ai generated, they are just hot garbage.


I wrote a full document the other time and it says I’m 85% AI. If you write well without error, you are automatically an AI.


The Army in a leadership course gave me a manual on writing an essay. Says to state “this essay is about” or “in conclusion”, just typical ChatGPT stuff. Followed the format in class and they flagged me as AI in the course that had me write in that exact format they gave and trained me in lmao


Yeah, I helped my partner do some writing and I would have to purposefully either dumb down the sentence structure / make it more conversational style or make slight errors to reduce the "AI written content" in zeroGPT and similar.


When it answers questions with longer answers it’s the exact writing style I used (and was taught to use) in college. Can’t imagine how frustrating it is for students now


I mean, maybe this is an idea for a new Nicolas Cage movie/Indiana Jones


"We have to steal the Declaration of Independence back from the Illuminati, this one is clearly an AI fake"


It does it with the Bible too which is amazing. Now we know how Solomon got all of that wisdom. It wasn't divine. It was artificial!


Because it matches the constitution in its LMM…


It makes sense it would flag a hugely influential document that it and derivations of it were surely used as training material for AI would look like it might be written by AI. And the software wasn’t claiming it absolutely was, just that there were significant markers that it was suspicious. Anyone else could have easily provided some sort of history for the file and cleared things right up, but OP claims to have done something extremely stupid but most likely just had AI write it.


Don't delete your revision history. Take advantage of the cloud sync features of OneDrive, Dropbox, Google Drive, etc. that keeps all your saved version history. It doesn't require any extra local storage.


I know that now, but I don’t know what to do in this situation cause I don’t have it


The dog deleted all them files


It's the internet, no one cares if you used gpt, you'd get a better response saying I did how can I make it seem more human written. No one deletes all their history, you could've gone with my hard drive failed and I threw it out


Also I got locked out of my google docs and had to change accounts so I have no history available.


Deleted items are recoverable FYI. Even after emptying from the bin.


Just posted saying something like this. There’s specialized software to do this that any decent local computer shop should know about, and services that do this for you too (although the one service I know about offhand, DriveSavers, is very likely overkill in this situation).


But I, um, microwaved the drive to save space




Defend it orally.


You saved a megabyte deleting your documents.


You mean a byte just a single byte. Just why delete it?


Literally or figuratively?


Figuratively as of course it is bigger than a byte but still so small its unnoticeable.


Share the documents here. Let's see the writing.


I too would like to see the human written essay


Have you tried asking AI on what to do?


Good idea


yeah, just ask it to edit it to more human.


Do you have access to Turnitin? Try running it on your professor’s own works and on articles you were assigned to read for class.


so good news: deleting a file on your computer, even clearing it from the recycling bin, doesn't actually delete it. it just marks the space on your hdd as available. parts of what used to be your file may have been overwritten but it's not guaranteed. you can use a file recovery program like this: [https://www.ccleaner.com/recuva](https://www.ccleaner.com/recuva) so if you really did delete all your documents, you can just do this. I'm sure your university's IT department would be happy to help.


He’s not gonna respond because there is no revision history


Yup, OP would be all over this comment if his story was true. They posted this a day ago, we should be seeing the results of their file recovery efforts posted by today if this was at all real. I'm sure OP would love to prove all of us wrong, they just can't.


Yeah, not buying it. Already deleted your documents for the year before you got your grades. Right.


Also, why would he have offered to redo the assignment instead of arguing his case? And then go ask reddit what to do? Nothing ads up.


Also, why didnt he have proof the second time doing it, when he was accused of AI again? Did he mistakenly delete that too, again?


This smells like someone furiously gaslighting after getting thoroughly caught.


Also what does having a local document even prove? I can just get an essay from AI and copy it into a local doc or even type it out to show updating history


Sure, bud. Anyone lazy enough to have chat write their paper is in no way smart enough or industrious enough to build an entire update history that looks like a human writing an essay. People don't type an essay or anything bigger in order. They don't type it correctly in one go. They type out thoughts, maybe an outline, maybe a bunch of details and notes, go off on tangents, then backtrack, reorganize, throw away stuff that doesn't fit, go back and add more details, and so on. I'm not sure **I'm** smart enough to do that convincingly, and I've written tens of millions of words. That is, I know what it should look like, more or less, but in essence you'd have to invent all the false starts, reorganizations, creation and deletions of concepts that didn't fit the final flow, and so on. No way I'd do that much work to fake something that my standard process documents automatically. That's about five times the work of writing an essay, and — if someone had cheated with Chatbots? — they are not even going to know what it should feel like. There's no way that someone who cuts and pastes chatbot output would build anything that even vaguely resembles a human writing an essay, especially a complicated one. ***** Oh, in answer to your question, in case you really didn't know, update history / track changes in various apps keeps track of everything you type and everything you delete. Yeah, local. But my working method is far better evidence, if I ever needed it. If you're paranoid or OCD, or if you like having intermediate backups, you can do like me and save versions every half hour (or whatever duration) as you go. I do this as a matter of course, so the file name will be MyEssay 2024-0609-A0.doc MyEssay 2024-0609-A1.doc Every time I save a set of changes, then I save as the next number. When I decide a major revision is good, then save, save with the letter updated (B0 in this case), accept all changes to clear the revision history, then copy to B1 and continue working with the new file. Keep the letter across dates to show the overall progress. Then, if I were accused of using a chatbot, I'd just have to show the working folder they are stored in, and say, "pick one". The method is self documenting, and obviously would be more effort to simulate than using a chatbot would ever save. (The highest number for each letter thus contains the revision history for everything with that letter.) This method also gives you a good idea how many hours you've actually spent, if you're consistent at saving on cadence. I'm not, I just have a target of once or twice an hour, which is about every 500-1000 words of new prose or so, or every 10 pages of editing/revisions.


Yeah, edit-history is actually a good approach. Yes, in principle you can still fake it somehow, but if you manage to do that convincingly... then imho you deserve to succeed anyway, because that in itself should be sufficiently difficult to be worth something. And, you can use AI for inspiration for your writing (which this approach wouldn't be able to detect), but imho, that is also acceptable, because it still requires you to be able to properly judge which of the AI's ideas are good, or not.


Let's be brutally honest, there are people who have triplicate backups of important documents and then there's this person. Your story is whack but if it's true this should be a lesson to remember if nothing else. But honestly your decision making is what really needs addressed regardless of the report.


I still have all my essays written in 2012


Pretty sure I’ve still got all ten drafts to my first college essay in a zip I pulled from my school email google drive before they wiped it.


I have a Mac SE in the basement that has essays written in 1991.


I still have images I painted in Paintbrush when I was in primary school... or kindergarden. I don't even know.


I always deleted writing assignments at the end of every semester. It's cathartic. I don't think this is the big tell people think it is.


Offer to meet in person and defend your arguments live. Nobody knows your material better than you, you did the research, you organized the paragraphs, you decided how one idea flowed to the next. You could easily explain your reasoning and research process in person if you actually did the work. If you did the work. Make this offer and stand up for your work like an accountable adult.


Show them that "AI Detectors" flag The Bible as AI too. https://preview.redd.it/d2vixw6f1s8d1.png?width=406&format=png&auto=webp&s=e954eeb7419b65f7020fbf0ace54d865b9727dda Unless they want to suggest that God and Solomon are artificial intelligences, there's nothing to say after this move.


Dude, thats like proof we're all living inside a simulation, i mean if AI wrote the bible we have to be


Or.. hear me out... maybe Atlantis had language models. We thought we found a battery in baghdad. What if it was ancient server infrastructure? Coming soon to History Channel: Ancient AI's https://preview.redd.it/8yuqp03jot8d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd12c4b5fb92dea87bee6ebb88066f6f7c9ec575


next time tell chatGPT to add some mistakes and be more bursty


Admit that you’re an AI.


DONT admit to it no matter what you do. None of the ai checkers work, they just provide some bullshit probabilities. Our current AI systems are *sort of* glorified word guessers, they just predict what’s the most likely next word given all previous text in their response (obviously I am way oversimplifying). So what these checkers do is check how often the ‘next word’ you chose is the same as those that an AI system would choose. Now, this barely works at all, so my personal theory is they just boost the percent to make people buy their products. It’s gotten to the point where more human written stuff does not get flagged until you fix any grammar mistakes, then it switches to most gets flagged. Sorry for going on a little tangent here that probably doesn’t even make sense, but what I’m getting at is professors do NOT have a leg to stand on at the moment to punish for detected AI use.


Btw, do you use Grammarly? It’ll turn like anything into “AI” just because it does not contain mistakes.


It's definitely a business model. Idk if everyone has it but I had "Editor" access pushed to my acct on GPTZero. Now if I upload a chunk of text, it runs the detection, and I can hit "Edit" and then start rewriting the text, constantly scanning it over and over for AI, and watch the score drop and "human" raise to 100%.


Prove that AI detectors are absolute bullshit. https://preview.redd.it/bh9xyf8jir8d1.png?width=763&format=png&auto=webp&s=ff40eae9caa83458e568d5fd5302fdef14e67126


Obviously if you copy a famous text word-for-word, it’s going to trip the AI/ plagiarism checker.


Do you know how these work? If so, this would be considerably less surprising.


Maybe this just proves simulation theory. /s


It's more or less consensus in most cs departments that these detectors have too many false positives and are unethical to use. Try contacting some of some of the CS profs in your college and see if they can help you refute this case. The ones that specialize in nlp would probably be willing to help you 


Find one of his papers, run it through turnitin, and show that it's written by AI. [turnitin doesn't work](https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2023/04/01/chatgpt-cheating-detection-turnitin/). College is expensive, and your GPA can affect your earning potential. If I really wrote a paper and the professor claimed I didn't on this basis, I'd *sue*. This is, of course, presuming that they don't have a policy in place that requires you to show your work history. If they do, and you failed to provide that history when asked (why you couldn't irrelevant), then this is on you.


There are applications which can restore deleted files, use that to show drafts.


Many decades ago when I was in college my teacher accused me of plagiarism. Sit down with your teacher and talk with them to prove you formed those thoughts.


i don't need detectors. If a student of mine that has a vocabulary of less than 1500 English words turns up with something that contains sentences such as "to delve deeply into the intricacies of ..." or no source citations are present, I now enough.


"or no source citations are present, I now enough." Not to delve too deeply into the intricacies of the English language, but perhaps you should update your **k**nowledge to include complex newfangled words like "**k**now." After all, the word **k**now in similar form has only been with us since, well, Proto-Indo-European. /s


That's just how people are taught to write texts though. Make them sound as professional as humanly possible despite not understanding half the words. I'd blame the education system more than kids who want good grades.


While deleting documents is a thin excuse, AI detectors are all bullshit. You can tell so to whoever is responsible at your college. There is no scientific way to defend the validity of AI detectors. They are basically failing you over an invalid reason.


I proved AI detector wrong on a bet with an old teacher by handwriting a quick essay and typed it up in front of him. He ran it through an AI checker it was like just about 48% AI. Edit: wasn’t a good essay or thought out. Was about as informative as a 3 panel science fair project.


Either fake or you're the dumbest person on the planet deleting all your work and clearing your recycle bin immediately on the last day of class.


Had a guy who worked for who asked me about something. I said "it's in that email." He said "oh I deleted it it." I said "well it was in the older one too." He said "oh I delete my emails when I'm done with them to clean my inbox." I was like "oh you archive them?" He was like, " no, I delete them." I was like, "you.....what?" Dudes entire three years working there. Zero emails in his inbox, archived, saved, custom folders... Nothing. He was a good worker and I loved him so I explained "my guy, don't delete your emails. Especially your sent. But also your inbox. Archive or organize that shit." I'll never understand some people's thought process.


Show your internet search history


My human written essay is a strange way to phrase “an essay that I wrote”


73%? Your prof is picking on you, that is nowhere near a high enough score to be taken this seriously.


No backup for school related documents? No cloud storage? I’m surprised you got into college.


Exactly what I commented. That is pure and utter lack of basic common sense. 🤣 either that or bro has a 1gb hard drive and values his porn collection more than school documents.


TII’s AI detector is so inaccurate that schools like Vanderbilt turned it off entirely because of the high volume of false positives. Your instructor relying on TII is institutional malpractice. You can dispute your grade. Check to see if your school has an Ombudsman’s office. They can likely walk you through the steps, or direct you to resources.


Turn it in isn't a reputable service. It claims the declaration of independence was written by AI. Dispute the grade with the school.


>and because it was human written I didn’t think I’d be flagged This phrase doesn't make you look credible, quite the opposite to be honest. Like I don't believe you at all, probably many people won't. Continue to do what you do: continue to lie if you lied or say the truth if it's the truth. There is always a chance right? Like in a lottery.


Just ask AI to create some pre edited versions with spelling mistakes and typos…. Gl


I graduated in April and have all of my papers back at the beginning of 2021. They take up such a small amount of space, that I doubt I'll ever delete them because of it. Either your claim is false or you make some truly questionable decisions.


Nice try, AI. But you're going to have to learn more before you can get us to help pass as human.


search history of you doing research


You must have a paper trail, notes, websites , documents, and drafts . If not then let this be a lesson to everyone because this will be a required for you to protect yourself .


I have documents and code from 25 years ago when I was in grad school. Not sure if the Java code from the Operating Systems class will still run 😊 But it was such a fun class!


I mean chatgpt could help you update it


based on your quality of writing here, I'd like to call bs.


In this case I would agree with the ai detector’s probability 😁


Literally no one deletes their documents because they are in the cloud.


You offered to rewrite the essay, the professor agreed, and you rewrote it. The second essay was written by you (not AI) but the professor failed it for being flagged as written by AI. Since you kept the second essay, you have the ability to show the professor your second essay's edit history with your writing process, demonstrating that the second essay is legitimate. Give us the update.


You deleted the document history to save space? Yeeeeeeeeah. Dumbass.


Offer to write the paper again while being proctored on a new topic. Document history is not proof and totally irrelevant.


Ugh good grief. AI detectors are not good at all. Ask for a meeting with the professor and explain your thought process in each paragraph. That’s akin to showing your work, and he’ll see all the reasoning that went into it.


To my knowledge if you stick to your guns since you actually wrote it, there’s no way your professor can prove it was actually written by AI with any current AI checkers. If they don’t grade it normally, I would file a complaint with your school if possible


How much space did you saved for deleting the files?


I haven't even deleted a photo from my phone in 2 years and I still got tons of space. I can't see why anyone would be so hard up for space that they need to delete a couple kb document file. Not saying op is dishonest... just saying it smells a little fishy tbh.


Yeeeaaah how convenient. Don't use AI to write your papers maybe.


No idea why you're downvoted, who deletes revision history so suddenly? That's the part that's suspicious. I still disagree with professors using AI tools that don't actually work, but OP has some red flags.


They just use it to catch out dumb people like op. Because when they come up with a load of BS like this it's obvious they used it. If OP hadn't used it he would say "i didn't use it" and he'd have the revision history to prove it, and that would be the end of the story 


Stop using AI to write all your papers would be a good start


Hey /u/Feilzy! If your post is a screenshot of a ChatGPT conversation, please reply to this message with the [conversation link](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/7925741-chatgpt-shared-links-faq) or prompt. If your post is a DALL-E 3 image post, please reply with the prompt used to make this image. Consider joining our [public discord server](https://discord.gg/r-chatgpt-1050422060352024636)! We have free bots with GPT-4 (with vision), image generators, and more! 🤖 Note: For any ChatGPT-related concerns, email [email protected] *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yea calling bullshit on this!


You want to make sure this matter will be resolved properly and fairly, not merely as a he said vs he said debate between you and someone with much more power (eg the prof). Consult with some other school authorities (especially those you trust) on how to navigate the system and also communicate with the professor. I’m sure this has happened before within your school. Check your email for related files you might have sent (and hence retained) as attachments. For your own reference, also piece together a timeline of your research and writing process plus sources. As to the professor himself, one idea is to try setting up an oral exam or debate. Perhaps with third party monitors (per sentence 1 in my comment). If you had been participating in lectures or discussions, that might help your case as tangential proof of your knowledge. On that note, look at other materials you have submitted for your course and use them as comparison for your paper.


You forgot to run it thru Ai scrubbers before submitting


You should ask AI what to do.


What’s disgusting about these “detectors” is that they’re literally prejudice against people who spell properly, use proper grammar and punctuation, etc. You literally have to make mistakes and dumb yourself down for them to fly if you’re one of these types, pretty fking sad. Not sure what these universities are thinking….AI was trained by people…so why would it be so hard to believe that a human wrote something similar to what AI would say? Friggin ridiculous all the way around.


AI detectors detect good writing as AI. They do this because AI is preferably trained on good writing. I’ve put my own writing in and it got flagged. and I put a literally published book in and it was also flagged. It’s just because the writing was generally good. The real lesson here, cloud storage and external SSDs. I’ve erased my entire computer multiple times but I never delete anything possibly important without 1-2 backups


>so like I do at the end of every year, I deleted all documents from the year to clear space on my computer ... ![gif](giphy|wWue0rCDOphOE|downsized)


[You can download the originally submitted file](https://help.turnitin.com/feedback-studio/turnitin-website/student/submission-information/downloading-submitted-papers-and-digital-receipts.htm) If you’re able to download the original document as submitted, that should contain version history as well as timestamps - creation date and modified date, that should be a clear indication of something being worked on for days or 20 minutes. If it’s enabled, version history will, well, show you the complete history of different versions of the document


Just tell him to try putting the bible or the constitution of sweden through the ai detector, these things are so unreliable you have better chances of being correct by taking the opposite of what it says


To counter AI which we disapprove of because it lacks soul and accuracy; we will use the AI we disapprove of… -boomer educators


Ask them to check if the Bible was written by AI. Apparently it comes up as positive quite often.


You write an essay yourself, and stop lying to everyone.


I always ran my Essays through a program called Quillbot which rewrites my words It helped me determine if I was sounding human or AI based on the output Never got AI flagged


Here is my understanding. If you have long block quotes, even with the proper citations and referencing, it can flag multiple times. If you hand in a paper you wrote yourself at some other time, or even cut pasted from something of your own authorship, it will flag. If you forget citations or referencing, it will flag. I dont think you need your history to prove anything . If I was you I would enter it into gpt4 or perplexity and ask the ai why it is flagging in turnitin. I hope you didn't cheat because generative ai has really opened up my work in so many unexpected ways & I have learned so much. I would hate it to be banned for students. I use it for research and professional conversations.


Don’t cheat?


You can often recover the deleted docs, even when you deleted your trash can. Look up recovery tools. They are able to dig up shit from a long time ago. Aside from that, i would just go to the school board/director and make a big scene, printing out any showing articles and studies how these things are unreliable, saying they cant mess with your future based on that, and threathening legal action. Especially when you wrote the second essay yourself, which you can prove by the history. Makes you writing the first one even more believable, so no you wont look like your lying. Your in the right here, dont let yourself get bitched around by some clueless boomers. If you dont stand up for yourself, you have noone to blame but yourself.


Read the Turnitin website It clearly states their Ai detector has DIFFICULTY when analysing a mixed document. The independent peer reviewed paper they refer to for accuracy plainly states the limitation of the study is they didn't test it on a mixed document, so would be not fit for practical purpose. So really their percentage claims appear to be when analysing a 100% AI document and a 100% human document? Cant say for sure,. How this could even be considered remotely fit for practical purpose is beyond me, when all it would take is for the AI detector to guess one consecutive word as human or Ai etc, and so launches into.... DIFFICULTY mode by default. It all seems pretty ridiculous. People should read the terms of use of turnitin, that third party users are meant to abide by And inform themselves of turnitins directions on how user must use the tool. Then try and hold your professor to account. I mean, exactly HOW is the professor determining which parts of your assessment are AI? In my country, turnitin user agreement states the user isn't allowed to refer to their report in any way when making claims of plagiarism... Further, have you seen the actual report? I finally dug one out of a school, and the report itself states it may be innaccurate, and is only meant to be used as a conversation starter..... sooo..... Seems the best argument is for, a misuse of technology, or misusing the tool against the creators instruction... Unless your under 18, then just remove consent As in my region Turnitins terms of use state consent is required......


I have shit saved I wrote 10+ years ago who tf deletes that kind of stuff so fast. You sound guilty af


Delete all my documents to clear space? Sure, there you lost me.


Sorry, OP. You’re really a dummy for deleting all your documents. r/facepalm


Just don't use AI for essays. Don't lie about it, either. That's just scum.


Calling bullshit. Next time do your own work. Or at least put it into your own words.


Wow you saved 200kb by deleting that word document


Fight it. Don’t put up with being steam rolled. Go to the hearing and make your case. That’s what I would do I think. If what you are saying is true, it’s not just. If you’re lying though or use grammarly or something else, you’re an idiot trying to play this off as woe is me. Only you know.


Isn't there cloud storage? Usually word files are saved to the cloud.


3.8 to 3.28 based on a single class? Hmmm. I


It sounds like you did use AI, or else why would you offer to rewrite the essay and be posting here.


Someone really needs to file suit against their University for the emotional toll a false plagiarism accusation causes. A digital magic 8 ball that no one understands, let alone even works, is not an adequate tool to levy such an accusation. It should cost someone a lot of money before things change.


This is so bullshit. Nobody “clears space” by deleting documents that take up less than a couple hundred megabytes. No one. This isn’t 2002.


Victim of a false positive? Who'd have thought ... Add empirical proofs as footnotes. If it's right it's right...


Your best bet is to call a lawyer, if it matters that much to you. And take Turnitin and your professor to court.


Yes, agree… how the hell does it make ANY sense that the school is using an AI tool, which can’t even guarantee 100% accuracy to detect AI generated content????


Search for one of your professor publications and use it to check if it is flagged as AI. Most likely it will be. Or do the same for any publication that dates before the AIs.


I was one of 2 student reps who sat on the disciplinary board for my university and the majority of cases I saw were plagiarism cases. This gave off all the red flags I usually saw in such cases. I hated those cases because of how hard I fought to stay in college due to poor grades (at first) and then saw people just throw all their own progress away in an act of laziness. It frustrated the hell out of me, and it still does! I was a dropout-turned-Dean's Lister and graduated with a 3.23 last year. In my experience, it's easier to just write the damn essay than to go through the trouble of paying someone to write it and then face the consequences when the truth inevitably comes out. Better a C on an assignment written last minute than a failing grade and a permanent black mark on your academic record or expulsion from the university.




you deleted documents to clear space? documents take up almost no space. this is a really bad excuse dude, it doesn't fool me and it's no surprise it's not fooling them.


Maybe don’t plagiarize or use AI next time. Easy peasy.


Awesome, Sell your services as an LLM with a long lead-time!


Sorry, Op. I think you're bullshitting.




It’s also the reason why you save the original file. There’s a lot of meta data being saved, especially when you’re doing revisions. I find it weird that OP doesn’t have the original file.