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In 2040, your doctor IS ChatGPT.


In Soviet Russia, Doctor is patient of *you!*




*It says on your chart you're fucked up. You talk like a fag, and your shit's all retarded.*


Sam Altman has said "we’ll look back at this time and view AI as a primitive, almost savage era compared to what's to come" and I think that includes many other industries as well, but medical care most of all. We already have robots in the operating room. I wonder how long before people start saying, "You let a HUMAN diagnose/treat/operate on you? That's barbaric!"


just like driving a car. a human in charge of that much mass at that speed. with their reaction time and response?? are they even sober or looking at the road at all?


How exactly would Sam Altman know this?




That's how... technology works?  It'd be stupid if it somehow got even dumber in 2040 than it is now. Though funnily enough it *is* much dumber than the early 2020 ChatGPT thanks to all the "aligning" they seem to devote all their devs to, so maybe even that's not a given.


That's what Sam Altman used to say.




That's what Sam Altman said once.




- Altman, Sam.


I wish dentistry would get up to speed. When you think about it, it’s just all so barbaric/ancient but with newer tools. We grind down teeth to a nub to get rid of decay and then put cement on it so we can cap it with an artificial material shaped like a tooth lol When are we gonna start growing new teeth already


Can we get a “shitpost” flair?


I'll take that over the medical care I've received so far in life. Looking forward to having a doctor that continually learns, can draw new information from broad patterns, pick up on issues in communities faster, the list goes on. I hope we look back at the current medical system with horror. There's still a lot of areas in medicine where it still feels like banging rocks together.


V 1356.1: - fixed issue with recommending chemo to some asthmatic patients


See, that's exactly the funny thing about medicine. You have to keep up to date with what millions of humans are doing. The average person would laugh at this as a joke, but yet: https://medicine.wustl.edu/news/cancer-drug-may-help-patients-severe-asthma/#:~:text=A%20new%20study%20Castro%20co,cell%20that%20responds%20to%20allergens.


"After V 1000, due to a complete rewrite, the AI was so biased to include all academics publications, that academia caught onto it and started flooding the AI with non-facts that made lean towards decisions that were in line with those who had capacity to flood with publications. Well, it turned out some people with light symptoms have gotten sick, but we have learned so much from it! And, btw, the issues was fixed by one of our smartest engineers in v. 1356."


Problem is, humans are also prone to errors due to flooding of non-facts in their information feed.


I didn't notice someone here stating the opposite.


Yea, I guess what I’m getting at is, in the future, AI problems are also human problems. So we might need to start looking at making the world better instead of expecting that AI will solve everything. Lots of people have been pointing out the reproducibility problem in science. We’ve known about publish-or-perish, and what it does to the quality of science, well before ChatGPT. But now big business is investing in AI, so only now they will care about these human problems.


Big business has been investing in dot com, social media, blockchain and probably i've forgotten a couple. Yeah, ecoins, nfts, vr, ar...


I’m really more talking about fact checking services, which will be more important as AI eats into existing industries. Also solar power and cheap batteries will become more important with AI, and are also fairly human centered. When AI takes more jobs, govt will either let the economy crash (doubtful) or continue expanding the social safety net. All of these projections are dependent on if you are more of an AI optimist or pessimist.


Judging anything in these two polarized views (optimist/pessimist, believer/skeptic, pro/con, for/against, etc) are symptoms of the lack of knwledge, lack of analytic abilities and poor reasoning capacity overall. It's kind of boring to keep bumping into it.


As a systems and software engineer, I lol'd.


no, you don't have ADHD, you're just pretending! *10 years later* oh, maybe you do have ADHD after all, since we changed a few arbitrary guidelines. sucks you ruined the past 10 years of your life! Hope that future medicine can prevent this kinda BS more reliably.


Patients in 2024 because their doctors used connections to pass medical school


Are you in 2040 and you go to a human doctor? That's deserved.


Hey /u/Far_Grab_733! If your post is a screenshot of a ChatGPT conversation, please reply to this message with the [conversation link](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/7925741-chatgpt-shared-links-faq) or prompt. If your post is a DALL-E 3 image post, please reply with the prompt used to make this image. Consider joining our [public discord server](https://discord.gg/r-chatgpt-1050422060352024636)! We have free bots with GPT-4 (with vision), image generators, and more! 🤖 Note: For any ChatGPT-related concerns, email [email protected] *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


On the contrary…


So instead of a $93,900 bill, you'll have a $79,000 bill? Because they passed on the "savings" to you :/


jokes on you, no one will pass the MCATS


Or, this is you when your doctor WASN'T using AI, because "humans are best".


Peter Kyle - the new Science, Innovation and Technology Secretary of the UK >Kyle says “unlocking the benefits of artificial intelligence is personal” to him because the cutting edge medical scans now being developed could have saved his mother, who died of lung cancer which was detected too late.


I have a feeling this is going to age like milk when it becomes more common for AI models to invent treatments and correct bad diagnoses


Who is alive by that time?!


I wouldn’t worry about it. If you’re dying it probably means the AI diagnostic tool ran through every possible diagnosis and intervention based on your lab work, vitals, and symptoms and determined you were going to die. The doctor is just there because families and patients still want that kind of news delivered by a human.


Medicine is roughly the best science area to introduce AI. Even Altman said that (ofc. not regarding LLM but overall AI). I wishh my doctor was AI.




Downvoted. No emojis on reddit.




My exact reaction! 😂


https://preview.redd.it/oedqjvb3apad1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fc188c3ee66ff739326142ebad8c6dd02a55174 Even ChatGPT says not to use it lmao