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What is a friend?


I’m not sure I don’t think they exist <.<


Just go to a bar and talk to someone


I joined the Chattanooga Rugby team with no experience in my late 20s. Best decision I’ve made. Most of my best friends I met there.


I put myself out there and tried new things. Activist groups, sports clubs, yoga studio, craft nights put on by the library, Chattery classes, book clubs. There’s tons of stuff to do and a lot of people to meet if you keep an open mind and get out of your box. Don’t get me wrong, as a socially awkward introvert I still struggle lol, but I’ve found being comfortable being uncomfortable is key.


My first weekend in Chattanooga around 11 years ago I saw a group of like 8 people protesting the practice of circumcision on the corner near the aquarium. They had white paint suits and red paint on their crotch, guys and girls, holding signs and everything. Now, literally every time someone talks about activism in Chattanooga that's all I can think about, as if it's the only type of activism Chattanooga has ever seen. My brain does weird things.


I thought you were going to say you approached them and that's been your group of best friends ever since.


What a wild story that would be, lol, here's my new friends group for life, I was drawn to their fake bloody crotches


Oh man, those guys aren't even from Chattanooga!


People protest circumcision?? This is news to me


There's a tiny but verrrry vocal group who does. They think it should be the man's choice when he's older. I ran into them in Boulder Colorado once. Same deal with the red paint on the crotch.


There is a very interesting overlap going on here. This venn diagram has a center. Read plenty of such materials on an old friend's fb. Within the mentioned time span said person moved to CO. Well ain't this an awkward co-winky- uncircumcised-dinky 😬. It got real weird with a splash of cult.


That's hilarious, I wonder if I ran into your friend? This was probably around 2017 or so. Definite cult vibes, getting that worked up about it when most men don't care. Also interesting that it was mostly women, and that their message is "he can do it as an adult" ... which is a massively worse time to do it.


This is just the tip of what's going on.


😂😂 In the context of the many many things out there that people protest, circumcision seems hilariously low on the todem pole. In hindsight, I was typing “I didn’t know people got so bothered over other stranger’s decisions regarding their own kids,” and then I realized I probably shouldn’t be so suprised.


I mean they did one weekend like 11 years ago at least, lol, and it was like 6 women and 2 dudes...who were probably trying to date the women, or just had really horrible circumcisions done on them. I don't think I've seen it since, but because it was the first protest I saw in Chattanooga, in my mind, it's "Chattanooga Activism"


The library hosts craft nights? That's awesome! is it the main branch?


Yes! I think it’s every month they have a Crafting with craft bevvies [night](https://www.chattlibrary.org/event/crafting-with-craft-bevvies-2-2-2/)


Volunteer. The act of taking your time to assist those who need help tends to attract people who carry strong values to build friendships out of.


Where did you find places to volunteer? I’ve been trying to find some art related places to volunteer


If you are an animal lover, McKamey does incredible work and are always looking for dedicated volunteers. Check with local food banks. I personally am the least artistic person I know so I have hard time comparing the two. Sorry. A quick google search showed the Chattanooga Film Festival has volunteer opportunities. That seems to be the one that screams art. Non-Volunteer Related Even though the classes cost money, there is usually a Chattery thread once a week and art classes are definitely in there as probably ways to meet people. There is a photography society in Chattanooga. I am part of the astronomical society here. I think there are Meetups around town for all kinds of hobbies.


Ihelpchattanooga.org has hundreds of volunteer opportunities


You can volunteer at scenic city clay arts! I did for about 3 months and I liked it!


I’ve never done anything with clay but this is a great idea I’ll try that!


Food bank! They make it so easy to sign up—you just make an account on their website and choose the slot you want to work and show up!


There's an upcoming election in August and poll workers are always wanted! It's a big time commitment, but I've found it super rewarding and a great way to get to know your community if you're working in your precinct. I haven't been doing it long and can't say I've made friends through it, but you meet a lot of neighbors and fellow poll workers are great people to talk to.


The downside though is that there will be a lot of possible nutcases also with potential issues to poll workers.  The upside is that Chattanooga so far has been immune is previous years to all the hyperpartisan nonsense.  Let's hope the track record stays the same.


Hey! The Chattery has classes, just go on their website to catch this months’ calendar. I love Mixed Media collages, watercolor & ceramics🙂 What do u luv? Have u checked out Continuing Ed classes at UT downtown?


I’m more into sketching, figure drawing, and pen/ink. I was actually looking at that today and thinking about signing up for the watercolor class even though water color isn’t usually something I would be interested in. I didn’t know UT had continuing Ed classes I might check those out


There are running groups all over town are great for finding a click of people to stick with. You'd also be forced to see them often if it's an interest of yours. Sharing miles repeatedly will offer conversation and finding like minds.


It’s hard because the people I would get along with probably *also* like to stay home in their stretchy pants more often than not, but I did just download the Meetup app and have RSVP’ed to a couple events. You might try that, though TBD on whether this is good advice. 😂


I made all my friends by frequently attending local shows and live music events. The electronic music scene here is very friendly!


I honestly don’t have friends here lol. It’s just me and my girlfriend, but I’m a lone wolf anyway. Majority of my close friends have always lived in states away from me so I’m used to it. Also the type of friends I enjoy, they don’t always align with my likes


Outdoor Chattanooga


Plug for the Chattanooga Civics podcast! The latest episode was with Outdoor Chattanooga. I hadn't heard of them before, but it sounds cool.


Convinced my friends to move here lol Also rock climbing Also meetup Also made some friends with some people I went on dates with that were cool, but the spark wasn't really there.


The secret is consistency and time. Think about all the friends you’ve made in the past. Most likely at school or work because you saw each other every day over the course of weeks/months. Casually interacting with no pressure or obligation. Find or start a group that does something you genuinely enjoy and just keep going. What starts out as casual chit chat on a run or hike, turns into beers afterward, then game nights, Lookouts games, and so on until before you know it, boom! Friends.


Sitting at a bar. Very easy way meet people


Not everyone likes to be around drunks


Not everyone at a bar is an alcoholic.....


I lost all my friends because I quit drinking, best yet lonely experience.


I agree


It's easy to make acquaintances with the similar interest here if one just does what they like on their own, but it is definitely hard to make meaningful friendships. Not sure why this seems worse in the Chattanooga area than in other places I've lived, but I guess once one hits 30 (give or take a few years), they just stop going outside and doing the things they like. I've been averaging 1 new friend a year since I've moved here and I think a lot of that is I'm willing to plan and find events. So maybe plan all the things and be prepared to do them solo when someone flakes?


Yes, there is a world of difference between an acquaintance and real friendships. Unfortunately this is a lesson often learned the hard way. Beware of fan clubs too 😬


I think because Chattanooga is mostly one vast suburb. People come here to live their individual lives or with their nuclear family group and don't interact with anyone else outside necessary business.


Maybe. Even as an introvert, I find that sad. Enforces that it takes time and lots of putting oneself out there to find the right people in this area.


Try meetup app and Facebook groups


Convinced my friends to come to chattanooga


Civic engagement + your neighbors. It’s not for everyone, but it’s been a solid foundation for me.


Started a board game group. Found enough people I liked to play with and then left the group and all social media forever lol


I just go to the disc golf course and start playing alone if I run into someone or a group of people I ask to join and if we get along well while playing I see if they wanna throw again sometime just do that with what you personally enjoy doing and you'll make friends


The local art community is extremely friendly. Try going to art shows and markets. There are Facebook groups. Also look into chatt labs.


My struggle is finding the events 😮‍💨


Good luck. Born and raised here, and most Chattanoogans just make all of their friends in pre school.


Seems to be a common thing in many places unfortunately


That explains a lot.


By following the very specific and published guideline procedures for making friends specifically in Chattanooga. Duh


Just ask your friends from Chattanooga on how to obtain the pamphlet: it covers it all.


The pamphlet reads: Wanna be a chattanoogans friend? Move back to where ever you moved from


Where did you move from? Did you have friends before you moved? What did you do there to find those people?


I moved from Johnson City, TN most of my friends there I met growing up or through college


Mostly through work and they did not work out well for me personally, but I’m older and really only have a handful of friends that I’ve known for decades.




The way I made friends was through working in the restaurant industry -- I live in a pretty rural area so neighbors aren't exactly meeting you when you first move in 🥲 but through working in the restaurant industry I've made friends, who then introduced me to more people and from that point I've even made a solid group! I moved to TN from CA 6 years ago this year! Hang in there, maybe try local group activities or Bumble does have a FRIENDS specific section, I've heard people having success on there too 😁


I have a full-time office job now but I’ve considered getting a part time restaurant job on the side because those are my people. Only issue is that would leave me with no actual time to hang out with people.


Ahhh yeah that's true - I completely understand where you're coming from, while I was working another office job I debated taking some bar shifts but ultimately decided not to for my own sanity 😅 My inbox is open for new friends!


Moved here 12 years ago, and it's still a struggle. Part of it is on me though as I don't actively seek out the nightlife here. Board game nights seem to be popular here, if that's your thing.


Just put yourself out there man, you are an artist type, you might like the woodshop in st Elmo. If you or anyone else here into MMA, hit me up, I try going to BWW or Twin Peaks to catch the fights every weekend. I moved out here from LA a few years ago, and have met some great people, just get out there bro. What do you do for work? It was tough for me to make friends because I work from home so I don't really have co-workers. But if you work in a setting with coworkers, see if you can tag along with them on the weekends.


I haven’t watched mma in years but I did just start going to a kickboxing gym. I work as a software engineer usually from home but there’s a local office here


Dope, where are you training? I train at Militia MMA.


I like weird art. Do you like weird art? I made some shitty paintings this year for the first time, I got a cool kind abstract tattoo (well, I think it’s cool anyway), and I’ve been popping out some buttons as well. Sound up your alley or do you have more refined tastes? As far as other ways I’ve made friends here though, I signed up for a rec kickball league and also started playing D&D at Lo Main. There’s an open table that runs sometimes there too if that interests you.


I haven't made many


I had a lot of success on bumble bff, I met two good friends over the course of about three months. You have to be open to the awkwardness of getting to know someone and be willing to put yourself out there.


Depending on what you're in to: there are local shops that host a myriad of classes from sketching/drawing the naked body with live model to learning how to make polymer clay creatures. I'm attending a "stained glass art" for beginners class in August in Hixson near Acess Road, The Crafter's Emporium. I took the other classes at FACES, which the $ for the classes went towards their Craniofacial Program. I believe all of these classes were under 50.00, or around there. I met lots of new folk from all walks of life.


Work - and ironically some of my good friends here were actually introduced to me by a coworker, and I’m better friends with them than the coworker now. Book clubs at Book & Cover (or other places). I’m also lucky to live in a neighborhood that does regular hangouts. Church is another way we’ve made friends. There are also good networking groups like green|spaces that put on events like green drinks.


Still struggling after 3 years, I even worked at bar. I'm just to strange for this little town.


Heck if I know. Moved here about 3 months before covid hit.


Wanderlinger usually has one or two art events a month!


Creative Mornings last Friday morning of the month. Various locations generally downtown. Friendly folks good speakers.


Been here for 8 months and still have not made any but I also really haven’t done any activities that would help me make new friends


It’s rough out here I hope you are able to make some soon as well < 3




Anal sex


I went to a Mccallie game and all the chicks wanted to fuck me


What are your interests and hobbies? If you like games stores(video games), go to the 1 or 2 independents in the local area and strike up a conversation with staff. There’s also groups for artists like the Scenic City Clay arts. You could join a civic organization. I’m not an Elk but those places have a bar attached to them with cheap drinks and decent people. There’s woodworking classes. All these things are just suggestions to get you around people that might have similar interests. Good luck. Most people in the area are friendly.


I have basically one hobby, golf. I met all but 2-3 of my friends in town because of my hobby. The few others are neighbors we've gotten to know over the years because our kids are the same age. I travel for work and my wife is an introvert so it took us some time to build up a friend group after we moved here in 2008. It's definitely hard to make friends in a new city, particularly one like Chattanooga where to many of the locals it's all about what high school you went to, but usually finding people with similar hobbies is a good way to meet like-minded people.




Bars. Go when it's not super busy and you'll slowly meet everyone.


I’ve been hearing this a lot since so many people started moving here in the last decade or so. Is it really so hard to make friends here? I mean me and basically everyone I know don’t *personally* want anything to do with people who move here but surely not *everyone* is like that, right?


Surely not…




Joined a church


Broad Street Taco Bell. When ordering, I just ask the person how their day is going, what they enjoy, if they like Baja Blast as much as I do, etc. Now, all of the employees know me and I just hang out there and have a great time. 10/10 recommend!


I joined a Chattanooga friends group on Facebook and I also tried Bumble friend mode, although that one didn't go anywhere. Just like dating mode - people don't respond!!! But I made an amazing friend from Facebook. I had a lottttt of people respond to my post but she's the only person who consistently wanted to hang out and we are definitely great friends now - going on a year of friendship!


My kid made friends and I became friends with their parents. Also through work.


every new friend i've made since moving back is from going to live shows. whatever type of music you like, there's probably a bar doing a night of that type of thing. For example, if you like metal, go to Dark Roast or Ziggy's, if you like indie rock, go to JJs, if you like electronic, check out Flavorless or Unknown Pleasures, you like folk or country...too many to name. become a regular somewhere, it'll happen.


I used bumble to get started when I first moved, but since then my closest friends have been while out and about and just striking up a conversation.






The Meetup app has been a lifesaver.


Getting involved in community things is how I’ve met most of my friends. Local activism, community theater, random events at bookstores.


Group fitness class at the YMCA


I found fellow bookish friends through joining book clubs and the rest of my friends are from work.


I joined the electricians union and started going to card game/warhammer shops and joined there discords and joined there respective communities. Also answered Reddit post to play board games and eat dinner.


I grew up here and barely have friends 😂


Oh… this really isn’t looking good for me


I moved here 8 years ago and one of the reasons I have stayed is for the community of friends and “like family” relationships I now have. So it’s possible, but I am a social extrovert 🙃 I’d simple it down to get involved in your hobbies and interests. PLUS focus on the relationship building aspect of creating friendships. It’s naturally harder as an adult. You have to make it a priority. And not everyone you’re trying to be friends with will reciprocate and that’s fine. I also made a lot of friends and connections through my line of work.


Find a good church full of good people.


Bruh, the actual people who have lived here alll their lives are too busy trying to pay bills and find steady employment or worrying about the absolute garbage underfunded public school system here to pal around with out of towners who think chattanoogas a cool trendy place theyd like to live in. Not all of us have a trust fund or work from home. Most people here are struggling financially.


Not sure why you got downvoted. I try to be nice to everyone, but this definitely explains the situation with a lot of these transplants.


Sports, activism, online meetups. Most Chattanooga people are extremely friendly. Coming from a really big city, I feel its almost annoyingly friendly when I have places to be. That's me though.