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The terro liquid gel traps that you can buy at home depot are amazing we get them because the cat food https://preview.redd.it/dlmaxsk414ad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3ae0016822baaa50973e76a56e2e15ec4b8d95a


This 50000%. Find where they are coming in from as best you can. Lay it there. It will look like its getting really bad around the trap and the next day they are just gone. Kills the entire colony. Edit: If you have one colony near the house most likely will have one or two more that then become dominant. Just be on the look out. And each year a new brood will take over the hive and make a new colony. Just rinse and repeat. EZ PZ. Double Edit: if you get them in your mailbox, add scented dryer sheets.


This is the way.


What does we get them because the cat food mean? I’m not getting the context here


hi! I'm assuming they have cats & a lot of times people leave their cat's food out, open & on the floor. It's like a gold mine for ants. A jackpot one might say.


Gotcha in other words the honeypot We’ve all been there before.. Summer of 04’


These worked great last time we had an issue


These did it for me. It helps to spread a few discrete spots of it around, if you don't have pets. Sticky to clean up, but it decimates 'em.


This is the answer.


Want to add that our dog ate one of these once. $75 call to poison control later we were told she’s fine and we didn’t need to do anything for her. Just in case anyone else has a dog that likes to eat random shit they find around the house.


You can refill them with your own posion too. A half cup of sugar, 1.5 tablespoons of borax, and 1.5 cups of warm water.


We got the Advion Ant gel. You put a little dot and they swarm it like it’s candy, they take it back to their hive and die. It’s supposed to be ok with pets as long as they don’t eat the whole tube or something but I still only use it in locations they can’t reach.


This stuff does rock, but Terro is so much cheaper 


Not really you only have to use a gram of advion to take out an entire colony. That tube goes a long ways if applying correctly.


I got two pitcher plants and put them where the ants were coming in. No ants now but very healthy pitcher plants.


This year isn't too bad on my end, but I've had ant problems before. Run by Ace and get some of their ant traps, then follow the trail of ants as far as you can to wherever they're entering your house at and leave the trap there. You might have to swap it out every few weeks, but at least the ants will stop there and not continue into the rest of the house


That sounds like a great idea! I’ve done the vinegar. The baking soda.. but I was scared my doggie would explode if she ate it she was sniffing it!.. Last weekend we moved my vanity and I found the trail.. going straight to a tiny hole in the wall.. where there used to be a cable cord or something.. anyways I was spraying the carpet pet foam cleaner.. and it killed them all like mass destruction and I put baking soda in the hole and covered it.. but them boogers came right back!!!! They are driving me nuts!! Completely nuts! Something has to give! I didn’t know they had traps for them!! I will literally try anything at this point! 💕


Just here in solidarity lol. I saw somewhere apparently lack of rain makes them worse/rain helps keep them under control so hopefully we get wetter weather soon.


Eat them.


Did an anteater secretly post this trying to find other ant havens?


Diatomaceous Earth. Sprinkle it around when it’s dry out. It’s just crushed stone so it is safe. It gets in the ant’s exoskeleton and does bad things to them.


Silica isn’t just crushed stone


Don’t put that stuff in your home. It’s terrible for your lungs.


“When it’s dry out” “out”


Topic was about ants In. In


Is the diatomaceous earth okay for the dogos to be around? I have a tiny Chihuahua that can get behind and under anything lol! & a big pitbull that will claw and sniff anything out! Heck I was scared to put baking soda around I told my Chi .. don’t lick it I think you might explode then I just vacuumed it up! I was scared lololol


Yep, some people even put it directly on dogs to help with fleas. Get the kind labeled “food grade”. It can be safely eaten in not huge amounts. The one issue you could have is the sniffing. Inhaling rock dust can’t be good. Edit: just to be sure, it’s for outdoor use only


Yep, rubbed it all over my cat for fleas too...


Some people put it in their animals food🤷🏻‍♀️ it’s just fossils


Farmers use it around their livestock and cats and dogs.


If you use this, please make sure to get food grade. One is safe for pets, the other isn’t from what I’ve read. It’s supposed to be amazing for other bugs as well, like fleas, roaches, etc and it’s cheap. Works well if you can find where they’re coming in the house to put in the cracks


You have to get the food grade version of Diatomaceous Earth. The other kind is not good for in the house or pets!!


Google homemade borax ant bait. They'll take it home to share and then they all die. You could also use a good indoor/outdoor perimeter spray like bifenthrin (name brand TalStar) and it should keep them out altogether.


Ant hotel by raid. They carry it back to the nest and feed it to the queen.


I find there areas where they seem most concentrated and place some homemade ant poison in the cap of a milk jug. A half cup of sugar, 1.5 tablespoons of borax, and 1.5 cups of warm water. It's relatively human/pet safe but it destroys the digestive system of the ants.


Use combat and or raid bait stations. They take it to the colony and they all die. And also go to tractor supply and get diatomaceous earth and spread it around everywhere on the lawn after you cut it. Diatomaceous earth is like walking on glass and sharp metal, it will cut the exoskeleton and make them dry out and die. I have a garden and I have used both. Terro is boric acid, it just kills the ant that eats it.


Make sure all you cut bushes and trees branches are away from the house. Go on Amazon and look up pest control chemicals, and make sure you go by the directions. Spray the entire perimeter around the house. Problem solved.


Haven’t had them this time around but I did last year and the year before BAD. I tried the home remedies like vinegar, baking soda, honey trap etc. Tried ant traps too. The only thing that has ever worked for me to get them GONE-gone, is Raid spray. Find the parts of the floor they stick to (usually against a wall) and ideally where they are coming from and just spray it down.


I’ve had great luck with a spray called Stem. The bottle says “kills ants roaches flies” and “safe for use around kids + pets.” I commented more in-depth about it on another post a few weeks ago. I think that one was about ticks if u wanna search. I also do salt along my baseboards and windowsills. And I’ve given up on composting for the rest of the summer :(


Boric acid. Get it at ace for next to nothing. It’s the “active” ingredient in most pesticides. That’s all that’s in those tanks people pay $50 a month to spray around the house. You can dilute with water, or just sprinkle it around. Works in hours not days.


I thought Terro would have officially killed all the ants on earth by now, based on what it did with one drop on my home.


Go outside and find the ant beds. I use Ortho Orthene Fire Ant Killer. Seems to do a good job at destroying the colony.


We had terrible luck with ants this year at and the bait traps were NOT working (they usually do). Our bug people came and found like 3 colonies around our yard lol especially in our flower beds. They had to come by twice and spray for us.


Taurus SC. Order online in concentrate form or maybe a Generic same same active ingredient. It’s great for ants, fleas, roaches, and even labeled for termites though you can’t legally apply it for termites unless you are licensed. You can spray outside perimeter and though not labeled for inside u wouldn’t think twice about spraying in cracks and hard to get to places that are coming from. If you are wondering about safety around pets, it’s the same active ingredient as that gel stuff you put on their back for fleas once a month except that is allot more concentrated than the water mix you would spray. Otherwise call a pest control guy


Absolutely terrible in my whole neighborhood. I killed a few mounds in my yard, but now there's the tiny variety in my flower bed, and in the bathrooms. 😭


I had some of them entering my bathroom window. Sprinkled some of this in the paths and they disappeared real quick. [https://www.acehardware.com/departments/lawn-and-garden/insect-and-animal-control/insect-bait/7247174?store=03715&gad\_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADtqLJEPPN7n\_2mGt5JxYsYdKGXUM&gclid=Cj0KCQjw7ZO0BhDYARIsAFttkCjqPcDMOBO4WzSjnCd7W6mtaN8o9BGuEnv9XsAb5bsrg7Ys8AL4qhkaAoltEALw\_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds](https://www.acehardware.com/departments/lawn-and-garden/insect-and-animal-control/insect-bait/7247174?store=03715&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADtqLJEPPN7n_2mGt5JxYsYdKGXUM&gclid=Cj0KCQjw7ZO0BhDYARIsAFttkCjqPcDMOBO4WzSjnCd7W6mtaN8o9BGuEnv9XsAb5bsrg7Ys8AL4qhkaAoltEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds)