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This is expected from instagram comments. It’s always hate filled for any topic.


i saw a post of 2 accounts comparing same reel comment, and how the ig algorithm is designed to show hate comments to farm engagement. idk im glad i deactivated my main ig acc, reduced my screentime to only 1hr a week


How did u achieve that man?


achieve what? the screentime i mentioned is for mobile since noone messages me lol and everything else to be done like emails i do on pc.


well it is peaceful that no one messages us


haha. it is bizarre to get used to, but the lack of annoyance is good. cheers


Yess... Not only this, literally any reel or post I see has hate comments thoughout on Instagram. Adhula some of them are good too tbh.


It's expected in comments from any human on any platform............there's a reason Reddit is a lot worse than it used to be. It stopped being niche and a lot of humans joined in..........not it's a reflection of humanity. Full of horrible, vile and hateful people. Humans really are a trash species.


Instagram has become a shithole. Primary reason I moved to reddit. Posting random clicks on instagram just so that my long lost friends know that I am still alive. Trust me it will be new facebook within 5 years.


Instagram is full of teens now, and most of them are brainwashed by the sigma, matrix, hatred etc etc.


All these uncles and aunties would be the ones who begged to let them watch movies in theatre, go to thiruvizha, complete UG, etc. 1 or 2 decades ago. Similarly, we'll disapprove the lifestyle of the next generation while getting labels like "Boomer" or whatever the term is in the future. This is our "ACTUAL" culture: Not understanding the next gen. I guess it's in our genes and we just have to live with it.


Boss it is not just uncles and aunties. It is a lot of youth also.


Exactly. HipHop Adhi was 21 when he released Clubbu-le Mabbu-le. Today's "pullingo" aren't much better. They want acceptance from the rest of us to not conform themselves, while still expecting young women to behave like Revathi in *Mann Vaasanai*


Madonna-whore complex.


Shots fired 🔥


Or, it's plain and simple - jealousy Why should they get to enjoy something I never got to


Genes! Lol 🤣 Terrible, yet good one


Thats just everywhere tho. Not just here. As a human being, its in our genes to dislike change and new things. Its an evolutionary trait.


It's simple jealousy These guys see these girls dancing and drinking in modern clothes. They want to dance and drink with them, but they know they aren't confidenr enough to approach. Hence the toxic comments.




I was part of that until a couple of months back. Social media is full of hatred. If you are not careful, these morons will make you hate others for no reason. This is why i deleted my Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts. Reddit for the next couple of weeks.


I did the same and my days started feeling peaceful ever since


Yeah let's hope no one promotes Reddit. Quora ka hal dekho. I was one of the earliest users and it was genuinely informative Q&A forum, now look what our 1.4B population has done to that it's uninhabitable.


I watched quora turn into cesspool right in front of my eyes


So it’s basically become yahoo answers.


Yahoo answers at least seem like satire, which they are most of the time.


Man I don't know how people will take this but I want to share an incident. I am from Haryana and I went with my friend to a club in Chennai and they uploaded mine and her photo on their insta and the comments were really really shit. Somebody even calls her a race traitor or shit for being with a vadakkan and full rant about how Tamizh girls want their skin tone to be accepted but themselves date fair guys etc etc I hope everybody knows that shit here. Also some were degenerate enough to imagine how we go physical with that huge height difference and some calling it blacked reverse 🤮 Since that day I have stopped reading any Instagram comments as they'll be full of shit. Even in the club itself I could hear shit but in very less quantity about myself and the fact that I know Tamizh makes it even more funny. Finally I understood that we all are racists in our own way.


sorry that u had to go thru that bro. indians are so racist to eachother. south indians calling out north indians for crime rates and north indians making fun of south indians for their skin colour. its always so messy


Kalaacharathai kaapatrum deivangal 🙏 /s


Some of them who comment are genuinely concerned about the culture shock. It's their exposure levels. You can't blame them. Remaining folks who comment are the ones who secretly long to be there, yet hypocritical in their outwardly portrayal of their views !


perfectly said


Yepp remaining folks are just insecure , btw wdym culture shock


Our culture praises modesty so anything outside their "traditional" notions is inherently sinful.


Ignore insta comments, it's getting retarded day by day.


I guess our "culture" is shaming women enjoying, calling people kachra(slur used for scheduled castes). Extreme Xenophobia in a place which was like "யாதும் ஊரே யாவரும் கேளிர்". They are true in a way that the west has poisoned our minds. They made young men who were becoming more and more accepting into Sigma males misogynists with all the sexism influencers. Even hip hop aadhi and simbu Anna changed lol, now our men are importing sexism from the west. Edit: also "tamil pengal, keep your standards high" never leave the house and marry whomever your father chooses and don't divorce him no matter what he does or else you're a whore.


I'll be downvoted for this I'm sure but India wasn't influenced by the west in terms of misogyny or sexism. It was highly prevalent and is still highly prevalent in india. Blaming the west for that is disingenuous at best.


I was just joking about that. Sexism is rooted in our country.


Ah my bad. Tone is a bit hard to decipher over text. Glad we agree! :)


Yeaaa , that's not high standards that's obeying a "dick"tatorship


Lmao I'll use "dick"tatorship in the place of patriarchy from now on


I think it's , a mixture of a lot of propaganda and things that happen in society. Middle class and people who are grown in conservative environments and single mixed with the rise of misogynist influencer , who slut Shame women. But , I have a doubt clubbing than early 2000s la irunthe iruku la Chennai la apparam yethu epadi replies varuthu ??


Me thinks 2000s la there wasn’t as much online marketing/social media, so people kept their opinions to themselves or shared it within their ‘closed’ circles. Now everyone has an opinion to thelichify on the world, hiding behind their online persona.


True, even if you have an opinion people confuse you like anything by sharing their views.


Clubbing was limited to the upper classes and/or to the people with Western exposure in the 2000s. This was still a very limited set of people though. Also, the lower & middle classes were not aware of the advantages of clubbing or didn't see a need for those advantages. Those same guys are probably giving such comments, maybe. In case anyone asks, the advantages clubbing provides are an ability to meet lots of people in an environment where it's encouraged to relax yourself. This is important in cultures where dating, and not arranged marriage, is the norm as that's the only way in such cultures to meet people of the opposite sex (parents aren't going to do the search for you in such cultures). This advantage is lost in our country where largely, parents do the job. So you'll see people from our country focusing on the drinking & dressing as they don't need the advantages. Clubs do provide one advantage in our country - making friends in a new city. A person new to Chennai from say Delhi/North India without any pre-existing connect here needs friends in the city. What better way than a pub where songs you know are played & you can see who else enjoys the same songs you like & you can build connections with them?


I think its still upper class thing. Bro couldn't convince my father that we have a concert in college and we will be dancing and enjoying upto 1 AM. But my friend who goes for clubs regularly told that people come in groups then how do you guys socialize in a club ??


Avanala vera enna Panna mudium oru aaniya pudunga mudiyathu


We need to learn to ignore. We focus on wrong this, this troll who post hate comments demands attention, why give it to him?


As a North Indian born and raised in Chennai. I may look North Indian but I’m Tamil at heart. It does break my heart to see such comments However, if I’m being honest, the culture in Chennai is conservative but not extremist. I also feel that sticking to traditional values has made Chennai unique but tradition must not kill our freedom to enjoy once in a while. I also feel that dating culture is not prominent in Chennai because there is a fear of judgement. Approaching an attractive person in public or being on a dating app is looked down upon. Namma Chennai’s heart is larger than this machis. Live and let live :) #Yellove


I never understand why people voluntarily read Instagram and Twitter comments.


Because they hate women and they hate themselves and their pathetic lives even more.


I do have a problem not basically with the culture but the business model. Every pub ad on instagram focuses only on groups of women dancing. I'm not even sure if these videos are posted with each of their consent taken. And these women are provided free entry and free drinks too in some events which are indirectly paid for by the male customers. If I'm not wrong pubs are places that are supposed to provide drinks,food, dance floors , DJ and a good music system. But I've very rarely seen an ad which talks about any of these except just showing a group of women dancing. What are they trying to sell here? How come this cannot be "objectification"?


Most of them will be uncles in their 40s.


You will be surprised how much of these are guys in their 20s following those misogynistic creators


North Indians ah Ula vitta nasama poguma? Bro tf is wrong with people man Nee north pona north nasam agudhu yenna guarantee? Humans and people's nu orru concept eh illa


The hate come from people you can't get in. As elitist as that sounds, that's the truth. If these preachers get a chance to have fun, they will jump in for the opportunity


And we keep asking, why isn't it safe for women to go out in the evening at Chennai. It's these assholes.


Chennai being safe has a lot to do with our women towing in line with culture here. Many times I feel our people are no different from vadakkans. Just be a girl in sleeveless in a bus. The women folk would be more aggressive than men.


Moving to Chennai from Bangalore after marriage, I was hit by the culture shock. Not that Bangalore doesn't have a catcalling culture but Chennai, we have grown men wearing veshti showing off patta pattis and shaming girls for wearing mere sleeveless tops 😭


What is wrong with sleeveless?


These are the guys who ogle women in local trains and message random girls hi hi hi on Instagram


" ID sollu bro " 😂


saaptiya ?


ellam enga boss aj bhairav thaan karnam 🐦‍🔥😎 *intense summertime sadness bgm plays*


Dont forget his walk at the end


Avane en ya illukura 😂😂


First of all, this video is from New York. This unseen chennai stole this reel from a club in New York.


Adhi naa appome sonnaru


Adhi anna bringing Kanchi pattu to everyone in club next time.


Wanna know why you're seeing this?, cause you probably engage with controversy, recently Instagram updated their comments algorithm to show users the type of comments they engage with. It's wild honestly.


Exactly.. recently every post is triggering and nothing is relatable.. the algorithm purposely shows content which rages you and makes you interact. Also there is a term called group polarization. Social media doesn't have the idea of grey. According to it the world is either black or white. Grey doesn't exist. If you are black it makes you blacker and if you are white it makes you whiter. For example let's say: In real life let's say you're mid about something. Neither pro- nor anti-. When you come across a post that's pro- and you look at the comments and see that lots of people are pro and you interact with it. The algorithm keeps showing you pro- posts and you become extremely pro- and you become less receptive of the anti- thoughts. There is documentary in Netflix called the social dilemma. It's just 1hr or something. Watch it you will be shocked. In 1 line "If you're not paying for the product, you are the product."




Because clubbing culture discriminates against single men 🤷‍♂️


In what way lol?


Speaking as someone who hasn't been to a pub in Chennai in over a decade, I remember cover charges for stag entry nearly everywhere. I also remember some places separating single men / male groups and couples / female / mixed groups into different areas of the pub, and bouncers keeping single men out of the mixed area. And of course the bigger & nicer dance floor would be in the mixed area. Stuff like that almost makes it feel like the club wants your money but still taunts you by not letting you onto the dance floor or interact with any single women who may be there. You're just better off finding your own crowd and having a chill hang out in someone's house.


The only problem I see with chennai embracing more and more of the "American" way of living is that. Ever since I moved back to Chennai from the UK, I only see very young people indulging in these "parties" and more often than not getting easily addicted to the drinking and smoking that comes with it. When I was in college in '17, 1 out of 50 in a class would be indulging in constant drinking and pot. Now it's more like 15 out of 50.


It is literally so irritating to see hate comments even for trends that need to be normalised, which includes breastfeeding in public. I would gladly love to comment “unga akka/amma va irundha ipdi pesirupeya” but then they would launch all that hate by badmouthing me.


How are they posting pictures of people without their permission?? I see that in all clubs there's an idiot with a DSLR clicking photos. When u say u don wanna be photographed you are a party pooper. And these pictures are to show women in bad light. Ponunga Konjo life ah enjoy panna apdiye soo**u yeriyum indha panadaigalauku


Because according to them, it's wrong and they want to voice out and it's posted in ""unseenChennai" page.


Poramai. They are well aware of the fact that they can’t experience this, but instead of accepting and coping, they spew hate.


Some are always obsessed with what others do vro .. can't help out. Like you commenting on them and myself commenting on you😜


Simple case of "if I'm miserable, then everyone around me should also be miserable "


The Instagram algorithm probably targeted the lonely alpha male mentality men in that locality. The same men insecure about their future arranged marriage wife's clubbing and pubbing


Thankfully, I don't get in to category of moral policing or advice to the younger generation. However, I had to record my opinion about this post and the write up, THEY DO THAT FOR THE SAME REASON WHY YOU HIGHLIGHED AND POSTED IT ON THIS PUBLIC forum.


tamil men get frothy when they turn forty..


That one dialogue in Pammal K sammandham.. avangaluku un mela paasam ila en mela gaandu.. same stuff ! Avanga poga mudila nu pogura women ah culture kedukranga nu vera 😂 Also men are going to the clubs too..! Their personal wish and no one has anything to say about it !


Insta comments are filled with either hate comments or thirst comments no in between. Few A-holes in internet doesn't speak for Chennai/Tamil population in general. Feels like this stems from the frustration of being losers themselves and satisfy themselves by trashing others.


Same reason why "some" telugu, malayalam, french, american etc men show such attitudes. Everyone is not the same. And some people will be like this in any place. You can rant and move on. You can also try to be revolutionary and bring about a utopian society. Choice is yours.


they're just a bunch of losers, this isn't just on Chennai posts but even other city clubbing posts have the same comments if they go trending or even if not a lot of times.


vaitherichal dhaan. They have never had the experience of a club and just assume everyone who goes there is a hoe(especially girls).


Every guy in this world is hypocrite, Chennai men don't mind showing it off. As simple as that.


Hey everyone, I'm new in Chennai. I'll be here for 3 months. What are some clubs/pubs I can visit to enjoy the nightlife?


Ella antha HHT club'la mapula la start anathu than!


This exactly why Chennai clubbing scene is so dead 💀


So, back in the days kings had massive music/dance/orgies in palaces which was fine and cultural and these guys have no problems with that, but now normal regular people wanted to have the same fun, ivangalukku porukkalaya?


Ruining our culture is a bad thing.... no offence but clubs don't make you happy at all 🚶🏻


Evenga room la okanthu dance aditu irupanaga... ethaya club la aduna ena thappu....


We can’t blame them for example some of the vegetarians or vegans show hatred on people eating meat, they portray in a way that we are killing animals and doing bad deeds from their point of view. What I say is like eating non veg clubbing is also not a 100% good and the best thing to do, in clubbing there are good things like we can chill-out, socialise with new people, dance and enjoy, who knows people can find love of their life there. People only have the understanding of the bad things like drinking or using illegal drugs, over abusing their body with drugs, women or men getting abused and much more. And most of the Tamil people are blinded by culture and superstition believes, which they don’t know the actual reason behind it. Some are getting evolved and getting matured and some never will, a society is a thing where people will have different perspectives and mindset but if majority of people having wrong mindset and support a thing it will never become correct, so we have to be confident enough and classify enough that are we doing the right thing


We will also have flying cars..but not broad minded ..logical... understanding indian Bois and gals...some manufacturing defects exist...ignore them....they seek happiness by calling themselves pure ...... genuinely speaking... whenever I see women having fun ...men hate it and shame it ....but when women suffer...they glorify it and romanticise it...that's their cheap mentality ...


I'm not from Chennai and it's been hard finding people with the same interests in chennai, are there clubs that are open past 11 or music scenes happening. After 10.30 it's just dark and dogs 🙂.


OP's phone: https://preview.redd.it/0y73h0g9qq6d1.jpeg?width=426&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7325becc23fea64650d6a7a4ec855d67c11edc51


Because it's nothing wrong to be conservative.