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Mine digs on the bed every day like there’s a secret compartment she’s trying to find


I was going to say no until I read this. Mine does this too. Digging in dirt, not so much.


That is an adorable way to describe it 🥹😂same!


mine too lol. she used to go HAM on my bedsheets. digging for so long at this fastest speed. you could hear her breathing hard from all the energy she was putting into digging. i miss that lol


Love it


https://preview.redd.it/netv0ioobz7d1.jpeg?width=2838&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=387134f97b599cb70dc233650f5f13999e120ccc No. Never. (She’s a monster)


Why do they always have dirty snoots when they’re outside?!? Mine absolutely loves covering his mouth/nose in dirt 🤣


Yes but she’s your little monster 🥹


She's a cute monster 😆 🤣


I watched 2 Chihuahuas dig at the beach for over an hour straight. They had a huge area unearthed. 


I'm hoping to get a chance to take my girls to the beach. I'm not fond of sand, so should be fun. 


You would go nuts in my life. I have a surfer teen. The car, the washing machine, the towels, his clothes, his shoes etc. I even sometimes grit sand in my mouth if I grab some shopping bags from the car and it is windy. I gave up. Same with my itchy dog. Treatments, sprays, oral meds, baths, hypo allergenic foods and wash for her blankets and bedding and she is still bald everywhere her fat ass can reach to chew or scratch with her foot. 🙄 One friend visiting asked me "does she just want you to get a metal fork and dig it in to her?"


I live in ohio for reasons 😆 though I think Lake Erie is surfable at times.


Omg, this teen shit without sand is already enough, but the sand makes it like what did I do? I will say a Chihuahua and a teen is still a standoff lol. I can see them saddle'ing up on my last nerves like "hey, fam... You too?" Just now the teen cooked his protein diet (steak) and it pissed the Chihuahua off so she peed in his walkway to his room and before I could say a word he said "I know, because I didn't give her any". Lol. Yep. 


I try to explain the cheese tax but nobody listens. 


The price we pay when the chi doesn't get their 😆 😂


😆 my oldest throws tantrums over pizza bones and if I dont go to bed when she wants me too. The youngest pouts if my husband doesn't let her in the garage and yips until he gives her treats. If he yells at her for anything she'll hold a grudge for days. They've not pottied in anger yet, but I wouldn't put it past them.


They are very distinct little pups. 


https://preview.redd.it/mxxboxhw7z7d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92d72549d274fef0a01d401e7bf41cccf02df636 I really hope he’s trying to dig to a vacation destination for our family


https://preview.redd.it/fzsr3aijjz7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bb66872fdf2b24155ff38d67eb86f52f01297e2 Twins!


https://preview.redd.it/49gijzjvnz7d1.jpeg?width=2294&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58a2c2cc08ba24e82a6288b583934c4e8330643e Omg! Looks like my princess Tita ❤️


Team black Chi (mines a mix)! https://preview.redd.it/tuqj94mo808d1.jpeg?width=629&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c06582261ff22982a544264d345427b72ad424a1 Mine loves digging, and snorting into holes to scare critters out 😂🐶


Black Chis forever! https://preview.redd.it/wugclxbr118d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b78d3d6db2267db289eda671e6ac3f425b921951


https://preview.redd.it/pr0is0y1c48d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a2d4ed2bf19ad6b510a7fe9845b767171aaaf03 Team black Chi! Mine is also a “designer dog” he was rescued from a puppy mill.


Our Chi/Pitty mix (which looks suspiciously similar to your girl there) is the only chi I've known that's been a big digger, but I suspect it's down to the individual dog more than anything else. Our dachshund mix doesn't dig, but dachshunds are generally thought to be dig-addicted.


https://preview.redd.it/bu6xcb1iuy7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e382c3e5bccdd0937a31145d3e13f7ab9a2fee74 She did go after a spider last night, watch out - hell on wheels!


Mine caught a moth in his mouth one time, and then let it out and it flew away like nothing happened 😭😂


Awww, sweet girl cute 😍


My chihuahua-dachshund mix loves to dig too


chiweenie gang rise


Yessss! Also, I love Dolly Parton 🫡


i have a chiweenie and she's obsessed with digging/burying but only on furniture/with blankets as far as i can tell (we live in a city so true digging opportunities are limited unless she's at my parents' house in the suburbs but as far as i know, she doesn't dig in their yard)


Ours will both dig in blankets, the youngest especially. She’ll also dig and “bury” her favorite toys in her bed, our bed, the couch, and the laundry. But neither of them dig outdoors. I sometimes wish they would so the vet didn’t have to trim their nails so often.


I tell myself it’s enrichment and good for her paws! I also looked up prey digging vs bored digging in dogs and the only way to prevent prey digging is removing the prey or removing the dog. We’re not going to poison our yard (plus the moles are everywhere in the neighborhood), nor are we going to stop using our yard AS a yard. the moles make their own tunnels, at least the trenches are visible


It’s excellent exercise for them, too. Our older chi-rat is the only one with a prey drive, but she focuses more on things that are hiding in bushes. She’ll take a branch in her teeth, shake and pull on it and then let go, looking for anything she scared out. Maybe we must don’t have enough burrowing creatures in our neighborhood to trigger prey digging.


Mine like to dig in their blankets but they haven't actually dug a hole in the ground or anything like that. They do burnouts sometimes but those just kick stuff up


Yes, even with things that cannot possibly be dug. e.g. the floor and bedsheets


Mine definitely digs in blankets but he's shown no interest in digging actual dirt. Just sitting in it and then going on my bed, sigh.


If a Chihuahua wants something they will not give up. My chi when she was a puppy took off the corner of our home to try to get a lizard 🙄 She also became obsessed with a sprinkler head. At the time I looked up and saw Martha Stewart had discussed having a high functioning dog. I was convinced my dog suffered from that because fringe or tassles was another trigger. However, years later all she does is sleep and food is her obsession. She has scratched the fridge door wanting something inside of it. Basically digging on it at 2am. 


I started mine on Barn Hunt and she loves the sport.


Thank you for sharing, I have an aprox 2 years old black rescue chi and was always sad I don't have baby pics of her since I found her recently. But I assume she looked kinda like your puppy




Thank you 🥺 https://preview.redd.it/olp788tphd8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23b2c12a2c6b79c057dbe9e44f7627c077e64521


https://preview.redd.it/f7c59ljxhd8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=138fa592daa38d5923e75457823b9264f0e42c05 You’re welcome!!! I love this little demon.


I know mine is too! 😂🫶🏽 What breed is your other doggy? Looks like one of mine


Embark said 50% beagle, 50% schnauzer and yorkie and poodle and lhasa apso - someone’s purebred beagle had a fling with a small dog mutt! https://preview.redd.it/x77vb1i6mz7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54e70a0539de4f3681fba49bfb60d46afa200fbf She is not sure about this little dog in her house!


Aww I love that❤️ mine is part schnauzer too! I think he’s also part whippet https://preview.redd.it/nm0tt7lepz7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa4a959715f477be0760c6590059f841c195291c


They like to burrow to sleep, and my dudes also dig a little bit outside, but not to the point where it’s an issue.


Your chihuahua is so darn cute 😍Looks very similar to my chihuahua/Dachshund mix! He loves to dig, and he has caught mice on walks when I didn’t even see them! It’s definitely instinct lol


Okay we are not canceling our pest control to give her that thrill. We’re just outside the range of the big cicada brood this summer. A few have appeared and I bet she’ll have fun when we do get one. (Big sister Bella loves them.)


Mine doesn’t like dirty paws. She DOES however bury things in her blankie. Food things we find later…😞 Then she’ll guard the treasure viciously against our mini Aussie. He’s like a vacuum and will find it. Lol.


My chi digs in the blankets 😂


Ours only ever dug in sand because it was soft enough for their tiny feets. Love seeing all these pics of digging chis!


Mine does in the house (on the bed, blankets, toys, and so on) but he did NOT dig outside until his older Doberman Sister taught him TO!!!! LOL


We left them home alone today and when we came back, it was clear she’d dug and fashioned herself a little cave nest in the two blankets on the couch (surrounded by toys). After we came home we went outside (though they had outdoor access the whole time) and Bella had to go inspect her previous work and little bit had to follow. They love their older siblings don’t they?


They have to prove themselves, I suppose LOL


Penelope copying Bella is good when it comes to the doggy door and being outside even when the gsd next door (behind a tall wooden fence) is barking. Penelope copying Bella could be bad when it comes to digging but it’s not like Bella’s going to stop any time soon, so why not? The big test of copying big sister will be over the next week as fireworks start. Bella is petrified. Of course Bella hates water but Little Bit likes getting sprayed with the hose.


She looks so much like a puppy version of my dog. She's an Italian greyhound mix, and I'm about 95% sure she's part Chihuahua but I haven't had the chance to get her a DNA test. To answer the question in your post, yes absolutely. She's the first dog I've ever had that will bury chews and dig them up later. She's such a sweetheart https://preview.redd.it/v3g7fw95g08d1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aefb8049670301ca869456ce4b8d72b910f2dbe9


When we used to give Bella rawhide chews, she’d take them outside after getting them soft and bury them or something horrible because weeks later she’d bring this THING in the house. No thank you. Our cocker spaniel buried balls and got territorial over the dirt.


Oh man, that sounds really dreadful. I had a dachshund that would leave rawhide chews outside for a while to let them "marinate" before randomly deciding they were ready to bring back inside at a later date but it was never clear if he actually buried them or not. My italian greyhound mix (Poppy) is nowhere near that patient and will dig up anything she buries within a couple hours (a day at most)


No more rawhides, of course, and the longer lasting things she gets like duck feet she finishes in a day. Bella stopped taking toys outside but obviously Penelope still thinks it’s great fun. She’s a trip with these toys that are bigger than her!


My chi like to dig in the cushions of my $5k couch.


Our couch was already on its last legs and her arrival has only hastened its demise. The leather has been peeling but don’t worry she’s helping that along.


Passionately digs ant hills and rolls on worms. Yuck!


The grass in our yard is really dense even when cut low, even when it’s dry, which means Bella may have something gross she’s rolling on for a few days before we can find it. I do not need TWO stinky dogs deciding dead bird is the best perfume ever.


Mine is


Yes lol. I was confused as to why the dirt edges of our yard were starting to look Imke craters on the moon…and then I saw the proudest, dirty smiling little face looking at me in the sun.


They’re so proud and happy!


My Chi no but I had a Yorkie who dug like he was looking for buried treasure 🙄


I think they are know to be mousers, lizard chasers, etc.


Mine was as a puppy. My backyard was filled with tiny 4” diameter land mines for the first year 🤣 now he only digs when he’s building his blanket nests


Your dog looks a lot like mine, who is a rat-terrier mix. If it's the same mix, they have a pretty intense little prey drive. Mine is a little doofus and luckily hasn't caught anything but you can definitely see his instincts kick in when playing with small animal plushies. He'll shake them so hard I've seen him launch a lamb chop a good 20 feet across the room.


She hit a loose spot in her hedgehog and ripped out the squeaker and covered the living room in fluff. She’s teething so she switches between gnawing and ripping up. Bella has Opinions on this because all the toys are hers even if she last played with them a year ago.


Yeahhhhhh😒. They may be tiny, but they are still dogs.☺️


I mean my 5 dogs over childhood (ranging from mini poodle to husky/chow mix) were rarely bitten by the digging bug, Bella is our first dedicated hunter


Mine sure is lol


Adorable pup btw


Mine does the bed thing but doesn’t dig outside


Idk but I love them both so much 🥹


I read once it’s referred to as moling and someone had a theory that they lived under the ground in burrows


I set mine free in the overgrown garden and she has her way with it. I can’t even tell you how many holes we have. If the malamute is digging the two of them become deaf miners.


They’re aerating the soil, what good helpers! Of course this is the south, the trenches fill in within a couple weeks.


Mine is. He looks just like your little sweetie 🥰 https://preview.redd.it/2f2qc3qvb48d1.jpeg?width=1532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a8c5cc0b86f97ff870e763a025c1d0888c28dea


Yeah my boy loves digging! He’s always got mud under his little nails 🤦🏻‍♀️ https://preview.redd.it/mhglwj48n48d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=065ecd7fded1c1ef95384c79391d08f368d2b01c


https://preview.redd.it/7fk2x5p6v48d1.png?width=1439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13328680e3f2c127214e29a2bc2fd9484eb9349b If you show Atlas a hole he will dig. He will dig with no rest and make himself sick. He loves to dig. Even his lil eyes get all obsessive and he just goes nuts digging.