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Tbh, we recognized them in the US after we pulled out and left the power vacuum.


Always funny to see what they do with taliban while xinjiang ...


Even funnier is seeing Muslims siding with China online, totally ignoring how their "brothers" are treated in 中国


Hypocrisy at its finest. They will only care if they are directly involved or in their own interest. China is popular in the middle east and we havent heard any uproar when mosques were being dismantled in China. While burning a book or drawing an image is a mortal sin.


This honestly is one of the few things I like about China. They certainly know how to keep 1slam in check


India tore down a Islamic mosque to build a Hindu temple in its place...


Same when you see Pakistani on X/twitter that are crazy in love with ccp because of the conflict with India


Exactly! 😂


Yes almost as if Pakistani / Afghan / Iranian / Saudi Arabian Muslims don’t believe the western narrative about an apparent ongoing genocide in Xinjiang …. Almost as if for there to be an actual genocide there would have to be actual people being killed like say for example from us made bombs being dropped onto hospitals and refugee camps from us manufactured F-16s


If nothing happening there, why China is sensitive about this place? Have you ever tried to visit it? Why are you talking about f16 bombs?


I visited last summer. Rented a car, flew my drone. Wasn’t restricted from going anywhere with my US passport. Tell us more about traveling restrictions in Xinjiang.


> why China is sensitive about this place Xinjiang is literally the fastest growing domestic tourist destination amongst Chinese tourists. If you as a foreigner wish to visit in an attempt to find evidence of a genocide then feel free to apply for a tourist visa  > Why are you talking about f16 bombs Have you not watched one second of CNN / BBC world news / Al Jazeera / DW in the last two months? Have you not been following the case in the ICJ against Israel? Are you not observing the actual genocide being perpetrated by a military force against a specific ethnic group??


1- You ever visited China? Fastest touristic destination within mainland, you are funny 😂, think about it 2- Why are you talking about Israel? Why everything needs to be west vs others when we discuss about a negative stuff about China? So sensitive


I live in China - and yes - Xinjiang is the fastest growing tourist destination for Chinese citizens https://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202401/31/WS65ba0642a3104efcbdae8f44.html 2) Again - Israel is perpetrating an actual genocide with a body count I believe over 26,000 as of this morning whilst Washington DC based writers and east Turkestani advocates still spin a yarn about a genocide that happened in Xinjiang over the last few years … with a death toll in 10s? Read in between the lines for goodness sakes - as I said - why do you think Muslims and their political leaders in Saudi Arabia / Iran / Afghanistan / Pakistan don’t believe the Uyghur genocide fable?


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If 26k deaths equates to genocide then why does your state sponsor a genocide in Ukraine?


My state (the United Kingdom) is supplying weapons and ammunition to Ukraine and providing in person training to Ukrainian soldiers? What on earth are you talking about?


China daily that's propaganda too. why are you talking about Israel? And you know that they are promoting tourism there to change the image of the place


> why are you talking about Israel     Because right now the only two places in the world where an actual genocide is occurring is Palestine and parts of Sudan?   > they are promoting tourism   Whatever the motives are doesn’t change the fact that Xinjiang is the fastest growing tourist destination inside China  If you still choose to believe in 2024 that there’s a government backed genocide of the Uyghurs happening then that’s your prerogative  


Pakistan fantasize too much about China. They think China is going to sell them stealth fighters before India acquires 5th gen fighter aircraft. China never sells Pakistan anything that is more advanced than what the Indians have.


If religion is good for anything, it’s hating members of your own slightly different fan fiction of your same religion, almost as much if not more as members of other religions. Imaginary friends are a **big** deal.


Absolutely true


true, iirc muslims used to fight amongst themselves too, they are only united when their interests aligns, which is like everyone else in the world.


Yeah, it's about power. Religion is just a veneer. Same as the religious right in the US and other places.




It's called cognitive dissonance


Not that uncommon. They don\`t really care about Gaza either, not a single bad word about Hamas, while those billionaires at Qatar let their people starve and don\`t donate a penny themselves.


True. They just like hating Israel. That's all that matters.


I read somewhere before that China has to maintain a good relationship with Muslim countries because of the Arab oil and the shipping route it has to take through places like Pakistan. So China will tend to side with countries that the Arab countries side with. If China is giving these countries lots of money and investment as well as them paying the premiums to rebel groups in places such as Pakistan to protect their assets, then they are all happy.


Muslim brotherhood is a complete myth. It's much more about hate/jealousy of the West. US and others compound this with their support for Israel. Honestly, Israel is doing so much damage to the US .. it's a huge win for Iran and China.


Yet Muslims call each other brothers all the time


Their Rohingya brothers are also roaming the seas aimlessly hoping some of their "muslim brothers" would take them in too...


I was thinking the same thing lol


almost like they know the West lies habitually, from experience


Go back to your bunker wumao


Excellent rebuttal Xi in shambles, stunning and brave. The CCP is over China has fallen the West has won.


how are they badly treated lol. forced to eat pigs and drink alcohol? lol we got many dumb ppl here on this sub reddit that never even been to China. i have three muslims friends in yunnan that the last time we met at a 24hr spa, we were drinking, not forced lol. the group of western countries constantly crying for xinjiang genocide is extremely quiet with Palestine which is where the true genocide happens daily by Israelis. children dying everyday from bombing, peole without food water or shelter basic needs. in xinjiang look at their city landscape, infrastructure and access to education etc Uyghurs there make a living and get to enjoy safety while the people in Palestine get thwir lives wrecked. oh by should i.mention which country (America) vetoed the un decision to stop the war? shame on you spreading lies when there are real videos on the masacre of Palestinian people everyday.


Yunnan is not Xinjiang dude, and this should actually tell anyone who is reading your posts how much your contribution is worth... Funny that you mentioned Yunnan because it's the place where Muslims did a terrorist attack a few years ago... Also, yes in Yunnan, I know of a muslim school where the police is INSIDE the classes, to make sure they don't teach anything not 文明. Foreigners like you are the worst kind because you have a feeling of knowing the culture, since you drink beer sometimes with local people, yet are totally obvious of what's really going on. I've met quite a few. They go to Xinjiang and are happy to see everything written in Chinese and Uyghur YET you are totally ignorant that teachers are banned from actually teaching Uyghur language in school. Kids are supposed to bring the Uyghur grammar books at school just for a show. Of course you wouldn't know this because it would actually require to interact and meet some local people rather than simply looking at a few railway and highways and be amazed by the infrastructures. PATHETIC


they are still muslims regardless, Uyghurs from xinjiang are particularly problematic because if you don't monitor them closely, they will riot and conduct terrorist acts. As for the cultural genocide thing, i do believe that is very possible but you cant have your cake and still eat it right?


I mean look at Palestine vs Xinjiang. Muslim seem to know what the situation is. We have video evidence from both places.


Sometimes i feel you people are intentionally obtuse. Are you seriously comparing xinjiang to whats happening palestine? You do know majority of uighurs have fully functional internet with camera smartphones right? Do you think they live like north korea or something? You keep repeating this whole xinjiang genocide thing like a mantra doesnt make it true. Iget that most of you guys here hate china no matter what but come on man. Geez.


>czenris > > · > >18 hr. ago u/czenris I think we are on the same side. Israel is facing ICJ and China is not. Western world will do nothing to Israel but rumours of UNRWA and they defund them · 18 hr. ago


Is there any possibility they know the reality better than those who not live in China? At least according to some nationalists from China, I know they gonna be satisfied even if the government did half of what you think they did...


The truth is that as long as there are no jews doing the killing, they couldn't care less.


The question is why. Why are Arabs going against the West? That is the root of the issue


When some people from the west ends up fighting wars for 20 years straight in your country and fucks up your entire economy because some dumb fucks crashed planes into buildings, resulting in higher casualties than if they just left it at that. Then yeah, they’re not bound to side with the west.


Western dabbling. Covert ops, overt ops, outright bombings, assasinations, regime changes, that sort of stuff.


it's a 1000 year old problem...


The issue with Gaza is, that it's not actually about Gaza. It's really about the holy city, the Middle East will do anything to get it back.


Not really. It's all about killing off Israel


Only Western countries believe in that and zero Muslim countries.


Exactly they think we'll just eat any western propoganda without questioning lmao.


also 99% muslim saw the true face of west after how vehemently they supported gaza genocide.


What are you talking about, There is no genocide in XinJiang There is no genocide in XinJiang Read after me, There is no genocide in XinJiang


I mean, yeah. If there was, there would be proof for it as anyone can freely travel to Xinjiang and talk to Uyghurs there and the average Uyghur under 40 has a smartphone, a VPN and 5g internet connection.


Why would they need a vpn? Are they censored?


The same reason us Germans need a VPN to access most content on Google.


I don't think the Taliban have any real issues with China in regards to Uighurs. The CCP is not trying to supplant Islam with another religious doctrine.


Since the taliban has been in power, they have denied all of china's requests to deport the uyghur refugees in Afghanistan. Taliban wants to have a mutual friendship with china rather than being a slave to china like how pakistan is.


Has anyone here looked into the sources about Xinjiang, and checked if anything traces to something other than what Adrian Zenz said? Because Adrian Zenz is a con-man who also said that homosexuality is the work of the antichrist and hated China and communism in general.


Shut the fuck up. Wumao bot.




[Little pink?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little_Pink)


Yeah that's what I thought. As a half Taiwanese, I'm ashamed of the poor education about our history and permanent tv propaganda.


Wunao gives off the same energy as “CIA spy” it’s so cringe.


The West thinks Taliban would invade China or something, painting this as a "China diplomacy failure" type of copium. Reality is Taliban ideology is built on nationalism. They have little interests outside of the border.


It's just business, China get easy access to ressources and talibans get bags of haram cash


The whole point of saying "*China's terrifying warning as it recognises terror group as government*" is to spread propaganda


Probably not gonna bomb it


This is part of the reason for working to legitimize the Taliban for the intl world. They will help rebuild infrastructure and mining contracts and officially recognize Taliban as a diplomatic party in exchange they stay out of Xinjiang and don't fund, arm or send personnel across the border. Don't forget that China is one of the region (MENA) largest small arms and ammunition suppliers in conflict zones. Once all those captured US gear stops functioning they'll go back to using their soviet era stuff and I don't think Russia is in a place to worry about supplying outdated ammo right now.


Who else are they going to recognize? The previous government that fell apart in a week? The same one that isn’t even speaking up in exile? US spends 2 decades propping it up and trying to bring democracy. At this point it is what it is; the country belongs to the Taliban.


Yes, Taliban is factually recognized by Trump and Biden.


“Factually recognized” doesn’t mean the same thing as recognizing a government. The US does not have diplomatic relations with the Taliban. In fact even China receiving diplomatic credentials is not the same as actual recognition, although it is definitely not the same as most countries like the U.S. who only recognize the Islamic Republic


US doesnt "recognize" taliban because it would mean disgrace for the USA losing the whole military operation.


Not being versed in politics, is it "de facto" being recognized


no no you don't get it. china is.....le bad.....


Lol who are they supposed to recognize? It's not like the US is even maintaining a government in exile or anything anymore. If any country wants to productively engage with Afghanistan they have to deal with some faction, and honestly the Taliban are probably better than most of the alternatives (Al Qaeda, ISIS)


How do you NOT recognize the Taliban as government? They're the ones governing the country. They essentially kicked out the Americans without major international funding.


They kicked out spineless trash like Biden. That is all.


No they didn't, Trump made the decision to get out of Afghanistan and Biden was just executing Trumps decision. And the one getting into Afghanistan searching endlessly for Osama Bin Laden was George Bush. The one actually finding Osama Bin Laden and ordering his execution was Obama.


Yep. Trump brokered the withdrawal. That is true. Biden just fucked up a good plan by dropping everything and running out like the scared little wimp he is. That withdrawal could have and should have been executed with some intelligence and dignity. Bringing everyone and everything of value out safely and in a controlled manner. Not in a drop everything panicked run for the airport. Leaving people and supplies behind to be exploited or worse is not how Trump, or any other intelligent person, envisioned that withdrawal going. Biden executed Trumps decision, but he certainly did not execute Trumps plan. Obama didnt find anyone. The US military found Obama. The same military that was told by Bush to find him and would have found him no matter who the Commander in Chief was at the time. By the way, how did George Bush "search endlessly"? He was a one term President. He didnt keep searching from Crawford, Tx. Quit being a Democrat. It doesnt make sense. It was Republican Presidents who did what needed doing. It is Democrat Presidents who either took credit for or fucked up what the Republicans did. Silly dumb Democrats.


I don't think Trump envisioned anything. I think he hardly had a plan other than getting out. Biden didn't expect the Taliban to defeat the Afghan forces so quickly. He sort of believed that these forces would fight to defend their young democracy and the rights of their wives and daughters. But it turns out they didn't, that is a huge failure by the US and indeed something that Biden should have made more of an effort to ensure was rectified before moving out entirely. But he had to leave behind supplies for the democratic Afghan forces to fight the Taliban, not supplying them would have led to a fall even sooner. Bush did serve 2 terms from 2000 to 2008 that is 8 years or two terms of 4 years. And he invaded Afghanistan in 2001 and under his leadership, for 7 years Osama Bin Laden was able to get away. You claim democrats are dumb but you don't even know how many terms Bush, a republican, served.


"No they didn't, Trump made the decision to get out of Afghanistan and Biden was just executing Trumps decision"...FINALLY, the truth!


Leaving Afghanistan is one of the few good things Biden did.


Yeah, leaving billions in equipment and thousands of unprotected cvilians there to fend for themselves was just awesome. Great job Creepy Joe!


The US was accomplishing nothing there, just a ridiculous waste of money. The government was totally corrupt and it dissolved as soon as the US left. You can question the way that they left but it had to be done anyways, better sooner than later.


Why is it surprising? When the Red Cambodia massacred millions of its own civilians, CCP recognizes they are the legitimate ruler of Cambodia.


Khmer Rouge, yes worst regime of all time, and US recognized too. Dark history.


[Imagine still bringing up this propaganda meme after all these years even though it has been addressed endless amounts of time.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1980/09/01/deng-a-third-world-war-is-inevitable/a7222afa-3dfd-4169-b288-bdf34f942bfe/) It's so freaking hilarious to see Westerners struggle in their attempts to attack and demonize China. Their only arguments against China are literally irrelevant events from 30+ years ago and ridiculous memes like Cambodia or Tiananmen (the only other "arguments" are misguided/uninformed things like "muh social credit", literal nazi-style atrocity propaganda lies not supported by any proof like "muh Uyghur genocide", or racist memes like "muh xinnie da pooh"). I haven't met a single person from the West who disliked China and could actually provide fact-based arguments. All the actual valid criticism that could be leveraged against China (i.e. the things that the Chinese people criticize their government for) are being totally ignored... because Westerners know that actual Chinese problems are totally laughable compared to the extreme issues, corruption and crises experienced in their own countries, nevermind the fact that the Chinese government actually responds to public criticism and offers immediate solutions when critical opinions become mainstream. Meanwhile, the very same people who are grasping at straws attacking China, ignore the non-stop and disproportionate crimes of their own totalitarian capitalist regimes terrorizing the world. The best you can hope for is some form of "yeah, we also make mistakes, BUT" nonsense.


> All the actual valid criticism that could be leveraged against China (i.e. the things that the Chinese people criticize their government for) are being totally ignored. Chinese people do criticise Tiananmen, and how Cambodia was handled. US handled Cambodia poorly as well. I think it was Deng that couldn't even unconditionally admit that Pol Pot was a shithead that shouldn't have been propped up, instead saying 'maybe' mistakes were made. Like what the fuck, maybe mistakes were made? If you want a fact based argument here's one - China sending North Korean asylum seekers back home to face certain prosecution. Explain that one away. There's plenty of US behaviors that can't be rationalised as well. Just don't pretend they don't exist.


Can we all just agree that statecraft is never about right and wrong, it's about benefitting the state itself (or it's rulers if they are corrupt), at the expense of all others if necessary?


China will deal with any government regardless of how it is perceived globally the main thing taken into consideration is whether it will benefit China or not, the Myanmar junta as a recent one. But really this attitude isn’t exclusive to the Chinese gov.


Ever seen a chinese group at a buffet? Definitely within the last 30 years. Last week even lmao


Nice racism, bro. Ever seen Americans or Israelis anywhere? I mean, yikes. By the way, can you tell me [how many Chinese people were arrested for saying "Free Palestine"](https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwar/comments/1afwuym/cheryl_barnes_getting_arrested_for_saying_free/)?


Chinese are an ethnicity, not a race. Nice try bootlicker.


So you don't know what the term racism means, huh? Maybe you should ask the UN for a definition. You didn't tell me how many Chinese people were arrested for saying "Free Palestine", yet. It's funny how people from totalitarian, terrorist police states like the US like to hate on China and Chinese people. All their "arguments" seem to be either racist trolling or complains about things their own regime is guilty of to a far worse degree.


The guy above seems to miss the key fact that Chinese people wouldn't be arrested for supporting their government's offical stance (which supports Palestine). Chinese people only get arrested if they don't parrot their government's stance and oppose state positions like saying free Tibet, free Xinjiang, free Uyghurs, etc. https://freetibet.org/latest/gonmo-kyi-and-husband-choekyong-detained/ https://www.amnesty.org.uk/urgent-actions/uyghur-student-detained-posting-protest-video https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jun/08/uyghur-student-convicted-posting-protests-video-wechat-kamile-wayit


So, China arrests people for promoting debunked CIA propaganda lies (spreading disinformation) or supporting US-government funded separatist movements (i.e. committing literal treason)? How DARE them! Meanwhile, totalitarian surveillance and police states like the US and other capitalist dictatorships arrest people for committing thought crimes like having wrong opinions on foreign countries.


Why would Chinese people be arrested for supporting their government's offical stance? China's government supports Palestine to oppose the West. Chinese people only get arrested if they don't parrot their government's stance and oppose state positions like saying free Tibet, free Xinjiang, free Uyghurs, etc. https://freetibet.org/latest/gonmo-kyi-and-husband-choekyong-detained/ https://www.amnesty.org.uk/urgent-actions/uyghur-student-detained-posting-protest-video https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jun/08/uyghur-student-convicted-posting-protests-video-wechat-kamile-wayit


Well said! Thx for link, haven't read that specific interview yet, very interesting.




The CCP also recognises itself...


You are being downvoted, but if we can numerically quantify the worth of human life, then the CCP (Mao saga) itself, alongside the US (foreign intervention) easily top the list for kill count. People can hate the Taliban because they don't like their value system, but to conflate the pragmatism of "cozying" up to the CCP because of crippling western sanctions / confiscation of assets with hypocrisy because of what is tragically happening in Xinjiang, really tells you these people have no clue how the real world works. From the Taliban POV, even if they called out the CCP for what they're doing, the most they can do is virtue signal with words. Right now being able to feed the populace is the priority, then they can start making demands and deals.


The CPC (whose initialism you deliberately misspell as if it would somehow own the commies, which is highly amusing) is the greatest liberating force in history, saved billions of people from oppression and death, liberated women, kicked out the imperialists occupying their country and genociding their people, defeated the fascists who wanted to turn their country into a Western style dictatorship, and today run the single most peaceful and democratic major country in world history. The US... is an empire founded on genocide, built by slaves, and run on perpetual global exploitation enabled by perpetual wars and endless war crimes while they feed their own population extreme levels of propaganda to make them believe "communism bad" and "China bad".


CCP Mao started a war on sparrows and the locusts won lol. Too date, Mao still holds the high score of umnatural Chinese deaths.


Reciting age-old propaganda memes and pretending them to be arguments isn't a constructive way to have a conversation. If you don't understand the overwhelming arguments against the take you just delivered, maybe you should take a step back realizing that you simply aren't qualified to have this conversation. Educate yourself first, understand the arguments against you, then come back to the conversation at the current stage of debate. Seriously, try and think things through. What if all of the anti-socialist propaganda you have been fed by your capitalist dictators for your entire life was true? What then? All the death and destruction caused by socialism would still not come close to the disproportionate good it caused for people and it would still remain a net positive. All the death and destruction caused by socialism would also be nothing compared to the disproportionately worse death and destruction caused by capitalism. Maybe try and actually inform yourself, practice analyzing things with an open mind and in a differentiated manner keeping in mind that you should try and compare apples with apples and keeping in mind the historical material conditions.


So much CCP propaganda lol


They killed chinese cambodians and china still supported them


Taliban is a terrorist group again? It’s hard to keep up with a list that is always changing.


They aren't.


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They’re a catalyst to China thoughts of grandeur (world domination)


At this point China itself is slowly transforming into a terror group - thanks to Xi Jinping - since they are trying to ‘bully’ other countries and groups. China needs Ci and the CCP to collapse, so that they can start anew with something different, preferably something democratic.


The Taliban are basically in power for more than 30 years. What idiot nations wouldn’t recognise them???


Which country recognizes them as a terror group? I see some used to like the us only recognizing them as a terror group while they were invading Afghanistan but even the us removed that designation in 2015.


Yes the US should invade Afghanistan and overthrow this regime!!!!!!


lol - worked well last time.


Well the Taliban is the government.


If you want a nation to recover and stop being ruled by terrorists, you do this instead of bombing them back to the stone age or invading the nation just to create even more conflict.


Good Luck China! The taliban really know how to treat their friends!


US effectively recognized the Taliban first, when the US debacled from Afghanistan in 2021.


Reminder that post US retreat pundits were blabbering that China is next to conquer Afghanistan lmao


And Israel isn't recognized as a terrorist group, shocking I know.🤷




Agreed, above dude is an absolute moron. Might as well call the US gov, UK, and literally every other western gov that’s taken military action in the Middle East a “terror group”


>Might as well call the US gov, UK, and literally every other western gov that’s taken military action in the Middle East a “terror group” Uhh... yes? LMFAO r/selfawarewolves


When you attempt to propagate an ideology through militant means, that kinda the definition of being a terror group.


If your worldview lens is that narrow. Pretty much every country that has used its military for any reason is likely a "terror group".


no, we have rules of war for a reason, obviously some forms of military use is warranted, but illegally occupying a country over the actions of a handful of people not even born there toes the line pretty close.


Why would Israel be seen as a terrorist group when it didn't start the current conflict but was defending itself against Hamas that launched a surprise attack that killed 1000+ people and took hundreds hostage (including people from random places like Thailand, Phillipines, etc)? And this is a new conflict in the line long of conflicts that included Palestinian extremists trying to wipe out Israel via trying to start 3 separate wars. You can say Israel's reaction is disproportionate, but you can say that about any major country fighting a war against a smaller country...that doesn't equal being terrorists.


The Israeli regime has been terrorizing Palestinian people for 70+ years. This conflict didn't start last October. The same way the American proxy war against Russia in Ukraine didn't start 2 years ago. Israel victimizing themselves by pointing fingers at a group of extremists they themselves promoted to destabilize Palestine is peak victim-perpetrator reversal. >You can say Israel's reaction is disproportionate, but you can say that about any major country fighting a war against a smaller country...that doesn't equal being terrorists. Aggressively ignoring history and aggressively ignoring arguments against you and arguing against a straw man that you created entirely in bad faith isn't an argument. It is very clear why Israel is at fault and what crimes Israel is guilty of. Zionists are criminal fascists who need to be held to the same standards as supporters of the Nazi ideology. Israel is a criminal apartheid regime currently committing a genocide. It's literally facing trial as we speak and while the judgement will take years, it was already ordered to stop all genocidal activities for which there is obvious evidence.


>The Israeli regime has been terrorizing Palestinian people for 70+ years. You have it the other way around. Palestinians started 3 separate wars with other Arab countries against Israel to wipe out Israel. This was back when Israel was weaker and Palestinians were stronger. When Israel became too strong to fight conventionally, Palestinians turned to terrorism and bombings. Hamas terrorism was so bad that even EGYPT, another Arab Muslim country, also constructed a wall around Gaza along their border to keep out Hamas militants. In fact, Hamas has banned elections in Gaza and tortures/kills other Palestinians who resists their rule or want a peace deal with Israel. Palestinian extremists have been terrorizing Israeli people and their own people for 70+ years. The UN partition plan of 1947 was actually a good plan that involved splitting up the land into two separate countries and giving citizenship to people who fell alongside the borders of each country. Israel got 56% of the land but almost half of it was useless desert, while Palestine got 44% of the land but most of it was more useable. And Israel was actually going to be home to 500,000 Palestinians and 500,000 Jews...both Muslims and Jews would become Israeli citizens so the vast majority of people would not be evicted. This UN Partiion plan was torpedoed by mostly Palestinian extremists (with help from some Jewish Zionist extremists too, but Jews were largely supportive of it), and Palestinians started the first war that they lost that resulted in Palestinian explusions. >The same way the American proxy war against Russia in Ukraine didn't start 2 years ago. Lol, Russia invading Ukraine is a proxy war by the USA? The Russian Empire didn't start 2 years ago either. Putin literally said one of his justifications was to restore the territories of the Russian empire. Why do you think Russia owns Vladivostok, Northern Manchuria, Primorsky Krai, etc that were all former Qing Dynasty territories? And btw, both Russians and Ukrainians are white Europeans. I have no clue why you tried to claim in your other comment that Russia invading Ukraine is an example of white vs non-white wars. > Israel is a criminal apartheid regime currently committing a genocide. Israel's population is 20% Arab, at least 50% Middle Eastern, and have Jewish Africans from places like Ethopia. All of these people have Israeli citizenship and Arab-Palestinians hold power in Israeli government. How many Jews hold power in Gaza's government? So explain how Israel is engaged in Apartheid? You throw around words like genocide and apartheid without even defining what they mean and without understanding how they are applicable to this situation. >Aggressively ignoring history and aggressively ignoring arguments against you and arguing against a straw man that you created entirely in bad faith isn't an argument. The only person aggressively ignoring history and arguing in bad faith is you. You throw around buzzwords like apartheid and genocide without defining them or stating how they are applicable. You ignored the 3 wars Palestinian extremists have launched against Israel with other Arab countries to wipe out Israel when it was weaker. You ignored how the UN partition plan of 1947 was actually pretty fair in its distribution of land, but Palestinian extremists destroyed it to start the first war against Israel. You ignore a large percentage of Israel is actually Arab and Palestinian and they have rights and hold power in Israel's government...but you casually throw around the word apartheid without defining how it is applicable. Israel gives rights and political power to Israeli citizens of Arab and Palestinian descent. Hamas in Gaza does not do the same for its own people and brutalizes other Palestinians, let alone give rights to its minorities. You ignore how Hamas started this current war with an attack that killed 1000+ people, and Hamas is so bad that even Egypt and other Palestinian groups hate them. >It's literally facing trial as we speak and while the judgement will take years, it was already ordered to stop all genocidal activities for which there is obvious evidence. The UN court ruled that Israel should do everything it can to PREVENT genocide. It didn't say Israel needs to stop fighting Hamas or that it is actually genocided the Palestinians in Gaza. And speaking of the UN, since we were originally talking about China and the Uyghurs, the UN said that China was committing "crimes against humanity" against the Uyghurs, but didn't use the word genocide because China prevented them from completing their investigation and so they were not able to gather enough evidence. Would you like to say both China's actions and Israel's actions are both genocide, or both not genocide?


[Nobody on earth is taking your hasbara nonsense seriously anymore. Nobody.](https://preview.redd.it/zpv27gjy83tb1.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=19a89736c7ac74fe527e036cdd5d29227f669e0e) All your ideas have been discussed and debunked ad nauseam. You refusing to acknowledge the overwhelming arguments against everything you just said just means you are not interested in constructive discourse. You can easily go to any non-fascist space on the internet and run through the arguments against you. The fact that you didn't already do this means you aren't interested in having a serious conversation. You need to accept that you are wrong and stop supporting Zionist Israel. Israel will go down in history the exact same way as Nazi Germany and every single supporter of Zionism will be facing the same contempt as Nazis have been facing (well, currently the collective West is working hard at rehabilitating Nazis while at the same time supporting Israel, go figure). It's time to make a choice: Either you give up your humanity and officially become a defender of Zionism... or you retain your humanity and start opposing Zionism. We are at a crossroads. Either you are defending evil, or you fight it. There is no middle ground on this question any longer. Staying "neutral" and not standing up means being complicit in the crimes of the Zionists. It doesn't mean you need to actually take up arms against Israel, but *anyone* with a conscience must at the very least speak up and demand peace, even if they don't feel like the can actually *do* something to help. >Lol, Russia invading Ukraine is a proxy war by the USA? The fact that you pretend this practically universally accepted position is "funny" and unironically ask that question either proves that you are totally ignorant of global political discourse and therefore unqualified to have this conversation or a bad faith actor trying to push a political agenda.


Funny how you didn't address any of my points. All you've done is go reuse your buzzwords because you are afraid of the truth. You claim my ideas have been discussed and debunked, but you seem to be complete ignorant and afraid of my ideas because you have been clearly left speechless. Not a single comment about how Palestine extremists started 3 wars against Israel? Or how the UN 1947 partition plan to give both Jews and Palestinians their own country was actually very fair? Or about how Hamas tortures and kills other Palestinians and commits terrorism so much that even Arab Egypt built a wall around Hamas controlled Gaza on their border? No comments about any of these facts? Not surprising, because you didn't know about any of these facts when you've only exposed to endless propaganda intended to only make one specific side look bad. Now that I've educated you with these facts, you are too afraid to address them and question your world view. >(well, currently the collective West is working hard at rehabilitating Nazis while at the same time supporting Israel, go figure). You really want to play this game? Currently, China and Russia are working even harder to rehabilitate Nazis and following what the Nazis did than any country in the democratic developed world. Both China and Russia are now overrun with ethnic nationalism, a disdain for minorities, and the belief in their own ethnic & cultural superiority. Russia's Wagner mercenaries was founded by a NeoNazi, uses native Asiatics as cannon fodder, promotes Slavic supremacy, and reuses Hitler's logic of invading neighboring countries to protect their ethnic minorities. The CCP is engaged in forced sterilization of minorities, non-Han are looked down upon and turned away from many jobs, the best jobs are exclusively reserved for the Han, and Chinese commenters are actually siding with Hitler to criticize Israel and Jews in the current conflict. The Chinese economy is also authoritarian national socialism with state run capitalism, which is what the Nazis used. Countries like the USA embraces ethnic minorities and gives them REAL political power, while countries like China and Russia treats its minorities like European colonists treated natives in the 1800s. Do you really want to go down the road of comparing which countries are more like Nazis? >It's time to make a choice: Either you give up your humanity and officially become a defender of Zionism... It's time to make a choice: Either you stop being a hypocrite and acknowledge that China's genocide of the Uyghurs is also bad, or you can remain a hypocrite by pretending the Chinese genocide of Uyghurs doesn't exist/is justified but Israel fighting Hamas is evil genocide. We are at a crossroads. Either you are defending evil, or you fight it. There is no middle ground on this question any longer. Staying "neutral" and not standing up means being complicit in the crimes of the Chinese Communist Party. It doesn't mean you need to actually take up arms against Chinese Communist Party, but anyone with a conscience must at the very least speak up and demand peace, even if they don't feel like the can actually do something to help. >The fact that you pretend this practically universally accepted position is "funny. Tell me again how Russia poisoning Ukraine's president 2 decades ago (and horribly scarring his face, go look it up) and continuing to assassinate, bribe, and control leaders in Ukraine is actually the USA's fault? Tell me how Russia invading Ukraine twice is actually the USA's fault? >totally ignorant of global political discourse... Let me guess, China invading Vietnam multiple times in 1979 to the late 1980s is actually the West's fault too? Because you can't bear to blame your buddy Russia for anything. Why did China support Afghan rebels in Afghanistan during the 1980s Soviet-Afghan War to fight against Russia? Is that the USA's fault too? Was Russia seizing parts of Mongolia to prevent Qing-border reunification and threatening to nuke China the USA's fault too? The former Communist Bloc countries aren't responsible for anything bad when you can just blame the USA/West/Japan/Korea/etc for all of their problems.


[This you, buddy?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_pIPTih5iM) Nobody owes you an education, hasbara bro. It's a typical fascist trolling tactic to try and start debates from the beginning that has already been concluded countless times before. Climate change deniers, flat earthers, and religious people love doing the same. "Oh, but if evolution was real, how do you explain that bananas fit perfectly into our hands?" No, everything you have said has already been addressed ad nauseam. If you don't know the answer to your questions, you aren't qualified to have this conversation. If you don't acknowledge the overwhelming arguments against you and stick to your misguided views, that reflects badly on you - and only you. Your entire "education" about the world seems to stem from unhinged propaganda memes. Your political and historical illiteracy is your personal problem. It's your responsibility to actively seek out information debunking it and come back once you can produce original argumentation keeping in mind the arguments against you. You are literally decades behind the current state of debate.


It's more a genocidal regime than a terrorist group. Unlike a terrorist group, they try to promote peace and stability but at the cost and destruction of what they consider the "lessers". It's scary what Israeli officials say out loud sometimes.


>It's more a genocidal regime than a terrorist group. IIRC, currently both the situation in Xinjiang and the situation in Israel/Palestine has not been defined as outright genocide by the UN. You will have to define the word genocide, and explain how that word applies to the current situation when the UN declined to say outright genocide is happening. As for lessers, Israel's population is currently 20% Arab and at least half of Israel is Middle Eastern - and they hold power in Israel's government. So it's not like they are much different looking from Palestinians in terms of physical appearance. If they are considered lessers in terms of ideology, well, let's not forget that even Arab Egypt hates Hamas and built a wall around Gaza along their borders due to Hamas terrorist attacks and extremism.


Doubtful that what Israel is up to is going to lead to peace for them.


I think it's more about stability than about peace. Peaceful stability is hard-fought, it takes genuine diplomatic effort to achieve that. Military stability is easier when you can bypass Congress to get more missiles and bombs.


Israel only achieves military stability if it can con the US into getting involved militarily, I think. Currently the IDF is not doing so hot at their purported aim of destroying Hamas in Gaza, got massively humiliated by Hamas's Oct 7 raids, and are constantly threatening to open a second front any day against Hezbollah, which is much better armed than Hamas, due to shelling in the north having internally displaced over 50k Israelis. I wouldn't call the current trajectory towards a widening conflict, all while Israel continues to suffer economically and lose international credibility, to be a path towards stability.


>IDF is not doing so hot You can say that again. They kill their own hostages and often airstrike their own. There's a reason why so many IDF are on Instagram, Youtube and TikTok acting like cunts, it's because they are manchildren who think war is cool. Then while they are scrolling through their phones posting their content, they get lobbed a grenade or miss the radio to clear the area.


> There's a reason why so many IDF are on Instagram, Youtube and TikTok acting like cunts, it's because they are manchildren who think war is cool. Yeah, that's been really incredible to witness... It's awful PR, makes them look like complete psychopaths to anyone not already fully ideologically committed to their cause, and also demonstrates a complete lack of discipline in the IDF. It's crazy how they haven't restricted the use of TikTok or other social media during operations. They think they're being savvy propagandists for their cause, I guess, but like you said it is distracting from their mission at the very least. The video of that one IDF lady getting her eardrums blown out standing in front of firing artillery was wild lol


I'm surprised that China hasn't met with hamas leaders


actually they had done it a month ago.


Why am I not surprised


This is one of the most idiotic, blatantly propagandistic articles I have read in a while, damn...


What do you expect from a sub like r/China? Might as well read r/worldnews or r/HongKong. lol


If the Taliban runs the schools, hospitals and basic functions of a government...what are they if not the defecto government...?


Same as Syria, North Korea, Iran, Russia... Those are the friends of the Chinese people nowadays. They all just have one thing in common and that is the hate on freedom, democracy, human rights and generally the western values. That seems to be enough in these days.


>They all just have one thing in common and that is the hate on freedom, democracy, human rights That's the West. >and generally the western values. Well yeah. The Western values of hating freedom, democracy, and human rights and destroying those things on a global scale should be opposed. Imagine thinking China - the most peaceful, democratic, and fastest developing major country in world history - is the bad guy, while thinking the US - the most warlike nation as well as the most totalitarian surveillance state and most militarized police state in world history - represents freedom, democracy, and human rights. Like, the fact that the US is an enemy of freedom, democracy, and human rights isn't even controversial, it's just such an obvious, undeniable fact that it's impossible to claim otherwise without looking like a troll. People who believe differently straight-up live in an fantasy world that is the literal opposite of actual reality.




>Wow, I never saw such an obvious Russian troll account. It's hilarious how you people think paranoid conspiracy theories are a viable replacement for reason and arguments. Yes buddy, I'm actually Sergey Lavrov. What now? I would still be right, you would still be wrong. >I just had a glimpse into the posting history of this guy and wanted to vomit. That's good. Realizing you are an indoctrinated useful idiot and that your entire life and everything you believe is nothing but fascist propaganda spread by capitalist regimes is a painful process. Get it out of your system. >I just wonder if he really believes those things that he says or if he gets paid for it. You should ask yourself why you believe different things even though you aren't even getting paid. >Anyway, u/Deutschkomm f**k off, people like you are the cancer of this world. Notice your total lack of reason and arguments and how you have that in common with 100% of all people sharing your views while people like me, whom you verbally abuse for explaining to you why you are wrong, always have all the facts and arguments on their side and can reasonable explain everything they stand for?


Values that destroyed Iraq massively and will not recover for another half century The values that stole the resources of Africa and South America and left them corrupt and poor? Values that created brutal, inhumane governments? If these are Western values, I do not want them


Yes good, you rather want governments like in Iran, North Korea or China. Have fun!


I despise Iran, not because they are an undemocratic regime, but because they control my homeland, Iraq and Yemen. I do not care about what they do internally. North Korea hardly harms the Middle East at all. Why would we consider it a problem? China helps us in economic development and progress and provides investments, and we both benefit So why are you angry?


The only terror group is the country that invaded the middle east for the last 20+ years.


lol. taliban is THE government in afghan


The enemy of our enemy is our friend especially when you place the friend in a golden cage, feed it and neutralize it.




Dudes you know the west recognised them too? Europe, the United Nations, and the United States have all made recognition conditional on compliance with human rights, respect for women and girls, and an inclusive government. https://www.brookings.edu/articles/recognition-and-the-taliban-2/#:~:text=Europe%2C%20the%20United%20Nations%2C%20and,given%20any%20signs%20of%20recognition.


This isn't shocking. The Taliban is just as legitimate as the CCP. They took power the same way, they hold power the same way. If the ccp didn't recognize the Taliban, it would delegitmize the CCP's claim over China.


Oh no! China please don't try diplomacy! You should bomb them into submission!


It is funny that there are people who think terrorist groups like the Taliban can be dealt with using diplomacy. I bet you think Hamas is just misunderstood too?


Better to use diplomacy rather than murder hundreds of thousands ineffectively. Stupid China.


You missed the point. Diplomacy doesnt work with groups like that. Violence is all they know and it is all that will get them to respond. Stupid Democrat.


Oh. You're American. And a MAGA fella. My condolences.


You know nothing about me. But keep assuming. It just makes you look like the fool you obviously are.


Nothing wrong with it , China government itself is a terror group into government


What else could you expect? The former government collapsed after US pulled out from Afghanistan within weeks. How could you support a government ceased to exist?


It’s called a government in exile. Not a new concept in war-torn nations.


Call whatever you like, but it won't deny the fact that they have to exile themselves in some foreign country. Why don't they remain in power? Because they don't like it?


The US government is a former terrorist group against the British crown. I guess it can work out pretty well in the end.


What the American colonists did is only considered "OK" in retrospect because they won. Had they lost, they'd today be treated like the Confederates. Had the CCP lost the Chinese civil war, they'd have been destroyed as expected.


Well, let's be fair: the CCP are also a terror group masquerading as a government. So, it takes one to know one, I guess.


How is this surprising? They’ve been heading to this China, Russia, Iran axis alliance for a while. If they can do Iran which exports the fuck out of terrorism, why not Afghanistan which is also often a target of those attacks? They’re also probably looking to ratfuck Afghanistan like they do other poor countries that are run by fucking morons without foresight.


There is no "axis alliance". > They’re also probably looking to ratfuck Afghanistan like they do other poor countries that are run by fucking morons without foresight. Yup, you are right, that is what the US does and has done for a long time.


Big terrorists supporting their smaller comrades




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I mean the Taliban owns the US pretty much why shouldn't they?


Remember when Myanmar military staged a coup and they called it a “cabinet reshuffle” lol


Along with the youtube dancing lady in the foreground


“It’s obviously, isn’t it? Minerals.”


Lol china plus whoever else cosigns like ten nations tops doesn't really matter


china does not care as long they can strip a country bare and steal all the countries' resources. that is what china has in mind for Afghanistan, and it makes sense for china.


Us recognized taliban as the defacto government of Afghanistan before September the 9th attacks like around 1997 or something, they were previously supported by US via the middlemen and then and now ally Pakistan on their wars against Afghan warlords (which were also supported by the US in their war against Soviet invasion bw. 1979-1988). The motive of US was to establish a unified pro US government regardless of their religious backward world view and government practice. Then when Al-qaida which was previously allowed by the taliban to reside in Afghanistan did that twin tower attacks in the US, they became bad guys and got invaded by the US but after 20 years of attrition US left and defacto recognized taliban again.. "On February 29, 2020, the United States and the Taliban signed the Doha Agreement, which led to the August 30, 2021, withdrawal of U.S. and Allied forces from Afghanistan" https://www.state.gov/u-s-relations-with-afghanistan/


For someone they are terr@rist, for others they are liberators.


the US abandoned Afghanistan (and most military equipment) for the Taliban to take and the Chinese are to blame because they recognize an ambassador? Sinophobia is running high on the west


They have always supported them, just as they have other terror groups. Just not officially, so it's not like this is anything new here. However, it does give us more urgency and reason to stop doing business in China. Kinda ironic, though, given China's persecution of Muslims, but I guess China gets a free get out of jail card on that right lol.