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Same thing happened to me. I'm in the process of trying to drop my LDL and total cholesterol. I stopped with the intermittent fasting, and cut down on saturated fats all while increasing fiber. That's what a lot of people on this sub reccomend.


Thanks for sharing your experience. It's tough to hear that you had to stop intermittent fasting. I've lost about 10kg using it and was hoping to continue with it. I'll consider cutting down on saturated fats and increasing fiber as you and others have recommended. I hope you manage to lower your LDL as well. Let's stay in touch and share our progress. Thanks again for the advice


Best of luck to you on your journey! The hardest part is definitely thinking that you won't be able to lose weight the same without intermittent fasting... But as long as you manage calories in and build a new metabolism schedule for your body, you should still see some progress :). Good luck


If you want to lower cholesterol you need to more than consider it. Without lowering saturated fats and increasing fiber you simply can’t reduce cholesterol unless you opt for medication.