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Got my blood test results today after being vegan for around 2 years. The top values are from a couple of years ago when I was pescetarian for 2 years and the bottom values are from today. My weight was the same for both tests.  Note these were different labs hence different reference ranges.  My cholesterol plummeted despite coming from a clean pescetarian diet. I was eating sardines, mackerel, and pasture raised eggs for my protein and fat. Even all those "healthy" fish omega 3s left me with high cholesterol. The last 2 years I've eaten a ton of grains (black rice, sourdough bread that I make myself), legumes, legume derivatives (like tempeh, tofu, and vegan protein powder), and seeds (namely flax and chia). I actually haven't eaten much fruit and veggies. I only cook with EVOO now, but I used mostly sunflower and canola oil the past 2 years. 


This is very surprising, since I thought fish were ok for cholesterol. Maybe it was the eggs in your case?


Yeah I was really surprised! I'm honestly not sure. But I at least know fish are definitely not required for good numbers. 


Yeah makes sense


They are. OP added a lot of plants instead of a meat heavy diet. He could add fish now and be fine.


The fish would displace the legumes and seeds in my diet, so I don't think I could add fish.


Yes, all animal products including fish contain cholesterol so it’s logical that you can get even lower LDL if you go that last step to 100% plants.


Wow. A dramatic improvement. Well done.


Thank you! I actually was originally trying to get my liver enzymes down and I wasn't expecting this massive improvement in my cholesterol. If you're wondering, my liver enzymes ended up being in the normal range for the first time ever (I was first tested as a kid like 20 years ago and they were high).


I think I've to switch to vegan too ;-)


It's actually been easy to enjoy! I still eat pasta but I just don't have cheese. Instead of sardines I use tempeh or tofu. Instead of milk I use plant milk. Instead of eggs I make my own egg substitute with mung beans (I won't lie, it doesn't at all resemble eggs lol but it's super nutritious). To keep my fiber from getting too high, I have vegan protein powder (I mix equal parts soy protein isolate, pea protein, and brown rice protein powders) to reach my protein goals (I'm 6'2, 225lbs and active) and sometimes switch my black rice to white rice. I actually quit eating whole grain bread because it was too much cumulative fiber in my diet. I also like to make decaf americano and soak ground flax seeds in it. I love the taste and texture but my wife thinks it's nasty lol. Anyways, these all worked for me and I credit these foods for my great success because I've consumed a lot of them.


That's awesome! Hopefully I can do the same. If you don't mind me asking, what's your age?


Thank you! I'm in my mid 30s :)


There are different you can have high choloresterol. Either genetic, diet based or a side effect from things like gall bladder surgery or liver issues. A vegan diet won't work for everyone.




I was also eating a ton of grains when my numbers were high back then, but not legumes and seeds. But yeah, eggs and fish displaced legumes and seeds in the diet.