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I have four children. If you want I can get all five of them to line up, then send you pictures of all six of them. Then you can give me a gift card for each of the seven of them.


I read these things, and just imagine the poor innocent children who have to live like this. It makes me sick. It’s just so damn sad…


Is it just me or do shit parents tend to have more kids, like an entire flock (none of which they can actually afford)


When you’re an active, involved, caring parent (especially a single parent) you realize how difficult the shit is which really makes you think long and hard about having more. When you aren’t that involved it’s easy to have more because you’re not putting much effort into or sacrificing much to take care of them anyway. I’m a single mom of one child (now grown); to say it was hard work is a gross understatement. I realized quite early on that one was enough and that I simply didn’t have the resources and energy to be a good parent to more kids than the one I already had.


Absolutely. I had a lot of anxiety during my second (completely planned!) pregnancy about whether or not it was fair to our first to have another kid. And we’re completely secure financially. Now that she’s here I feel really good about it, but I could not imagine just continually having kids like that even in a financially stable situation, much less when you can’t even provide for the ones you have.


I had a vasectomy after our second was born for exactly that reason. I adore my girls and I would do anything for them, but I just couldn't handle that level of need for more. I truly don't know how there are good parents with even more kids because just the two is so much for my wife and me. And we have each other for support (my wife is an amazing mother and person in general). I literally can't wrap my head around how some of the single parents I've known can do it. I mean, I've known crappy single parents, but I've also known great ones, and I don't even know how they find the time and energy for like, three or more kids. It's insane to me. Just the thought of it sounds like crushing pressure.


Have you ever watched the movie Idiocracy? This is very well documented and explained at the beginning introduction of the movie.


It wasn’t supposed to be a documentary but here we are.


That is my go to movie when explaining how bad everything is becoming. Sadly, it does seem as though they were just as good at predicting the future as the Simpsons.


Stupid people reproduce more.


My sister lives by one of these. She has 6 kids of her own for the food stamps, one of her daughters has one or two, is pregnant again, and wanted to terminate the pregnancy, but her mom hid her driver's license so she couldn't go to the appointment. This girl is being sexually molested by someone who lives in the house too. 😢


Have you reported this to the police or CPS? If you know about it, please report


wtf 😵


Ppl like this have nothing better to do than have sex.


The apple rarely falls far from the tree. Unfortunately.


My seven teens... seventeen kids... I need 20 PS5s.


It's for the church Honey...




I legit just guffawed and scared the cats 🤣🤣🤣💀💀




But what of the 8th??


There is no 8th, the 7th just ate the 9th


Right?! I thought I was losing it with how many times the number changed!


You want me to buy gifts for all eight of them? Listen, it wasn’t my decision to have nine kids. You wanted ten kids, then you had better get fucking gifts for all eleven of them yourself. Who the fuck has a dozen kids?


To be fair, it took her a very long time to write that message, she had two kids in the interim.


HAHAHAHA. Omg this made me snort


💀 I’m gonna wake everyone up from laughing


About 20 years ago I heard about a guy who thought if you had over 13 kids they didn't have to pay child support anymore. This was when he had like 7. He hit 13 and learned different lol.


Yeah, that's great and all but have you busted your butt to get help like this poor lady? Now her two 13 year olds, repeat two 13 year olds, repeat two 13 year olds have nothing and it's everyone's fault.


I thought that part of the mega sentence was hilarious - 'I've busted my butt TOO GET HELP' not 'I've busted my butt working really hard to save my kids from poverty' !


It really creeped me out when she kept calling them her “big boys.” Prob just to differentiate in a family with an indeterminate number of kids of varying age, but it still sounds wrong.


Because they’re probably her emotional support kids who are as close as she’ll ever get to having a decent man in her life.


Cuz she forgot their names.


I'm quite uncomfort with that scenario, what about my gestational octuplets? Surely they deserve a nice Christmas???


How exactly does this woman imagine showing a photo of a bunch of kids is some kind of "proof"? Even PhotoShop or the internet weren't a thing, I could still show someone a photo of my niblings or whoever...


I like the “ I worked my butt off to get help” and the “explain to my kids exactly who you are and why they missed out”


Wonder if she works as hard at her grafting for free stuff as she would at a job that pays money that she could use to support all these kids.


Guessing she works at everything about as hard as she works at using punctuation.


She said she had four kids, then five kids, then OP said six kids… No matter how you look at it, that’s a lot of skipped periods.


I noticed that too, four kids but then five kids. And the two 13-year-olds probably aren't twins or she would have said that. Could be step kids I guess, but regardless, this is gross entitlement.


I see what you did there and I like it.


She’s allergic to periods. Be that having them or using them.


✨🎄Merry GRIFTmass m’er! 🎄✨


Imagine your parent being like "this random lady who owns a store didn't get you a present." Ok I wasn't expecting her to, how about you...?


Imagine if she just worked her butt off. Put the grifting energy into employment and marvel at how your situation changes!


She should have worked her butt off all year and maybe she wouldn’t be in this situation. 🤔


She apparently couldn’t even get her butt over to wherever they were holding the gift cards for her older kids 🤦🏻‍♀️


Right? I have no kids of my own, but my Facebook profile pic is of me with my nephew. (Confused some people when I posted that, heh.) Could he be mine? Maybe, there is a family resemblance. But it's not proof.


Years ago, when I was working in a school office, we had a mom come in asking about her kids. I checked the computer and saw the mom was listed as non-custodial with DO NOT GIVE INFO. As nicely as I could, I told the woman I was not authorized to tell her what she wanted to know. "Oh, that's OLD info!" she said, starting to dig through her handbag. "Everything's OK now. Let me show you photo of me and the kids all together!" I spent over 16 years working for the school system but that was one of the moments I will literally never forget.


I've been a school bus driver in a few different districts. There have been a few times where children were not to be let off at their stop if \[certain person\] was there. And if someone different is there, but there's no advance notice, we have to call in and have the person at the stop give ID. Most people understand it's for safety, but some people get snippy about it.


Let's not forget the staff and the other parents tidiculing the fact that NO, they are not allowed to film or take pics on school grounds and post online...


Most people don't follow that rule at all. Recitals, spelling bees etc those pics are all over regardless of if the kid had a no photo form.


Because people living normal lives have absolutely no idea what it is like to be beaten to near death by your spouse who now is coming after you and your 2 yr old to make you regret leaving him for that. Therefore they feel totally ok with sprinkling allllll the kids pics all over the internet with helpful captioms if their locations...


I get this. I’m a graphic designer for a church/school and I always have to get permission from allllll of the parents and teachers if I want to use a photograph for the website or social media.


Thank you for driving a bus. I recently learned how bad the shortage of bus drivers is. Probably would help if they got paid more than $15 an hour. Apparently in some places, you have to pay for your kid to ride the bus.


Or if they weren't expected to do what's called a "split shift": get up early, drive a go-to-school route (or 2), clock out for several hours midday, then go back to work & reverse it all in the afternoon. If I could just do the afternoon / evening I'd be fine, or if they want me functioning for the early morning OK, but you can't have both.


How does the story end?


One of my friends has 2 girls; both are mixed-race, but one is darker skinned and one is lighter skinned, and their eyes and hair respectively so. We've gone to events together and people have assumed the lighter skinned child is mine. Even a friend of mine we ran across who knew I had no kids had to ask (I hadn't seen him in a few years, so it was a fair question). Same with my baby cousin; we share no dna (donor egg and from my aunt's second marriage), but he could easily pass as my child, he looks more like me than he does his parents and siblings. Especially since he's autistic and I'm one of the few people he lets into his world. I shared a pic of us at Xmas last year, and in came several people asking if he was mine.


I have a buddy whose dad is full-blooded Ute and mom is this pale blonde white woman. Genetics didn't mix, and the kids either look like Mom or Dad, no blending whatsoever. Buddy is the blonde white guy, and has gotten looks as a kid for borrowing Dad's car with its tribal license plate.


I think native genetics are particularly funny for this. My friend herself is half native and half white, so her kids are 1/4 Native, but the one looks straight like she came off the rez. Another friend/former coworker is super white (not just in looks, but whenever I'd bring spicy food to work and she'd always say she was too white for this, so I've added that phrase to my vernacular, lol) but her brother is dark enough to be mistaken for black sometimes (they're both enrolled tribal members). Even my grandma was only 1/8 Menominee, but could easily pass for having a much higher blood quantum. Her daughters all favored the Polish and Ashkenazi traits from her husband though, so that Menom blood couldn't override that. I used to work at a gas station, and there were 2 dude customers talking about what they were getting with their next per capita check, and one of the dudes was so white you'd never know (not just coloring, but he had straight up generic white dude facial features, like the most midwestern looking guy).


"Here's a photo of my six kids." "Aren't they the Brady bunch kids?" "No; they are mine.' Why are the dressed in 70s clothing and have 70s hair cuts?" "We're so poor we can't afford modern stuff."


"Ok but you can afford that live in housekeeper?"


Does she have four, five, or six children? The number kept climbing. I am so confused.


It was posted 2 hours ago. She could have seven by now.


No wonder she doesn’t know what a period is.




This might be the best comment I’ve ever read.


Wow, I’m honored!




Witty comment of the month tbh


That's hysterical!!


Inflation strikes again


Everytime she misses a period, a child is born. Literally.


Literally burst out laughing at "hot and mighty"... r/BoneAppleTea


Gonna start referring to myself as hot and mighty


Congrats. You are now a dragon.


It was "that's absolutely uncomfort" for me


That’s when I stopped reading.


Hot and mighty is the personal brand I’ve been seeking all this time


Don’t forget “she knows the kids is grandmother ___ very well.”


*"I have quite a few people in this town and I'll pass the word around*" One nod from me, they'll all boycott this business. And they spend a lot of money there, so the owner will be sorry she didn't comply with my grift. Why doesn't my large circle of imaginary, well-off friends & family buy stuff for my children? Well they do, actually! They're good people, my kids never go short... Wait. Hold on. No, actually they don't, so I do still need the charity of townsfolk. My very numerous friends all left their purses at home. Every time they went out, all of them.


This read like a trump speech


This is the definition of entitled… She thinks persistently asking for a handout is the same thing as “busting her butt” for her kids for Christmas. She thinks this woman is responsible for ruining her kids’ Christmas when it was really mom who ruined it by having no gifts of her own to give. She refers to being on the charity list for four years as if it’s some sort of “loyal customer” status. Similarly, she thinks she can complain online about it and rally support the way people do If they got bad service at a restaurant (I actually hate it when people do this but at least they paid for the meal). She lost the gift cards because she failed to pick them up in time but has invented another reason, which is that the charitable woman doesn’t believe she has two thirteen year old boys—likely because she does not have the boys or they don’t live with her and she assumes she’s been caught in her scam. Thank you so much for posting the comments, they were worth plowing through her one-sentence manifesto for.


Holy crap what a mess of an entire run on sentence that was


I read half of it.. and I said f**k it to start reading the comments!


I couldn't read it


Consider yourself lucky


Evidently too poor to afford punctuation. Times are hard.


Yes. Please give generously to all those who have no punctuation this Christmas. A donation of just six full stops will be enough for a needy person to write an articulate begging letter.


I, have a couple, of spare commas, if, you're interested.


I see, you have chosen, the Christopher Walken, data plan. As, I have.


I… have chosen…the William…Shatner…plan.


You don't have semi-colons? I was told there would be semi-colons. You think you're so "hot and mighty!"


New user flair: Hot and Mighty!


👩‍🍳 ☕ 🍳 Breakfast is served! (And it \*is\* a great flair!)


It’s for the CHURCH!!!!




That was one of the first posts I read on Reddit and it still cracks me up.


Emmmhmmm they are all “hot and mighty” not handing out the good punctuation….and now her kids are crying! Crying! Someone quick, buy then a kitten or other defenseless animal that they can’t afford to properly care for!


So uncomfort of you.


I; have; decided; to only be referred to as: Lady fefenduv the Hot and Mighty. Does the punctuation help you?


Hot and Mighty would be a great name for a bowling team of Menopausal ladies.


I just laughed so hard I snorted! Thank you, pj!


Or a Roller Derby team of post menopausal gals


Would be a great name for a range of hot sauce, too 😁


Here’s a semicolon; they can be useful.


But the gift cards were for punctuation and a copy of Strunk & White!


Any reference to Strunk & White is proof you’re my kind of person.


Sorry I can't afford six full stops, but here's a nice ellipsis for the fund. . .


I will generously donate *multiple paragraphs* to those in need of them.


Eye know that hert my head to reed all the lack of punksyouayshun. Eye can’t beeleave thay ain’t help that poor ladee 13 year olds. She prooved it like 100 times that she had 16 kids. Why someone wouldn’t buy them all the best chrismas ever without kwestion is Beyoncé me. Butt whatever.


Eye now They ned apple fones n Nike dunks y r u ruining there Christmas


Well she doesn’t have a period because she’s pregnant again. It’s either her 6th, 7th or 8th child by her count.


Exactly! Somewhere in there, she went from 4 to 6 kids! Maybe it’s another immaculate conception!


I don’t even have the words to explain how great this comment is 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂


I thought maybe I’m just tired and have a processing problem but it was just bad punctuation lol.


I’m hoping it was a voice-to-text rant.


Me too!!! Reminded me a bit of when my mom texts with Siri on her watch. Once got a text that just said “Siri send text” 😂😂😂


I was leaving a long voicemail for my bestie one day and I forgot in the middle that it was voicemail so I started interjecting all the punctuation. I said something like “ so anyway, comma, I will call you when I’m on my way home from work period if I don’t catch you then comma let’s chat tomorrow morning period. “


Anybody who unironically writes like this are either on drugs or insane. The way they bring up the same point over and over just serves to further jusitfy this claim.


She should definitely miss fewer periods.


I've just noticed that i hold my breath the entire time i read anything that has no punctuation. I could have died reading that.


It makes perfect sense when you read it in the cadence of Krystal from Squidbillies.


Stupid is as stupid does.


Hey she said she "busted her butt to get help". So we know at least the colon is damaged.


I gave up trying to read her post it hurt my head. I get times are hard, but saying I worked my butt off to get help......really? You didn't work, you messaged people on the internet.


But but you don’t know how hard she worked!! Had to fill out applications for all 5 or 6 of her children!! Her fingers were blistered and bleeding after all that typing.


I remember many years ago, when my husband and I were starting our family. We were young, didn’t have much, but did what we could. However, around the time I learned I was pregnant the 2nd time, I lost my job and was struggling finding even a part time job. His income covered our expenses, but we qualified for additional help like WIC. At the WIC office they gave me a voucher or something to use around the holiday time I wish I could remember what it was, I think it was for a thrift store that used those vouchers to help with baby items. We went to the thrift store and got help with diapers and things, and then they offered us some small toys for our oldest to open on Christmas. I was grateful and thankful they were so generous to us during that time, it helped us so much at a time of uncertainty. Things were better after that, but I’ll never forget the kindness and help we got. Sorry for the story, but I read stuff like this and can’t imagine a person acting like the victim in their own created drama believing they would have others on their side.


Give her a gift card from "Paragraphs R Us."


This right here is genius.


i will spend my last dollar to buy this woman some punctuation. holy shit.


I won't. However, I would be willing to spend my ten millionth and first dollar to buy her some.


The other thing that gets me is WHERE do people think these gifts come from? She says it herself, everyone is struggling. Also, she can explain to 13 year olds that she has no money for gifts, but she got some donations for the young kids.


I do not know about you people but I'm about ready to make this into a drinking game. Go back and read and every time she mentions the 13-year-old kids take a shot


Don't, you'll die! That's far too many shots too quickly lol


Your kids missed out because you're a terrible, lazy, selfish incubator. You had a year to plan for this and doesn't. Shaaaaaaaame.


She’s so entitled! The fact that she is blaming others for her kids missing out instead of herself and even threatening to tell people around town, what an AH.


Hey! She works her butt off to get help!




I passed out twice trying to read that


My gift to her………………………………………………………………………….


How on earth can she realize that "13-year-old" needs hyphens, yet not use a single period or comma in the remainder of that little diatribe?


This was a voice to text rage post, I would bet money. You get fairly good spelling, but some mixed up words, and no punctuation unless you specify.


Depends on the phone I guess. My phone automatically puts in punctuation when I use voice to text. It's not perfect but It still puts in periods and commas without needing to specify, sometimes where they don't really belong.


My phone puts that kind of punctuation in automatically.


I have pictures of all 200,000 of MY Children. Give me 20,000,000 in gift cards!


I hope she's stopped breeding every other word adds a kids


Boss move there CB, you were given assistance but chose not to pick up the cards so now you are getting roasted on SM over Christmas. As someone posted on another CB post, Christmas comes on the same date every year and people actually prepare for the day by working extra and putting aside money.


How about you start thinking about this shit in say…September or October? Then hustle to make your kids holiday a good one. Not wait to the last week or two then complain and play victim with a rambling manifesto! GD these people are horrible.


I grew up poor. My mom started buying in January. She shopped sales and used coupons. I do the same now. My shopping is 90% done by October. I’m not stressed or broke for Christmas! It’s the same day every year, there’s really no excuse for not having something for your kids at Christmas. Just like their mother though, I would bet the kids are often entitled and demanding expensive stuff.


I grew up financially stable and comfortable but not rich. My mom also started shopping months and months before the holidays because of sales and because she liked to keep to a monthly budget. There was room every month to shop so she did that rather than waiting and making things tight in November/December. Our moms had different circumstances but they were responsible, they were planners, and they prioritized us. Things this woman could easily do whether she has $10 or $100k to work with.


Or maybe like *last December* because she indicates she was on this same charity list last year…and the two before that. Put aside $5 per week most weeks, and by December you at least have about $200 bucks for Christmas gifts, which is like $40 or $50 per kid depending on whether she has 4 or 5 (or 6?) and if you’re a smart shopper and know your kids well you can have a happy Christmas morning without buStinG yoUr buTt


"I have busted my butt to get help".. This was shocking and hilarious to read.


Every Christmas I buy presents for one underprivileged child. I always request a teenager. It's a rough age and they do get ignored. But this lady is batshit and annoying.


I do the same thing, and the older the teen, the better. I do 2 when i can afford to. I pack everything into a laundry basket, so they have their own, or for mom, idc; and always include a warm blanket throw.


Well, they refused to drop her gift cards off! Her schedule is very busy and she doesn’t drive! Thanks for ruining her kids’ christmas!


My Goodness - I know this is genuine but if you wanted to compose pure ragebait this is it , even down to the lack of punctuation! Entitled, aggressive, obnoxious. Scum like this don’t just foul it for themselves they screw it for others because many good people just won’t bother trying to help anymore after experiencing/hearing about this sort of crap.


What do you mean "won't work"??? She busts her butt to get help!


Right? Begging, complaining, and playing victim is a full-time job.


Worked her butt off to get help? Could’ve worked her butt off helping herself ffs


In one place she says four kids, in another five. I’m so confused .


I’m not. Either it’s a genuine typo or folks see she’s grifting for at least one more card.


So are there 4 children or 5? Seems like the creator of the worlds longest run-on sentence isn’t quite sure either.


She screwed her kids over no one else. When you have 6 kids you do what it takes to provide for them . She is responsible. She needs to get a job (or a better job) get some education for a better job (judging from the comments) and get therapy to learn some emotional intelligence to keep the job. Unless someone robbed you or stole from your home, you failed at getting the kids gifts, no one else. Who the hell has 6 kids with no plans on how to support other than begging and entitlement.


Godzilla just fucking died!


There comes a point where bad spelling and grammar is just flat out rude to the intended reader.


At least two things this person did not learn in school: how to use birth control and how to use a period.


I’m intrigued that her close relatives can afford to buy multiple “dresses” at the boutique. Did no one else notice that ?


If only we knew when Christmas came every year so we could all plan ahead….


If you can't provide for your kids, stop having them. I'm absolutely tired of people pumping out kids they can't afford and then complaining when society doesn't take care of them. I grew up poor. It IS child abuse, period.


The last slide ![gif](giphy|eIUpSyzwGp0YhAMTKr|downsized) last commenter is my hero


Through my skimming of that hot mess I found that her daughter has purchased dresses from the boutique. Were they actually purchased though? And is this daughter number six, eight or 25? I can't keep track.


Let’s be honest, has anyone ever met someone who regularly asks for stuff or anything for free normal? There’s always a few screws loose and you can tell from a mile away


ok busta rhymes


I volunteered with a group a few years ago. Mainly old people, who wanted to knit Christmas gifts for kids, they took requests for kids favourite cartoon characters, and would knit them. Mostbparents were grateful. One woman came in, kicked off because they would knit her 3 year old a postman pat plush, but her 15 year old wanted some beats headphones, and they wouldn't be gifted. She tried to call it racist, the 15yo was mixed race, the youngest was white. We ended up giving the Postman pat to his father (the nicer parent), to give to the child


If this woman is not bodily or mentally incapable of working, then she needs to get a job. Relentlessly prodding people for their time and money, is not a job unless you’re being paid for it on a consistent basis.


I know that this isn’t the reason for this sub, but goddamn, let’s get some punctuation! I was completely exhausted trying to read her diatribe.


just remember: her vote counts the same as yours.


I read this out loud and died due to lack of oxygen.


"Busted my butt" to get free things is a wild statement 😂


That’s the longest sentence in history


So glad the commenters explained bc I still didn’t understand after


She worked her butt off begging instead of working her butt off at a job to provide for her own kids. Priorities yallll


Thank you OP for posting some of the comments!!!


That’s my favorite part when someone shares a post then you see live action comments from the original post. Like oh good. Someone else stood up to a CB. Nice.


Yikes. That is the longest sentence I have ever seen in my life. I need to lay down.


The “holy shit is that all one sentence” absolutely killed Me 😂😂😂


Damn those hot and mighty people.


Somebody get that woman some punctuation. Stat!


I’d give her some money so she can buy some punctuation.


That’s a fucking long sentence. Seems like grammar & punctuation are costly these days.


That's what I call a "sentagraph" - one long run-on **sent**ence, devoid of any punctuation, the length of a par**agraph**.


I literally couldn't read that but I'm sure her literacy level reflects the opinion.


All of her baby-daddy’s won’t give EACH of her kids something “nice”.


Holy run-on sentence, batman!


So we are fairly poor with 5 children, we've had great Christmas's like this year and last year, we've had extremely lean Christmases, guess what? That's what dollar store is for, no child will care as long as they get something and have a decent meal. I cant fucking stand people like this, wanna give me a gift card? Sweet, don't want to? Whatever, that's life


Does this person know what paragraphs are? I’m not reading that shit.


To be fair, you only need to read maybe 1/5 of it... the rest basically repeats several times


If she can "bust her butt" to get free shit for Christmas for the kids she decided to have, she can bust her butt and get a job like the rest of us.


I have two daughters and could only afford to spend 25$ on each for Christmas. But that's ok because presents aren't everything. Be grateful for everything you have. My kids and I are healthy and have a place to live and food to eat. Good enough for me.