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This one blacks out the bingo card. If it’s a parody, then it’s one of the best I’ve seen because this feels genuine. I would **love** to see the comments.


The worst part about this is that hypothetically if someone took her "offer" I guarantee you it would be a pain in the ass to get even this pittance of money from her. It would be a mix of "Don't worry hun once this this case of snake oil sells I'll have enough money for you" and "Hubby told me when he came home you were on the couch for 8 seconds. You have a lot of nerve expecting full pay when you're slacking off on such an easy job"


“Umm… we saw that you filled your water bottle from the sink so we’ll be discounting your pay for the month. Also I’m concerned that you’re really not pulling your weight on building your Herbalife upstreams”.


Or even worse "Look I know we agreed on 150 but instead I'm giving you this case of essential oils that sells for 200. Really, if you think about it you can easily flip that and im doing YOU the favor"


*Up to* $150, depending on qualifications. Seriously delusional.


Up to $150 a week for eleven-hour days, plus owning a large vehicle, having proficiency in making bag lunches, and giving Mom two hours of chill time after her exhausting day at her MLM. This is a classic.


Don’t forget you will be homeschooling the other children while mom is spending 2 hours getting ready for work


People like this have no idea of what homeschooling requires. It’s not some random, let’s see what book we want to read today. There is a curriculum to follow. Good lord.


her poor kids smh


Well clearly she is doing a horrible job homeschooling either way and would trust such an important task to someone uneducated in education! Don’t forget that there is a reason that people go to four year colleges to become teachers! So funny. If she has a curriculum to follow, I am sure it is cult based too- those poor kids don’t have a chance in life.


They MUST reside in UTAH.


Don't forget to tell hubby to help with lunch. Now you're gaining managerial experience. We really should be charging you for such a privilege


Ask my husband that could arrive at 13:00 to help you have the food ready by 12 o'clock


Planning and logistics. Now we're building a resume


Two hours of chill time sent me…I’d love to have two hours of “chill time.” As a parent, esp with that many kids, you just don’t get that (unless you actually pay someone their worth to give you that time). Besides…I love my kids, and most of the time when I get home from work and they get back from school, I’m excited to hear about their day and do things with them before I have to go back into dinner prep/laundry/kids activities taxi driver, etc.


The flat rate of 150 should be just for 2 hours of her chill time by itself when dealing with 5 kids, three of which are most likely pretty young and rowdy. I'm shocked she didn't include that they should make a 5 course dinner as well, and not leaving until the dishes and house are clean since they've been there all day. Who would have thought that having 5 spawn would be pricey and time consuming? Mind boggling.


It sounds like she expects lunch to be made for her upon arrival home for lunch & the husband as well, unless I'm reading it wrong.


CB mom wants her lunch ready on the tick of noon, while the hapless, grossly underpaid sitter (still, AFAIK, an imaginary character) is told to “ask” dad to help with meal prep as he skids in the door for *his* lunch break. (Fat chance, I predict.)


You forgot the CPR qualification.


I did indeed. I also left out home-schooling (!), plus strapping the three youngest (who provides the car seats?) into my monster ride (who pays for gas?) every time I pick up the two oldest. And having mom’s lunch ready at noon (!), while noodging Dad on his lunch break into helping with meal prep… This listing is such a nightmare, I keep hoping it’s fabricated. But it’s just too much in line with what some real-life CBs crave, I fear.


$30 per child per week, That can't be legal.


For 55 hours/week + driving kids to & from school, homeschooling the others, & making meals for the parents as well. Her kids are so ‘wonderful’ that she doesn’t want to deal with them 2 hours before going to work & for a couple hours when she gets home to ‘cool down’. Even $150 /day isn’t even acceptable given the expectations.


For real. The $150 probably wouldnt even cover gas in the bus the sitter would need..


It's $2.72 an hour. That's modern-day slavery and she can go f*** herself


Some people have no shame. Such entitlement


and even $150 per day is less than half of the federal minimum wage (per child) 😬😬


Yes! I'm very curious what starting pay is, if $150 per week is the cap. For a 55 hour week. And what are the odds CB will often be late?


I mean she's going to be home with her ass on the couch cooling down from 3 to 5... which baffles me...


So many red flags. But all 5 of her children are "wonderful..." So much so she needs a cooling zone. Lol


And bring along a child over 8 years old who can help look after my spawn because you know when I say they are angels, i really mean devil spawn


And if they’re over 8, wouldn’t they be in school?


CB wants her to homeschool her children so presumably it’s okay to add one more to the “class”.


Yes, because it's super easy to homeschool 4 differant grade levels at once. Nice.


Yes, an “assistant”


That's the part that really stood out to me. The opportunity to make *up to $150 a week*.


Like coal miners being forced to spend their paycheck at the company store and it's all so high priced they wind up in debt for necessities.


Oh no, she said “up to $150”. So what makes the price go up? If you invest in her pyramid scheme? This sounds more like torture and debt instead of a job. She’s insane if she thinks anyone is going to take her up on her job request.


It really means they'll never pay $150 -- maybe start at $ 75 per week and dangle that $ 150 as a carrot.




Showing the comments should be a rule for this community


Comments! Comments! Comments!


Please tell me she got her ass handed to her.


I'm guessing so, she didn't get any "likes", only "laughing" and "omg" reactions.


The comments are usually way too nice


The only part missing is the "no haters", or "no negative comments", with threatens to block anyone who dare point out all of the problems here.


Something tells me she blocked about 130 people by the time the screenshots were taken.


I bet she blocked 65 people only after adding a snarky retaliation to each comment




You forgot the "We are people of faith" part. God bless.


I would pay money to read those comments!


I’d give Herbalife discounts to see the comments.


I'd give free Herbalife product to see the comments, up to a value of 3.50.




I would *buy* some Herbalife for these comments lol


Woah woah woah, let’s not get crazy


Ok you win 😂


The Herbalife at the end just *chef's kiss*


I think it is a beautiful parody. Chefs kiss


What you need is an indentured servant, which would require a time machine.




Up to...150. Wow 50 cents per hour per child, and home schooling too???


Don’t forget the CPR!


AND having her lunch ready by noon when she comes home for break.


But her husband can help when the sitter tells him to so that doesn’t count. /s It’s the 1 hour of free time to get ready for work and 2 hours to wind down after work that gets me. Who on earth has that luxury? Nobody with 1 kid let alone 5!


I only have one child. We never ever got a 2 hour break when we got home. My husband and I called it start of shift 2😂 Raising one child was tiring.5?!?!?! She’s insane. We have a 2 year old grandson and I wouldn’t dare ask anyone to keep him for even 2 hours without giving at least 50.


I have 0 kids and I don't have that much free time.


Can anyone just imagine a sitter having to demand the husband help cook lunch 5 days a week?! A guy home from work on his lunch break. The CB says she can't do it so the sitter has to 'get him to help with that.' Er, no! And why do I have a feeling the sitter is expected to grocery shop as well, and CB and her husband would balk at repayment, even with a receipt? "You didn't have to buy that -- buy this!" Or "that wasn't on sale, you pay for it."


Right. The first thing I yelled out was “YOU fucking tell him to make lunch, wtf”


If he was capable of making lunch, it would already be his duty during his TWO HOUR LUNCH BREAK.


And since she's home at 3pm and the husband probably not much later thereafter, why can't either of them prep the school lunches in the evenings?


Downtime, she needs to relax for a couple hours, make dinner, leave the dishes for the sitter to do in the morning, and rush those kids off to bed because her, by my math, less than full time job has her exhausted. There’s no time to pack lunches during that busy schedule.


No one who is paying $150 a week, that's who!


Yup…nanny, teacher, personal chef, chauffeur, health care provider (cpr) all rolled into one for *up to* $2.73 an hour


Which will soon be erased by gasing up the "large vehicle" to drive the kids everywhere.


UP TO $2.73/hr total for ALL five kids. It’s about .55cents per child. 😂😂


And not just the kids! You’re cooking for her and her husband too!


Hey now.. she said the nanny could make him feed himself.. s/


And let’s be real. Saying “up to” means you’re most likely not actually getting that much.


And buying a bigger car!


And the money you spend on gas driving them around


Break from trying to pressure people into buying her Herbalife shit.


Did she say she’s been taking care of them through school? So she wants a pat on the back for having to take care of her own kids and going to school for which she’s getting the chance to sell herbalife with? Does Herbalife have a course ?


And the large vehicle with gas and insurance thrown in for free.


The kids (at least she didn't say "kiddos", gotta give credit) are ALWAYS wonderful, have you noticed? Unless of course, they are angels, a joy, etc. Basically suggesting any money you get is a bonus - your true payment is just getting to spend your day with these children.


As a former teacher I can assure you that any child labeled as such are terrors.


I’ve never understood why some parents do this, like their caregiver/teacher isn’t going to find out the truth?🤣 I will never be that mom telling everyone what a sweetheart and a darling her daughter is because I know damn good and well that she’s a tiny demon spawn sent straight from hell to terrorize and destroy. She’s very much like her mother, or so I’m told…


I tell every teacher on supply drop off day/first day that my child is a willful, sarcastic ass (like me) on most days. Then come PT conferences the teacher is telling me that my child is one of the best behaved students in their class. Either I'm being gaslit, or my kid is playing both sides 😄


"They sleep most of the day anyway at that age!" Three hyperactive 5-9 year olds on a suicide/murder mission


You know these multiple kids are not sleeping at the same time.


Some kids are a lot easier to deal with than others, but it's almost never the kids that parents describe this way right off the bat, especially in a babysitting ad.


There’s a terrifying movie called Soft and Quiet where one of the evil characters calls her kids kiddos and it’s all I can associate when I see it on here 😖




I hate that more than “kiddos” because I associate “kiddo” with like, a 90s sitcoms where a father tousles his young boys head at the end of a lesson that was learned and they go off to get ice cream or something. “Glad we could have this talk son. Enough lessons for today…Whaddya say we go get some ice cream kiddo?” Kinda deal


"You tell him to help you with that" the actual fuck?


This irked me more than the entitled post itself. *Tell* him to help me make *his & his children's* lunch? He is a grown ass man & father of 5 so why does he need to be reminded that people eat?


Don’t forget, she will also be stopping by at lunchtime to eat. The “sitter” is supposed to prepare a lunch for the kids AND both parents. Will probably expect the sitter to bring their own food. Then she gets home at 3 but needs to decompress for 2 hours. So the sitter is expected to stay until 5. I bet she is also expected to prepare dinner AND “light” housework. An 11 hour day. Wow. You could make more than $150 a DAY working 11 hours at McDonald’s.


You could probably make about the same amount of money asking for spare change in the McDonalds parking lot!


He can make his own lunch!


Spoiler alert: he won’t be helping. Unless hitting on you while you try to make lunch counts as helping. (I don’t really have textual support to cite for this, just a strong gut feeling.)


Hubby says you hit on him! You're fired and owe me 300 for the Herbalife.


Dear Penthouse.


He might be able to use his powers to get the nanny a 10% raise. That’s about 25 cents!


Yes if the CB can't make him cook lunch, why does CB believe the stranger can? 5 days a week? He comes home for lunch he will be cranky and tired, not asking to cook.


Lol - YOU tell my husband. *not me* Wtf is all that???


Yeah I also found that part extremely weird


Is there aReason why no one ever post the comments are they not allowed? I wanna see the comments


Well, in this case it’s because it’s an old repost, OP might not even have access to the original post. I remember seeing this one before, the detail about telling the husband to help make the lunches is what confirmed it for me.


Is it a repost from 1972, when those wages would have been appropriate?


Me too. Desperately!


This one is going viral on TikTok right now, OP is probably not the one who found it


You can tell because of the top of a head on the bottom of the first photo.


Correction: the sitter won't be "helping" with homeschooling the younger three, they'll be the *actual teacher*. Unless of course, Mom or Dad plan to go over second-grade arithmetic over their lunch...


Yep lots of minimizing language. Also cute (not) how the CB can't get her husband to cook but tells the sitter to make him help the sitter cook lunch 5 days a week. While he's home from work for lunch. Oh, and "lunch is to be ready" when CB arrives.


Yeah that bossy tone was just a glimpse of what sort of jerk you’ll be dealing with. Who wants to make lunch with someone else’s husband anyway? Why doesn’t he just do it? They are his kids!


Yeah that jumped out at me too.


They sure aren't teaching economics.


Well, mom certainly ain’t doing it for those two hours she needs to decompress after work.


Is it legal to “homeschool” children that are not your own?


Good point. I’m pretty sure it is not, at least in my state.


I feel once you hit 5 kids its kind of a give in that one parent has to be a stay at home parent. Unless rich, rules don't apply there.


Yep. When we blended (adding to 3, making 6) I quickly learned that someone had to be home with them. We managed it, but it was tough! We needed more money, because 6 kids, but someone literally had to be home when the kids were home. I ended up working from home part time until I got laid off a few months before our last one turned 18. That job made it *just* possible. I never could have made near enough to pay someone to kid sit. Husband made much more than I did, or the roles would have been switched. But we needed his income and then some, to live. We had child support orders, but our state doesn't enforce them so they were (and still are) utterly useless. The $150 a week almost made me choke, though. $150 a week would be eaten alive by the gas money it would take to get a large vehicle with lots of weight back and forth to the school every day, plus getting to the house, to begin with. And home schooling, too?? Cooking for adults?? No way anyone is this clueless.


>And home schooling, too?? I love how they say "help with" homeschooling. Like, they're gone all day every weekday. The sitter would be doing the homeschooling


Just surprised there wasn't a PhD requirement for that. "Will accept a Master degree if we like you."


“Up to” $150 a week. You know she will want to pay less than 150.


Yuck! Good catch! I missed the “up to”. This person is just awful.


No way this is real. She is offering 7800$ a year for a full time (+ an additional 15 hours/week) job. This is a poverty wage in Africa.


not an easy job either. You are a chef/teacher/mother/chauffer/EMT


>Yep. When we blended (adding 3, making 6) Carol? Carol Brady?


🤣 We always teased each other about that. It would have been nice to have had that house, and a maid/nanny!


The audacity! She’s freaking insane! She wants a slave.


Plus there are laws about who can homeschool your children in some states, so it may be illegal for the babysitter to do it.


She sells Herbalife, so she's pretty much a stay at home parent.


Nah, parentification! If you keep having kids eventually the older ones take care of the younger ones. At least my mother had that idea 🤷‍♀️


Not even that many kids sometimes just an older daughter. Our neighbors only have two kids with a 10y gap. The older daughter is basically the mother to the younger one.


My parents did it but my mother had a business that she could bring us along to. Also there was a big spread of ages, but yes otherwise the cost of childcare is crazy!


I bet the comments were brutal on this one. Sheesh.


Cool down between 3 and 5? 2 bottles of Merlot time?


Also has the "while you are here can you whip up some dinner for us, too?" vibe.


Because her kids are super easy, so you have plenty of free time!


That was the part that got me


_Btw, I’m so wildly out of touch, I’ll never be on time, expect you to “notice” chores to do, and will burn your reputation to the ground if you scold my children_


So she’s paying a nanny $2.72 an hour, and she wants to give her Herbalife discounts 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 SHE EVEN SAID SHE WANTS TO CHILL FROM 3 TO 5 😭😭😭😭😭 she wanted to be on this sub so bad I swear


Even still-- she wants this person to work from 6am to 5pm for her, while she gets ready for an hour, then at lunch while her husband come back for an hour each and then she has the gall to be like OF COURSE I need you to stay another two hours after I get back at three so I can unwind and have freetime! That's crazy to me, the (literally with that pay) poor nanny would have been busting so much ass for 11 hours straight while the mom already had two hours at home with her watching the kids, but wants another two.


That part really pissed me off too. The wife would be there 4 hours each day while helping minimally only during the morning


"unwind and have freetime" Need to work on child #6 ....


She’s the one that needs unwinding? Lol “the help” works 11 hours. FcK them Should be the 2 hours where the nanny gets to be treated like royalty.


A nanny, a cook, a TEACHER and a chauffeur all in one, for less than $3/hour


And somehow the whole house will need cleaning too, so…


Plus, the vehicle owner, and probably the gas buyer. Definitely the one paying maintenance on the vehicle.


Don't forget the part where she said "up to". Obviously you've gotta be *super* qualified to earn the high end of the pay scale.


Holy shit I actually did miss that


It’s actually $2.40/hr when you account for overtime pay, but yeah. You get to make her lunch and boss her husband around though 🤣


How would someone making $2.40 a hour afford a large (or any) vehicle?


And she’s not paying gas I will bet.


It's actually $0.52/hour.. Per kid


Minus fuel for your large car


***Up to*** $2.72 an hour. You know, “depending on qualifications”. If you don’t have double doctorates in pediatrics and child development, she’ll probably tell you to be grateful for $50 a week.


55 hrs, 5 kids, $150 oh and you'll need to do some chauffeur work, teach the three youngest their school lessons, lunch on the table for me and kids by noon sharp! This can't be real


AND you need to own a car that sits at least 6.


This is my assumption: they must be joking, surely?! I have a friend that is a live in for a wealthy family with two kids- she is paid a LOT more than this AND with less to do. If they had five kids she would not be the only nanny they had for sure. This person wants THAT level of service AND a chef/teacher for 150 bucks a week?!!!


You forgot potty training. I guarantee there will be potty training. Which of course will not be reinforced when the slave, I mean nanny, leaves for the day- thwarting all progress anyway.


I’m calling the cops on the next person who posts something this good and doesn’t include comments.




6 am to 5pm?!!!! God damn those hours are even worse than a restaurant/bartender job and it comes with 5x the responsibility. No wonder she’s having a hard time finding a babysitter; they can make 10x as much without the headaches being a greeter at Walmart.


She’s not having a hard time. It’s just a “small issue”…Uh huh


The hours are 6am-5pm, so surely that should be 150 per day?


For 5 kids?!!!! Even 200 a day wouldn’t be enough honestly. That’s a long day. And homeschooling on top of that? They should be paying well over 1k a week. I used to be a nanny and i’ve charged 100-150 a day for one kid for less hours and no cooking or homeschooling.


You are these children's caretaker for over half of their waking lives and they want to pay you with coupons good at only their store for their niche product. PLUS make lunch for mom! It might be worth it to take the job just so you can quit at noon the first day. "Well, that's $150 worth of caring for 5 kids. See you next week!"




YOU tell your husband to help make lunch. Why doesn't he know to do that already? I just know these babies are feral


2 hour cool down.


This would be ridiculous and awful enough but she expects someone to homeschool 3 of the kids. FFS. 


"Help" with homeschooling. I wonder who they are supposed to be helping since neither parent is home, except for lunch, which also needs to be prepared.


Surely she meant 6-2, $150/day. Which still sucks balls.


For one kid yes, for 5? Hell nah.


Agreed. Although I would love to get up before the crack of dawn to take care of that passel of children so she can get ready. Maybe not as much as I would love to make lunch and HOME SCHOOL and run the house for 2 hours so she can relax. What an opportunity.


The thing is I am starting to realize how so many pedos get access to kids. So called “parents” but really people that seem to not like birth control and don’t want to actually be around their children put out ads like this. The ONLY people that would be willing to take these essentially unpaid positions are predators.


I don’t wanna lose my job over bad babysitters


and for all of that this entitled dummy wants the nanny to COOK HER LUNCH OR HER HUSBANDS LUNCH ?! and she can’t even pack her own children’s lunches for school?! that’s much much more than just childcare. she wants a teacher, a chef, a chauffeur, with a large vehicle for cents per kid an hour. the delusion of it all


Man with white van available. No pay required. Just give me your kiiiidddsss


That’s exactly the only type of person who would accept this. Hopefully the CPR requirement makes sure even they wouldn’t answer. If any of this was a real ad that is lol


It never ceases to shock and amaze me that people actaully post these types of "offers." They seriously don't pause, read through what they wrote, and think that the compensation they are giving is fair...?


I made more babysitting ONE child mumblety years ago.


I'm adding "mumblety" to my vocab 😁


What the fuuuuuck? If I EVER signed up for some shit like that, I’m claiming head of household. Thanks for the dependents. 5 “wonderful” kids that she can’t be bothered with while “cooling down” after work? Something tells me she has a messy house and expects you to clean that also.


Two whole hours to decompress at the end of the day seems like a luxury if you have any kids at all? And you want to leave the education of your small children up to someone you’re paying almost nothing? What in the fresh hell? Are you supposed to massage Dad’s feet while he’s home for lunch?


"I get off at 3:00 but I need you to stay until 5:00 so that I can cool off after shift." Yeah, that's not how parenting works.


"a few bad baby sitters" - you're the common denominator "up to 150/week depending on qualifications" - the nerve Wake up to reality. Whatever THIS is, it needs to be stopped, it needs an intervention lol


Is the benefit the affair that’s about to develop daily between 11-1pm?


This can't be real. Can anyone be this stupid?


I was waiting for the part where she said "You can live in our basement for only 700$ rent per month." Accompanied by "No drinking, no smoking, no visitors, no gambling. We are people of faith."


2.72 an hour. Where does one sign up?


Saw this job post on Tiktok last night. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Crazy indeed.


This person needs a slave


But…but…how is Herbalife NOT allowing her to spend time with her kids???


I always considered “babysitters” as underage teens that’d watch the kids for a few hours after school or in the evenings. Usually without a car or too young for a license, and most of the time left with cash to order pizza or a frozen meal to pop in the oven. Basically an older parentified sibling for hire and to avoid accusations of child abandonment. “Childcare” generally means more hours than a babysitter and includes coming up with activities and scheduled snacks/meals; often group childcare helps keep cost down. This CB is asking for a personal nanny. Transportation, long hours, cleaning, and meals for the family. That’s a full time job with full time job wage expectations.


130 comments.... Where?


The fuck ass little Herbalife pitch at the end 😂


She gets home at 3:00, but wants them to stay until 5:00, so she can “cool down”? There is no end to the entitlement with this one!