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A toaster oven? What?


I mean nobody likes a raw baby come on


False. Coyotes and mountain lions are perfectly content to eat raw babies.


That’s only because they don’t have opposable thumbs to work a toaster or microwave with. They’d eat them warm if they could.


Verified true!


And dingos!


That dingo's got my baby!




No square to spare.


I don’t mean to be that person, but you know [that did actually happen](https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2012/06/12/154828852/the-dingo-did-take-the-baby), right?


Oh man, thank you for this link. I wasn't aware of the origin of this.


Where’s your source that Coyotes and Mountain Lions are content on eating raw food? How do you know they’re not taking the babies back to their dens and popping them into the toaster oven at home? Sure, they probably eat babies raw when there’s not a heating element available. But I’m sure they like to switch it up at the very least.


but you can't overcook them either. it's a fine line.


That’s why the toaster ovens perfect, you can select the shade of doneness you want for your baby. No more dry, overcooked babies!


I mean, what do people think the "Baby" setting is FOR?


You really shouldnt use the baby setting unless you know you have a good oven with an accurate humidity sensor, or your baby might burn.


I like them hard boiled myself!!


No, *poached.*


A quick sear on each side to seal the juices in, then into the toaster oven on B for 20 minutes *chefs kiss*


Maybe she thinks the sunscreen will keep the baby from over toasting 😂


Give it to us raw and wriggling


You keep nasty chips!


She can’t even claim that one is for a baby. You can’t heat milk in a toaster oven. The sound machine I get and maybe the ice maker is for milk storage.


My ice maker broke. You know what I did? I bought ice cube trays. Now I am the machine.


Except she already asked for ice packs.


Ice packs may be for post birth or breast pain. Toaster oven and ice maker may be for her to keep herself easily fed whilst dealing with a newborn Not sure this is a CB as much as someone who can’t afford a baby


Toast, it’s what babies crave.


It has electrolytes!


But only if she gets the teething rings for baby to practice on


The hospital where I was giving birth had posters with newborns on them and the words "Keep them warm". My partner said thank God we got a new oven


Don't forget the kitchen "knifes"


It’s the combo, really. How else would you fit the baby in the toaster oven? And if it did fit, it’d be easier to eat if you’d cut it in pieces


Personally I think everything listed was okay until we got to kitchen appliances, knives, and chargers. Watching my wife pump years ago made me realize the correct pump and valves make a difference and the other things while maybe not necessities, are huge helps as well.


Not picky with brands? Oh thank goodness.


Only right now!


Yeah I caught that part. Right now.


Not picky with brand, right now. Give her a few weeks and she'll accept nothing less than designer labels.


Don’t you *dare* offer OP a knockoff Birkin bag!


26. Car seat 27. 2023 Honda CRV.


And gas card to local gas station. Please deliver


28. Full-time driver


No, they’ll only accept a 2024. Fully loaded of course.


i understand the Type C Chargers. As far as i know Babys need to be constantly recharged.


And the toaster oven, I hate untoasted babies.


And kitchen knives. Can't be having a newborn that hasn't mastered the art of dicing.


Knifes. She asked for KNIFES.


I swear sometimes my brain edits those things out to help keep my blood pressure down.


Good brain! I wish mine would do this


I can hear the outrage in your comment. 😆


I once labeled containers for plastic flatware for a family picnic. Just to be silly, I wrote "knifes" on the knives -- simply because I wanted to see how long before someone noticed, and then said something -- or would they "try to be nice"? Finally my oldest nephew pointed at it, gave me the side-eye, and said "KNIFES???" with emphasis on the "f" sound. I loved it! hahahahaha!


To cut toasted baby into bite size pieces


Needed for the circumcision.


Hey, any *mohel* worth his salt brings his own cutlery to the ritual circumcision. Ours did.


And vasectomy


I think maybe that should number one on this list 🙄🤦🏽‍♀️




For a freshly buttered baby.


They always land butter-side down.


I’ve got the munchies for a “California Cheeseburger”.


I prefer Big kahuna burger. I can't usually get burgers though because my girlfriend is a vegetarian.


Really? I can barely get mine to turn off at night 😮‍💨


The new batteries are so much stronger than they used to be though. God, I remember the fires. *Shudder*.


So that's why my newborn keeps passing out 15 times a day!


Check the connection cord! Probably have a slow drain. Messes up the sleep function in the newer models. Thankfully mine are old enough so usb A works for them and they charge most nights.


She must be getting the older model. Mine is wireless.


Mathematical certainty: The less you have to offer a child, the more fertile you'll be.


Explains why now that my husband and I are in a good enough financial situation to have kids, we’ve been unsuccessfully trying for two years 😭


We tried for 6 and finally had two beautiful daughters. I hope you are lucky, too.


You wrote that in a way that I thought you meant you guys were trying to have 6 kids but only had 2, not that you tried for 6 years lolol


I read that the very same way. Like shooting for maximum results, knowing you’re lucky to get a fraction of that amount.


That would have been...scary. Very.


Wow! Sorry it took so long for you, but congratulations. Twins from some kind of fertility treatment? And thank you.


Nope, in fact, we had resigned ourselves to childlessness. However, twins are very prevalent in my family.


Have you tried throwing everything away?


I would be happy to relieve you of some of your financial security, if that would help. Anything for a friend 😌😇 (Seriously, though, good luck)


I know it's not helpful, but two years isn't super long, and sometimes it just takes time, and its really hard. Especially when you see others manage it SO easily, and feel like no one understands how hard it is. My husband and I tried for over four years straight, longer if adding it all up, and I'm 12 weeks pregnant now with a thriving little girl despite being 40 and with stage 4 endo.  Good luck to you, I know you will get there. 


Not to derail but I really needed to hear this. 39 and trying and feeling pretty low. Congratulations on your impending baby, may she arrive healthy and safely and bring you a lifetime of joy!


I'm sorry 🥺 I've been in this exact position. Hang in there


35 weeks pregnant, doesn’t work, boyfriend only makes enough to cover the bare minimum. This sounds like a great idea. Next stop, “I’m looking for a nanny with a masters in child development, fully CPR certified to work 57 hrs a week, light house keeping and meal prep. Must have own car. Will provide WiFi. $100 a week. No low ballers, I know what I have here!!


"I'm not looking for someone just in it for the money"


Wanna rent an apartment? Credit check and proof of income required. Open a cell phone plan? Credit and income check. Apply and accept any job that’s not minimum wage? Background and credentials check. Wanna open a lemonade stand? Most states require a permit of some sort. Take on the responsibility of a whole brand new entire human being that’ll come with a minimum maintenance and upkeep cost of a quarter a million of dollars spread out over the course of 18 years? No prerequisites required.


You let me know who you think should be in charge of deciding who gets to have a baby.


I think people need to actually be realistic and grow the fuck up. Not everyone should have a kid, no matter how much you want them. If you can’t feed yourself, you need to be an adult and not have children. You should not have kids with the plan to go on welfare, WIC, etc. those programs SHOULD exist for people who fall into hard times, but no one should be making the decision to have kids others will be supporting. 


I literally just had an argument with someone about this she was like all a baby needs is love. Yeah absolutely not they need so much all of which costs a shit ton


It would be interesting if we started applying that logic to billionaires who have kids that are supported by all of their hard-working workers who have to rely on WIC to feed their own children. Jeff Bezos doesn't use WIC but he sure as hell isn't paying his fair share of taxes and he sure as hell didn't earn that money. I bet a lot of his employees use WIC, and they wouldn't need to if they were paid a fair wage.


Lmao, this is so true.  WHY are all the people who shouldn't be having children so endlessly fertile? While others who can give them everything try for years and often don't ever get there. 


Exactly why my husband and I tried to get pregnant for 2 years while we were both employed and only ended up finding out I was pregnant a week after I lost my job. Fun times. (Still not begging tho)


Newborns are a little too young to need phone chargers and knives, no?


Kitchen knives play is an important aspect to ensure that infants thrive. If baby can't play with knives by ~6 months, you should probably consult a doctor.


Yeah, that’s a really important developmental milestone.


Also sunscreen and teething supplies, I image they have other small children.


The size-two diaper demand was the giveaway.


A friend of mine put up a baby registry a few years ago and already had a one year old at the time she was pregnant. She put items on the list for the older kid in addition to the soon-to-be-born baby.




There's gotta be some good comments among the 52 of them that exist. :D Plus, I think her definition of "a few" is a little off. And, what the hell does a baby need with a toaster oven, ice maker, phone chargers, kitchen knives, and a mirror?


Agreed, there are some things on there that are genuinely things that a new mother may need but can't afford (breast pumps can get up to £200 from what I've seen) so I can understand asking for items like that - they're not exactly something you need once your kid grows up so will just be sitting in a cupboard collecting dust, I can see someone wanting to give one of those away for free. But knives?? Sunscreen?? Absolutely bizarre, I can't even understand the "logical" path this woman's brain took while listing all of the must have's for a new baby.


I had my daughter 10 years ago and my insurance plan completely covered a very nice breast pump. It looks like Medicaid or WIC will also supply one.


She forgot *case of condoms so we don't have any more babies we can't afford.


Maybe that was number 3 or 10 that seems to have been deleted


I'm just assuming she can't count.


Fair assumption


In Scotland every expectant mother gets a baby box with all sorts of supplies a new mom might need and that includes condoms.


With so many states passing archaic laws against contraceptives and abortion, who knows if they even wanted a kid they can’t afford (before everyone jumps to ‘just put it up for adoption,’ I’m adopted, and that’s a really complicated situation that’s not always a solution)


That’s actually completely valid. I live in Texas and good luck getting an abortion if you live here! Do you want to go to jail?


See, now if someone posted asking for funds to help get out of Hicksville to get an abortion, I’d happily send them a toaster oven full of cash!


sounds like a great time to not be pregnant


I'm sure the newborn needs a toaster oven and kitchen knives


Please someone tell this woman that you can’t put sunscreen on a baby under 6 months old


Not to mention teething gels are absolutely not recommended. Source: I have a teething 4 month old.


And another child born into poverty


I see several posts daily like this (maybe not the toaster oven), but asking for everything from breast pump and diapers and clothes, as well as clothes for 2T and 4T and a small swimming pool, and please don’t forget I don’t drive, so will need delivered, and any meat, cheese and soda you can spare as well.


It's my birthday too


Do you also have every diagnosable condition known to man, can’t drive, can’t work, and NEEEEED all of this stuff, because, it’s your birthday!! And for the church, of course.




Happy birthday 🎂 to Hat!


And the thing is insurance plans cover a breast pump. Nice ones. Even Medicaid.


Wow, I didn’t know that. I bought my own. Like I bought a lot of stuff. We were fortunate, we got a lot of hand me downs, and a bassinet. We bought the swings, the crib, the sheets, and the cat tower! As well as the toaster oven and other incidentals. We do not have an ice maker, unfortunately, but my office manager wants one very badly- think I could just get one donated?


The one my insurance covered was terrible. Like literally barely worked. Ended up renting a different brand. But definitely still worth checking out.


Did you have a baby recently? In my state it’s a standard dual electric pump. So I could get a Spectra at no cost to me. If I wanted the one that didn’t need to be plugged in it was an additional $40 - I paid and love it. Still going strong after two years and over 2500 hours of pumping.


That’s just wrong. It takes a special kind of selfish AH to have a baby in poverty just because they “wAnT oNe”. I want a pet tiger and an elephant and a couple of emus but that isn’t the way things work!!


One just popped up looking for a king size bed and frame, bins for the kids, a 40” tv for one of the kids, a vacuum and shampooer, a cat tower, a 20” bike, boxers and underwear, and a list of household of items to include body wash, shampoo, fabric softener, laundry detergent and more!!


Reading “cat tower,” I envisioned a wee tow truck to give the kitties rides.


Do they want to move in rent free too?


People like this don’t usually plan for babies, mostly they’re accidents.


Yeah not many people have accidental emus nowadays


You don't know my life!


Accidental Emu is going to be my band name.


I was going to say the same thing. This person probably shouldn't have a baby if they can't provide for it.


This is why I'm staunchly pro-choice. Don't have babies you can't afford.


Preach! Local chick in my town, don't know her but she pops up on my social media because friends know her. Has 4 children that they can't afford, always asking for handouts and posting about how much they are struggling financially. Understandable these days, though. But recently was asking about how to reverse tubal ligation because apparently dude she's with wants a kid that is his own. Seriously??? You can't afford the kids you have, per your own admission, but by all means, keep going. Just unreal and, frankly, infuriating.


Sadly it seems an inordinate number of these parents don't even consider whether or not they can afford the kids. I'm all for policies that help families, sure, but that's besides the problem. Pro-choice laws or not, poverty rarely stops parents that want kids.


People dttmiki55 the same thing with pets. Had a friend ask me for money and not even a month later I find out they're lokoking for a kitten. They told me they can't afford groceries, but yeah a kitten is cheaper 👌


No such thing as a free pet. Source: I have two free dogs that were surprisingly expensive.


You don’t have to be wealthy. You don’t even have to be solidly middle class. You do have to be able to provide the basics without freaking out about it every month, your kids should have easy access to tasty and nutritious food, they should be able to participate in extracurricular activities, go to birthday parties, and not go to school in clothes that will get them teased/bullied. I have no kids, thank God. People who do want them should really put more thought into their decisions.


Another kiddo born to a fierce warrior mama bear or something.


Make abortion freely available and less babies will be born to parents who can't afford them. 


And contraception


It’s freely available where I am, and even affordable, yet we still have an out of control problem with this. Abortion won’t fix this. It will absolutely be worse without it, but there’s always a baseline number of folks to choose to bring babies into this.


If you can’t afford a toaster oven you shouldn’t be having a baby.


If you can’t afford the duck bills, definitely shouldn’t. They’re like $5


this is so real


Friendly reminder to make sure you’re encouraging your representatives to support comprehensive sex education, access to birth control, and abortion.


RIGHT? I love how if you point out that someone in this financial position shouldn’t be having a kid, you’re always the one that’s gonna be perceived as the asshole. We’re all already thinking it. I feel like it never even occurs to these people that costs associated with having kids are non-negotiable, and permanent. I’d be so embarrassed to make a post like this.


100%. A basic toaster is $20-30. Which is less than she'll spend on diapers alone in the first month.


Girl. You think when the baby gets here it’s gonna be any easier!!?!?!


The addition of items like a portable sound machine and ice maker makes me think she's just trying to use her pregnancy as an excuse to beg. It makes sense to ask for second-hand baby items to save on cost but nobody needs a freaking toaster oven.


Ice machines are expensiveeee.


Ridiculously so.


Size 2 diapers? That’s not for a new baby.


I feel like many CBs get to the extensive list phase because of poor planning. At 35 weeks, they don't have anything to nurse with? Also: What did moms do before all those inventions? I'm not judging, it's just, most women in my family nursed their infants and they did not have any of those things. No pumps, storage bags, let alone toaster oven, ice machine, sound machine...? No special clothing made back then for nursing either but then, they mostly did that at home. Again I'm not judging, I am just wondering how necessary all those items on the CB's list are.


As a super supplier my boobs would’ve literally exploded without a pump. That or my baby from all the milk.


i feel like pumping is needed for women who go back to work and that just doesn't sound like the case here. some women exclusively pump but they're not asking other people to pay for them. plus insurance literally supplies you one for free.


seriously, any clothes can be nursing clothes.


This. Thank you.


I have a current newborn. Surprise baby who disregarded three levels of birth control. Frankly, after other babies I figure this kid needs fairly little. I'm not judging, either. It's just that with each kid I had learned they don't need all that much and I was not that wise with my first.


Yep. First kid, we bought everything from the giant ass stroller to special little cases to keep the pacifiers clean in the diaper bag. Didn't use most of it. Second kid, we got way less stuff (they're 5 years apart with a move in between, so a lot of baby stuff got handed on to cousins or donated) and actually used most of it.


Is a breastmilk cooler bag different from a regular softshell cooler in any significant way? Probably much easier to find someone with a secondhand cooler.


No, other than it obviously has to be large enough to hold whatever breastmilk storage vessel you intend to use and an ice pack. We use a promotional lunchbox we got from the yogurt people at the farmers market! It has cows on it and it’s funny.




What, no pony?


Snuck in a “purse, for me” I see


If you go to WIC they will rent you a REALLY nice breast pump with everything included for free. This is just greedy!!


A lot of insurances completely pay for a pump and pump supplies, too.


Can't afford things before a kid arrives, you can't afford to have a kid. End of story. FFS. People are dumb, and the world is inching closer and closer to what we've seen in Idocracy.


I remember how happy our first child was when we gave him a toaster oven to play with... sadly, we shouldn't have used it as a bath toy, God rest his soul...


1) She left this too late. This was a list that should have been made 10 -12 weeks ago, not within last couple of weeks of pregnancy. 2) It looks like this mother does not have a stable place to live nor access to a kitchen (thus the kitchen knives/toaster/cooler request). They may be living in shared house/apartment or a motel. 3) This all sucks, but the poster needs to be guided to a La Leche society or charity (not on FB) that can help with nursing supplies, clothing for her and the child, and make sure that she is signed up for ALL of social benefits like WIC, SNAP and such (she is not married, so she needs to apply to all of that pronto.)


Also note that she is looking for size 2 and up diapers. So she already has diapers to last the first few months of this child’s life stored somewhere? 🤔


As a former mom/baby nurse, if I had a patient who had limited resources like this, I would always stock them up on newborn and size 1 diapers when discharging them. As well as other supplies like pads and supplies for mom, formula, and pacifiers and wipes.


That's the thing -- there already exists so many charities and services that will provide many of these things. Someone else even said insurance will cover breast pumps! (TIL)


Why have a baby if you don't have anything?


What in the what?! Why does a baby need a toaster oven if they can’t even eat solids?!


Why are so many people that can’t afford to have kids continue to do so? Are they doing it for extra social payments or something? Feel so bad for the content with the cycle of poverty


35 weeks pregnant and now it occurs to her that they need "a couple of things?".


They lost me at the ice maker.


Can't afford to feed and clothe herself, has no income -- but hey, let's have a baby!!


I have a local mom group that would probably make quick work of this list. Moms give away stuff like crazy, you just have to luck into finding the one woman who is done having kids and there's just so much stuff to unload all at once.


Ma’am! Toaster ovens and knives are NOT for prepping and cooking babies!! (Too much? 🤭)


the fact that people are having kids with absolutely nothing prepared for them is beyond me. like, you don’t even have a fucking kitchen knife? what in gods name…


Can’t afford basic items - can afford a baby Ok




Icemaker is comical …go to Dollar General and buy some ice trays and call it a day


Cut out the toaster, ice maker and the noise machine and this isn’t a crazy list. She could have just made the list breast pump and breastfeeding and milk storage items and picked from what people offered. The breastfeeding clothing, stroller organizer on top of the things for the adults make this seem more like begging.


That’s a big list for couple of things!


I got a baby registry at target when i was pregnant with my first. Not a single thing was gifted to me. My second child I wised up and didnt bother. It sucks to face it but just because you can get pregnant but that doesnt mean anyone cares enough to pick from your list.


A c charger? Babies don't need charging...


This isn’t super relevant to the choosing beggars aspect of this post but useful information: In the US the Women/Infanr/Childrens (WIC) program often offers a free breast pump to women who are breastfeeding. If I recall it’s not actually income based to qualify for WIC and you also get vouchers for essentials like milk, eggs, cereal, formula, cheese, etc. https://www.fns.usda.gov/wic


Childs not even here, but size 2 and up diapers? So they are asking people to stock their family until the kid graduates or drops out.


Ice maker😂😂😂😂


Toaster oven.  Perfect for when the newborn is crying for pizza pockets in the middle of the night.  Sunscreen?  You can't put sunscreen on newborn, but I guess the baby will sun itself while charging it's android phone.


Has no income and BF can barely cover living expenses……um….maybe…..don’t get pregnant?


Can't afford life so they are having a baby?


Sounds like 2 people who shouldn't have reproduced


“Madam, if you pop that baby in toaster oven, I promise you, you’ll no longer need the rest of this list!”


If y'all can't afford even the most basic things for a baby like DIAPERS, you probs shouldn't have a baby???


Ice maker? Saline spray?


Saline nasal spray. It's safe to use on infants (and adults) when they get congested to clear out their nasal passages. I use it when I have a bad cold. It can bring delightful relief if you've got a bad cold and your nose is raw from blowing.


Curtain rod for clothes? *picturing clothes used as curtains*


Tell them walmart truck drivers start at 85k a year. Boyfriend needs to put in an app. /s


"stroller organiser" No, you put all your shit in the hood like everyone else manages, and it not you hang a carrier bag from each handle (weighted evenly. For ballast) Why would you put a child through this?


I need a toaster oven for the baby…. And size 2 diapers. And a new purse. Oo, and an ice maker! Wtf.