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"I'll bite you if you get too close!" Palma, do you not realize that'll just have the opposite effect than intended? [A wild Biscuit appeared.](https://imgur.com/6anipfd) Apparently Tokio is a Perverted-Beast Choujin. Although we knew that ever since he beastified training under that bdsm girl... Michael barely slipping around death flags by avoiding saying he'll quit and listing his life dreams he'll pursue after this battle. Fun mini-chapter. I really do enjoy infiltration/invasion arcs.


Perverted beast is really menace among woman lmao. I was only shocked that he said that to her. Alittle nervous for Tokio and his way around woman.


What possessed him to say that?




Teenager hormones


hey better than denji at least


Tokio is LOCKED in sorry Palma


not if Momoa gets killed this arc 🤞


Please don't jinx it... 😔


oh... no... the foreshadowing from chapter 51.2 is coming into motion... Michael talking about his life after the battle is a major death flag (micheal& mic) and (momoma) are now separated just like they were in the last panel of chap 51.2




I fucking cheered seeing her far from the tower, surely shes safe right?


Tokio has foot in mouth so bad. Her didn't remember what he said to her. He's a mess, love him though.


Tokio’s gonna be a meliodas level gooner one day bruh lol (minus the diddling)


Sato has such unbelievably bad vibes that I hope he's actually a good dude at this point.


Its building up to be a really obvious twisty twist, so it'll be funny if he ends up being a good guy


Tokio is so out of pocket and I love it. In between trying to beastify his cock, to giving Ely a bra, to finally this chapter. Soo funny Also probably should mention the sheer amount of death flags lifted this chapter holy. I feel bad for whoever runs into Arthur and Sandek, that’s just unfair


Wait when did he try and beastify his cock what chapter for research purposes


Chapter where he and the others were getting trained by thorn lady and Shadowl


Thank you I remember now lmao


What chapter number did he try that first part lol


I forgot Tokio had a crush on Momoma 😅. But I will say that's gotta be one of the best partners he could have. Definitely like Momoma.  I'm still hoping every week Ishida tells us Sandek ability in full 😭💯


Amazing!! thank you to whoever had the passion to do this:)


Noo Tokio you got to end with Palma


Perverted beast lmaoooo I dont really get momoma's annoyed look and her "weird" feeling. Which one are you momoma?


I think its something like "It's weird feeling I can rely on you, when im the senior" kinda thing


It's "weird" because it made her feel so annoyed, she took it out on a wall. Remember, she's a gorilla pretending to be a prim and proper girl.




Okay I think now is the best moment to start re-reading the story from the beginning.


There was a post on this sub a while ago about Momo being a little sus, and while I don't think there's much evidence to suggest that, for some reason I did get some weird vibes off of her in this chapter. She's the only Choujin that we know of that was born a Choujin right? That on its own seems a bit weird to me. I wouldn't hate it if she somehow turned out to be a mole or had some ulterior motives.


No, she awakened as choujin after an accident where her father died or was in real danger I think. Don't remember the chapter they said it, I think it was when Michelangelo let Tokyo go to save palma


Glad to see the interaction between Momoma and Tokio, no matter how that might be foreshadowing her death. Speaking of Palma, instead, it's a bit emabarassing how much Ishida is insisting on her childish attitude – she's lately been more the embodiment of a living gag than an actual character...


She’s just aloof. Nothing wrong with having characters like that. And also, it makes sense. It shows her eagerness to work for Yamato Mori, even though she’s barely doing anything. It’s like a kid that’s excited to hold the flashlight for its father.


At this point in the story? We're supposed to be nearing the climax of the whole arc, if not the entire story, and we are constantly being reminded how goofy and nice Palma is. We got the point, there is no need to emphasize that feature of hers nearly every chapter: what's at stake is the story's credibility. Also, she is not supposed to be a side character: when all the building she's received up to this point is considered it becomes clear Ishida wants her to be an important, if not a main character.


I understand your point, but I don't think it's something that bothers, besides it's only 2 panels of her being that way and it's not every chapter, we've had chapters where she has literally suffered, the reason why it shows her that way, is not to portray a personality trait, it is to show us that she is in an environment where she is happy now and she is no longer alone so she can behave like the little girl she could not be, and I think it is obvious that she will not behave that way forever and she will have her due development, I give you an example: Tsukiyama Shuu, he was a recurring joke many times in TG, but then he had a great development.


Main character? Yea no


At this point in the story? We're supposed to be nearing the climax of the whole arc, if not the entire story, and we are constantly being reminded how goofy and nice Palma is. We got the point, there is no need to emphasize that feature of hers nearly every chapter: what's at stake is the story's credibility.


I don’t think we’re near the climax of the story this arc seems more of the halfway point. The old big bad has to go down before one of the trio becomes the new big bad.


Thanks for the translation! Tokyo being Tokyo, always the pervert haha


Amazing chapter as always, im loving the tension this battle is crafting. also maybe translating or official mistake, but last chapter there was one choujin cassualty on yamato mori side, bring it from 22 to 21, now it says there was one more death but it's at 19? Also i find funny than even with a uniform palma isn't wearin a shirt