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MY GUY SAID BEASTIFY IN BED WHAT THE FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK. Nah but great chapter and wrench in the plan. Wonder if the Tower people are going to start attacking them one by one. I can see Batista going after Azuma's group and Buckethead potentially attacking Momoma and Tokyo. Mike has the reddest of flags like my god dude.


Mike is so out of here, it’s not even funny. Anytime a character has a discussion revolving around “life after business”, it’s a wrap. On the topic of the Tower though, I really appreciate how this raid became something of a dungeon gauntlet. Being able to witness everyone exploring this labyrinth adds much more depth to the operation.


“Beastify you in bed” Damn, Tokio hit ‘em with the full *freak*ification


Huge death flag for Michael.. hope he survives man! And Tokio is daydreaming about his future bride..lol..even though it's a good sign being relaxed before battle but of course the mood will change cause some life changing event is about to happen!


He's not feeling the slightest bit of nervousness is all I can see. Tokio has grown so strong this raid felt like a child's play to him




Oof, that's our Pervert Prime Minister at it again.


The fanTL translated it as perverted beast, but this one is even better lmaooo I think momoma is clearly annoyed


It's a gloomy day for Palma-Tokio shippers




I’m loving these chapters and the story, but my favorite part of this chapter is the amount of comments removed in this thread😂😂😂


Dunno why people blow Tokio’s line way out of proportion. They treat him like a criminal. He was trying to flirt, but obviously overshot. After all, he is dense when it comes to romance.


Again, I appreciate the fan translation, but what Tokio said to Momoma was funnier in the official translation. >\[Fan Translation\] When Momoma-san tells me these things, it turns me into a perverted beast. >\[Official\] When you say that... I feel like I could beastify you in bed.


Both ass. Unfortunately no one is there to reign in Ishida’s gooning.


Tbf at least the official one is kind of funny. Tokio calling himself a perverted beast just gives me the creeps personally.


The Fan Translation is less cringe though. At least perverted beast was more subtle. Official translation makes him sound like he belongs on a watchlist


They're both cringe and they're both hilarious.


How is “perverted beast” subtle?? That sounds like the heading of a crime news story


the fan translation could be interpreted like a possible failed attempt at a self deprecating joke, I think. like he was not being serious at all. this one for me felt more like it only could be taken as dead serious harassment


Thats because he is dead serious. They both literally say and agree in the chapter that *it was* harassment. He’s liked Momoma ever since he layed eyes on her, he’s just shit at approaching/flirting with women. He also forgot what he said the moment he said it because he was too focused on Momoma actually liking him. It definitely wasnt supposed to be self deprecation


Being self deprecating or ironic is not a save in a situation such as this, it just makes the words less bad. Even joking about flirting or being a perv in such a situation would be awful, forget about actually doing it. That’s why one case sounds way worse than the other, but both still sound unacceptable.


Your being sorta dramatic. “Unacceptable”? Its certainly weird but he hasnt committed a sin lmao Ive already accepted that Tokio is kind of a creep, but he does it not because of malicious intent, but because he’s an idiot that speaks his mind and doesnt know boundaries.


It’s still bad, but at least it’s in the same vein as him being called “*Pervert Prime Minister*” in 49.3. Telling someone he could beastify them in bed sounds like something a dude says to his victim before he assaults them. Edit: Typo


Sure i’d rather my son say smth cringey like “beastify in bed” rather than straight up incriminate himself by calling himself a “perverted beast”


The fan translation is creepy, the official is a cringe pick-up line.


"Don't get close unless you want to get bitten! By me!". Well, it would probably persuade me to do the opposite.


It seem like the Tower has made its MOVE (I'll see myself out) Yet another silent moment for the Pole Bros who are not seen at the raid. This will keep going until the raid ends... Also a moment of silence for Vlad, be last week's cliffhanger only for his spotlight to be postponed, and thunder be (momentarily) stolen by a building Huh so Nude is also here. It's not really looking good for him when Sato decides to join in on "the fun". 10% into the raid and Sato is already "LET ME IN! LET ME IIIIIIIIIINNNNNN!!!!!" Tower got the squads separated and moved them all to Floor 3. I dunno if the Tower will keep doing this again, but I feel they will keep getting separated further and further, forcing the Choujin to use their powers to survive and prevent further human casualties when they are meant to conserve for the main battles. Now the matchups can go wild! Ah yes! Arthur and Sandek vs Ic Jing and Tawashi! THEIR BATTLE WILL BE LEGENDARY!...ly short Momoma being stuck with only Tokio of all people really fares bad for her, considering the red flags she's been accumulating with her volume cover and her being in the shade in 51.2 like Mic and Mike. Also Bucket and Vlad still waltzing around the floor. I'm still on the stance that Tokio's gonna fight Vlad, because of their thematic foils, but there's also another funnier reason why that I recently remembered. **Tokio is usually off the mark when picturing individuals when he has like next to nothing to go off of**. It happened with Hume "The Smoke Man" and it will also happen with Vlad not looking anything like Tokio's drawing of him. Batista's still most likely fighting Sandek's squad because brothers or Azuma because vaxx. I am also looking forward to BB and her squad getting some characterization. I wonder if Mic and Mike saw the footage of Bucket, so far the only ones of YM who we know that know about Bucket are Sato Tokio and Azuma... Speaking of Mike, dude is collecting flags hard might as well speak in semaphore. Right now he has two routes. 1) Die tragically without having the opportunity to taste normalcy 2) Live but quit your job because he's really not built for it (like Ely suggested) Off-topic, but this chapter made me imagine his Chaos Form being a Rubik's Cube and you have to solve it to get him out of that state... Finally Momoma decided she'd rather let the Tower Collapse have to stay any moment longer with Tokio. Official TL made his line sound so much worse... Here's to hoping Arthur's welding pays of and that modem stays intact!


Tokio is one SUSSY BAKA for sure. Lol. 😅


In some way, Tokio has assaulted almost every single female character in this manga at this point Kicked Nari and almost forced himself down her throat. Held hands with Ume really hard. Saw Ely naked two times, bullied her with his ""gift"". Beastified his dick during his training with Roja. Tried to assault Sora. Grabbed all over Palma, saw her naked, got horny when the rope made her uncomfortable during their second flight. Clearly got horny just by looking at his teacher's boobs. And now, achieved critical speech failure against Momo. He is going to assault Tawashi and Yubiko. It's inevitable. I'm starting to think Sato should've given him a free pass to a local whorehouse or something, because the dude has issues.


Tokio 🤝 Koyomi At least Tokio keeps his distance from his sister lol.


Michael Angelo death flags are huge


Tokio’s got misattribution of arousal


After reading this chapter, tokio x palma shippers can have a second option and it is palma x nude lol (although I also support palkio):v




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Not ironically, Palma and Nude belong to (and deserve) each other. They would make into a nice pairing.


nah, if that were to happen, it would be without a doubt the worst thing ishida has ever written, and I'm not saying that because of the ships, I'm saying it because of the narrative of the characters and the story of Choujin X itself, if this were a parody story it would work, but it's not so it would be awful.


Okay but, Tokio isn't the only one whose being weird, Monoma is too. So maybe there's something going on in that space.


Well didn’t the description of Michaelangelo’s powers right before it said super cells act like breeding pheromones? Maybe all the adrenaline is making them feel like that.


Ah yes, another otter soup incident




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Tokio is definitely a teenager.


Personally I think Sandek Arthur and the higher ups are all goana die I can’t see azuma mentaly snapping without the guy that taught him restraint dying,it’d set the post raid stakes insanely high with having all the experienced and kind keepers dead Azuma even taking the role of sandek and turning the remnants of Yamato mori into a war ready battalion


Another great chapter from Ishida. Small moments like Ely's gaze when Michael mentions Zora, and larger moments like Sato being upset about missing out feel like stuff we're gonna look back once we get answers to some questions. Really glad Momoma and Simon seem to back in full force, I like them a lot. My only nitpick is Tokio's horniness might be getting a *little* much at this point, for me anyway. I get he's awkward but well-meaning, but I'm kinda tired of this joke at this point


What the fuck is that TL




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I liked "perverted beast" from the fan translation more but it still funny. amazing chapter as always


Michael deserves to live!! please Ishida...


Can't decide which flag is waving harder, Momoma's or Mike's 😂😭😭😭


Didn't knew tower of mourning is that tall