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Having an understanding that moves take literal stamina to use and that it’s not entirely mental is a super useful piece of information to have. Azuma really clarified a ton of details, I really like how much was set up and added in such a small chapter. The risk factor Nue also mentioned before makes me wonder how high the ceiling for choujin abilities can go. 


The mention of the Tower shifting being “a power that Zora gave to the Tower” is really interesting, because it seemingly implies that certain Choujin have the ability to imbue objects with their power in an intricate manner. We got a lot of interesting lore bits on Choujin in this chapter that should prove interesting later on. On another note, I want BB to pull through. She’s one of the characters I wanted to see fight, so hopefully Vlad’s sneak attack didn’t do her in.


It took her heart out…


Well, we saw Ricardo get decapitated and he turned out just fine, so I’m not worried about BB Banshee just yet. What’s interesting is that Goats are apparently really good at climbing and Vlad looks like a Goat. Ishida using that Animal Raps knowledge to his benefit.


Ricardo kept his head though, BB lost her heart


Do we have proof he “*kept his head*”? And didn’t just grow a new one? Chapter 21 just shows it fly off his body and we never see anything about it again until he pops back up a few chapters later.


Tokio is gonna "break the ice" with Momoma-San!


We did know Choujin abilities consume stamina but it’s nice to get more info on that. I imagine Simon is also like Azuma in the sense that he’s hard to dry up since most of his moves don’t seem high output. Though I also do wonder what exactly constitutes high output for someone like Tokio. Perhaps Full Beastification since it’s a complete transformation and stat boost. Do his Harpe or feather storms also count as high output? Momoma is pretty obviously her impressive strength even though her power is high output she’s never really shown to be tired afaik which is pretty nice but her power is also very simple and not as applicable to scenarios as the others. Also curious to see what high output moves Azuma does have I wanna see him make a forest of iron spikes or a high powered cannon or something.


They got caught lacking






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Putting BB aside, save that falling onigiri pleasee




Was there a Nanami reference in this chapter lol?