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Me and the boys using Dr.Abel's space cannon to strike 14BC from orbit


are you sure its not just the tism itself that just glows?


You can't even take a proper screenshot you fucking autist.


mouse cursor right there on top of all of it


That's gotta to be embarrassing. Not that the Chandler's know anything of shame. I read somewhere that 14 BLC was a cause of the properties around them are devalued, and yeah, I can see why.


Imagine being a normal visitor to Branchland Court and then seeing Chris’s house with Chris himself up to his shenanigans in the yard. It must be so awkward.


I guess I'll have to take this out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=axtJdZTk7xo


You're on a computer. We all know this because you took a fecking picture of it with your phone. Just take a goddamn screenshot instead of a pixelated mess on your Nokia.


The view of his house from space looks like something out of the video game Outlast or some kind of horror movie


All the other houses look so clean and well maintained. And then there’s 14 Branchland Court. It looks like it got hit by an exceptionally mild tornado.


Where's the nuke button on this thing


*narcissistic mother’s


This guy. His house is like an abandoned structure. Trees for a fence and gravel for a barely visible drive way. I'm not surprised if he has rotting animals for carpet.


Imagine the stories his neighbors probably have.


"Bill, the pony man is screaming about pickles again." "Go back to sleep, Martha."


What’s sad is that overall that neighborhood is very nice and well-kept. Then you see their dilapidated home…


It really is something. You see all the little nearby rural houses with their dry but greenish Winter lawns, and then you see the Chandler house and it looks like ground zero for a plague. Imagine just being some ordinary all-American rural Virginia man trying to raise his family, and you just happen to be neighbors with Chris-Chan. Maybe you'd never even know.


Normal people: jfc look at all that junk Fallout players : Hell yea more crafting materials woot


Chris chans house would fit in falllout ngl


normal people: not looking at Chris Chan's house on Google Earth Desktop


You took a photo of the screen? You could even move the cursor or hold your phone the same orientation? Or, you know, screenshot? Snipping tool? Fucking boomers and tech I swear to God......


THANK YOU I am so fucking tired of the brain drain with not knowing how to screenshot, *the button is right fuckin there*


Gaming subreddits are terrible for it. PC plus all consoles make it so easy to take clips and screenshots and still these boomer kids can't do it.


Zoomers are way worse at these kind of things.


These types of photographs are taken from aircraft, not from space. Google maps/earth and similar seamlessly stitch satellite and aerial photography together. Anything with detail like this is not from a standard civilian imaging satellite. Some satellites can zoom this close, but not on a broad scale. More correct title would be - visible from the air.


It also says the image was taken in 2013, not 2014. Is OP having a stroke?


They must've'yes.


It makes me mad that they treated their property like that. They honestly didn’t deserve such a nice house. A real family could have made it into a lovely home! You don’t get properties like 14blc anymore.


Ever been to Central Pennsylvania? Almost EVERY house has a hoard outside.


I disagree, I live in Central PA, and nobody I’ve seen has ever allowed their property to get anywhere near as dilapidated as the Chandlers have with theirs. The only exception I can think of is if you find yourself in one of the areas with trailer parks, but that’s realistically any low income area in rural America.


I guess it looks more extreme to me because of where I live. Nobody has stuff/junk in their yard or porch here.


I mean if I may ask, what’s the general area with which you live? Because what I’m saying is Central PA doesn’t look like what you’re describing. I live in the rural part of PA, but I also live near a college. What I’m saying is you have a bit of a mix, but unless it’s a redneck scrapper that does a lot of their own DIY to their trucks and tractors, I see a lot of clean properties. And honestly the redneck parts don’t look that bad to me. When it comes to hoarding shit onto your property, I wouldn’t really call it a redneck thing either, it’s completely a living your life as an unkempt slob type of thing which describes Chris and Barb to a T. And also had 14 BC maybe have been treated with much better care, that house would be so much nicer.


The grass around the house looks just as bad as the inside of their house.


14BC and the surrounding neighborhood remind me of a house my family used to live in when I was a kid, a bunch of lower middle class families who finally scraped together enough money to own a decent home in a good neighborhood. Only for everything to be ruined by living next to the Chandler family.


Wait, which house is Chri- Oh never mind.


If you go into Windows default Maps app, and go to it's streetview, you can actually see 14 BC years ago.


14 before christ


Branchland Court


That's the joke


14 Branchland Court years? How do I convert to metric years?


Damn that really is the blight of the neighborhood. I’ve lived a few places like that 😂 neighbors loved us!


Erm orbit actually, I would expect a redditor would understand the difference…sigh…


/r/confidentlyincorrect Sigh, erm actually these high res photos on "satellite" view are almost always aerial photography taken from a plane. Satellites can zoom in like this, but not over a wide area and not for broad civilian use. Secondly, even if this was a satellite image - even low earth orbit is above the Karman line - which means that any earth orbiting satellite is in space. Not outer space, but within the accepted definition of space.


Ay chill got the hall monitor over here, get off my dick


If you are gonna ackchuly you gotta be right.


Nah I'm on for the ride bro 🥵


>I would expect a redditor would understand the difference Redditors aren't going to be any smarter or more educated than the general public. Yes, there are a lot of tech sector people, but they don't tend to know all that much about things outside of their own field.


that’s why i fucked your fat girlfriend you fucking nerd


I’m gonna stick your head in a urinal nerd




Yes I know but outer space is more impactful when you say it.




It's okay kind stranger, give this man some time to understand proper redditquette.


I would remark about this being a fire hazard, but we've already seen that happen.


Just in time for the 10 year house fire anniversary!




I know a guy local to me that collects plastic chairs. He has thousands. This is nothing compared to his treasure pile. Now I've gotta go figure out his address to check from the sky


Pretty normal for hoarders, eventually the shit starts filling the yard.