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Probably don't perjure yourself in court


what scripture suggest I do?


Tell the truth. Pretty clear. The Ninth Commandment is found in Exodus 20:16: “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.” This principle includes all forms of lying.


Sometimes lying is the ethical thing to do. If a crazy-looking and heavily armed person comes to the door and asks if your Dad is home, you are pretty much obligated to lie and tell him "no." But knowingly giving untruthful testimony in a court of law is directly and specifically, though not exclusively, what this Commanment refers to.


Truth. No need to remember what you said, to worry about being found out, to second guess yourself, or wonder if you could have done things differently. There is room for dishonesty sometimes, court isn't one of them.


Lying protects no one in the end. You should always tell the absolute truth. Don't perjure yourself in court. Make believe is not included, i.e. you can tell little kids Santa exists but only so long as it's about the whimsical things of Christmas and a cover for where the gifts come from. But whatever.


Tell the truth. It'll go on the court record. If you go to court again for the same reason then it builds your case.


DO NOT INCRIMINATE YOURSELF. You have the right to an attorney and to please the 5th look up your rights.


>Say the absolute truth Is there an alternative that isn't a lie? >or protect a man who deliberally tried to set a trap for me but admited it If someone commits a crime, or an evil action... their "admission" of that is not a get out of jail free card. Why would you want to protect this man to begin with, if he "set a trap" for you? What's going on?


Am I brainwashed ?


Zero context. You didn't answer my questions. But probably so, since you're not putting any real thought into this. It's important to remember that being "brainwashed" is a choice. Put in more effort to your thinking, and you won't be "brainwashed" anymore.


Im scared as this person says the Lord told me all the time and he is super smart. I dont know what to believe at the moment.


Well it sounds like you better figure it out. >Im scared as this person says the Lord told me all the time and he is super smart. Why would that make you "scared"? Don't lie in court, the end. Tell the truth.


Ok you haven't provided a lot of context, but this statement is very worrying to me. You might actually be brainwashed. God is with you and he loves you. It doesn't matter what this person says, GOD LOVES YOU and it is not in his will for you to be abused, manipulated, or lied to by this other person. If someone told you "God said to me I was allowed to do to you" that person is LYING. Tell the truth in court my friend, and get some help. You may want to look for a therapist that specializes in narcissistic abuse or cult deprogramming. Trust in Jesus, not in a person. Tell the truth, seek help. And may the Lord bless you and keep you, may he make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you.


I am immediately concerned when I hear someone say that God told them something, because so many have used that as an excuse to manipulate/lie/abuse/misuse money/etc. The Bible says very clearly many times that lying is bad, so if whatever “God” told him is convincing you to tell anything other than the truth then it can’t be of God. God cannot contradict himself. Whenever someone says they heard from God it should be tested to see if it’s consistent with scripture.


The time to plead for leniency is the presentencing hearing, not in your testimony.


To answer your question, look to Mark 13:11 for guidance.


Say the truth. That's what the law says, and the Bible calls us to both speak the truth and to obey the government's laws. If this man wanted to hurt you, why would you want to protect him?


In the USA you have God given Rights. So you have two main options: The Right to remain silent. Jesus is a good example: he was asked questions and did not give an answer. If you are going to speak, then as a Christian, you must speak truth.


Romans 13 states that we should submit to governing authorities, it is not a wise idea to perjure yourself in court. If the offender is truly remorseful then they will also respect the legal process.