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I've never had anyone approach me when in any European church. Go and pray, an unlocked door is an invitation.


I’m in US and when nervous i stop at church office and ask staff if sanctuary is open for prayer.  Don’t know if it is same where you are.


There may be a notice at the door specifically inviting passers-by to make use of the church for that purpose. If you see one of those, you will feel more encouraged. Nowadays, unfortunately, some of the more isolated ones feel obliged to lock the church out of hours, for reasons of security. On the other hand, if you live in an area where there is a cathedral, it will be so large, and the staff will be so used to people dropping in, that nobody will take any notice.


Someone's probably going to approach you, and ask if you need anything, or need help, or are looking for a church. Totally normal. If they do, just ask them kindly if you could have a moment. I guess you could try the church bathroom, lol.


Yes, the church should be open! I go to a small church and always take the time to pray in our beautiful cathedral when I am in the city. No loving Christian will turn you away from time with God in His house


Know who you are in Christ and that genuine believers will welcome you into their midst. Try for a non denominational church if u can, as they’re generally more welcoming than others, and in any case get plugged into the church through earnest prayer, attendance, and participation. Ask God for wisdom as well, like James 1:5 says.


Before I gave my life to God I spent a number of years travelling around the world. I always appreciated those places that had an open church policy. I found the sanctuary of an empty or near empty place of worship a solace to my weary body and soul. I have been a believer now for many years, but I still go into open churches and seek a place of sanctuary for some alone time with my Saviour. Corporate worship is necessary for our growth in faith. But so too are those times alone with God. Treasure them wherever you may find them, and may He bless your journey.