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I don't understand the Christian appeal of Trump. You can basically support any Republican candidate and get Trump policies. Why does it have to be Trump?


I think the problem here is you assume they are Christians that have read the bible, or understand it, or obey it.


Or that they care about any specific policy other than the fundamentals of abortion and gun rights. They care about what Trump tells them to care about at the moment.


Yep, that definitely has happened over the years re: what they care about. Whatever "dear leader" tells them. People joke that it's a cult, but it really is. ahahha


Which they have their way on both guns and sbortion, so maybe they could expand their horizons a little. We have serious problems to solve that have nothing to do with which bathrooms trans people use.


Show me a democrat to get booed by his own audience. I’ve seen Trump get booed by his own audience because they’re a hell of a lot more independent than you give them credit for you know this of course you say what you say cause you think you’re going to manipulate them, but they all know people like you and that you’re manipulative little pricks and no one has any respect for you or your kind. When you put atheist above your name, you’re telling people not to listen to you I don’t care if you like that it is what it is. 


>Show me a democrat to get booed by his own audience. I’ve seen Trump get booed by his own audience because they’re a hell of a lot more independent than you give them credit for you know this of course you say what you say cause you think you’re going to manipulate them, but they all know people like you and that you’re manipulative little pricks and no one has any respect for you or your kind. When you put atheist above your name, you’re telling people not to listen to you I don’t care if you like that it is what it is.  LOL. It's really sad that you're too dumb to realize how ironic all of what you just said is, because I think you'd get a laugh out of it if you did. Here's what irony means: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/irony


I’m sensing some TDS tbh


I hear Trump is pretty desperate for cash right about now, you should send him some.


Well would you look at that, that talking point is on my Generic TDS Starter Pack Bingo Card! One more and I get bingo!  On a serious note I have no cash to send to Orangeman. Our hero Biden had a video begging for money alongside Obama which actually reached me first, so I sent them my savings to save our democracy! Have you?  


>On a serious note I have no cash to send to Orangeman. Sounds about right


Ah, dat classic cherry picked out of context gotcha!  Did you miss the part where it went to save our democracy! 🫡 


The Christian right has finally realized that they can't get what they want through having someone that exemplifies the moral and spiritual fruit they hold dear in authority. Trump was the first to openly coddle the Christian right while simultaneously being an arse. It's like when the bully kid in school who you used to despise suddenly takes your side and starts beating up the kids you don't like for you. Not only does he become your best friend, you start acting like him and excusing anything he does.


My theory: most media trends progressive. Jokes constantly made about right wing ideology. Now they have a guy who spouts ridiculous attacks at the left and it gives them some sense of validation/revenge. I say this as a conservative, but not at all MAGA. I truly don’t understand the love for this guy outside of my theory.


I think the fact that he's unapologetic and bellicose does a lot for them too.


He says things they wish they could say (and get away with) and acts like how they wish they could act (and get away with). Which is deeply concerning because both of those are profoundly unchristian and appeal to people’s worst possible instincts. The fact that people could supposedly be Christian and yet hate “the left” so much that they get off on the schadenfreude of “the left” hating Trump should probably make them stop and think “This probably isn’t what Jesus would want”. Even if you have been exposed to conservative cultural norms your entire life and somehow think they fit within Christianity, “being an asshole” is still OBVIOUSLY not Christian. I don’t know if they have some sort of mental excuse in their mind for why it’s ok to behave this way or if they just never choose to think about it so they don’t have to address the cognitive dissonance, but it’s mind boggling either way.


theyseem to have forgotten 'do unto others...'


Some people love to fight hardcore


YEP. It's a great reflection on the American Christian Nationalist and Conservative Evangelical.


I don't think "most media" trends left at all. Most seems very regressive and conservative.


WHAT?? No, the media is TOTALLY left.......TOTALLY.


literally. I don't get the "left wing media" stuff at all. It's all owned by huge corporations/billionaires. Of course it's skewed toward the interests of capital, how could it not be?


My thoughts exactly. Giant corporations are rarely what I think of when I imagine left-wing interests :-)


Y’all close your eyes when those mega corps all black out their profile pics? Upload political statements leaning LEFT? (RIP Bad robot)  Even the mf banks proudly put rainbow icons and sponsor booths at lgbt events, etc  Just look at how social MEDIA treats corps like chick fil a…  Ignorance must be bliss.


I definitely see some white-washing from corporations - like the rainbow packaging they only roll out for gay pride. Corporations will say anything to have people buy their products. But there is a big difference in advertising (which is designed to make you buy) and what they do to stay in business - which is manipulate the government so they can maximize their profits and avoid responsibility.


Media is a little different, because it's not just about money but (like politics) it's also about power. If you look at media organizations as having a dual motive for money and power, it's easier to explain some of their behavior.


In what alternative universe are you living?


You are pretty far off on this one, bud.


Yeah, that seems about right. 


What is wrong with making America great again? I watched the debates with Hillary and Donald and I have to say he did all he said he would do. He was not an excellent,well polished speaker,but at least he did do and not just say what he would do. It sounds like you may be a globalist. I think America should put America and it's people first. 


Really bruh. You truly don’t understand it? Are you just saying that because we are on Reddit or you actually don’t understand the appeal… it’s been nearly a decade now…


Because he hurts the people they want hurt. The Trump phenomenon is that he literally gives a lot of people permission to publicly act out in ways that they’ve been told are unacceptable in civilized society.


Bush and the Bushbots, Chaney, and Halliburton are almost as corrupt as the democrats are. They have Fox News, and Miki Haley, and of course Romney is with them. So Trump said a dirty word? And used to act like a Kennedy when he was younger? He talks a lot like a New York City construction worker, and Teddy Roosevelt cross. Both were New Yorkers. He moved from Queens to Park Avenue. That's not very many miles.


Non-American here! Trump is a loon. Literally. The dude thinks vaccines cause autism. Yes, I am autistic, so that’s a wee bit of bias there. But he’s also racist, homophobic, sexist, etc. The man looks like an Oompa Loompa. I don’t know what the Hell the appeal is.


Its worse when you say your a christian the rest of the world instantly assumes your a trump supporter.


Read 2 Thessalonians, Chapter 2, it explains what is going on.


You wouldn’t send Mr. Rogers to win World War II. You needed a Patton. Trump can stand up to those who intend to cause us harm or take advantage of us.


What a fantasy world you're in. Trump is a blowhard. Russia can absolutely do us harm. Trump doesn't stand up to Putin, he kisses Putins ass.


As a former church kid, I couldn't agree more. It's disheartening to see the same people who preached about values and morals turn a blind eye to Trump's behavior. Maybe we should start caring less about political power and more about actual character.


They don't turn a blind eye to Trump's behavior. They *celebrate* it.


See this a lot in the sticks. Staunch republican, old school, to the point some think certain ethnicities are not human.


To the extent that an organization is run by humans it is corrupt.


Christ is who Christians say is head of the church.


This is why it's so important to get your education about the Christian's theology from their actions and not their words. Every time Christians scream "we believe in X", just put a question mark behind that, and then watch to see if it's true or false.


As Rachel Maddow says, watch what they do, not what they say.


Theres two Christians. The seen and the unseen. The world cares only about the seen. This is because the seen have been given to the world to see. But the unseen remain hidden. The world is not worthy of them.


If Christians are staying silent about actions taken in Christ's name that they do not approve of, they are complicit. The idea that there are loud bad Christians and quiet good ones but not quiet bad ones or loud good ones sounds like you started from the point of "I believe good Christians exist" and then rationalized your way backwards from there. There are good Christians. They are loud. They hate Nazis and Proud Boys and hate groups, especially hate groups that claim God's authority. They show up to shout down Westboro, they show up to shout down the Nazis at Charlottesville, they show up wherever there is hate spread in God's name to say "NO! GOD IS LOVE!" There is no Christian that is both strong, quiet, and good. Any Christian that is strong enough will speak truth to power, and one truth is that there simply are not as many as there are Christians that want to scapegoat LGBT and PoC, Christians that idolize billionaires, and Christians that worship Trump.


Im talking about the poor who live in Americas ghettos, the forgotten, starving children in Africa, persecuted people all over the world. The world ignores that most of these are Christian, because these people do not call attention to themselves aside from their suffering. It thinks of a Christian as a certain type of thing, so it can conveniently go on doing all sorts of wrong things. Trust me, the true sheep are not silent, but they have no platform from which to speak. And they know that the tongue tends to lead to destruction more than to salvation. They are constantly afflicted day and night. While the loud mouths talk and talk day and night, instead of helping their afflicted. If they were brothers, they would help, but they are brothers of the world. It is not bad to be loud, and to say the truth, but great care must be used, and only a fool would think Americas religious right or left use anything resembling great care. They are the people that Timothy preached about, rough waves foaming up their shame. So the true sheep will walk away, and the platform they are holding up, that these fattened cows stand on, will fall, and the proud people of the earth will be ripped into pieces.


True  Christians have no hate in their heart. 


Or maybe there's just the one? Maybe there's two, but the hidden aren't worthy even of the world? You'd have no way to know, if they have no fruits to be known by.


Jesus flipped the tables and faced the wrath, his followers denied knowing him when asked. Most people choose to follow the people whose tables were flipped or denied him, rather than follow his example


I always think of one of my favorite bits of Scripture, Matthew 6:5-6. “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.” This is why I don’t like megachurches, because in my experience they’re far too flashy for my liking as a Christian. Not to mention they tend to focus more on preaching to the choir or fleecing their own people through prosperity gospel doctrine and less on actually bringing The Word to people in need of it. It’s also why I celebrate Christmas Eve and Day separately from “the holidays” which I view as the more commercial/consumerist side of the season. I do love the both the religious and secular sides of Christmas but to me it’s important to separate them so that one doesn’t overtake the other if that makes sense.


The mega churches are a spinoff from the American ideology of consumption and wealth. the original inhabitants were actually doing what Christians are supposed to do when the bible wielding crazies entered their country and stole it or fleeced it from under them. That still hasn’t been fixed. Texas has laws preventing people from feeding the homeless. And yet they are quiet willing to use state power to control and interfere with women’s health issues that have nothing to do with the state or religious views of others. Actually preventing free will. Completely against natural law.


That’s really arrogant, not to mention the gaslighting.


What they mean is: “We didn’t like Bill Clinton. At the time, we assumed that our dislike stemmed from his poor character. Now we realize that we just don’t like democrats. Donald Trump pisses off these people we don’t like, which makes us happy, so we like him a lot. Sorry about all the character talk. Our bad.”


> Now we realize That degree of introspection you're projecting on them seems unwarranted.


I'd like to disagree with you. Unfortunately, I can't.


They have at their disposal a man who will go after their enemies and bring their societal vision to fruition. They wouldn't care if he sacrificed a child to Ba'al on national TV.




Having no principles isn't based.


I meant the analysis of the commenter.


Oh, very true.


“It’s okay when ***our*** guy does it!”


I've actually come to regret defending Bill Clinton as I've grown and learned more about power imbalances in relationships and the nature of the SA accusations against him. Other than that I agree with you.


What's really sad, is I don't remember *any* discussion of that factor when it came to Monica. She was the butt of every joke, and Bill's sin was infidelity and debasing the oval office and the Presidency. Nobody cared about the power imbalance between literally the most powerful human being on the planet, and a 22 year old intern.


When you put it that way it makes soooo much sense


I can certainly say this - I doubt I would have the grace and class that Monica Lewinsky has shown over the years after the way she was treated.


I can't even imagine the level of public humiliation. Especially in that era. She's either one of the most resilient people I've ever heard of, or her therapist deserves a Nobel prize.


Which is easier- punching up at the politically most powerful person in the world, or punching down at an intern?


Yeah, I'm on team fuck Clinton. Took me some time to get there too. And he may have raped girls on Epstein's island.


Completely agree OP!! My church declared Clinton the Antichrist. "He's a draft dodging serial adulterer" is exactly what they would say about Clinton. Now they worship their own draft dodging serial adulterer as the Chosen One Trump claims to be. They're also delusional enough to think I'm the prodigal son not worshipping the Fool's Gold-en Calf.




Nah, he's the Chosen One, King of Israel, and Second Coming of God... bigly. Him and Moses will save us all. Only my Biden derangement syndrome is stronger.


It is amazing to see the same people who were upset with a blow job turned a blind eye at the former president cheating on his wife with a porn star he paid for sex. Christianity doesn't seem to stand for anything as long there is a short term political goal.


I'm not even sure short term political goals are what's driving many of Trump's supporters. It seems more like a visceral thirst for revenge against the liberals they blame for whatever problems they're suffering from, real and imagined. For many, Trump is the means for settling old scores and grievances.


> "The liberals made my life miserable for 43 years, And I'm going to make their lives miserable for 43 years."


If that morbidly obese dungheap lives for another 43 years we're going to have to rethink our strategy on dieting.


The irony of this position is that Republican policies have done more to erode middle class and working class quality of life..yet they are loyal Republicans. I think it is the brainwashing of Fox, Rush Limbaugh, etc.al with their constant carping on how bad Dems are and how they kill babies and are all pedos without any evidence and no counter point of views.


It’s as if there’s a two party paradigm huh 🤡 


It horrifies me how the Christian right has embraced Trump and made excuses for him. If I was American I'd be putting up signs, "Not my Christianity"


Kids generally do not hate God, they hate hypocrisy.


Yeah, Christianity in America will end up being the big loser after the love affair between evangelicals and Trump is over.


I used to listen to Christian radio (there's not many choices) and the difference in attitude between Bush and Obama was so off-putting.   With Bush it's "regardless of your political disagreement he's still our President and we should pray for him" to sound neutral.   But it doesn't extend to Obama.  The Christian music-only station may still play the same decade old songs but at least I don't have to hear that BS.


Oh please literally the entire establishment circled wagons for bush.  “Never forget” Otherwise everyone would’ve started asking questions about the third tower that fell on 9/11 or the missing trillions 😂 


Russell Moore: "I watched twenty years ago as people suggested that those waving away a president’s sexual behavior as irrelevant to his public office were the result of liberal forms of Baptist theology, and then lived long enough to watch the same people suggest that those who did not wave away such behavior from another president might not be 'real Christians.' People can change their minds, of course. I certainly have done so on many things. But—as with the prophecy charts a generation ago—there is no talk of minds changing, just certainties in one direction and then certainties in the opposite direction, with the only difference being the tribal affiliations of the leaders under discussion. "The trends in secularization mean that people do not need the church in order to see themselves as Americans or as good people or even as 'spiritual.' And they certainly do not need the church in order to carry out their political affiliations—even when those political affiliations are those preferred by the church. If evangelicalism is politics, people can get their politics somewhere else—and fight and fornicate and get drunk too, if they want. A religion that calls people away from Western modernity will have to say, with credibility, 'Take up your cross and follow me,' not 'Come with us, and we’ll own the libs.' One can do the latter on YouTube and one needn’t even give up a Sunday morning."


I'm just sick of right wing Christians trying to take over our country. Our forefathers knew the dangers of letting a church have too much influence seeing the sectarian violence erupt in Europe in their day.


Agreed. I have no problem with people following their own spiritual path, but no one should be allowed to force others along the same path. The gov needs to be neutral


I’ve heard (I don’t know if this is true or not so I need an American to confirm) that they started putting stuff like "In God We Trust" on money and stuff and amping up the religion in the ‘50s because of the "Godless" Communists.


It's a great quote, but if you're going to quote someone word for word, you should probably credit them. Unless you are this guy? [https://www.threads.net/@brcremer/post/C38URNmJFWr](https://www.threads.net/@brcremer/post/C38URNmJFWr)


Thank you. I am a grandmother aged female. And I've always wondered what your generation thought of Donald Trump . And I agree with you. A lot of those people are Christian nationalists. But a lot sit next to us in church.


I’m a Non-American who doesn’t live in America, I’m over in the U.K. Any good, self-respecting person over here thinks he’s a loon.  It’s baffling when I find people over here who agree with him because of all the crap he’s said and done. Call it bias because he thinks vaccines cause autism and I’m autistic, I don’t know. But I’ve hated that man from the second I knew who he was. I remember being in Primary School and everyone making jokes about him running and laughing about it, but I had no idea who this "Trump" person was. I regretted it the second I found out.


They have surrounded themselves with leaders who tell them what their itching ears want to hear. They idolized a person and that’s how despots are born. The people mesmerized by him can’t even see it. Sad and scary to witness.


There's a reason the first commandment is listed first ....


Always makes me think of [The West Wing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTG5p4wEAAM).


Those same Christians are trying to legalize murdering immigrants in Arizona.


Trying to slash food aid programs, trying to criminalize homelessness while opposing improvements to healthcare like capping drug prices. How anyone can read what Jesus stood for and support all of those is boggling.


It’s as if there’s an unsustainable influx of immigration or something ? It’s as if they rather shift from allowing open homelessness to actually funding ways to treat it? Did you know people are buying overpriced door dash with food aid? Is that what that aid was for? You don’t want people to be incentivized to purchase healthy food?  Jesus wasn’t a soft blanket. When the Roman law made him carry their load for a mile, Jesus walked TWO.  Nice leftist talking points but that’s all they are. Cheap trick to pretend as if they aren’t Christian or Jesus freaks just because they believe in law, order, accountability, responsibility, etc 


> It’s as if there’s an unsustainable influx of immigration or something ? Does the border deal not impose caps? If it's so unsustainable, why have Republicans voted against that deal? >It’s as if they rather shift from allowing open homelessness to actually funding ways to treat it? Criminalizing homelessness doesn't actually treat it. Time and again, studies show that providing housing addresses it. Guess what else Republicans oppose? >Did you know people are buying overpriced door dash with food aid? Lol, and yet food aid is still used to address hunger. How would cutting food aid address that btw? >Nice leftist talking points Nice conservative talking points that highlight 'Christian' hypocrisy.


“For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.” \[Matthew 24:5\]


So true. I often wonder why so many Christian's are pro Trump despite his moral and ethical failings


"I like his economic policies" -- my dad


So do I. 


Name 1 politician in your lifetime that didn’t have moral and ethical failings I’ll wait


That's not my point. My point is that his are a lot more than many others.


Which others?  Hillary Benghazi Clinton? Two timing plagiarist Senator Biden?  Who else are you putting on that scale which weighs so little that you “wonder why so many” are pro trump?  Doesn’t seem like a mystery to me why they go with a “pro life” choice. 


Ah, yes, the Benghazi hearings…. Another lie that resulted in absolutely jack shit.   Just like Hunter Biden’s laptop and the Biden “impeachment” investigations.   Nothing has changed.  You people still lie about everything imaginable while ignoring Trump’s provable crimes and blatant evil, because you have no morality. 


Dont ass.u.me. You’re as tribal as the next trumpet talking about “you people” like that my friend… Since you brought it up… remember when all those spooks came out and said the laptop was fake news? mustve been a sincere election altering mistake. Big nothing burger. Also I don’t ignore trumps crimes I actually diligently follow every case and every motion submitted to court WORD FOR WORD, since this started. WITH the input of an active defense lawyer.  That’s how I knew E Jean Carols original crime claim to fame was found FALSE by a jury of her peers. Did you?  But I don’t ignore the fact the jury found the SA as True. Same way I don’t ignore the fact the jury attributed more damages to the defamation claim than the SA claim… what does that tell you?  They saw all the evidence BTW. That’s just one example but hopefully demonstrates that I do take it seriously. Do you?  Also EVIL is quite the claim. Can you name 1 EVIL thing he has done?  Ultimately I agree with you tho, nothing changes. Left v right is the two party paradigm that only takes flight with both wings… I recognize that… do you? 




Wtf? My point is none of these politicians business ethics and policy positions get taken out of the Bible verbatim…  If you got TDS just admit it so I won’t waste my time. I thought you were genuinely wondering why people supported Orangeman 


My apologies, I combined my current bad mood with misreading. I'll delete my comment now


I grew up conservative Christian and am so deeply disappointed by the embrace of Trump. It’s sad and terrible for the church IMO.


And they wonder why so many people are leaving the church.


The church never does its job as the light of the word and the body of Christ when it marries itself to the powers in this world. We are to be the bride of Christ and be concerned with his kingdom.


I even voted for Trump because of how Hilary treated the women Bill abused so she could get her shot at power. I had (vain in retrospect) hope the office would humble Trump. Voting straight Democrat this year. I voted poorly then and I'm working to fix it.


Sooooooo... you didn't like how Hilary treated women who her husband had affairs with, but OK with sleazeball like Trump. His sleaziness has been known since he was going to studio 54 snorting cocaine in the 1970s and bragging about molesting teen beauty pageant participants? What in particular did she do?


She was a woman


That was my take too, but i wanted to give the poster the benefit of the doubt 🧐


> I had (vain in retrospect) hope the office would humble Trump. I'm curious if this had any further ramifications on your understanding of power? Like, if the (figurative) throne doesn't ennoble the person who sits on it, maybe we shouldn't have a king? Or was Trump just uniquely boorish and immune to the weight of history?


Honestly, this is one of the best reasons I've heard. But I will say, Trump has done some heinous sexual crimes.


remember when the jury found e jean carols claim of grape FALSE?


Three things. 1. Put some effort into your crap. 2. You can say rape. Quit censoring shit. 3. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/07/19/trump-carroll-judge-rape/


1. Quit projecting. 2. Tell that to your fellow redditors who use keywords like that to elicit bans using out of context comments. Grape is insurance in case I have to explain to an admin why my comment wasn’t hate speech but free speech. I agree with you on censorship. 3. It’s a fact the jury found the grape claims to be FALSE. Just because *Clinton appointed* judge Kaplan said it’s semantics does NOT mean there isn’t a legal distinction. There is. He even admits it before going into the legal rant.  Also about the Washington post… Remember their role in defaming and destroying Gary Webb? RIP. The legend that exposed the CIA seeding black neighborhoods with crack cocaine… Same WP that used CIA statements which led campaigns to tie Russia to Hillary Clintons fat L?  There’s actually a whole iceberg on WP connections to CIA but I’ll leave that you and your efforts in due diligence 🫡 Just don’t forget which Billionaire bought it… ya know the same one with a 600 million dollar contract with the CIA 💀 


Lol, K bro This was a whole lot of nothing.


*Put some effort into your crap* Damn Bro. You gonna do Gary Webb like that? 


None of this is in good faith. I'm tired. And don't wanna engage this stuff that is full of logical fallacies. Your initial comment was crap and added nothing to this. Your followup was full of largely conspirial garbage (no, I'm not pro Clinton. There's a lot of shit there to incestigate, especially with all the implications of Epstein) I'm not gonna engage with someone who gets glee out of putting down a rape case.


“Largely conspirial garbage”    Bruh. Ignorance must be bliss.  Gary Webb rolling in his grave.    Also it’s a fact Bezos owns WP and the 600 mil contract with CIA. Plus WP sourced CIA as source for its Russia claims. All facts. Sorry you can’t deal with reality.   Sorry I actually read the motions and documents from the Carol case ig. BTW now super glad I censored grape with the way you try to spin my statements there at the end 🤡  (Never assumed you were pro Clinton I was simply stating facts about a Clinton appointment, in the same state a Clinton was senator, trying the same man a Clinton ran against) https://youtu.be/UTZ6Lvh5gL4?si=i-Y6LshaPlR9strF




Lmfao bruh 💀 


Facts it’s why I left the church for a while politics have become their god and I don’t want to be anywhere near such a place


It's just normal conservative hypocrisy and their pursuit of power.


Not only the worship of power, but he tells them what many of them want to believe: that they are persecuted, that the world is a godless, horrible place, that a great age is coming which will fulfill their fantasy image of what America will be, and that God is on their side.


I think it's one of those situations too where Bill Clinton was one of the first presidents where we had a really good Peak behind the curtain because of technology and news media and the speed of information, so at that time we were sensitive to the thought that our political figures were imperfect, and now after years of seeing how terrible most of the political heads are we have become desensitized to it. At the end of the day we're all sitting around and voting for The Best of the worst. None of these individuals have a moral compass that overrides their own personal agenda. All of them are doing Shady things behind the curtain and getting away with some of it and using inexperienced, naive, and disheartened individuals to create cultural friction and steer votes in the direction they choose. Excuse any typos and capitalizations that aren't appropriate, I'm using talk dictation.


Best comment in this entire post. Kinda crazy to see all the “left leaning” Christian’s here with TDS. Must be a Reddit thing. RIP Reddit I miss you 😢 shadow of its former self. Huge echo chamber. 


It's never been about the person. It's always been about the policies they want, which are laissez-faire capitalism, white supremacy, and American military power. They did the same towards Jimmy Carter, who was a staunch and faithful Baptist. They said "it's good to have a Christian in the White House" when Reagan was elected. They didn't even blush at how they hated Carter and called Reagan a "Christian." Their idea of "Christian" has always been "anticommunist" and other right-wing policies. This obviously wasn't every Christian, as non-right-wing denominations existed all along. Plus many Catholics are economically liberal/socially conservative. But the non-right-wing denominations don't get much air time because the evangelicals get all the press.


White supremacy wtf 😂 


This is a product of the evangelical agenda and their stupid war on education.


And now they are praying for the second coming of someone who is the antithesis of Christ.


I’m praying for trump era gas prices 


It's down $2.60 from pandemic highs and $1 above the average from 2016-2020. I don't know if we will see pre-pandemic gas prices, but I think we are trending in yhe right direction.


Yeah I’ve heard the TV programming too. No need to sound like the television 😂  Still praying for trump era gas prices 🙏 


Math isn't TV programming. I'm all for lower gas prices. I wouldn't trade that for another Trump era.


Oh yeah the maga evangelicals have shown unfathomable hypocrisy with their cult leader worship


Donald Trump is not a Christian and in no way does he represent Christian values. He certainly does not embody the teachings of Christ, other than as a clear example of how NOT to act. Christians who worship Trump are surely being deceived by the devil.


The older I get the more obvious it becomes that the Republican Party has nothing to offer the average citizen and the Democratic Party is the only one than even ever attempts to pass legislation that might one day be to my benefit. When I was young the adults in my life assured me that this analysis was wrong and that if I had any doubts on the matter they knew they had to be correct because they were informed by their religion. If I were to call the correctness of their political slant into question, it would require me calling their religion into question as well. I went along with it for much of my youth but today I no longer support the Republican Party and I’m no longer a Christian either. The obvious wrongness and bias and cognitive dissonance became too strong to ignore. As far as I am concerned Trump is the strongest and most important representative of Christianity and its values in this country and will continue to be so until a majority of Christian’s vote against him. If he stops running they may lose their chance forever.


Same here exactly. Committed Christian for 60 years!! Then the utter hypocrisy of supporting Trump by every Christian leader I respected made me question their wisdom, judgement, discernment. Everything came down like a house of cards once I stopped blindly believing what Christian leaders told me.


> Republican Party has nothing to offer the average citizen I think you're mistaken here. I'm originally from a 3rd world country and Trump et al's antics are very familar to me since its the same bullshit that passes for politics back home The sad reality is that the Republican party has a lot to offer to the average citizen. That just highlights the sad mental state of the average citizen


Republican Party had great gas prices. Is that what you refer to?


Yikes. Must not be that old if you still think half of the two party paradigm is trying to help you 😂 


Wow you’re so wise and edgy. 😳


Interesting how you do not deny it. 😳 Instead opting for a cheap ad hominem. 


You didn’t even make an argument. You just did an ad hominem. “You must be young.” So there was nothing for me to refute. 


Don’t get hung up on your age, the comment actually continued after that: *You still think half of the two party paradigm is trying to help you?*


I’m not young and not hung up on my age. You assuming I must be young was clearly an attempt to insult my intelligence. You didn’t pose the second part as a question originally. You posed it as a hypothetical implied antecedent of your ad hominem consequent. “If you think half of the 2 party system is trying to help you, then you must be young I.e. naive and or unwise.” You never made an argument and begged the question in your ad hominem insult. So I responded with the same level of respect you gave me. I got shit to do. Have a good evening. 


I’m flattered you took all this time to reply considering how busy you are. And commend you for being polite enough to end with a good evening. I’d urge you to not get hung up on age stuff as you kinda did it again lol  Also don’t assume, you know what they say about assuming…   Because it wasn’t directed at intelligence (don’t be so hard on yourself!) it was directed at political experience.  I will admit I kinda baited you with the age thing but I thought if they’re actually old enough they will be bulletproof to something so silly. Instead you kinda came down to my age level and matched the energy lol   *All the drama aside I am still waiting to hear an answer on wether you actually think that half of the two party paradigm has your best interests in mind or not*


I never thought you were accusing me of actually being young. From the first reply you made I assumed it was a jab at my intelligence or understanding. That’s why I called it an ad hominem. Now you’re calling me out as the assuming one? And you never meant to insult me, you just wanted to bait me into thinking you were trying to insult me so that once I called you out on it you could say “gotcha!” And claim you were one step ahead the whole time? Only you know whether that’s even true or not, but even if it is that’s still a dishonest way to go about having a dialogue with someone. The fact that it’s been pointed out to you this many times and you still can’t just admit it is troubling to me. But for the sake of humility, and not making an ass, I’ll hear you out: ​ How did you draw the conclusion that I must be young from the evidence that I think one side of the 2 party system is trying to help me? Make sure the answer can be plausible drawn from the evidence and isn’t meant as a disparagement. And try to be honest, you’ll only be cheating yourself if you’re not. You’ll note that I could have been dishonest when you accused me of cheap ad hominem. I could have said, “what do you mean? I called you wise and edgy, it’s a compliment. Why are you making assumptions?😈” I didn’t do that because it would have been dishonest and unhelpful to the conversation. Plus you had correctly interpreted my meaning and I wanted to be understood. >I am still waiting to hear an answer on wether you actually think that half of the two party paradigm has your best interests in mind or not First I’m hearing about best interests, but I pretty much answered how I felt about this in the comment you first replied to. “ the Republican Party has nothing to offer the average citizen and the Democratic Party is the only one that even ever attempts to pass legislation that might one day be to my benefit.” I thought when you restated my position as a statement rather than a question it was because you already knew this was the way I felt about it. Sorry for assuming. That’s why I was so confused why you were trying to get me to say it again.


When you worship money. Wealth is seen as a blessing and not as greedy. Its fully twisted the whole message. Its why churches harp on homosexuality, and trans, and abortion. They’re distractions from the real moral corruption in america which is greed. Its classic looking at a speck of dust when youve got a massive gold plated plank in your eye. They cant see it though because to some extent all of us in the first world are the rich man. 


While I agree that we shouldn’t choose people of bad character, since even John Jay, the first justice of the Supreme Court who was appointed by George Washington, said, “Providence has given to our people the choice of their ruler, and it is the duty, as well as the privilege and interest of our Christian nation to select and prefer Christians for their rulers.” While I wouldn’t argue that Trump has great moral character, he has done a lot for Christian rights. One example would be how he tried to restrict and limit the Johnson Amendment which basically takes away the rights of churches to speak on politically issues, which the founders expected the church to do so, until the mid 1900’s when our country shifted from a Christian nation to a more Secular nation.


All Trump has done for Christians has given us a bad name and Conservative Evangelicals in America have only made that name worse. They aren’t Christians. They’re false teachers and they’ll only realise that when they get to the pearly gates.


Why do you say that?


The majority of ones that I’ve seen are one or some combination of homophobic, ableist, racist, sexist, or something as loony as flat-earthers. That’s not to say that they all are, but a large chunk of ones that I’ve seen are. That’s why I don’t like telling people that I’m a Christian.  I’ve been called homophobic before and given weird looks just by me saying that I’m a Christian, that’s the kind of reputation we have thanks to those people. Jesus taught us to love others, not judge them or anything just because of who they are. We Christians talk about being persecuted, but that’s what a lot of people in our religion do to people that are different from us because they can’t comprehend that things that aren’t in the Bible exist and aren’t demonic or are just… okay to exist.


You said a majority, but not all; who are you referring to? Do you have any particular names, or examples of people being racist, sexist, homophobic, etc.?


I don’t have names or anything because why would I give stuff like that out on the Internet, but there are plenty of examples.


I was just curious because, based on my experience with asking, and I’m not trying to make any accusations against you, but whenever people tell me that people who supported Trump were being racist, homophobic, xenophobic, sexist, etc., they’re often times just kind of reaching, more than anything, so I was curious. I mean, based on my experience with Christian’s who support Trump they’re pretty anti-racist, anti-sexist, and anti all of the other things. Usually it’s just the media showing people in a bad light to try and help divide people. I’ve had it happen to me before where the media twist the story to encourage division.


I’m sorry if I came off as a wee bit defensive.  That’s my bad! Usually conversations like these are held with my dad and they… devolve very quickly, let’s just say! Personally, I think that neither side in either argument is entirely in the right. On one side you have extreme Conservative Christians who think that anything that doesn’t align with their view of the world is sinful or demonic. Then you have the really extreme woke-Liberals who you can’t breathe near without them calling it a hate crime. And then there’s the media trying to stoke the inferno by pouring hot oil onto it. It’s tough to find a balance between the two, and more often than not much less-extreme people from either side get tarred with the same brush.


Oh, no, I totally hear you on that one. I’m always working my butt off to be as civil as I possibly can to people online to hopefully encourage everyone to do the same. This current political environment is like nothing I’ve ever encountered before, and I only started getting into politics back in 2008. We almost can’t bring this stuff up to anyone, anymore, at least not without one person wanted to murder us. I definitely blame the mainstream media a lot. They’ve been caught starting so much division between people on the Left and Right. It’s insane. 😬


It’s worse in my country. I’m in Northern Ireland. Our country is a state when it comes to politics and religion. Beautiful country.  Awesome people. But a history of domestic terrorism and violence over whether or not we should belong to the U.K. or Ireland.


I agree with completely. Bill Clinton was impeached in Dec 1998 on two articles, one was that he lied under oath about sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky, and second article stemmed from allegations made in Paula Jones sexual harassment lawsuit against Clinton. Trump has done all of these things and more, and yet the conservative Christain right ignore all of it and his blatant degradation and belittlement of any opponent or anyone willing to publicly disagree with him. Trump laughs all the way to his throne about how he has stolen the Christians support by using "Right to Life" as a political tool. I do not believe Trump to be a Christian, when he has appeared in any Church, you could see that he was very uncomfortable, apprehensive, and sweaty. If he had just a small amount of Biblical knowledge and love of God, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, he wouldn't be living his life as he does, bragging about what he thinks he has done, bragging about how smart HE thinks he is, bragging about how wealthy he is, even comparing himself to God, even implying that God put him here for the purpose of saving the USA. Trump is following Hitler's plan book for taking over the US, and I feel aligning us with Russia and North Korea. This man is pure evil and power and greed controlling his feeble mind. He has the mark of the Beast.


“Trump has done all these things and more”  Proof? Source?  The more comment i read the more TDS I sensed tbh 😂 


As a Catholic I find Trump to be the anti-Christ, and I do mean that. He is extremely unethical according to the Catholic social teaching, because he does not respect the dignity of people. RFK Jr. 2024. 🤙🏼


Church is nothing but another team sport.


By their fruits you shall know them.


this generation were too young for clinton. they have only learned the modern republican 'win at any cost, the only thing that matters is winning' I volunteered at a church youth camp before the 2020 election. all the pro-trump counselors and campers(indoctrination) were the biggest cheaters. they let the popular/athletic kids cheat and win everything(they could have won without cheating but were encouraged to cheat by the counselors). they even kicked the special needs kids out of their group. it really was a farse from what I grew up with as a Christian in the 80's


Yeah you don’t sound biased at all 😂 


I'm 66 years old. I'm in shock over the support of Donald Trump. This is really good and explains exactly how i feel. https://youtu.be/Zjs95ewhkjY?feature=shared


Christians are human and do stupid things too that go against what they preach all the time, because Christians admit their need for salvation. However, I think Trump became Gods way of weeding out who is truly dedicated to God, and who is a Christian in name only.




Why? Because Orangemanbad? NoTrueChristian


Trump convinced me he likely is THE ANTICHRIST, or if he isn't, American conservative Christians will embrace the real one and vote them into office.


That’s the TDS talking. Antichrist will be admired by y’all, not hated on for nearly a decade 💀 


What verse says that about the antichrist?


Yep. Completely agree. The RNC is acting like they're going to pay for his legal bills (WHY?!). Trump is getting what the Bible says are the consequences of his actions. Anyone who used the whole "values voter" mantra for Clinton (not like I would've voted for him anyways) but then not for Trump is a hypocrite. The very definition of hypocrite. Billy and Trump were both Lolita Plane and Playboy Mansion regulars.


The RNC is ~~acting like they're going to~~ pay*ing* for his legal bills [There is a movement within the RNC to get them to *stop*, which is unlikely to succeed.](https://apnews.com/article/trump-republican-national-committee-stop-legal-bills-ff51a7ae8b5d872344e64a9a18851350)


Maybe because the cases being brought against him are literally unprecedented  Some of which literally required the  CHANGING OF LAW (in HRC state BTW) just to send him to court… which the jury ultimately found to be FALSE anyways 💀 (original E Jean claim)  Some of which literally require constitutional review 😂 Some of which are pushed by people who ran on OrangeManBad messaging for office… who then brought the case by hiring her lover lmao  I can understand why the party is circling wagons for trump.  can you?  Or has the near decade of Orangemanbad programming gotten to you to? 


I'm a libertarian. The problem is that Trump lacks integrity. And there have been plenty of lawsuits levied against him that didn't need a changing of the law. "Unprecedented" isn't an excuse


It’s so completely bonkers.


An extremely apt observation.


The Bible preaches against corruption and idolatry, yet I still see people worshipping trump over the Lord. I don't get it. Clinton, trump, biden, Obama, whoever else is relevant these days... they aren't people to worship. Politics can matter when it comes to the economy and stuff, but that's just why you put their morals over anything. Trump doesn't have morals, the others don't seem to have the ones we need a ruler to have, it's just like a soap opera but with people who are supposed to help us survive


This is what happens when you drag God into the secular world of politics. The people that do the dragging get thoroughly corrupted and evil flourishes. This happens in every Abrahamic faith, Islam turns into the Taliban and ISIS, Christianity turns into MAGA and Judaism turns into Gaza and genocide. God and Politics is not compatible. Politics requires hate it seems and in the heart that harbors hate towards others one will not find God. The more people try to drag God into politics the further people get from God.


By nature, humans are hypocritical, lazy, and seek out our own truth. Christians are no different!


I’m too young to experience Clinton but I hate to agree with you. As a Christian, too many of my brothers and sisters are more concerned with politics than following Christ.


The Catholic Church you attend must be a lot different than the one I attend.


This is why people mistrust the church and many of its followers, because there’s way too many whose actions are incongruous with their words and often their religion itself. And although I believe many believers aren’t this way, it’s similar to the issues people have with police cause a few bad apples can turn the whole bushel into garbage and yet, if those good apples banded together to protect their good name rather than their scumbag police partners we’d actually end up a solid group of police. Well, if Christians want to be thought of as a solid group of respectable individuals they should start speaking up quite loudly, publicly and frequently against the outrageous sects that are breeding grounds for homophobia, the abuse of minors, hoarding massive quantities of money and using it for personal gain and unnecessary items like personal planes, multiple homes, etc… For example I’ve seen gay people, satanists, atheists and agnostics counter protest total “Christian” scumbags like the Westboro Baptist Church yet I’ve never seen “the good” Christians counter protesting against them… kinda weird, right? Since the crazy people like WBC usually end up making the most noise the responsibility of constantly speaking up against them falls squarely on all y’all cause otherwise it seems like you’re cool with it and just not as willing to show the world you’re a dickhead as good ole Freddy Phelps.


Ya’ll can justify it however you want.  OP’s point still stands.  We all watched the people who claimed to be the most moral hop in a pig sty with the least.  After eight years of increasingly bizarre lies about Obama (remember the time he invaded Texas and put white people in concentration camps) Christians happily continue to lie, minimize, fabricate, and distort every single thing Trump says or does.  Multiple people in this thread appear to think the ends justify the means, so they are happy to accept dishonesty, criminality, and slander as long as it gets them the policies they want.   TLDR, ya’ll proved yourselves to be just as amoral, dishonest, and opportunistic as we expected…. And anyone who has paid attention over the last forty years could see it coming.


This is the exact reason I consider myself politically homeless.  Almost verbatim.  Morals do matter.  


I mean trumps character is likely better than 90% of presidents over the last 100 years.




This verse comes to mind. 15 “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. 16 By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? 17 Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them. I view the majority of politicians as wolves in sheep’s clothing who bring bad fruit. Trump is more or less who he claims to he. He is humble enough to display his flaws and not pretend to be some pure saint. No one who is pure of heart works in politics and trump doesn’t pretend to be


So, the character of Joe Biden or Hillary Clinton or John Kerry or any other top tier Democrat is any better than Trumps'? They are all immoral and unethical thieves and liars! Are there Republicans with at least some level of moral character who are not ready to sell the country to the highest bidder? Of course there are (Huckabee, Desantis, Palin, Cruz) but none of them are on the ballot now. How we got here is irrelevant, how to make better choices in the future is a discussion worth having but for right now there is no choice but Trump. Hold your nose if you have to but do the right thing for the country when you vote.


Sorry, did you just steal a tweet by Rev. Benjamin Cremer (brcremer on twitter) to post this? Talk about character...