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It could mean about the coming marriage to Jesus. I think the end times is coming closer and closer so the marriage to Jesus for the bride is also quickly approaching. I think I would take it as about the church and Jesus because that makes you desire more of the Lord, and not some other person.


It's just a dream. I wouldn't attach too much significance to it. IT could just be an ordinary dream about random things. God might not be talking to you through it. He typically talks to us through our own readings of Scripture, our conversations with fellow believers, and through solid biblical preaching. Not dreams, at least not typically.


I think it means you want to get married. I always think it’s good to grow closer to God and become involved in a church, but I don’t think this dream is any kind of mystical revelation about that


This statement is very true i do want to get married some day


Sounds like your subconscious wants you to notice that you're insecure and lacking confidence, but that's getting in the way of you being able to let go and just let the good things in life happen around you. So you need to stop worrying about yourself, indulging in vanity and worry, and instead get on with falling fully into living your life. Notice that in the dream, all the good things happening to you just happened. The arranged marriage but you liked it, having to interact with him as he suddenly came home but getting comforted, and not knowing anything about him but finding out he had money. It was all potentially bad but turned out good, even though you were thrust into it rather than choosing it. Dreams are always your subconscious trying to fix something. This dream seems to be it trying to tell you that you're stress is getting in the way of your life. You need to think less, control less, and be content with what good still happens or else you might ruin it.


this actually kakes so much sense. thanks for the perspective!


This summer has been a really healing experience for me, learning to find my true identity in christ and being confident in his will for me. i am a very insecure person, always have been but ive been slowly learning to just be in the moment and not worry about things not worth worrying ab. This dream cud be God telling me everything always works out in the end and to let go