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Can? Yes Should? No. ‭2 Corinthians 6:14-17 HCSB‬ [14] Do not be mismatched with unbelievers. For what partnership is there between righteousness and lawlessness? Or what fellowship does light have with darkness? [15] What agreement does Christ have with Belial? Or what does a believer have in common with an unbeliever? [16] And what agreement does God’s sanctuary have with idols? For we are the sanctuary of the living God, as God said: I will dwell among them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be My people. [17] Therefore, come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord; do not touch any unclean thing, and I will welcome you. https://bible.com/bible/72/2co.6.14-17.HCSB


No, it’s not okay.


It's up to you to decide. God encouraged people to reproduce and live in families, not staying single. If a man you meet is good enough, doesn't fight your beliefs and better one is not available, why not


It's possible to make it work, but it wouldn't be easy. You and your spouse must respect each other's beliefs, and you would have to reach some kind of an agreement over how to raise your children. Paul, for example, warned against these types of "unequally yoked" relationships.


An unbeliever or a non believer? Someone that has lost their faith in Christ or someone that never had?


What's the difference?


To me, an unbeliever is someone who lost their faith in Christ for whatever reason it maybe be so they may be timid coming back to Him. A non believer is someone who has never had a chance to have a relationship with God and Christ Jesus so therefore it would be all new for them and they might be able or more willing to give it a shot for someone the love. Either way, it can be difficult for someone to find a significant other in both unbelievers and non believers


Why not? I did volunteer work for many years and some of the best volunteers I worked with were atheists. Who cares? Respect each other's boundaries and maybe he will eventually come to church with you but don't push it. You know who he is so don't think you can change someone guaranteed. And that made me wonder. I get heaven for fighting to be a good man of God , the atheist gets nothing in return in the end. Would not their actions be even greater than mine from a moral standpoint?


How are you going to raise your children? Will this wife help you in your Christianity? Can you put God first in this situation?


The ultimate intent of dating for a Christian is to find a marriage partner. There's no closer human bond than marriage, other than families. With no Christian marriage possible, there's no reason to date a non-Christian. Also, love, romance and matters of the heart tend to blind us to the things that matter in life (just look at Solomon) Romance is powerful, and potentially dangerous. It has the danger to overwhelm your judgement and threaten your walk. If you choose to date a non-Christian, it's not just a relational choice. There'll be lots of deliberate spiritual choices you'll have to make if you intend to go through with it, and these choices will end up compromising your values at some point or another. It's a slippery slope. It'll feel great at the beginning, because romantic relationships always feel that way at the beginning. But it'll lead you down a path that will threaten a lot of aspects of your spiritual life. It might not seem like such a terrible idea now, but it will prove to be one in the end.


No it’s not ok. You still need to do the ordinary things people do to be attractive. Gym, fix teeth, dress well, be kind and clean. Advance your ability to make money with new or improved skills. Get counseling and find out if you are scaring women away. Spiritually you should pray and put yourself in places to meet a Christian woman. Ask for help from friends and seek sincere advice. Make yourself into the person you admire. Don’t be weird but copy someone’s style or adapt their style into your style Learn your weaknesses and deal with them head on. Face your fears.


The issue here is compatibility. It’s not a question of whether it’s permissible or sinful.