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Fully agree with you, but a lot of Christians actually do care. Went to a monastery recently for the weekend. The environment and those who care for it were included in the prayer at mass. They were preparing a talk on Christian environmental ethics. And on the land surrounding the monastery they participate in testing out different sustainability methods like mob grazing. I think we should take people like this as an example and do what we can.


In the US, it's tied to the close relationship between big-business, the Republican party (which represents big business), and conservative Christianity. It's in the best interest of big polluters to deny climate change happens because it's substantially cheaper for industry to pollute than to curb pollution. Thus, the Republican party denies climate change and legislates for polluters. A sizable portion of conservative Christian beliefs are driven by the party they they feel represents Christianity. Thus we have: Polluters deny climate change = GOP denies climate change = conservative Christians deny climate change. I used to be a conservative Christian. I was told, through books, and in church, and by TV evangelists that recycling and caring about the environment are New Age practices, and are promoted by the Antichrist. I was told caring about the environment denied the imminent return of Jesus (as in, we should not worry, Jesus will come back any day now and fix everything). When the place I lived started requiring us to recycle, I took it as them trying to impose anti-Christian practices on me. I went out of my way to not recycle because I thought it was what God wanted me to do. This is one on the many reasons that I urge Christians not to get mixed up in evangelicalism, because the movement deeply twists Scripture and manipulates followers to think and vote in ways based on outright lies designed to bolster the power of the wealthy.


>When the place I lived started requiring us to recycle, I took it as them trying to impose anti-Christian practices on me. I went out of my way to not recycle because I thought it was what God wanted me to do. This sounds so surreal!


>This sounds so surreal! I know, right? In my defense, it wasn't just me. I live in an evangelical-heavy town where rolling coal ( [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rolling\_coal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rolling_coal) ) is widely practiced. Every truck that does this is plastered with Christian and Republican bumper stickers and flags, and they all go to the local evangelical churches. Sunday morning, without fail, they drive by my house on the way to church deliberately blowing thick black smoke, making the entire neighborhood stink.


I saw a really interesting reality show a few years back where a pretty unassuming guy just starts asking people questions about what they're doing. Like he'll see a guy working construction, and he'll just start asking him all kinds of questions about construction and how he got into the job and what's good about it and what sucks, and sometimes people don't want to talk to him, but usually they enjoy it because they get to talk about themselves for a bit to a person who is genuinely interested. Anyway, in this one episode, he talked to some guy who was working on his truck, because he was rolling coal and wasn't getting enough smoke. And the guy just kept asking him questions like, "Doesn't this make your truck run less efficiently and ultimately cost you more?" or "This seems like it would cause massive amounts of air pollution and contribute to making people sick, don't you think?" And each time he asked a question, the guy really had no answer for it and looked ashamed about it, and the only real answer he could give was "I do it because it pisses other people off."


TIL, "Rolling_coal" is a thing. I thought it was a side effect of engine modifications for drag or street racing. I've seen this on heavy [tractor dragging seconds before the engine literally explodes or even jumps out of the hood.](https://i.redd.it/vszn55qpa3x61.gif) I didn't imagine someone would do this on purpose.


Someone did this to me a few years ago while getting on the freeway! I had a bad asthma attack because of it, and had to pull to the side of the freeway. Like, why do it? Why try to kill someone like that? It was in a pretty health conscious city in the SF Bay Area, too. I didn't get their license plate, or I would have reported them to the cops. I was too busy coughing up a storm, unable to get clean air.


I’ve never understood the motive behind wanting to anger others like this. I have no proof but I suspect they were the kids in school who needed to get attention by acting out and being disruptive. By engaging in anti-social behavior, they draw the ire of better people, Liberals and Conservatives alike, and decide they are being persecuted for Jesus.


I can see Jesus coming back and being like..."Where are my Stellers Sea Cows? Why are there so few rhinos? Why is there so much plastic everywhere? What happened to all those beautiful forests? Why are your waterways full of chemicals that make my fish sick? I left you an Eden and you shit all over it!


Kudos to you for realizing it. Here in the US evangelical Christianity could not be more anti-Jesus even if they tried.


It really is a mess in the US. I frequently point out that when a religion tries to convince you that you are sinning and going to Hell if you vote for a Democrat, you don't have a religion; you have a political group exploiting religion for power. The first time I voted for a Democrat was for Bill Clinton's second term. I was convinced I was committing a grievous sin because I was just starting to break with evangelical beliefs. That's what that movement did to me.


I have a lot of evangelicals around me. They still firmly believe Trump is the better choice because everything the Democrats stand for is against their true faith. Then if you point out what's going on in the "Christian party" I just get angry faces and Bible verses thrown at me. I gave up even trying to make them understand and I try not to hang out for longer periods of time. I'm tired of the hatred.


So agree with this


They explicitly deny that the teachings of Jesus apply to them. Can't get much more anti-Jesus than that.


This is a really good description and fits my worldview... so maybe that is why I like it. But this was very well articulated.


This is honestly one of the best responses to this question that I have ever seen. Also as a former evangelical and now Orthodox Christian let me say that I've seen these anti-environmental beliefs within the Orthodox Church also. (I wish this were not the case.) But your response is excellent and I believe very very accurate.


Plus, there's the whole "dominion" idea that God gifted, which is translated into "do what you want."


I don't know how people can read the Bible and come to the conclusion that we should destroy the earth. The Bible says that we must be stewards of the earth, and that God is in all of creation. Loving the earth is required by God. Environmentalism is Biblically based. Genesis 1:28-30 >God blessed them and God said to them: Be fertile and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it. Have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and all the living things that crawl on the earth. >God also said: See, I give you every seed-bearing plant on all the earth and every tree that has seed-bearing fruit on it to be your food; >and to all the wild animals, all the birds of the air, and all the living creatures that crawl on the earth, I give all the green plants for food. And so it happened. Psalms 24:1 >The earth is the LORD’s and all it holds, the world and those who dwell in it. Ephesians 4:6 > One God and Father of all, who is over all, through all, and in all. Colossians 1:16-17 >For in him were created all things in heaven and on earth, the visible and the invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers; all things were created through him and for him. >He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. For those Leviticus fans, Leviticus 25:23-24 >The land shall not be sold irrevocably; for the land is mine, and you are but resident aliens and under my authority. >Therefore, in every part of the country that you occupy, you must permit the land to be redeemed.


I think the idea is generally that God's creation can't destroy what God created. Which is obviously wrong, how many animal species have we driven to extinction in the past, and the enormous amount we're currently driving to extinction should prove that pretty well.


They seem to interpret stewardship to mean exploitation. The idea that we can get needed resources from the Earth seems to translate to include “no matter how much harm is done because God commands it.”


I wish it were as easy as just blaming it on the Republicans. Unfortunately while the Democrats pay lip service to climate change with their words, they deny it with their actions- opening new oil drilling, building new oil pipelines, always increasing the budget of the largest single source of carbon emissions on the planet (the US military), bombing the Nord Stream pipeline, continuing to dump resources into automobile infrastructure instead of trains...the Democrats simply do not take climate change seriously, at all. There is little functional difference between Republicans saying climate change isn't real and Democrats acknowledging it's real, but refusing to even try to take the level of action necessary to stop it and frequently taking actions that make it worse.


Correct. Both parties have implicitly agreed not to interfere with the workings of American capitalism, which means nothing real will ever be done about climate change. Don’t forget to Vote Blue No Matter Who! 🤡


That's because the US has no left party. Just one that is less right.


> Don’t forget to Vote Blue No Matter Who! 🤡 I won't forget, not in the general election. I really don't want my friends and I to be the targets of an American Holocaust. If that makes me a clown then so be it.


>This is one on the many reasons that I urge Christians not to get mixed up in evangelicalism This doesn't necessarily represent Evangelicals as a whole https://www.eauk.org/what-we-do/advocacy/environment https://www.tearfund.org/campaigns/rubbish-campaign


I agree, it doesn't represent the movement as a whole, but in any group there are people who don't fit in with the general beliefs of the rest of the group.


Yeah, this is also not my experience in an evangelical church. It fits better with my experience in rural America generally.


Name me one Christian org that doesn’t twist scripture? 


Why prioritize concerns about climate change over showing devotion not only to the Creator (God/Jesus) but also to the creator of the earth? It is evident that adhering to the principles in the Bible regarding caring for the planet can lead to the well-being of the earth. The predicament arises when individuals neglect their Creator and instead choose to worship the created, such as the earth, trees, moon, and sun.


>Why prioritize concerns about climate change over showing devotion not only to the Creator (God/Jesus) but also to the creator of the earth? This seems like a false dichotomy. A person can care about the environment without neglecting devotion to our Creator.


That’s just not true. One can not serve Two masters not just with money but everything 


This is why Christ was famously opposed to caring for the sick, the poor, and the widowed.


I find that caring for the environment is serving Christ. We were ordered to be stewards of the earth, to take care of it. So, taking care of God's creation is Biblically based, and is part of my faith. Not to mention that God is in all of creation. So, you absolutely can do both. I'm not worshipping the environment, I'm doing what God asked us to do, protecting what is His.


I wasn't aware that thinking maybe we shouldn't pump massive amounts of pollutants into our air and water sources, or clear cutting huge areas of forests, means I'm serving a master other than Christ.


Taking care of the environment is a form of appreciation and even worship to the Creator.


This is of course a lie. The source of conservative Christianity denying man driven climate change is based on Calvinistic theological views and a perception of God’s control over his creation. There is no deep dark conspiracy meeting where GOP politicians give instructions to random generally wing nut but small church leaders. I fin your view laughable because it’s the politics that live in fear of the Evangelicals and not the other way around. The idea that politicians some how set the policy instead of echoing the views of their base is wild. You can literally see this in real right now with Biden’s base and his policy on the war on Palestine. His base is going ape shit and therefore he opposes the war and attempts to create a peace process. This isn’t difficult. Your argument is basically a conspiracy theory based off of an interpretation of people you hate.


It is weird isn’t it? Regardless of the science, proof, and politics of it - it seems like a no brainer to take care of the earth that they believe God created.


I’ve had to repost this a few times lately. Christians should be concerned with the world around us and our impact on it. Many Christians are. Christians are not a monolith, with the only real universal commonality being some shared theological beliefs. As a result, one can find Christians with a variety of beliefs. Most likely, you are talking about American Christians. Part of the reason there might be something of a trend there is that American Christians tend to be politically conservative and so they are more persuaded by environmental skepticism, which the right wing in America often pushes. But this isn’t true of all American Christians and certainly not of Christians globally. Here are some links you might find informative about the stances of a few different churches (Church of England, Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Church of Sweden) on the climate crisis: https://www.churchofengland.org/about/church-england-environment-programme https://www.vaticannews.va/en/pope/news/2023-10/laudate-deum-pope-francis-climate-crisis-laudato-si.html https://www.wwf.gr/en/?2679941/The-Orthodox-Church-addresses-the-climate-crisis https://www.svenskakyrkan.se/filer/1374643/F%C3%A4rdplan_klimatet_Etapp-2_ENG.pdf


There is a long history of conservative Christians teaching their children to hold the findings of scientists in great suspicion. As a result, no amount of reliable data matters to them.


It really sucks. Even my FIL thinks education is stupid. But ignorance is bliss and sometimes I wish I were ignorant so I’m not as sad for humanity.


A common attitude I see is, "The world's going to burn up in the Apocalypse anyway, so why bother?" Also in America most Christians seem to align with conservative politics where environmental issues are dismissed as frivolous, or made-up, or exaggerated, or alarmist. To a lot of these people, it's a fake issue that's simply manipulated so "the government" can have more control over your life. Or something like that. It's hard to make sense of. Sadly, I encounter that a lot.


That’s like saying I’ve already sinned once so why not go all out?


If you are talking the US, you have to understand that Christianity is more of a political force than a group trying to actually live as Jesus did. Christianity is tied to $$ and big business.


It's mostly Christians in the US. I've seen videos of bishops and deacons in 'developing countries' who care quite a bit about climate change. Probably because they're more tangibly seeing the effects of it. The Christian right in the US is just one of the branches of our republican party, and exist solely to justify everything the party does. Look at AIG, FoF, and Moody's many programs. All railing against climate science, as a pagan religion. Their argument is always backed on tortured data, and then bolstered by the prediction in Revelation that God is the one to destroy the word, so man can't possibly be endangering the planet. They also say man is trying to play God by trying to save the planet. In reality these organizations receive millions in donations from big oil. I forget the specific example, but Focus on the Family receives a lot of money from 2 big oil baron brothers, one of whom is a 'pastor.'


I hate how a lot blame god and not everyone’s own actions. Easy to not take blame.


What has the environment ever done for me?


(Not sure if this is a joke or not so if it is my bad 😅) The environment literally keeps you and everything you love alive. It’s how God keeps everything going.


Haha yeah it’s a joke. Although to be fair, the environment does also try and kill me.


XD yeah it certainly feels like that sometimes :)


I have year-round allergies. I totally get that. Pollen, dust, dander, etc. all makes it hard to breathe. But then there's pollution, which makes it so much worse.




Every item you have comes from the environment. Your food comes from the environment as well. Trees literally produce oxygen so you can breathe clean air.


Because a large number of Christians are political conservatives. Conservatism believes the environmental movement is an impediment to profit.


There might be instances of that. Everybody wants to take care of the environment but everybody wants to be able to send countless amounts of trash to a landfill. Everybody wants nice roads to drive on but that means extracting gravel from a nearby messy gravel pit. Everybody wants to put gas in the car, but that means there's a messy refinery somewhere. So I would say that conservatism tries to be realistic and avoid tyranny to give people the freedoms they desire. It's not a question of ignoring the environment for the sake of profit. What would be and is of primary concern to conservatives is when an agenda i.e. such as the environment is used to make rules that curtail freedoms of people in unrelated areas to the cause that those people are promoting We saw examples of this during covid. When the agenda was to stop the spread of a virus and all sorts of needless things were done to exert control and tyranny over people. People could not walk on beaches outside and outdoor churches were shut down. And a number of other things were done that really had no scientific justification or there was scientific justification but it went against the rule/control people. An example of the latter would be trying to solve global warming but then deciding you cannot use nuclear power to do so. I'm not saying any political ideology is perfect, but once someone understands core concepts behind things then a correct conservative philosophy becomes more apparent. Conservatism is very misunderstood even by those who call themselves conservative imo. I personally am for solving problems no matter what they are (e g. the environment) But you can't bang people over the head with something and make demands from them because it doesn't fit in your worldview.


>It's not a question of ignoring the environment for the sake of profit. There are times where the profit motive is literally contingent on harming the environment. Clear-cutting a rainforest is an obvious example. You can write as many flowery paragraphs as you want in defense of corporate mischief, but it doesn't change what's actually going on.


As I said nothing is perfect. While clear cutting might be bad I submit that forest management is not. Massive catastrophic forest fires in California and Yellowstone prove that removing trees from a forest is not necessarily a bad thing.


Because protecting the planet doesn't put money in the hands of the already rich, and the "we're gonna be just like them someday," morons don't actually care.


In the end, it's because of how they view God. God will fix _everything_ ; all they have to do is be holy and convert people. They think there's a New/Restored Earth. They think there's a Paradise awaiting them and all saints. Salvation is not dependent on saving the planet, or wanting to -- it's dependent on loving your neighbor. The Bible doesn't talk much about being a good steward of the Earth -- it's a blip after man is kicked out of the Garden and forced instead to "work" the Earth as an enemy. And man is told to be fruitful and multiply -- to _consume_ , which is the opposite of good stewardship; good stewardship must manage human population levels like any other animal. But humans aren't going to want to do that. Christians are told _not_ to do that way more than the opposite as the goal of their marriages -- babies. But you might as well ask why Christians don't go for policies to end world hunger or raise taxes on the wealthy. In the end, Christianity is mostly about personal decisions and personal relationships. The Christians aren't immune to "large statistical issues" becoming mere background noise to their immediate concerns.


I have US evangelical friends and most deny climate change. It's tied very much to politics, so if the GOP deny it, they do too. I went to a non-denominational church then later an SBC church years ago, the common thought was Jesus is returning soon so it didn't matter anyways. They were enraptured so much by dispensationalism that they believed that it was part of the whole end times doctrine.


Christianity is not a monolith. We are not all climate change deniers.. I live in Texas and played outside all summer long, hell we were forced to, parents made us play outside, hottest it got was mid 90s, it was pretty big news if we crossed over even like 95 cause then we got to go in and play SEGA!! My kids are never able to play outside during the summer. Last summer we spent 3 months over 100 degrees. We cant go play at the park, we cant do anything outside. All plans are made inside, praise God we have an indoor water park with a monthly family pass or summer would be dead. If someone denies global warming they should go sit outside in Texas. The thing is, what can I do to fix it? I WFH so my carbon footprint is nonexistent. What do you expect individuals to do when the majority of climate change is do to industry? Vote? lol thats a farce, its such a sham when people act like they did anything at all by voting. Should I vote for the pedophile or the walking corpse? (corpse is getting my vote because i just look at it as a vote for Kamala and Id rather have Kamala than the pedophile) The two candidates wont be alive in the world they create. Maybe if we could vote for someone under 60 they would actually care about the world they create.


It starts with local leadership and state representatives and us as a community holding those accountable which no one does anymore.


I had never thought of my mentors as Christian until I passed 60. Those mentors gave me things to read for understanding and made it fun to show my understanding of what I read. Now passed sixty things I read 50 years ago are being twisted and changed by people that make change a religion. Things like temperature I witnessed on thermometers, I am being told where all wrong they read to high. Things that were managed well, forest management that were fought against in their religious like fervor that be these religious types in winning are destroying. I try hard not to damage the earth. But not all that claim they do a better job of taking care of the earth truly are.


Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. Romans 12


I remember PSAs in the 1970s with a cartoon character named "Dot" who exhorted viewers not to litter or harm the environment. Each one ended with "let's keep God's world clean." It wasn't that long ago that Christians were environmentalists. The recent turn toward pro-business libertarianism is just an indication of how some branches of Christianity are now a wholly-owned subsidiary of the GOP.


I think it's a wrong idea that has slipped in that God has created this world perfect and we can't ruin it. Like, if that was true, how was the fall of man even possible? Obviously we are capable of messing things up. God set us in charge of this planet, and we are the ones messing it up, and that is us messing up what we were meant to have dominion over in a good way.


1. Many Christians do support environmental efforts. . 2. But the Christian message centers around the idea that this earth AND the people in it are irretrievably broken, and that the only fix is a "new life" for Christians AFTER they die, and a "new earth" for them to live on, after they ALL die, and this earth ends. . 3. So, for orthodox Christians, it is a given fact that THIS earth cannot be saved, no matter how much effort you put into it. . 4. BTW, atheistic cosmologists agree: the destiny of this earth is to be cooked by the sun, but probably only AFTER a cosmological extinction event has occurred. And atheistic biologists agree, that no species can be 'saved', but rather that the ultimate destiny of EVERY species is extinction. . 5. Many of the politically and socially popular efforts are . . . well . . . dumb. Most of them have much more to do with *virtue-signalling* than actual *virtue!* * I'm a beekeeper, and I can assure you that honeybees do NOT need to be saved. With a year's lead time, I can arrange purchase of as many hives as you want. You want 100,000 hives? You got $20,000,00? I can fix you right up! * EV's anyone? According to the WSJ, prices for used EVs are cratering, as owners discover that how few chargers there are, how expensive repairs are, how short their ACTUAL range is, and useless they are in cold weather! * Heard of recycling plastics? Of course! Heard of how recycling plastics is a political scam? No? Well read this [**THIS**](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/jun/17/recycled-plastic-america-global-crisis) (the Guardian) and [**THIS** (CBS)](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/critics-call-out-plastics-industry-over-fraud-of-plastic-recycling/) and [**THIS** (Forbes)](https://www.forbes.com/sites/christophermarquis/2022/07/12/beyond-plastics-the-myths-and-truths-about-recycling-and-potential-solutions/) * And much, much more. . 6. One of the old criticisms of Christianity is that it promises "*pie in the sky by and by*". Setting aside details, like it's not "pie" that's promised, and it won't be in the "sky", it is a valid criticism. . If you want to save the earth, well, Christianity is not for you. (*Facts are also not for you, since "saving the earth" is a contra-factual goal, regardless of whether you are a Christian, or an atheistic scientist.)* Christian efforts to 'do good' are NOT about 'saving the earth' . . . because Christians believe that it cannot be saved. As Christ Himself said, "*the poor will be with you always*"! Rather Christian efforts -- beyond evangelism -- are rooted in the commands to *demonstrate* God's love and the hope He offers for eternal life on a NEW heaven and earth


One of the reasons I believe in karma and reincarnation. If you mess up this time you have to go back and do it again the right way. I don’t feel many Christian’s learn a lesson or take this life for granted. You ask for forgiveness at the end and if you weren’t that terrible of a person you get into heaven. Seems too easy.


The only possible reason to believe in EITHER karma OR Christianity is that they are real. BUT . . . if karma is real, Christianity is not. AND . . . if Christianity is real, karma is not. Except for self-deluded idiots, world-view choice is not a matter of picking options from a metaphysical 'smorgasbord'! You do not get to choose a smidgen of Christian ethics, a little dark sexual fantasy from paganism, and some hope for endless 're-do's' from Hinduism . . . EXCEPT in your own delusions and fantasies. Virtually all world-view options are mutually exclusive. If atheistic materialism is 'true', than all other options are false. And so on. And neither your preferences, nor mine matter in the slightest. What is the case, is the case, *regardless of what either you or I would prefer.* Further, if you get it wrong, you'll run into the same sort of consequences as if you declare, "*Gravity is not real*" . . . and then actually act as if that's so.


The Christian families I grew up with were all homeschooled and had between 6-14 kids each. Each one of those kids in several families had their own gardens and their own animals. They would feed their animals with their crops and sell their yield even as young children. The amount of effort that I have seen these families putting into their local ecosystems and homestead (planting trees, bushes, raising animals to release into the local woods (mostly birds in that instance) garbage clean up in their communities, advocating for animal rights (against the treatment of animals in cages their whole life/gmo etc..) ,lake and river clean up etc) is inspiring. There will always be the people who are selfish but there will always be people who love as well.


God will destroy those who destroy the earth. So, yeah, it's a big deal.


Alot of Christians from my sect believe that life here doesn't mean anything, you're only to look forward to the afterlife.


That’s a stupid way to think considering they should think of the children who will inherit it when they move on to the next.


Wholeheartedly agreed.


I hope you'll try visiting some churches that are more hippie and earth-friendly. James Dobson does not get to define everything that Christianity is, much though he'd like to! I'm sure you can find many kindred souls in these links. https://christianclimateaction.org/ https://www.oikoumene.org/what-we-do/care-for-creation-and-climate-justice https://www.episcopalchurch.org/ministries/creation-care/ https://www.ambs.edu/learn-now/what-is-creation-care/ https://www.umc.org/en/how-we-serve/social-issues/creation-care https://creationcare.org/ Sorry, gotta go, planning out charging stops for my EV on my return home this weekend. It's been a great trip, but it will be nice to get it charging from the home solar array again.


At least some of it is because "Jesus is returning any minute now", so it somehow doesn't matter that the earth is being ruined. God will fix it anyway. Some people (additionally) think that climate change is a sign of the end times. We wouldn't want to try to thwart God's plan, would we?


I believe I am called to be a marine biologist by God to protect His planet. I’m still not sure how I’m going to yet, in the sense of I don’t know exactly what I’m meant to do, but I know God will help me figure it out. I also hope to help close the divide between science and God a little more, and spread the news that pollution, overfishing, whaling, dolphin slaughters, shark finning, etc is absolutely evil and must be put to an end.


People like you give me hope. While I have distanced myself from any and all churches, I still believe in a higher power and I love the teachings of Jesus. The reason to exist is to spread love and care about others. Even animals and plants.


I believe that wholeheartedly. If we weren’t meant to love people, animals, and plants, why would they have feelings and could suffer? I believe God put us here to take care of the voiceless and one another :)


One of the biggest principles in our house is environmental consciousness. We try to filter most of our decisions through a lens of, “is this the most environmentally responsible choice?”. After loving and honoring God, and each other, planet earth is the next priority.


You should read Laudato Si! Pope Francis writes a lot about how Christians should care for the environment there. Other good books from Christians who care about the environment as part of their faith: Annie Dillard - Pilgrim at Tinker Creek Wendell Berry - The Unsettling of America (focus on how our agricultural system is really bad for the land, the people, and the climate) Joe Salatin


Thank you. I have distanced myself from my Catholic upbringing and also Christianity in general so I am glad to see the Pope and others care.


Because Jesus made the great commission the primary focus of the church (Matthew 28:16-20). Some churches have abandoned this and have conformed to the influence of the world.


There is christian environmental extremists on tiktok. 


1. You should be a good steward. 2. The sun becomes seven times brighter before Jesus return. The world cannot save you, so do it out of obedience to God not short sighted tribalism


I know the world cannot save us but you cannot even enjoy the world anymore. Beaches are polluted and the water is not the same. The fish all have plastic in them. Plastic is everywhere.


What politicians do you mean? God is not Mother Nature.


The Pope wrote Ladauto Si in 2015 calling for global environmental action. Christians do plenty of environmental work.


Christians absolutely should care about taking care of the environment!


I’ve spoken with close friends who say two things: 1. God gave us the earth to use including all animals and resources. The implication is that we are to use them. 2. Jesus will return and make things right before it gets too bad. Basically, God’s not gonna let us suffer. 😕


Combination of political/big business interests, and the apocalyptic nature of Christianity. This world is lost, we already destroyed it beyond saving, over 6000 years ago, basically Christianity is just waiting for it to fall apart a tiny bit more so that god will be forced to honor the lifetime replacement guarantee and upgrade us the paid in full by Christ, infinitely better version. That’s why lots of Christian’s get excited when terrible stuff happens they think that will push the world over the limit and qualify for a replacement.


I think the main symptom of pollution and the environment being destroyed is sin, the heart of the issue would probably be the love for money mass corporations producing so much it’s greed and mankind is taking more than what they should, but us as Christian’s are called to be the light of the world and reflect Christ so it starts with the individual. I think a lot of people want to change the world but they can’t even get their own personal life together, Jesus is truly the way and he changes us trust in him fully if you want to start seeing change in your life. Also Mother Nature does not align with Christianity in anyway shape of form biblically. God created the universe The word of God which is Jesus. All the best.


Climate Change is a hox? Jesus will come back and fix the environment? Only guessing, no idea. Edit


I literally work in the environmental field. Admittedly Christians are a minority though


Just because you choose to believe whatever the media dishes out doesn't mean others will. I don't vote or pay any attention to worldly events. But it doesn't measure the love of my heart. 


You’re not allowed to be moral and Christian it seems to me you have to be mean judgmental and hate others… it’s kind of weird. Love is honored in the breach.


We should be. We love God by caring for His creatures, just like in Eden. In fact, that is a huge part of loving your neighbor.


Supposedly you have pristine citation to support your claim. We would like to see it please. Thanks in advance.


It's hard in the United States because of our economy. We are built for a market so essentially it impossible for private individuals to handle the mass industrial pollution issues. The government is getting better at requiring regulations for these companies. But essentially without a company growing and acting as a non-profit in order to take care of this issue on the side nothing noticeable will happen because it is kind of outside the abilities of private individuals. You need a business to startup a sister company dedicated to clean up. That way it can be big enough to actual impact the environment. The lack of large scale options and businesses with integrity for individuals to fund just are not there. Atleast not yet.


I do care about the environment however I will donate to "charity's" the supposedly go towards this stuff because most have been exposed


Because they have been corrupted by right wing politics


As much as we love God's creation, this creation has been corrupted by sin hideously as we all have been, and is going to be destroyed during God's Wrath; then it'll flourish for 1,000 years. Then that will end His 7,000 year plan of redemption for us and He will destroy this earth and universe and remake them ETERNAL, ETERNAL Earth, ETERNAL heavens, in ETERNITY forever. This is why. We know that what matters is the Spirit. The soul. And yes taking care of each other physically too to reveal His Glory HIS love. As for the environment, any true Christian does what they can to exist peacefully and in harmony with the LORD and His creation but we also understand that we are to value PEOPLE FIRST. As much as it would be great to focus on the environment, we aren't even all saved yet, not even close. THAT'S the mission. This place will be ASH after God's WRATH. And His presence in the millennium will make it peaceful and flourish, there will be sin but He will rule with a rod of iron against wickedness. It will not be like it is now. Satan will be locked up until his final last hurrah. And after that, the ETERNAL KINGDOM COME. There's nothing wrong with having a job in protecting animals, the environment etc etc, IF that's the path GOD led you on. But you can bet it'll be in order to reach the SOULS of the lost through revealing His Glory through you and your efforts and the creations He's made, ultimately to bring Him pleasure and GLORY for He is worthy of it all, it's good and right everything be for His GLORY, He's everything good and right-He's love which is SELFLESSNESS so all is to the glory of love so that all will be love for love to the glory of love: a perfect circle of love. He deserves all the glory. We don't need to understand everything He's doing; just trust in Him, get to know Him through the Truth for He is the Truth. Love the Truth rather than self. God bless you all and yours in Jesus' mighty name!


I'm very supportive, but I also don't think we should just shut off one form of energy and production and substitute another of questionable reliability and cost efficiency. And no one seems to want to discuss a nuclear alternative because they've been fed propaganda for years.


This sounds like politics. Why should I care?


I don't pay attention to the news for this reason. It's just anxiety anxiety anxiety fear fear fear outrage outrage outrage. Only simpletons think the point of the news is to inform you. You keep following the news because you're afraid not to or are outraged and want to learn more about what's causing you anxiety. Well it's the news *itself* that is meant to cause anxiety. I look around and I don't see any pollution. The rivers are crystal clear and the wildlife I see is flourishing. There is no political party that advocates for polluting the environment either. Politics - like the news - is just another pointless worldly distraction. I no longer pay attention to politics either, because whatever side your on makes a strawman of the other side which leads to hateful sentiment on your part. Who is ultimately in control? Is it humans? Or is it God and the created principalities aka demons? Either you trust in the Lord fully or you let your passions be swayed into demonic servitude. Only worry about yourself and your immediate circumstances. If you see with your own eyes toxic waste being dumped or animals dying by all means report it to whatever governmental institution is involved in protecting against certain things. Otherwise don't be anxious, God really truly actually is in control. We aren't Deists who believe God created the world then left us to fend for ourselves. God is present everywhere always and we need only to trust in our Lord Jesus Christ.


If you think Christians are bad, wait until you see what non Christians are like.   Even the concept of Environmentalism didn't exist outside of Christian thinking.


Great question! Yes, we should be good stewards of God's creation, but that's a far cry from the climate change political agenda being promoted. Many of their claims are unbiblical if not anti-biblical. For more.. [CC- Biblical Problems With "Climate Change"](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xVykc1QGqNUxzu7k4aBT88swURU-Hg-UZUwKGNWbhC4/edit?usp=sharing)


CO2 molecule re-emits infrared radiation no matter how much you believe in your woowoo alternative reality.


You understand that there is no increase in the total energy of infrared energy involved in that reaction, correct? The issue isn't the amount of energy involved. It is the direction the energy is sent.


Are you claiming that CO2 molecule does not re-emit infrared radiation and that its not the driving factor behind current global warming?


Of course it re-emits infrared radiation. The issue is more with it preventing the radiation, which bounces off the earth from escaping back into space.




God did not gift us the earth; God gifted us life and charged us with stewardship of the earth.


As stewards we did a terrible job.


We are still obligated regardless.


It's not that I am not for saving the environment it's I disagree that carbon dioxide is pollution, and I disagree with many possible solutions for other problems.


we are… what are you talking about? its not the christians fault! its all those atheists! go look up the worlds pollution and where it comes from… atheist countries are the worst! i speculate its because to atheists there is really no moral distinction between say murder and bicycle rides


Because the progressive left in the US have successfully campaigned to make environmentalism a partisan culture war issue.


Christians do care about the environment, some of us may disagree on the 'solutions' for properly caring for the environment. A lot of what you see as 'solutions' for stewarding the environment are political grift and are meaningless. You can tell because the solutions involve controlling you and your behavior when you see leaders eating hamburgers and going on vacation with personal planes. You can also tell that they aim to build a voting block out of all this with fear p\*rn that is absolutely not true as well as a misuse of data and statistics. Additionally, a lot of what you see as 'solutions' are part of a secular cult. They go after kids and make them into devotees and they go insane. It takes a lot of pride to think that God doesn't have control of his own creation and that humans have the ability to 'fix' climate when climate is natural. You can also tell it's anti-God as they say that humans can't eat animals when God has specifically given clean animals to humans to eat as food. It's also anti-God as they beg for a secular government (filled with secular extremists) to have totalitarian power over and against individual people (this won't end well). Here is what God says >“As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.” Gen 8:22 As a good steward of the environment I believe it is important (for me as a Christian) to reduce consumption, re-use what I can instead of purchasing new things (like fast fashion), and recycle (although I've heard recycling is basically a scam). I also don't use pesticides, avoid pesticide products, avoid chemical products, try to eat clean and sustainably, try to grow my own food where it makes sense, try to avoid factory farmed food when it makes sense, I never really fly on planes, am mindful of using the car for no reason etc etc **TLDR:** it is propaganda that Christians don't care about the environment. We disagree on both size/scope of problems & solutions.


This life is fleeting. It matters not what happens on earth. After all. Humans were kicked out of the garden. 


I would be much more supportive of environmental policies, if it weren't for [the climate agenda](https://youtu.be/bOAUsvVhgsU?si=8ulaOfr7Nkc6KSTL) that seeks to do far more than 'save the environment.'


You know I was just thinking about this the other day. I believe God gave us this earth to use and to thrive in. The animals, the water, the plants are all ours to use in ways that help us thrive and bring glory to God. I think the problem I have is that we treat animals better than humans and make blanket environmental statements like “because of this our environment is doomed.” I feel like people take these things to an unhealthy extreme. Not only that but many of the environmental advocates then are hypocrites and hurt the environment even though they yell at us for being the problem. It’s a system full of sinners just like any other system on earth. So as a Christian I think we should take care of this earth as best as we can and be grateful for all the things God has given us. However I’m not gonna start eating veggie burgers to save animals or stop driving my gas powered car because people claim it’s gonna bring our earth to heat death. God is in control and God will end the world in His time.


We definitely do not treat animals better than humans in a broad sense. Have you seen how “farms” are? It’s all horrific and incredibly abusive. Not only that, but fur farming is also horrendous, especially when it comes to seal pups in Canada. Whaling is still a thing. Animal testing is indescribably torturous. Dolphin slaughters are also gut-wrenching. Shark finning is also incredibly horrible and has decimated shark populations. Shrimp farming is also full of pain and suffering. Cat/dog farming. Puppy mills. There is so much that needs to change. I wish it would change before Jesus returns but the “wicked are always cruel”. (Which comes from Proverbs 12:10, “The godly care for their animals, the wicked are always cruel.”)




Sorry, but CO2 molecule re-emits infrared radiation no matter how deeply you want to live in your pseudoscience and woowoobullshit alternative universe.


I think your claims are easily refutable are you trying to debate or something?


I see you had zero counter arguments. CO2 molecule re-emits infrared radiation no matter how much bs you spew.


Ok so no debate? You are just rambling nonsense?


Since you provided nothing in counter, its difficult to argue. Aww... did you not understand what re-emit means?


I wasn't trying to counter. Im trying to clarify what you are trying to do with the babbling?


Yes, you have no counters, just bs.


The anger is strong. What is causing you to lash out?


Really? Why are the tempertures rising every year?


Whilst I disagree with the person you’re responding to, it is important to remember that the global temperature does naturally fluctuate between long-term cold and warm periods. The problem is we’re exacerbating it, but it would be getting warmer regardless.


Do you know what summer and winter are or is this ancient knowledge


Thank you for proving once again how utterly ignorant climate change denialists are. Ignorant and arrogant.


Do you know that winters are also getting warmer or are you just blind?


They have been the same forever buddy.


So just blind then, got it.


Do you know what seasons are?


Apparently you're blind to the fact that even winters have been warmer over the years, as pointed out already.


Wow great job. One day in winter was colder than the other and one day was a little warmer than the other. Insaneee


Nope! Average winter temperatures are higher than they were in the past and average snowfall is lower than in the past. [In fact, all seasons average temperatures are rising.](https://www.epa.gov/climate-indicators/climate-change-indicators-seasonal-temperature)


Winters are also getting hotter. When I was little we used to get lots of snow, now we're lucky if it even flurries while the tempertures are warmer then usual.


You have to take into account there are ways to modify weather nowadays.


So first you denied that winters are getting warmer. Now you're jumping into the deep end of conspiracy theories by implying that winters are being deliberately modified to make them warmer. Wow.


That isn't a conspiracy. Its public knowledge. We know global warming isn't real because the sun doesn't heat up antartica llike it does the other parts of the world and it never will.


Public knowledge? Well then, please, show me this public knowledge that says winters are being deliberately made warmer to pretend climate change is real. Also, [Antarctica is absolutely warming too.](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2022/08/31/fact-check-antarctica-has-warmed-last-70-years/7890603001/)


Google Patents https://patents.google.com › patent US6315213B1 - Method of modifying weather Its really not hard to debunk all your claims The antartica treaty also debunks this second point because it turns into a he said she said situation since there is no independent research done


[You realize there's patents for time travel right?](https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2014/05/14/time-machine-patents_n_5323023.html) Do you think that means there's people traveling time right now? A patent was filed, surely that means it's a real thing that's really being done right this moment?!


You don’t understand what global warming is. When fossil fuels are burned, they release carbon dioxide and methane gasses into the atmosphere. These gasses damage the ozone layer which protects us from the suns ultraviolet radiation. Thus, the Earth starts to get warmer as there is no protection from the Sun. The Sun isn’t heating up some places more than others if you think that’s what’s happening.


No I don't think any of that is true. Its made up sure but not a fact


This has been studied by Scientists who have been educated in universities. How can you just say “Nuh uh” when the people who know most about the environment are witnessing it happen.


If I grant you that, aren't there other aspects of preserving God's creation worth caring about? Saving endangered species, forests, clean water and air, and so on?


God feeds all the animals and takes care of them.


Don't do this here.


I think a lot of Christians have a belief that we are to steward the Earth well, and those who do not should see that we are called to steward everything we have well, whether it is the Earth, or our families, or our churches. >Why don’t they support politicians who care about pollution and illegal dumping? I do not support the politicians "who care about pollution" because like those who are for the big companies and try to turn a blind eye, eco-friendly politicians are getting kick backs from the envirogroups. >I’ve slowly drifted to identifying more as a pagan hippie. This is why I do not associate with people who are in ecogroups. It is paganism and hippie nonsnese that worhips the creation rather than the Creator.


100% false Fox News talking points from oil-financed billionaires. There are no "eco-friendly politicians getting kick backs from the envirogroups". This is an old, Al Gore conspiracy spread by the oil companies over 20 years ago.


If you think kick backs only work on one side and your side is the one clean as the driven snow, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.


The idea that environmental concerns are somehow linked to corruption and kickbacks is one of the most absurd conspiracy theories on the right. This follows a similar pattern of conspiracy nut theories that claim that health scientists fighting diseases like COVID are getting kickbacks from the pharmaceutical companies. You guys really need to stop taking marching orders from kooks and loonies and get your stuff together, you’re making Christianity look like a bunch of crazy people. One of my hobbies is tracing back these conspiracy theories and finding out who started them. In most cases, one can trace them back to paid writers at conservative and religious "think tanks" funded by oil companies. Stop letting corporations manipulate you.


>The idea that environmental concerns are somehow linked to corruption and kickbacks is one of the most absurd conspiracy theories on the right. Never said environmental concerns=corruption. What I did say si that there are politicians who see these concerns as a way to enrich themselves. At no point in time did I say "all" or "most" of the politicians that profess environmentalism were corrupt. I should have specified I was talking about a group of politicians that profess environmentalism are corrupt. >you’re making Christianity look like a bunch of crazy people. Right because the secular humanist has Christianity's best interest at heart.


You’re pointing to things that don’t exist while ignoring the things that do. There is no group of corrupt politicians who profess environmentalism. That’s a myth created by the same people who said scientists who work on COVID are corrupt because they are getting kickbacks from drug companies. You’re doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results. That’s the definition of insanity. On the other hand, we know there is a group of corrupt politicians who promote fossil fuel use and want to remove all environmental protections. Do you see what you’re doing?


Since we are at an impasse, let’s end this discussion. I don’t think neither one of us is willing to change our minds. Have a good day!


If we focus on loving God and loving our brothers and sisters, like Jesus commanded us to, I believe we will naturally become better and better stewards to the environment. We are to obey God’s new covenant, not obey human beings who think we should do xyz about the environment. Fear God, not man. (Again, even though in my personal opinion it falls under the umbrella of love God and love your neighbor.)


This is very sweet and I love it, but loving one another isn’t picking up harmful plastic. Loving one another and building that relationship to do helpful activities like picking up trash together and possibly spreading the good news as you go? That’s how to do things! I would actually love to have that (I am soon to be a marine biologist, so having fellowship while protecting what I believe God has called me to protect is probably my ultimate goal.)


I agree with you and it looks like you agree with me: the point is doing what God “called you to do”: that is loving God with all your heart. God is calling you to be a marine biologist and help protect the environment, and that is amazing. He is building his new kingdom on Earth with you in that way.


Thank you! I have had crazy instances that have pointed me in this direction where I knew it wasn’t coincidence. I’m not sure exactly how God wants me to help His planet, but I know He will guide me to where He wants me to be :D


" have had crazy instances that have pointed me in this direction where I knew it wasn’t coincidence" - Signs and wonders, God communicates in a myriad of ways and when one sticks (finally!), we have to then choose to obey it, even if that comes with what appear to be negative consequences. God will never give you a mission that you cannot succeed, He has already seen you accomplish it! "I’m not sure exactly how God wants me to help His planet, but I know He will guide me to where He wants me to be" - Amen. This is Gold! I think that most of us-myself included-should be asking God regularly if we are doing what He wants us to do, because I have to continually check against doing things according to my own ideas, or making self-centered decisions that will result in comfort, desire or wealth. God's plan is a mystery. The pitiful state of the environment is surely a result of people NOT doing what God asks of them, and doing things with other focuses in mind. God created this planet and the biosphere on it, and He knows how to care for it, He has the plan, and He loves to use humans to carry out his plan, so He will involve us in tending his garden as He sees fit. We got new management at work and they reduced my salary by 10%. I was given shit jobs, and no more positive or supportive communication from management. I considered finding a new job, opportunities came, and they looked to be better than my current one. So I decided to ask God. Within a few minutes of asking God, He used a person I had never met before to tell me the words "You should stay and spread God's love, and not be concerned with how it may be received by the various people of various faiths and no faiths, because God will take care of how it is received.” I just need to shine and love God at that workplace. I was blown away by this, I don't remember ever asking God and having a question answered so plainly and quickly. So I stopped feeling self-pity, stopped being grumpy at work, and increased my efforts to pray at work when those bad feelings creep up. Some declarations and prayer using some anointed oil and my perception of my workplace completely transformed. Now I am tasked with interesting and fun jobs, and I do them to the best of my ability, for God! Thanks for letting me ramble


That’s amazing!! And thank you!!!


It's not that people don't care. It's at the unrealistic speed and means that the plans are implemented. That and the constant fear mongering. If I Believe everything the environmental loonies have said earth would've needed ten times over already. What many environmentalists don't seem to want to realize is that electrification means more then just windmills and solar panels. Our western grid isn't ready by longshot. And the rest of the developing world is stil very depended on Fossil. What we save in pollution China and India Aline make up for by a large margin in pollution again. Learn to walk before you run.


Also corporate greed. Money really is the root of all evil.


I do not accept the premise of your argument.  I support taking care of everything God gave me. I do not support liars and disingenuous thieves. That is who the climate freaks are.