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I believe you've just answered your questions yourself, with the word 'relationship'. If talking to God in your mind, or in your heart, is what you feel most comfortable and natural to you, then that's all good. You don't need to use a scarf to 'communicate' with God, you can just do it the way you've been 'practicing'. As for 'prophesying', it means to speak His Word, and I don't think you have to be covered with a scarf when doing so. Just wear it during worship instead.


Thank you I really appreciate it. ❤


I praying over your food before you eat also in this category?


What do you mean with 'praying over your food'? Eating and giving a prayer while eating? The verse says, 'Pray without ceasing', and 'Give thanks for all foods, for they are from God, and your bellies are from God. What do you have that you didn't receive from God?'


So before meals I do a quick prayer in my mind and ask God to bless the food that it will nourish my body and that it won't do harm to my body.


I do that too, it's an expression of gratitude. As long as you don't pray, eat a meal, pray, eat, pray, and so on and so forth. And you do it every time you have a meal? It's all good. Eating too much can harm your body, too.


Thank you I am very new to this idea and you really helped me a lot.


You're welcome. And if you need more clarifications, I'd be happy to answer your questions to the best of my ability (But I'm sill a busy person outside the Internet, nonetheless).


I think this is merely an illustration. Paul was talking about a cultural issue in Corinth that was disrupting the church, and about sending a signal to the culture at large. In today’s culture, we no longer view a woman’s wearing of a head covering as a sign of submission, so we understandably don't really care. Issues of the heart matter more.


It's hard for me to truly believe this since: 1. Imagine you only had the Bible, no other external historical document, you wouldn't come to this conclusion just by the text alone. 2. 1 Corinthians 11:10 says that the woman should have a sign of authority over her head because of the angels. If it were only a cultural matter showing people that you submit to God, then why is it important to wear it also in private when praying to God? I heard that the angels are watching our relationship with God and how we obey him.


I don't think it's all that important. It's a cultural thing from a bygone era. God cares more about the heart, not every single, constantly shifting cultural norm.


I also come to the conclusion that a head covering is required. People will say it’s for a certain group or culture at the time but I don’t see much reason to believe that. Many other statements by Paul are still used as active rules and I don’t see why the head covering would be any different.


I agree but do you think that we should be wearing it all the time since the Bible says pray without ceasing?


No, only when you officially want to pray I think.


Thank you ❤


Ideally, a man should take his hat/head-covering off during prayer, a woman should put it on. Until quite recently, that was the case, at least in the Catholic Church. But it's not enforced.


I always assumed it was a cultural expression of gender differentiation, not necessarily a command for all times and places.