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Some crazy person asked this: *Vaccinated with the covid poison?* But OP swiftly dealt with this rude, extremely personal question: *No. I was vaccinated with the safe, effective vaccine that has been administered to millions of people, saving lives and reducing the impact of a pandemic that claimed far too many people before that crucial breakthrough was made.* What a legend


That’s what real pfaith looks like. You cling to something and believe in it wholeheartedly no matter what evidence is given to you 🫡


Omg! That's hilarious... because it's so true. 💉 ❤️ 💉❤️💉❤️💉❤️


This is the best thing I've read all day


Why are these people no longer taking their miracle cure? #covidsnotover


Pro Pfaith: Are you covid vaccinated? Have you had your booster? Are you against the $cience? It's safe & effective!!!... Medical papers come out & news reports literally showing rises in Cancer, Strokes, Mycarditis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, SADS, many, many more. Tin Foil Hat: Hey, do you think they had an adverse reaction from the jabb? Maybe you should seek a 2nd opinion and compensation? Pro Pfaith: YOU FILTHY ANTIVAXERS ARE ALL THE SAME!!! IT'S SAFE & EFFECTIVE! THE GOVERNMENT & BIG PHARMA HAS NEVER LIED TO US!! NOR WOULD THEY COVER UP THEIR OWN WRONG DOING!!!! 😱😭😭😱


My 34 year old friend was in a similar situation 10 years before covid. Randomly got lung cancer. No real reason he got cancer, so it can happen with or without jab. Caught it early survived and is doing well. Question is has the rate increased since covid jabs.


Yeah there were exceptions before, but we're seeing this stuff happen to too many people... A whole plethora of issues ranging from hearing loss to shingles to cancer to heart problems to full on heart attacks and cancers that kill friends or family members within a year or two. Sure, all those things happened "before." But not to this many. And no, I'm not going off "internet reports" -- I'm referring to people I know in real life. It backs up what we see online though.


I’ve seen multiple cancer diagnoses to death in less than 6 months.


Climate change.


Cancer has been flashing red on my radar for the past 10-15 years. I had been seeing way too many cases in my circle. But in the past 2 years the rate has gone parabolic. Not only that, the cases are occurring (a) much younger and (b) much more aggressively. That’s new. The question is, what is causing these changes?


ya it did happen rarely but deaths in younger people has gone up several orders of magnitude.. so nowdays when someone under 45 gets turbo cancer, or dies the odds are, it was the jab and if someone under 25 has the same, its pretty much a certainty usuaully you only see this kind of spike in younger age groups in a WAR but this has increased by more than double all american wars combined


can be many factors. folks working in vegefarms, florists, even hairdresser often inhale toxic substances. theres also toxic paint used in homes and buildings, abestos, improper ppe at work (welding/painting/sanding) etc. we dont even know if car interiors can be toxic. smoking moderately is probably much safer than the above.


I wouldn't count on it... watch Thank You For Smoking


It can happen, but it used to be rare, now it's more frequent.


Same with my cousin about 20 years ago. There is a reason somewhere in the body, it’s just not the jab in these particular cases


But the recent rise in these cases are what could be the jab. Insurance companies are bearing the brunt of it.


I dont disagree


Did your friend ever work in the automobile repair industry, railway industry, or any other industries that rely on petrochemicals?


Well, obviously, this person has been doing too much thinking and has probably also been sleeping with the blinds open!


And cooking egg's for breakfast, over his gas stove, before going out and doing some gardening.


And he's probably gardening without a mask!!!!!


Looks like the first few things came to his mind is open an AMA thread


I know one thing it's NOT! (I mean other than a bear)


Cancer means your boosters are working! It would have been stage XIII if you didn’t get the jab… Just ignore the antivaxxers and their safety signal evidence.


He should have smoked, then he would not have this confusion. Silly person.