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Well there’s a lot of teeth to render!


Because so many things are adjusting. Some people lost their job, some people need to move out because of the update, etc. There are so many things that they have changed after the update. Give it time let it fix the game. It will become much better after the initial fix.


I see, let me try to leave it there for a period of time and see if things improve. Thanks


How did it go?


So I've let it run for \~3 hours so far. Need bars all hitting max and insane volume of traffics in and out of the city. I don't know what changed for the economy but apparently it's much *cheaper* to live in the city now so every corner of the residential buildings are now filled up and I'm probably expecting another 30% population increase before the traffic settles down.


What's your cpu


Ryzen 5700X


I got 5800x, and my city of 300k is running mostly fine. That's puzzling.


I noticed something similar for a while after this last patch, but after an hour or so it picked back up. I figured it was all kinds of new calculations being run at first and then settling in after that. City of 370k running smooth again


In my case simulation speed (traffic moving speed) dropped after Economy 2 update, at 400,000 is just slow, now at 500,000 its playable but slow :/ Whats your cpu temperature? I noticed it matters especially if above 80C it reduces cpu performance (i forgot technical term)..i invested into liquid cooling. My previous temp was 70C usually, now 30-40C...after Economy 2.0...60C...


The cims get sick a lot more frequently now. Seeing "waiting for ambulances" icons is the new normal, for the larger cities, even if you have a well distributed healthcare system. Only if all ambulances are being used do you need more ambulances or hospitals.