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Is it waterlogged?


I'm not sure how to tell. I water when the soil is dry to around a finger's depth & the leaves look droopy.


I’m new to citrus as well, but I don’t think you want to use the leaves to indicate when to water. Citrus hate having “wet feet,” so I think you may want to wait more in between waterings if it’s moist lower down.


What would be a good indicator to know when to water?


Here’s a decent resource. Looks like mandarins need less water than lemons for example, and you’ll want to be able to gauge its moisture about 8-12 inches deep (instead of finger-length). Once a week could be reasonable. You may want to get a moisture meter (I have one that tests moisture, soil pH, and light).


Following for advice for my satsuma.


I would suggest a bigger pot and make sure the soil is well draining. You can try citrus soil. Also curious if it's getting enough sunlight in that spot? My satsuma are in Direct sunlight for most of the day.


What size of pot would you suggest? I'm actually supplementing with an outdoor grow light in the evening to give it some additional hours of light.


I'm not exactly sure on size. I would def Google. I have that I'm reporting together in a 15 gal pot


Did it get cold like 60f and below?


It's dipped around high 50s in the evening but around low 80s during the day.


I've noticed my citrus dropped its bottom green leaves when the weather dipped below 50f ish, it stopped flowering and its growth was stunted for a few weeks. I panicked checked Its roots, but it was okay. I repotted it and gave it a bigger pot hoping it will have a better thermal mass and I kept it inside away from cold windows, but I dunno these helped. Then now it started growing back and started to flower again when temps were hitting nice 80s.


From my understanding, the spikes aren’t recommended (someone come correct me if I’m wrong though). Did you recently put it outside? I put my 1 year-ish old Satsuma outside 1.5 weeks ago, and it’s losing some leaves as well.


It's been outside for as long as I've had it since March.


Based on all the comments I read on this, I wanna say it’s a watering issue. Hope you figure it out, I’m in a similar situation, Meyer lemon is fine but my Satsuma is dropping new growth.