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Max Payne, its clear civvie loves it so I always wonder why wont he do a pro Max Payne series


I've yet to play the 3rd one. Is it any good?


It is really good and a lot darker than the previous 2, it has some disturbing scenes but the tone is perfect and I think it gives Max closure at last, id really recommend it to you, I love all of them


Good shit friend, I'll put it on my to-play list. Thanks!


Let me know what you think when you get to it, I hope you like it as much as I do


I absolutely loved the first two and I'm sure the nostalgia boost will make 3 even better. However, it might be a while before I get to play it. My backlog is long and free time isn't exactly abundant 😂


Yeah, Know what you mean, adult life sucks, but yeah, *spoiler alert* the first few levels are actually in NYC and is such a rush of nostaliga, and yeah a Absolutely love all of them, the 1st the most, Ive seen a lot of criticism about the art style and “cliche” story line but I love the 1st one graphic novels, voice acting and plot its just perfect it really is a masterpiece of neo noir storytelling and would love civvie to do it, i just dont really know why he hasnt


I literally had this thought yesterday when I reinstalled the first game.


Red Faction 1. Janky sloppy goodness


and cool destruction


Came here to say the same thing. That game was a staple of my childhood


Halo: Combat Evolved TimeSplitters TimeSplitters 2 TimeSplitters: Future Perfect [Pariah](https://youtu.be/LVnARJXX6i0?si=F_lFfFZVfWTcVPAM&t=85) Max Payne


Escape from Butcher Bay, Alien vs Predator 1994, and Black


Holy shit soem one else remembers black? Lol


Star Trek Elite Force - I remember it being a more competent shooter than it had any right to be so could see Civvie vibing with it, as well as it having an actual story to narrate. Plus they have an explanation for how you’re carrying multiple humongous weapons around and now having your knees burst


*Elite Force* 1 and 2 could definitely make for good video fodder, but I'd also like to suggest [*Klingon Honor Guard*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Trek:_The_Next_Generation:_Klingon_Honor_Guard), that shooter Microprose (of all people) build off the original Unreal engine back in 1998. However, that one is more of a long shot; it takes work to get it running on modern systems, and it's the sort of game that you're only gonna vibe with if you're already a *Star Trek* nerd. Errant Signal had a nice little piece about it in [his discussion of the shooters of 1998](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zz4uppst-7I&t=3186s) but yeah, it's a very niche game.


I'd love to see Civvie's take on XIII. That game doesn't get nearly enough appreciation.


After the Geist video id love to see a timesplitters 2 episode


Absolutely i love the original soundtrack for Timesplitters 2 https://youtu.be/s69ghGl9z2w?si=BZtzVkxNlR21HpeX


How about commander keen? That way you can complete the id software saga and make more funny john carmack and john romero jokes😁




Psi Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy. Nobody ever talks about that game.


AVP 99, hard difficulty no saves allowed. Will rock Aquanox


Not that old but a game that certainly has the right mix of weirdness, genuine high quality, and a dash of slav jank would be 7.62 high calibre. It's an insanely good game and it doesn't get talked about at all.


Concerning fps: Strife Nitemare 3D Depth Dwellers


Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath. Might not be hyper obscure, but it can be played entirely in first person and is chuck full of flaws and other wild shit. EDIT: Other than that, Max Payne.


Wario World


I used to play a janky game called ice and fire... would love to see a play through of that for something different


Just so I know someone else has played it, Shadow Watch.


Battle toads


Said it before but, Sonic R


Codename Eagle. Oh and anything and everything by Raven which he hasn’t already covered.


Ooh, you just reminded me that Raven made *Wolfenstein* (2009). IIRC it was released to middling-to-mildly-postive reviews when it came out, and the rights issues that sprang up after id ditched Activision for Bethesda have kept it off digital storefronts for years, so it's become the forgotten chapter of the franchise. I still play it from time to time, but I do wonder how it holds up to the others *Wolfenstein* titles.


Seems a bit of an odd genre for civvie is but c&c generals would be a great video though I’m just shilling cause it’s my favorite rts of all time


Hell yeah! Can't wait for the Tiberian Sun remaster... if it is in the works.


Total Annihilation is a game i loved that I never hear talked about, but civvie doesn't really do RTS so my dreams will remain unrealized.


Command and Conquer Renegade. I think the discussion on an RTS studio giving an FPS a shot would be rather interesting. I also loved playing the campaign when I was a kid.


Rage 1 and Chex Quest series


Since everybody and their mother's already said time splitters, Mace Griffin: Bounty Hunter.


Clarify how old are we considering early 2000s old because if they are then Alan wake good story decent controls not good controls


Hl I go all the way back to the Atari days my friend. My first fps ever was zero tolerance on the Sega Genesis lol. I've heard good things about Alan wake but I was thinking more along the lines of boomer shooters.


I don’t know it just came up because I had to explain what a game cube is to my coworkers which made me feel old they’re two years younger than me chrissake


Hit them, maybe with a brick?




killing time for the 3do


i require more petty thief


With Turok 3 finally getting the Nightdive treatment, I'm ringing for a video on the whole trilogy.


Wario Land 4. Unironcally.


Medal of honor (ps1)


Red Faction, Jurassic Park sega CD, and phasmophobia (not really an old game but would love to see you and trav take a crack at it.) Also would love to see another civvie short on the eternal DLCs :D


Max Payne, Metal Hellsinger, Deus Ex, System Shock, Hyperviolent, Project Warlock, Golden Light and probably more (this is mostly a list of boomer shooter esq games i remember rn but most if not all of thrm id like to see civvie cover)


Killing Time


Arx Fatalis. Sent it to his patreon, but there was no response. I'm sure he doesn't respond to everyone's "pro _____ when?"


Maybe I'm weird for this, but given that Civvie's mentioned his love of Metroidvanias before (in the Powerslave video) I kinda want to see him cover either one of the Metroid Prime games or Pseudoregalia. And now that the full release has been out for a bit, a full video on one of my personal recent faves would be fun as well - Dread Templar.


I'd like to see him do more adventure games like Harvester, I have no mouth and I must scream, Dark Seed and a puzzle of flesh.


Necrodome (since you mentioned it specifically) was a lot of fun! I'd love to see it mentioned, but I'm not sure there's enough in the game to justify the Civvie treatment.


Yeah I didn't think there was enough meat in it but maybe in a compilation video


Condemned criminal origins


He did that. Remember you are John Condemned


It's shocking he hasn't covered Timesplitters at all. Even more shocking he hasn't covered Turok. If you look at [this list](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_first-person_shooters) there's still a lot of obscure post-Wolfenstein 3D shooters to talk about. I think it could be interesting to cover the history of Bungie pre-Halo. Not just Marathon but earlier projects like Pathways into Darkness too.


It's time to split!


Chex quest or something like max payne.