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I don’t mind either way. It’s kind of nice having it be a bit shorter but I know a lot of people look forward to CWL and want it to be longer


with either way, they need to remove the donation limit for those war ccs and also allow the cc from one day to be used for all subsequent days unless changed


That would be nice


Agreed or as I’ve seen some else suggest on this sub, it should be based on housing space instead of number of units. Sometimes I want to put hella archers in war CCs (recent thing for me) but I can’t without using alt accounts, even when using alt accounts, it’s not enough sometimes.


havent tried it myself but are all archers good in war CC? lol


It's good vs edrags. A lot of people dont bring a poison with edrags, as they deal with most air cc pretty well. Archers stall them up for a long time. Even better if there is 1 or 2 headhunters at the end to kill the warden.


I might try this as well then (as many of the players I’m against in war use ElectroZap (EDs and lightning spells) or just EDs and drags in general).


I don’t actually know whether they are good or not at serious TH levels (TH11/12+) as the account that I put mass archers in the war CC didn’t get attacked in the wars where I did this. I don’t tend to do mass archers unless it’s at lower TH levels (because I’m doing a low level war) but I’m trying to experiment (with superminions and hella archers, it seems to mess up some QW/QCs).


it depends bro ,it counters edrag attack players ,i always use that with witches ,and im 17war win streak if not for 1draw ..lvl 13 clan with overall 79loses ,and the win is 3x of that .


or just no limit


I can see why there’s a limit, but that limit needs to be based on housing space rather number of units if SC doesn’t want to remove the donation limit.


why is there a limit, i could be overlooking something simple but idk


I have no idea if I’m being honest, I think it’s because SC doesn’t want people to fill war CCs with only one type of troop e.g mass loons, mass hogs, mass sneakies etc (we still can’t donate 10 loons in one go despite 50 housing space CC for example) and instead want variety. That’s the only reason I can come up with or I guess it could lead to clan mates trolling even more (donating 20 wall breakers to a TH12 war CC for example).


You can delete war donation so trolling isn’t a big deal. Also we can already fill many clan castles with one troop type


Yeah but it could be a reason, I’m just speculating. I think I’ve seen SC themselves say that this is the reason why we still can’t donate 10 units (they _don’t_ want people to request for/have mass loons/hogs in their CC every time when attacking for example (because it’s been in the game for so long), they want to softly encourage diversity and other CC troop comps). https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/s/NLhBhmsb1x And it would also mean having to change clan perks. But I honestly find the unit donation cap to be stupid at this point.


I think all archers give more diversity than e drag cc


This would be insanely amazing.


>remove the donation limit Yes and no! In my high level clan this would be great. However, in my low level partly inactive clan most enemies don't have CC troops. For that one it's better not to donate once and have it in all war rounds since I like attacking enemies without CC troops.


Or simply set your own cc just like on legend defense


I think the catch is the supertroops. Other have no cost, but supertroops have. And you can choose only two at time. This create an interesting layer of strategy But it would be awesome to freely choose the troops in defense, wtihout worrying about dark elixir costs or troop limits.


what people end up doing in this case is have a ton of donation alts so they can donate any kind of super troop


I would be all for 5 ear CWL being permanent as long as the still triple the win bonus


I’d support reducing CWL to 5 wars, so long as the number of stars to get full CWL medals comes down as well.


100% this. 5 or 6 stars to get max medals would be great.


Yeah I said this in the OP. So I’m essentially asking if people prefer 5 day CWL over 7 day CWL assuming that the number of stars needed to get full medals in 5 days CWL becomes 6 stars. Or whether people prefer the normal 7 day structure.


You can’t assume that. Greedycell made 2 short cwl snd both had the same requirement for full loot


Yes but that’s the assumption I’m having people make when asking this question, whether SC actually does this or not is another matter.


While it is nice having less attacks to worry about, I’m finding it hard as a leader to include everyone in just 5 days. Our clan is stronger than 15v15 but not active enough to do 30v30. Leaving me to do a lot of back and forth to make sure everyone who wants to participate, can. What if there was an option for 5 or 7 day, just like 15 or 30 members?


Exactly... had to blow my brain to manage until everyone got their 8 stars. Even kept myself out so some other failed attempt can get their star next war...


Good leader. Oh the sacrifices we make 😂


I just kept my strongest in and blamed supercell 😂🙈🙊


😂😂 i won’t tell if you won’t


Our clan is the same boat. We have like 20-25 people wanting to war, need an inbetween option


Co leaders and I had to take a day off just so other clan mates could participate and get some stars in. Was hard to juggle while maintaining our promotion on the leaderboard. Running about 20 active attackers right now


Maybe the solution could be to do this: 7 day CWL, need 8 stars to get full medals and you can select 15 vs 15 or 30 vs 30 5 day CWL, need 6 stars to get full medals and you can select 20 vs 20 or 25 vs 25 (as a trial to see how many people prefer 5 day CWL over 7 days, how many people do 20 man and 25 man wars over 15 or 30 ones). Ores, loot and bonuses would be adjusted accordingly so that it matches with 7 day CWL. I might post this is the suggestions thread.


I like this idea. I hate leaving clan members out/unable to get 8 stars, but I hate missed attacks even more. Not sure how the loot balance would work, if they’d even implement that. I think if you’re choosing less days that the loot doesn’t need to be even. A full 7-day week of CWL is a grind and should be rewarded accordingly.


That’s a fair point as well


No. The benefit of 7 days for most clans is that it gives enough attack days for 15 people to get 8 stars for max bonus, rotate out, and then 15 more people get 8 stars. 5 days is not enough time to achieve this and hurts the way many clans handle CWL I would be fine with reducing to 5 days if they reduced the number of stars for max reward to 6 or less. That way clans rotation system stays in tact. But the way they handled it this month is crap to be honest.


That’s what I said in the OP… that the number of stars required would be 6 stars instead of 8 if CWL were to be 5 days (or at least I’d _hope_ that is what Supercell will do rather than what they did this month if this kind of thing were to happen).


Missed that part reading it lol. I’m that case yes I wouldn’t mind a shorter CWL as long as the star requirement was changed too




I liked the 5 day cwl because I can put my heroes back on upgrade faster instead of waiting longer, plus 5 days just feels better when compared to a long 7 day one for some reason


I prefer it shorter. I feel like 7 days is just a dedication and a distraction from life when I should be doing work. 5 days is also good because I don't have to deal with loot overflows as much in my home village. That said though 7 days can be really fun and exciting when I'm on holiday and gives more enjoyment to the week.


I mean I love cwl but to be honest 7 str8 days does drain me


I'm fine with 7. What I would like to change is the number of participants. Why is it only 15 or 30. 15 is too low for a lot of clans. On the other hand, we don't have enough consistent attackers for 30. We have about 22-25 attackers each round.


Second this. All options we use in wars should be available for cwl icluding 10,20,25


Yes exactly, maybe then it wouldn't be so broken. We are currently in Crystal 3, which we usually dominate top 1-3 spots but get promoted and usually gets owned, usually bottom 3 spots and get demoted. So we ping long between Crystal 2 and Crystal 3. Such discrepency by 1 league, its frustrating. If this isn't broken idk what is. Surely others have the same issue? How do you guys handle this?


I strongly prefer 7 days.


I would be all for 5 days CWL if they restructured the medal system. It can't remain at needing 8 for full bonus on 5 days. Needs to be reduced to 6 like you said.


I am all for it.


Definiteny yes to 5


As a war clan, CWL is the highlight of the month, smth we work towards every season. Its tougher with less clans to compete with, more clans with more possible attacks is just more fun. And of course rotating is a lot easier, we have more than 30 in our roster, so more members get the chance to use almost all attacks. Therefore 7 days is definitely better for us. In the end, it has be one or another way, letting clans decide how many war days is no option cause it will break the system


5 wars are more than enough...nobody is that much free to play 7 wars back to back 🙂


10 minutes of your day to do a war attack unless you're in the top tiers.


Or have multiple accounts in CWL


Then you've clearly got time to do 7 wars back to back.


I personally found it to be a relief when CWL was only 5 days this month. But some people prefer 5 days, others 7, others don’t care hence me asking the question.


I “do” (on several accounts) but yeah I can see why 5 days it better (it’s definitely been a relief for me when they announced it).


Don’t mind either we split the clan for cwl. Th14+ in main clan and everyone below th13 into a mini clan just for Cwls. Just hop around for donations everyone has been happy and let’s us get more medals on our mini ids as well. Main clan is more serious in cwl. Mini is laid back.


7 days


As long as I get my full medals I don't give f*ck


I usually start getting burned out around day 4 or 5. 5 days is perfect.


dont rly like cwl much either war, only do it because of the league medals, imo it would be a lot better if they had matchmaking beyond just being in the same league


True, I think that I prefer regular wars over CWL


It would be fine if 6 stars are necessary to get 100% medals and so on..not like the extra bonus slot in current cwl.


I love the 7 day - more chances to show your army at full strength and see if you’ve improved since last month


as long as we get the same amount of medals, I don't give no shit. But I"d like CWL to NOT BE the same day as season reset, you know the day when we have 30 MILLIONS golds & Elixir.. Cuz all my cwl bonus is doomed (wall maxxed already) Also, the number of attack 15/30 is kinda annoying, we have around 21 atk each round so its a waste to do 30 when we match an active clan with 30 attackers


5 days would be much better imo. I'd like to see the mods run a poll on this


It should,it helps scheduling in my casual clan better.


I really don't care but please if they do make the change can they reduce the "win 6 clan war battles" challenge to 5 so it can be done during CWL bc its annoying me this month




I guess that you can do regular wars but I agree


5 rounds with the 5 stars needed to get full medals would be ideal.


If so change the weekly challenge to 5 war wins. It was nice being able to knock them out in the first 6 days




This may be a really hot take - but are CWL medals really that important now that there's little incentive to upgrade heroes? It's convenient but I don't see how they are as necessary as raid medals cause of the lab speedups. I wouldn't mind a shorter cwl


no, 7 days is better


Either way is fine, but why is it at the start of the month when we get a mass of resources from gold pass? I'd like to be able to upgrade some heroes right after that dump of resources. Seems like a real dumb time for cwl.


Probably deliberate so we spend money on books etc so heroes are up for cwl


Ah yeah good point


This ^^^ but I wish that it was pushed back a week.


Being in legend, I don’t mind it being shorter because adding an extra attack and donating each day just seems time consuming when I have to do 8 attacks a day to risk not being kicked out of legends (I’m a bottom feeding, usually 5,000-5,200 trophies).


I like the competition between more clans, with less it feels more and more like regular cw.


Cwl could be 30 days long , why stop at 7


Hoping that this is satire


The 5 vs 7 limits substitutions.


I swear most of you don’t even like playing this game… why would you reduce cwl it’s literally once a month mate


I like playing this game, I just don’t play it as much as I used to. There’s people who like/love the game but don’t like CWL/Wars 🤷🏾‍♀️, ironic considering the game’s name. I remember 2 years ago (I think) when CWL was also 5 days long in February and I didn’t know what was going on at the time and I was annoyed I think, but this time around I’m ok with it.


Or, expanded to 9?


It will be back to 7 days next month as normal


That wasn’t what he was asking lol


Obviously it’s not going to be reduced to 5 days, worse for everyone


He posed a question about whether it should or shouldn’t be, not that he was asking if it will be the new normal. And some would argue that 5 days would be better for some people because one high stress war per day can cause burnout easier, or whatever other reasons people could come up with




No shit. OP posed the question to simply have a discussion about the pros and cons of 5 vs 7 day CWL. Idk about you, but I don’t have access to supercell’s data, so all I can do is make an educated guess lmao


Someone somewhere has data for practically everything so let’s not talk about anything ever again!




Not if you increase loot per round. Look, we’re talking about it!




It’s just a discussion, personally I’d prefer 5 just because of work and family commitments but I can understand why the 7 day format is preferable to others. Lots of posts on this sub are whining but this ain’t one. The OP was just asking what people’s opinions are and apart from you and Sharkcase everyone seems to have got on with no issue.


The French in me loves to complain but I’m not complaining in this context, I’m simply asking whether CWL should be reduced to 5 days or not. With the caveat that you only need 6 stars instead of usual 8 to get full league medals (as opposed to what SC has done this month) if CWL were to be reduced to 5 days. I wanted to ask this question before (back when SC announced that we would have a shorter CWL this month) but I didn’t bother.


how about we have both. those who want to get done with it do 5 days and those who want reward or are competitive do 7.


I was actually going to suggest this but I don’t know how that will effect matching.


https://preview.redd.it/3fbae1ecnugc1.jpeg?width=830&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d333905bfc5ef98693196cb2a97b3b54ee387eea Its already 5 days for us 😮🧐


I’m aware of that, that’s why I’m asking whether it should remain this way or not (but SC changes it so that you only need 6 stars to get full medals instead of the usual 8 as a result).


It would be nice if it was longer so more people from the clan could participate


With ores I prefer longer


I prefer 7 days. CWL is my favorite part of CoC. Regular wars are kinda boring in comparison imo - the 1 attack each so every attack matters is better.


Enough loot and quick ores nah


cwl is the best thing of the game. 5 days better than 7 and we should have it 2x month


Increase it to 9!!


Why 9? 7 days is long enough already imo and it arguably feels *too* long in some cases (because the wars are back-to-back).


i would like two 4 day cwl each month more than one 7 day cwl


Why two 4 day CWL?


idk i like it quick


Fair enough.


If they scaled it down to 5 days and 6 required stars it would just straight up be better. The same rotation cycle clans use now to include all of their members in a 15v15 would still be in tact, cwl would be less draining, and you could put heroes down a few days sooner. Just all around better imo.


I like the 5 day so far, with some adjustments i think it would be better. Ive multiple accounts and im kinda stupid after day 5


Yes, i think it should.